I'm using a cffile tag to upload my file and resave it with a new name. My issue is that the file could be a few different formats and I don't know how to detect the file extension. I'm using the code below:
<cfset ui = createUUID()>
accept="video/x-flv, video/mp4, video/x-msvideo"
It's telling me that cffile is undefined.
I recommend uploading first, then renaming:
<cfset ui = createUUID()>
accept="video/x-flv, video/mp4, video/x-msvideo"
I found this awesome function created by Ryan Stille
It should do everything you need
I used it to get the extension then I just created a file name with a UUID
<cffile action="upload" destination="file://upload_#createUUID()#.#fileExt#" nameconflict="makeunique" result="#formField#">
The nameconflict attribute doesn't seem well documented, so maybe I'm using it wrong. But if I write a file (binary data) using the following code, it's overwriting the existing file of the same name.
<cffile action="write" file="/path/#data.name#" output="#d#" nameconflict="MakeUnique" mode="775">
nameconflict="MakeUnique" only works for <cffile action="upload".
Overwriting the file is default behavior for <cffile action="write"
Unless exact file names are not needed for display purpose it is better approach to use a unique ID as the filename to make sure we do not overwrite files.
<cfset newFile = '/path/' & CreateUUID() & '.' & ListLast(data.name, '.')>
<cffile action="write" file="#newFile#" output="#d#" mode="775">
Note: For use cases where we need to have a custom file name for view purposes, its better to save that original file name in the database and keep the filename in the filesystem in separate column.
I have an assortment of issues, but I'm going to concentrate on one here. How to I access the object created from a cffile upload. I am currently doing as so.
<cffile action="upload" destination="#Application.filePath#Pics/" filefield="image1" nameconflict="makeunique">
<cfif isDefined ("cffile.serverFile")>
<cfset image1Place = #cffile.serverFile#>
but that doesn't seem like it would work well with multiple file uploads, which happens to be my case.
If you're worried about the result object being blown away as a consequence of multiple invocations of cffile, then you can use the "result" attribute to distinguish them:
<cfset uploadResults = {}>
<cfloop list="#form.filelist#" index="myFile">
<cffile action="upload" destination="#Application.filePath#Pics/"
filefield="#myFile#" nameconflict="makeunique"
<cfif StructKeyExists(uploadResults, myFile)>
<cfset image1Place = uploadResults[myFile].serverFile>
I'm not having any issues writing the content to the .doc file. The problem I'm having is getting the file to NOT download to the user's browser automatically after creation. I just want to have the .doc file created in the background, then the user can download the file from a web page at anytime. Here's the code I'm working with:
<cfheader name="Content-disposition" value="filename=Quote_#arguments.QuoteNumber#_#arguments.Revision#.doc">
<cfcontent type="application/msword">
<cffile action="copy" source="#application.AbsPath#\media\quotes\BlankQuote.doc" destination="#application.AbsPath#\media\quotes\Quote_#arguments.QuoteNumber#_#arguments.Revision#.doc" />
<cffile action="write" file="#application.AbsPath#\media\quotes\Quote_#arguments.QuoteNumber#_#arguments.Revision#.doc" output="#WordDoc#" />
You're problem is the <cfheader> tag... that's what is triggering the doc to open.
I would do something like this instead.
<cfsavecontent variable="whatever">
<cffile action="write" file="#application.AbsPath#\media\quotes\Quote_#arguments.QuoteNumber#_#arguments.Revision#.doc" output="#whatever#" />
I am getting a problem with the following line:
<cfimage action="read" name="myImage" source="#ExpandPath("../../banner/#upload.clientfile#")#" />
I suspect it is because I am using a shared host (CF9) and do not have access to the folder. The error I get is "unable to create temporary file". My temp directory is home/kloxo/temp/wwwroot-tmp. Can I specify another temp folder or do I have to get my hosting company to sort this?
<cfapplication sessionmanagement="true">
<cfif IsDefined ("FORM")>
<cfif structKeyExists(form, "uploadfile")>
<cfset destination = expandPath("../../banner")>
<cfif not directoryExists(destination)>
<cfdirectory action="create" directory="#destination#">
<cffile action="upload" filefield="uploadfile" destination="#destination#" nameConflict="makeUnique" result="upload">
<cfdump var="#upload.clientfile#">
<cfimage action="read" name="myImage" source="#ExpandPath("../../banner/#upload.clientfile#")#" />
It appears to be a configuration issue. Contact your host. Here is a page with more information:
cffile is giving a head ache now.
My cfm is like this -
<cfif session.ismac and session.browsermake eq "firefox">
<cfset size = "55">
<cfset onChange = "document.frmMain.submit1.disabled = true;setdisplayname(this,this.form.dummy);">
<cfif displayname EQ "">
<cfset size = "document.frmMain.submit1.disabled = true;setdisplayname(this,this.form.displayname);">
<cfinput type="file" name="File#thisUploader#" id="File#thisUploader#" size="#size#" onKeyPress="return false;" onchange="#onChange#">
and in my cfc the code is like this -
<cffile accept="image/*" action="upload" destination="#application.artworkfilepath#\bulkuploads\#session.loginname#\#form.category#\" filefield="form.File#thisUploader#" nameconflict="makeunique">
and if I dump - <cfoutput>
You uploaded #cffile.ClientFileName#.#cffile.ClientFileExt#
successfully to #cffile.ServerDirectory#.
I get corrct things and no error.
But when i look into the folder there is nothing.
Anyidea? I have added the dump of cffile now. What do you make out of it?
cfform code is like this <cfform id="frmMain" name="frmMain" action="process_multi.cfm" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="_self" method="post">
do a fileExists() directly after the statement and let us know what that says...
you don't have a directorywatcher on the directory do you?
Your cffile nameconfict attribute is set to makeunique, which tells ColdFusion to rename the file to something new when it arrives at the server--if the file already exists.
However, you are using cffile.ClientFileName and cffile.ClientFileExt to refer to the file file--which maps to the unchanged file name as it was received during upload.
Change your code references to cffile.ServerFileName and cffile.ServerFileExt for the final renamed result.