Is Syntax Error reporting possible with boost::xpressive grammars? - c++

I'm trying to parse a custom language (not too dissimilar to JSON), and I decided to try using boost expressive, as it looked fun.
However, when an xpressive match fails, it simply fails. Is there any way I can implement some kind of error reporting? Like 'the expression matched up until the 47th character (I can get the line numbers from that).
I can sort of see how one could tailor each sub expression to look for other tokens or matches after looking for the one it wants, and reporting an error in this case, but it seems that would be a very complex way of doing it.
Is there any functionality in expressive (or can anyone suggest an approach) that would allow me to do this?

I suggest using ANTLR instead. It is a good compromise between cool, bleeding-edge stuff like Boost Spirit/Qi and stalwart tools like lex and yacc. It can do some amount of smarter error reporting like you want without too much effort.
Note that there are currently ANTLR versions 2 and 3 are both in common usage; 2 includes C++ code generation whereas 3 does not, so you might want to stick with the "older" version for now (porting should be fairly straightforward if v3 eventually has a C++ target).


Can I do versatile mathematical (AST) pattern matching and manipulation with Boost.Spirit?

I was looking into pattern matching in C++, and among things like Mach7, which seems to be a functional approach to the problem, and the more general Visitor Pattern, which seems to be the lowest common denominator: it can do everything but excels at only specific cases.
I would like to manipulate mathematical expressions (simplify, evaluate, and also perform calculations like differential equation solving, and integration, symbollically). Yes, I'm looking to end up with a Computer Algebra System.
For the input, I'm looking at using Boost.Spirit (X3) to parse some form of input (currently playing with getting basic LaTeX support in there, although index vs sub/superscript is a problem for this...).
I then came to the crazy idea of using Boost.Spirit to not only parse the input "text", but also use the non-parser components of the library to actually perform the mathematical manipulations on a resulting AST.
Is this versatile enough for the pattern matching my goal requires or should I look at other solutions? I have tried to find documentation on how other CAS work internally, but short of going through the undoubtetly brilliant code of things like Maxima, I can't seem to find any information on anything but very simple implementations of mathematical ASTs. So I have little input info to determine if Boost.Spirit can do what I eventually will need to do.
I'm not qualified to advise on the subject of symbolic algebra and the requirements there.
I do however know a thing or two about Boost Spirit.
All I can say is: don't do it!
You do not want to burden the parser with such complex responsibilities that are just going to be more difficult to design right inside the "warped" reality that is EDSLs and Phoenix actors.
In fact, I have oft repeated this advice (see e.g. Boost Spirit: "Semantic actions are evil"?, is the most linked to for this, but I've deepened it out in several chat rooms and on occasion in answers where the problem seemed to arise from conflating parsing with processing).

Swift: fastest way to parse HTML

I have a large file of source code that I need to parse some specific text out of. I want to get it done as fast as possible. What would be the fastest way to do this in Swift? These are all the options I could think of?
Using a third-party library of string functions- I've tried this. It works well, but I imagine this is much slower compared to other lower level methods in general, unless there are some notably fast ones out there specifically for Swift.
Using a third-party HTML parser. I've looked into a few, but I'm not sure if they will suit my needs. Before I proceed with this, I just want to know if these are generally faster, if there are any notabley fast ones out there, and if I'm able to tweak them to get specifically what I want from the source code.
Using String or NSString. From what I understand, using String vs NSString should give no difference in speed. I am quite comfortable with this approach, and it's lower level than some of the other ones, so should I expect fairly fast performance?
Using regular expressions. I've been told that since these are lower-level, they should ideally be the fastest. I've used regular expressions before, but not in ios. Is it easy to do string parsing with NSRegularExpression, and is it faster?
Thank you!
Came upon this link while researching your question:
The authors explains an older approach to what #CodaFi suggested, but there is a relevant update at the end you should check out:
The easiest way to parse HTML is to treat it as XML and use the
NSXMLParser. iOS comes with LibTidy which is capable of fixing a
multitude of markup sins. Use LibTidy to create clean XML and pass
this XML to NSXMLParser. Only use the approach outlined above if it’s
not possible to use NSXMLParser.
So perhaps option 4 or 5 for you to check out?

How do you implement syntax highlighting?

I am embarking on some learning and I want to write my own syntax highlighting for files in C++.
Can anyone give me ideas on how to go about doing this?
To me it seems that when a file is opened:
It would need to be parsed and decided what type of source file it is. Trusting the extension might not be fool-proof
A way to know what keywords/commands apply to what language
A way to decide what color each keyword/command gets
I want to do this on OS X, using C++ or Objective-C.
Can anyone provide pointers on how I might get started with this?
Syntax highlighters typically don't go beyond lexical analysis, which means you don't have to parse the whole language into statements and declarations and expressions and whatnot. You only have to write a lexer, which is fairly easy with regular expressions. I recommend you start by learning regular expressions, if you haven't already. It'll take all of 30 minutes.
You may want to consider toying with Flex ( the lexical analyzer generator; ) as a learning exercise. It should be quite easy to implement a basic syntax highlighter in Flex that outputs highlighted HTML or something.
In short, you would give Flex a set of regular expressions and what to do with matching text, and the generator will greedily match against your expressions. You can make your lexer transition among exclusive states (e.g. in and out of string literals, comments, etc.) as shown in the flex FAQ. Here's a canonical example of a lexer for C written in Flex: .
Making an extensible syntax highlighter would be the next part of your journey. Although I am by no means a fan of XML, take a look at how Kate syntax highlighting files are defined, such as this one for C++ . Your task would be to figure out how you want to define syntax highlighters, then make a program that uses those definitions to generate HTML or whatever you please.
You may want to look at how GeSHI implements highlighting, etc. In addition, it has a whole bunch of language packs that contain all the keywords you'll ever want.
Assuming that you are using Cocoa frameworks you can use UTIs to determine the file type.
For an overview of the api:
For a list of known UTIs:
The two keys are you probably most interested in would be kUTTypeObjectiveC​PlusPlusSource and kUTTypeCPlusPlusHeader.
For the highlighting you might find the information on this page helpful as it discusses syntax highlighting with an NSView and temporary attributes:
I think (1) isn't possible, since the only way to tell if a file is valid C++ is to run it through a C++ parser and see if it parses... but if you used that as your standard, you couldn't operate on code that doesn't compile because it is a work-in-progress, which you probably want to do. It's probably best just to trust the extension, as I don't think any other method will work better than that.
You can get a list of C++ keywords here:
The colors are up to you (or if you want, you can make them configurable and leave the choice to the user)

Search string parser in C/C++

I work on an open source project focused around Biblical texts. I would like to create a standard string format to build up a search string. I would then need to parse the search string and run the search with the options given. There are a number of different options, from scope of the search, to searching multiple texts, to wildcards, etc.
I'm thinking that using something like lex/yacc to generate a parser for this format might be a good idea. I think the Xapian project uses lemony to achieve a similar goal. My question is, is using one (or more) of these tools the best way to accomplish this?
In addition to the question, I would appreciate any links to resources on these tools (and any others that might be options). The biggest problem I've run into so far is that most of the examples and tutorials are either geared towards a programming language or something simple like a calculator rather than parsing a string format.
Tools like Lex and Yacc are suitable for your purposes. A parser for a search string is not that different from a parser for a programming language (the big difference is that a search string parser generates rules guiding the search, while the programming language parser generates a parse tree from where code is generated)
I assume your syntax will contain rules like the following:
expression : word
| expression AND expression
| expression OR expression
| NOT expression
| '(' expression ')'
all of which are easy to express in Yacc.
You can look at A Compact Guide to Lex & Yacc which I've found very useful for learning Lex and Yacc
If you're trying to build a parser in C++ have a look at
It certainly is advanced C++, but it will build quite complex and performant parsers from C++ templates without code generation. It took me a few days to get into it, but using and modifying the samples that was straight forward. I also recommend reading the following book:
C++ Template Metaprogramming: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and Beyond by David Abrahams and Aleksey Gurtovoy
Keep "syntax error diagnosis and message" in your mind uppermost - if the user makes a mistake, a handcrafted recursive-descent-style parser can have some idea based on what it has scanned so far, what mistake the user might have made. If you're going to use an automated tool, be sure to test how it responds to typical user typos - genius-programmers can handle cryptic messages from their compiler, while it sounds like you are targeting a much less sophisticated user who therefore needs a friendlier interface.

Are regex tools (like RegexBuddy) a good idea?

One of my developers has started using RegexBuddy for help in interpreting legacy code, which is a usage I fully understand and support. What concerns me is using a regex tool for writing new code. I have actually discouraged its use for new code in my team. Two quotes come to mind:
Some people, when confronted with a
problem, think "I know, I’ll use
regular expressions." Now they have
two problems. - Jamie Zawinski
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as
cleverly as possible, you are, by
definition, not smart enough to debug
it. - Brian Kernighan
My concerns are (respectively:)
That the tool may make it possible to solve a problem using a complicated regular expression that really doesn't need it. (See also this question).
That my one developer, using regex tools, will start writing regular expressions which (even with comments) can't be maintained by anyone who doesn't have (and know how to use) regex tools.
Should I encourage or discourage the use of regex tools, specifically with regard to producing new code? Are my concerns justified? Or am I being paranoid?
Poor programming is rarely the fault of the tool. It is the fault of the developer not understanding the tool. To me, this is like saying a carpenter should not own a screwdriver because he might use a screw where a nail would have been more appropriate.
Regular expressions are just one of the many tools available to you. I don't generally agree with the oft-cited Zawinski quote, as with any technology or technique, there are both good and bad ways to apply them.
Personally, I see things like RegexBuddy and the free Regex Coach primarily as learning tools. There are certainly times when they can be helpful to debug or understand existing regexes, but generally speaking, if you've written your regex using a tool, then it's going to be very hard to maintain it.
As a Perl programmer, I'm very familiar with both good and bad regular expressions, and have been using even complicated ones in production code successfully for many years. Here are a few of the guidelines I like to stick to that have been gathered from various places:
Don't use a regex when a string match will do. I often see code where people use regular expressions in order to match a string case-insensitively. Simply lower- or upper-case the string and perform a standard string comparison.
Don't use a regex to see if a string is one of several possible values. This is unnecessarily hard to maintain. Instead place the possible values in an array, hash (whatever your language provides) and test the string against those.
Write tests! Having a set of tests that specifically target your regular expression makes development significantly easier, particularly if it's a vaguely complicated one. Plus, a few tests can often answer many of the questions a maintenance programmer is likely to have about your regex.
Construct your regex out of smaller parts. If you really need a big complicated regex, build it out of smaller, testable sections. This not only makes development easier (as you can get each smaller section right individually), but it also makes the code more readable, flexible and allows for thorough commenting.
Build your regular expression into a dedicated subroutine/function/method. This makes it very easy to write tests for the regex (and only the regex). it also makes the code in which your regex is used easier to read (a nicely named function call is considerably less scary than a block of random punctuation!). Dropping huge regular expressions into the middle of a block of code (where they can't easily be tested in isolation) is extremely common, and usually very easy to avoid.
You should encourage the use of tools that make your developers more efficient. Having said that, it is important to make sure they're using the right tool for the job. You'll need to educate all of your team members on when it is appropriate to use a regular expression, and when (less|more) powerful methods are called for. Finally, any regular expression (IMHO) should be thoroughly commented to ensure that the next generation of developers can maintain it.
I'm not sure why there is so much diffidence against regex.
Yes, they can become messy and obscure, exactly as any other piece of code somebody may write but they have an advantage over code: they represent the set of strings one is interested to in a formally specified way (at least by your language if there are extensions). Understanding which set of strings is accepted by a piece of code will require "reverse engineering" the code.
Sure, you could discurage the use of regex as has already been done with recursion and goto's but this would be justifed to me only if there's a good alternative.
I would prefer maintain a single line regex code than a convoluted hand-made functions that tries to capture a set of strings.
On using a tool to understand a regex (or write a new one) I think it's perfectly fine! If somebody wrote it with the tool, somebody else could understand it with a tool! Actually, if you are worried about this, I would see tools like RegexBuddy your best insurance that the code will not be unmaintainable just because of the regex's
Regex testing tools are invaluable. I use them all the time. My job isn't even particularly regex heavy, so having a program to guide me through the nuances as I build my knowledge base is crucial.
Regular expressions are a great tool for a lot of text handling problems. If you have someone on your team who is writing regexes that the rest of the team don't understand, why not get them to teach the rest of you how they are working? Rather than a threat, you could be seeing this as an opportunity. That way you wouldn't have to feel threatened by the unknown and you'll have another very valuable tool in your arsenal.
Zawinski's comments, though entertainingly glib, are fundamentally a display of ignorance and writing Regular Expressions is not the whole of coding so I wouldn't worry about those quotes. Nobody ever got the whole of an argument into a one-liner anyways.
If you came across a Regular Expression that was too complicated to understand even with comments, then probably a regex wasn't a good solution for that particular problem, but that doesn't mean they have no use. I'd be willing to bet that if you've deliberately avoided them, there will be places in your codebase where you have many lines of code and a single, simple, Regex would have done the same job.
Regexbuddy is a useful shortcut, to make sure that the regular expressions you are writing do what you expect- it certainly makes life easier, but it's the matter of using them at all that is what seems important to me about your question.
Like others have said, I think using or not using such a tool is a neutral issue. More to the point: If a regular expression is so complicated that it needs inline comments, it is too complicated. I never comment my regexps. I approach large or complex matching problems by breaking it down into several steps of matching, either with multiple match statements (=~), or by building up a regexp with sub regexps.
Having said all that, I think any developer worth his salt should be reasonably proficient in regular expression writing and reading. I've been using regular expressions for years and have never encountered a time where I needed to write or read one that was terrifically complex. But a moderately sized one may be the most elegant and concise way to do a validation or match, and regexps should not be shied away from only because an inexperienced developer may not be able to read it -- better to educate that developer.
What you should be doing is getting your other devs hooked up with RB.
Don't worry about that whole "2 probs" quote; it seems that may have been a blast on Perl (said back in 1997) not regex.
I prefer not to use regex tools. If I can't write it by hand, then it means the output of the tool is something I don't understand and thus can't maintain. I'd much rather spend the time reading up on some regex feature than learning the regex tool. I don't understand the attitude of many programmers that regexes are a black art to be avoided/insulated from. It's just another programming language to be learned.
It's entirely possible that a regex tool would save me some time implementing regex features that I do know, but I doubt it... I can type pretty fast, and if you understand the syntax well (using a text editor where regexes are idiomatic really helps -- I use gVim), most regexes really aren't that complex. I think you're nearly always better served by learning a technology better rather than learning a crutch, unless the tool is something where you can put in simple info and get out a lot of boilerplate code.
Well, it sounds like the cure for that is for some smart person to introduce a regex tool that annotates itself as it matches. That would suggest that using a tool is not as much the issue as whether there is a big gap between what the tool understands and what the programmer understands.
So, documentation can help.
This is a real trivial example is a table like the following (just a suggestion)
Expression Match Reason
^ Pos 0 Start of input
\s+ " " At least one space
(abs|floor|ceil) ceil One of "abs", "floor", or "ceil"
I see the issue, though. You probably want to discourage people from building more complex regular expression than they can parse. I think standards can address this, by always requiring expanded REs and check that the annotation is proper.
However, if they just want to debug an RE, to make sure it's acting as they think it's acting, then it's not really much different from writing code you have to debug.
It's relative.
A couple of regex tools (for Node/JS, PHP and Python) i made (for some other projects) are available online to play and experiment.
regex-analyzer and regex-composer
github repo