Setting up proper testing for Django for TDD - django

I've been ignoring the need to test my project for far to long.
So I spent more than a day looking for ways to implement tests for my current apps and trying to get some TDD going for new apps.
I found a lot of "tutorials" with the steps: "1. Install this 2. Install that 3. Install thisnthat 4. Done!",
but noone seems to talk about how to structure your tests, both file and code wise.
And noone ever talks about how to set up a CI server, or just integrate the testing with the deployment of your project.
A lot of people mention fabric, virtualenv and nose - but noone describes how they work with them together as a whole.
What I keep finding is detailed information about how you set up a proper Rails environment with testing and CI etc...
Does anyone else feel that the Django community lacks in this area, or is it just me? :)
Oh, and does anyone else have any suggestions on how to do it?

As I see it, there are several parts to the problem.
One thing you need are good unit tests. The primary characteristic of unit tests is that they are very fast, so that they can test the combinatorial possibilities of function inputs and branch coverage. To get their speed, and to maintain isolation between tests, even if they are running in parallel, unit tests should not touch the database or network or file system. Such tests are hard to write in Django projects, because the Django ORM makes it so convenient to scatter database access calls throughout your product code. Hence any tests of Django code will inevitably hit the database. Ideally, you should approach this by limiting the database access in your product code to a thin data access layer built on top of the django ORM, which exposes methods pertinent to your application. Another approach is for your tests to mock out the ORM calls. In the worst case, you will give up on this: Your unit tests become integration tests: They actually hit the database, cross multiple layers of your architecture, and take minutes to run, which discourages developers from running them frequently enough.
The implication of this is that writing integration tests is easy - the canonical style of Django tests covers this perfectly.
The final, and hardest part of the problem, is running your acceptance tests. The defining characteristic of acceptance tests is that they invoke your application end-to-end, as a user does in production, to prove that your application actually works. Canonical dhango tests using the django testrunner fall short of this. They do not issue actually HTTP requests (instead, they examine the url config to figure out what middleware and view would get called to handle a particular request, and then they call it, in process.) This means that such tests are not testing your webserver config, nor any javascript, or rendering in the browser, etc. To test this, you need something like selenium.
Additionally, we have many server-side processes, such as cron jobs, which use code from our Django project. Acceptance tests which involve these processes should invoke the jobs just like cron does, as a new process.
Both these scenarios have some problems. Firstly, you can't simply run such tests under the Django test runner. If you try to do so, then you will find that the test data you have written during the test setup (either using the django fixtures mechanism, or by simply calling "MyModel().save()" in a test) are in a transaction which your product code, running in a different process, is not party to. So your tests have to commit the changes they make before the product code can see them. This interferes with the clean-up between tests that Django's testrunner helpfully does, so you have to switch it into a different mode, which does explicit deletes rather than rolling back. Sadly, this is much slower. At last night's London Django user group, a couple of Django core developers assured me that this scenario also has other complications (which I confess I don't know what they are), which it is best to avoid by not running acceptance tests within the Django test runner at all, but creating them as a completely stand-alone set of tests.
If you do this, then your immediate problem is that you have lost the benefits the Django test runnner provides: Namely it creates a test database, and cleans it between each test. You will have to create some equivalent mechanism for yourself. You will need your product code to run against a test database if it is being invoked as part of a test. You need to be absolutely certain that if product code is run as part of a test, even on a production box, then it can NEVER accidentally touch the production database, so this mechanism has to be absolutely failsafe. Forgetting to set an environment variable in a test setup, for example, should not cause a blooper in this regard.
This is all before even considering the complications that arise from deployment, having parts of your project in different repos, dependent on each other, creating pip-installable packages, etc.
All in all, I'd love to hear from someone who feels they have found a good solution to this problem. It is far from a trivial issue as some commenters imply.

Harry Percival is creating a Django / TDD / Selenium tutorial (and accompanying workshop, if you live in London.) His book reads like a hands-on tutorial, and goes into great detail on the subject:

In my experience, fine-grained unit tests for web apps are not worth it, the setup/teardown is too expensive and the tests are too fragile. The only exception is isolated components, especially those with clear inputs & outputs and complicated algorithms. Do unit-test those to the smallest details.
I had the best testing experience using a semi-functional testing tool called testbrowser, which simulates browser actions in Python. For integration with Django, install the homophony app (disclaimer: I am the author of the app).
Testbrowser may be a little too coarse for test-driven development, but it's the best testing tool of the ones I have used so far. Most importantly, it scales up fairly well, whereas unit tests and browser-based functional test tools tend to become very brittle as your app grows in size.
As for a CI tool, go with Buildbot or Jenkins.

I use a combination of Django's excellent extension of the python unittest framework for testing api's / models / helper functions, and selenium for in browser testing. Selenium has great instructions for how to set it up and write tests in python.


Grails unit/intergration testing

I'm trying to add unit-test and integration-test for my grails application but I have some trouble how to distinguish between both and when to use unit or integration to test my controllers actions and services.
The tutorial I found online is not very clean. I can't find complete example to follow up.
Can you please share helpful topics?
I follow the following guidelines:
Try writing as many unit tests as you can. They can be written for controllers, services, domain classes or any other groovy classes. The idea is that unit tests are friends for developers. Writing enough unit tests will
make sure that the developer makes lesser mistakes. As they execute
quickly, this means quick verification. But unit tests cannot test the following:
Criteria queries, HQL queries
Actual database Interactions (queries, transactional behaviour, updates, db constraints etc.)
Inter modular interactions
So we write the Integration tests as well
Integration tests take longer to execute. Writing Integration tests often need bootstrapping data. But they really are helpful to test functionalities end to end (excluding the actual user interactions through UI for which functional tests are written). So Integration Tests can be written for:
Testing all database interactions as unit tests actually do not test the database interactions. This also includes testing criteria, hql etc.,
Testing transactional behaviour (which is dependent on db)
Testing implementations end to end. So this will also test how two independently created modules interact with each other and make sure we have created them correctly.
One problem with integration tests is their speed. For me, integration tests take 15+ seconds to start up. In that time, certain things do slip out of mind focus.
I prefer to go with unit tests that start in no more then 2 sec and can be run several times in those 15 seconds.
One more argument for unit tests is they force you to decouple your code. Integration tests always tempt you to just rely on some other component existing and initialized.
Important links:
Unfortunately it is not just a matter preference or speed. It is a huge subject, but I can give you some advice based on my experience.
If you expect to be covering your database access code (queries, transactional behaviour) by using unit tests, you are deluding yourself. You are testing how your queries comply with the in-memory implementation of GORM. Not hibernate, not your database.
I usually have two types of tests. Unit and functional tests. The functional tests will perform a full test, running against a real database, and stimulating the system like a user would (if it is a web site via Geb, if it is a REST api, via a REST client).
The functional tests will set up a startup state by executing some kind of fixture code first. This can be registering a user and logging them in, for example. Then the test will run, and then the postconditions are checked. Here, you can check the postconditions either by accessing the database through the GORM API, or by using production API calls (danger of covering a bug with another bug).
Sometimes, your system will interact with a third system. Here, if you can, you can mock the implementation of the third system, by injecting a mock implementation into the system under test.
You have also tools like Spring Cloud Contract, that allow you to create bock a mock server for your system under test, and a specification for your third-party system. See
The unit tests, I use to thoroughly test all execution paths of a given class. I will try to trigger all exception states, all secondary scenarios, to make sure that everything is covered. I don't think it is realistic to have 100% coverage by using functional or integration tests.

Explanation of the differences between testing tools in PlayFramework 2 (WithApplication, WithServer, WithBrowser, InMemory etc...)

I am new to web application development, and even more so with Play Framework. My goal is to ensure my application is well tested, following Test Driven Development principles.
Play provides in its docs several means of testing a Play application, and often times I have difficulty in deciding which kinds of tests I should do, and which ones I can do without.
1) testing controllers vs WithApplication vs WithServer
option 1 is to test controllers as plain unit test
option 2 is to test the route using WithApplication and FakeRequest (knowing that the route calls the controller function, this approach feels more complete than option 1)
option 3 is to use WithServer with WS to make a request and await a response (this feels very similar to option 2, except it's using a real server)
Is testing with option 3 just a redundancy over testing with option 2? Can one be discarded in favor of the other?
2) in memory DB vs real DB
the in-memory DB (H2) does not seem to support some Postgres functionalities
testing against in-memory DB does not reflect a connection to a real database
Following the reasons above, I feel like testing with in-memory DB can result in uncaught bugs. Now, I understand that using a real DB is no longer called unit testing, as there are external dependencies. But is unit testing really something we want in this case?
3) WithBrowser (Selenium)
The advantages of this approach are clear, and likely irreplaceable (right?)
Seems like i am missing something when it comes to testing web applications, and clarification would be greatly appreciated.
WithApplication is for testing with a Play application. It's not strictly needed for testing routing/invoking controllers etc, they can all be tested without a running application (except for when they can't - some things rely on global state, but this is something that we are gradually fixing in Play). WithApplication I think is useful for when you want to test all your components working together. By using WithApplication, you let Play instantiate and wire everything together for you, which may be a lot easier than setting it up manually yourself in your tests.
WithServer has a number of interesting use cases. For one, it's more thorough integration testing than WithApplication, if you invoke a controller with a fake request, a lot of short cuts are taken, whereas invoking a controller with a real request over the wire doesn't take any shortcuts. Another interesting use case is testing HTTP client code - you may want to make sure that your HTTP client actually makes HTTP requests that make sense, so you setup some mock controllers with a mock router, and run them with WithServer. Finally, WithServer may be useful if you want to test an actual client to a REST API that you've written, talking to the actual service.
Whether you use an in memory database or a real database for testing is a question of hot debate, and Play is not opinionated here, it gives you the necessary tools for doing both. Some people like to use database abstractions tools, and keep their database access database agnostic. The motivations for this can be wide and varied, and certainly one that comes to play is so that unit testing can be done with in memory databases. Testing with in memory databases offers a lot of advantages, you can instantiate a new database for every test, ensuring test isolation - this is the biggest problem I've seen with running tests against a real database. You can also run your tests in parallel, they are usually faster, and they can run on any platform without any infrastructure setup. Of course, testing against a different database to production does open the possibility for bugs to slip through - but then, anything short of testing every permutation of every possible input and output opens the possibility for bugs to slip through, so all testing is imperfect at best, and a balance has to be achieved between test coverage and convenience of writing and maintainability of tests. So, for some, the advantages of testing against an in memory database outweighs the disadvantages. And then of course, there's people that like to take advantage of database specific features, for these, in memory database testing will be impossible. It's not hard to write test code against a real database in Play, I've done it a lot.

Do atomic tests make sense in dynamically created environments?

We´re building a product that allows users to create custom databases and store data within those DBs (WebApp).
Our issue for testing of the frontend (coffeescript) is that every test should be atomic but that would require setting up a DB for seeing if an item within that DB can be created and persists or to see how changes in a DB affect items.
Essentially, the issue is that the setup code needed to get to the item tests basically sets up a new DB and therefore equals the code that tests setting up a new DB.
There are two approaches and we´re torn on which to use:
1) Create and tear down a new DB with each group of tests
(+) Sorta Atomic (still fails if setting up a DB fails)
(-) Takes a lot of time to execute
(-) Tons of surounding code
(-) No way to explore the created environment
(-) Messy on errors, everything fails
2) Do the setup step by step as seperate tests depending on each other, cleanup routine at beginning of a test
(+) The created environment can be accessed via the UI (not automatically torn down)
(+) Step by step testing, less overall/repetitive code
(-) Tests depended on each other (messy)
(-) Somewhat overall messy
We´re wondering therefore if the golden rule that tests should be atomic makes sense in such a dynamic environment?
Basically, what you are talking about is Integration tests. These are different from Unit Tests. Examples of integration test would be Automated UI tests or Coded UI tests. In most of the projects I've worked on we've had both types of tests and I strongly encourage you to have both types in your project too.
The philosophy behind both these tests is slightly different.
Unit Tests are meant to test isolated bits of functionality.
They are meant to be very fast.
A developer should be able to run them all on their machine in a reasonable amount of time.
There are various consequences of this philosophy.
Because unit test is testing an isolated bit of functionality, you should use mocks and stubs to isolate the rest of the environment and only focus on tiny bits of functionality.
The isolation helps your "design thinking" while writing these tests. In fact this is the reason why the unit tests are required to be fast, because a developer is actively and constantly changing the code and unit tests as part of the design and redesign process. There should be very low overhead to set up, change and run the unit tests. I should be able to ignore everything other than the problem I am trying to solve and quickly iterate and reiterate my designs and tests. This is the idea behind TDD and its claim to help write good testable code. If you are spending a long time trying to set up an overly complex unit test then you have to start reconsidering your design.
The fast nature means that you could run these as part of your Continuous Integration build.
The disadvantage is that because you are testing each functionality in isolation you don't know if they will all work together as a whole. Each time you write a mock, you are implicitly baking in an assumption about how the rest of the system works and that the rest of the system is currently working as it is meant to (i.e nothing else is broken as part of your deployment or running or patching of the OS etc.)
Integration Tests are meant to test the functionality from end to end. You try NOT to mock out or isolate any part of the system.
There are again various consequence of this philosophy. Note that there is no requirement for integration tests to be fast.
Integration tests, by their very nature need to run after your full deployment (as opposed to unit tests which can be run as soon as your code compiles).
Because they take longer, you don't run them as part of your CI environment, but you still need to run them regularly. We usually run them as part of our nightly builds. Or you can run it twice daily etc.
Because the integration tests take a black box approach to the whole system, it doesn't really help you with you "design thinking" about how to actually build the system. But it does help your thinking about the specifications of the system as a whole. i.e What the system should do, not how it should do something.
Note that in both cases the rule of tests being atomic still applies. Each test is different from other tests. This way when a test fails you can be sure about all the conditions that are causing it to fail and concentrate on only fixing that. It's just that an integration test touches as many parts your system as possible.
To give you an example on our current project.
Lets say we need to write a bit of functionality that requires us to add a new table to the DB and bring it through all the layers to show it in the UI.
We start by creating our business logic classes, domain classes, write the appropriate web service, build view models, modify the database etc. While doing each of these we write unit tests to test the code we are currently writing. So when building the business logic classes, we mock out everything else to ensure that the logic in the class is valid (for example, clients over 60 years old get a 50% discount on their car insurance etc.)
Once we do that, we now need to update our deployment scripts / packages etc. to be able to deploy it. i.e update the database creation SQL scripts and the database alteration SQL scripts etc. (In your case this will be complex process).
Now we write integration tests. In this case we might test from SQL Server to Web Service. There is a SQL Integration test base class which contains the set up and tear down method for each test. In the set up we create a brand new database using our sql deployment scripts. Each test also specifies a test data sql script. So for example this test data script might insert a new record into the client table whose age is 70 years. We run this script as part of the "Arrange" of our test. Then make a web service call to search for clients older than 60. This is the "Act" part of the test and from the result, we check to make sure that we only get back the user we've inserted into the DB. At the end of the test, the database is deleted. We've caught bugs here when the columns in SQL database aren't nullable or the datetime columns overflow because the default minimum datetime in .Net is a different size from SQL server's minimum datetime.
Some functionality requires us to interact with an Oracle database. For example, if a new record is added to Oracle, then a trigger/db procedure kicks off and transfers that record to SQL and then we need to bring it up the layers. In this case we have an OracleSQL integration test base class. As you might have guessed, this follows a simliar pattern, but creates both Oracle and SQL dbs inserts test data into Oracle and blows them both away at the end of the test.
The developers usually pick the Web service layer for writing their integration tests. The testers on the other hand use UI automation tools to make sure that the data is actually showing up on screen. For example they will record a test that goes to web page, clicks search button, puts "60" into the age box, clicks the search button etc. That test might leverages the same test data sql script that inserts test data that the developer wrote (or the testing team might come to the developer and ask help crafting sql scripts to insert whatever highly convoluted data they can think of). But the point is, once the test data insertion script is created, it leverages the same underlying system to blow away the whole db, create a new one, insert test data, and run the specified test.
So, to answer your question, you will need two types of tests, unit tests and integration tests. You might have to put in some initial work into creating some base classes or helper methods to create/delete databases, automating your deployment to install/uninstall other components of your system etc. You will have to do this for your final deployment anyway. Integration tests will also be closely related to and dependent on your deployment strategy. This is an advantage and not a disadvantage in my opinion. While it might be painful at first to set it all up, one of the things your integration tests are implicitly testing is your deployment mechanism. If there are any issues with deploying/installing any of the components required by your system, you want to know about it as quickly as possible. Not the day before you are supposed to be deploying to production.
A good suite of tests is invaluable. It also needs to be isolated, rigorous and comprehensive. The tests shouldn't fail when they don't need to but more importantly, they should fail when they need to. And when they do fail, you want them to provide as much information as possible and point you at the exact location of failure. This makes fixing the issue a much easier task. Any time you put into building this test suite will more than pay for itself in no time.
You're not doing atomic tests if you're talking to a database.
You need to mock the database interface and talk to the mock instead. That will be fast, and you'll be able to use the mock to introduce errors that would be difficult using the real database.

Should I Unit Test Data Access Layer? Is this a good practice and how to do it?

If I'm having Data Access Layer (nHibernate) for example a class called UserProvider
and a Business Logic class UserBl, should I both test their methods SaveUser or GetUserById, or any other public method in DA layer which is called from BL layer. Is this a redundancy or a common practice to do?
Is it common to unit test DA layer, or that belongs to Integration test domain?
Is it better to have test database, or create database data during test?
Any help is appreciated.
There's no right answer to this, it really depends. Some people (e.g Roy Osherove) say you should only test code which has conditional logic (IF statements etc), which may or may not include your DAL. Some people (often those doing TDD) will say you should test everything, including the DAL, and aim for 100% code coverage.
Personally I only test it if it has logic in, so end up with some DAL methods tested and some not. Most of the time you just end up checking that your BL calls your DAL, which has some merit but I don't find necessary. I think it makes more sense to have integration tests which cover the app end-to-end, including the database, which covers things like GetUserById.
Either way, and you probably know this already, but make sure your unit tests don't touch an actual database. (No problem doing this, but that's an integration test not a unit test, as it takes a lot longer and involves complex setup, and should be run separately).
It is a good practice to write unit test for every layer, even the DAL.
I don't think running tests on the real db is a good idea, you might ruin important data. We used to set up a copy of the db for tests with just enough data in it to run tests on.
In our test project we had a special web.config file with test settings, like a ConnectionString to our test db.
In my experience it was helpful to test each layer on its own. Integrating it and test again. Integration test normally does not test all aspects. Sometimes if the Data Access Layer (I don't know nHibernate) is generated code or sort of generic code it looks like overkill. But I have seen it more than once that systematic testing pays off.
Is it redundancy? In my opinion it is not.
Is it common practice? Hard to tell. I would say no. I have seen it in some projects but not in all projects I worked in. Was often dependend on time/resources and mentality of the team / individiual developer.
Is it better to have test database, or create database data during test? This is quite a different question. Cannot be answered easily. Depends on your project. Create a new one is good but sometimes throws up unreal bugs (although bugs). It is depending on your project (product development or a proprietary development). Usually in an proprietary on site development a database gets migrated into from somewhere. So a second test is definitely needed with the migrated data. But this is rather at a system test level.
Unit testing the DAL is worth it as mentioned if there is logic in there, for example if using the same StoredProc for insert & update its worth knowing that an insert works, a subsequent call updates the previous and a select returns it and not a list. In your case SaveUser method probably inserts first time around and subsequently updates, its nice to know that this is whats being done at unit test stage.
If you're using a framework like iBatis or Hibernate where you can implement typehandlers its worth confirming that the handlers handle values in a way that's acceptable to your underlying DB.
As for testing against an actual DB if you use a framework like Spring you can avail of the supported database unit test classes with auto rollback of transactions so you run your tests and the DB is unaffected afterwards. See here for information. Others probably offer similiar support.

Automated integration testing a C++ app with a database

I am introducing automated integration testing to a mature application that until now has only been manually tested.
The app is Windows based and talks to a MySQL database.
What is the best way (including details of any tools recommended) to keep tests independent of each other in terms of the database transactions that will occur?
(Modifications to the app source for this particular purpose are not an option.)
How are you verifying the results?
If you need to query the DB (and it sounds like you probably do) for results then I agree with Kris K, except I would endeavor to rebuild the DB after every test case, not just every suite.
This helps avoid dangerous interacting tests
As for tools, I would recommend CppUnit. You aren't really doing unit tests, but it shouldn't matter as the xUnit framework should give you the set up and teardown framework you'll need to automatically set up your test fixture
Obviously this can result in slow-running tests, depending on your database size, population etc. You may be able to attach/detach databases rather than dropping/rebuilding.
If you're interested in further research, check out XUnit Test Patterns. It's a fine book and a good website for this kind of thing.
And thanks for automating :)
You can dump/restore the database for each test suite, etc. Since you are automating this, it may be something in the setup/teardown functionality.
I used to restore the database in the SetUp function of the database related unit test class. This way it was ensured that each test runs under the same conditions.
You may consider to prepare special database content for the tests, i.e. with less data than the current production version (to keep the restore times reasonable).
The best environment for such testing, I believe, is VMWare or an equivalent. Set up your database, transaction log and so on, then record the whole lot - database as well as configuration. Then to re-test, reload the image and database and kick off the tests. This still requires maintenance of the tests as the system changes, but at least the tests are repeatable, which is one of your greatest challenges in integration testing.
For test automation, many people use Perl, but we've found that Perl programs grow like Topsy and become convoluted. The use of Python as a scripting language (we run C++ tests) is worthwhile if you're trying to build a series of structured tests.
As #Kris K. says dumping and restoring the database between each test will probably be the way to go.
Since you are looking at doing testing external to the App I would look to build the testing framework in a language where you can take advantage of better testing tools.
If you built the testing framework in Java you could take advantage of JUnit and potentially even something like FitNesse.
Don't think that just because the application under test is C++ that means you are stuck using C++ for your automated testing.
Please try AnyDbTest, I think it is the very tool you are finding. (
1.Writing test case with Xml, not Java/C++/C#/VB code. Not need those expensive programming tools.
2.Supports all popular databases, such as Oracle/SQL Server/My SQL
3.So many kinds of assertion supported, such as StrictEqual, SetEqual, IsSupersetOf, Overlaps, and RecordCountEqual etc. Plus, most of assertions can prefix logic not operator.
4.Allows using an Excel spreadsheet/Xml as the source of the data for the tests. As you know, Excel spreadsheet is to easily create/edit and maintain the test data.
5.Supports sandbox test model, if one test will be done in sandbox, all database operations on each DB will be rolled back meaning any changes will be undone.
6.Allows performing data pump from one database/Excel into target database in testing initialization and finalization phase. This is easy way to prepare the test data for testing.
7.Unique cross-different-type-database testing, which means target and reference result set can come from two databases, even one is SQL Server, another is Oracle.
8.Set style comparison for recordset. AnyDbTest will tell you what is the intersection, or surplus or absence between the two record sets.
9.Sequential style comparison for recordset or scalar values. It means the two result set will be compared in their original sequence.
10.Allow to export result set of SQL statement into Xml/Excel file.