What are the GCC default include directories? - c++

When I compile a very simple source file with gcc I don't have to specify the path to standard include files such as stdio or stdlib.
How does GCC know how to find these files?
Does it have the /usr/include path hardwired inside, or it will get the paths from other OS components?

In order to figure out the default paths used by gcc/g++, as well as their priorities, you need to examine the output of the following commands:
For C:
gcc -xc -E -v -
For C++:
gcc -xc++ -E -v -
The credit goes to Qt Creator team.

There is a command with a shorter output, which allows to automatically cut the include pathes from lines, starting with a single space:
$ echo | gcc -Wp,-v -x c++ - -fsyntax-only
ignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.2/include-fixed"
ignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.2/../../../../x86_64-redhat-linux/include"
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
The credit goes to the libc++ front-page.

To summarise the other answers:
For C++:
c++ -xc++ /dev/null -E -Wp,-v 2>&1 | sed -n 's,^ ,,p'
For C:
cc -xc /dev/null -E -Wp,-v 2>&1 | sed -n 's,^ ,,p'

Though I agree with Ihor Kaharlichenko’s answer for considering C++ and with abyss.7’s answer for the compactness of its output, they are still incomplete for the multi-arch versions of gcc because input processing depends on the command line parameters and macros.
echo | /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++ -specs=nano.specs -mcpu=cortex-m4 -march=armv7e-m -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft -x c++ -E -Wp,-v\
- -fsyntax-only yields
whereas echo | /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++ -x c++ -E -Wp,-v - -fsyntax-only yields
The former invocation utilizes newlib (see lines 1 and 3 of the output), the latter goes with the standard includes. The common files at the end of the list are an example for the usage of include_next.
Bottom line: Always consider all macros and compiler options when printing the include directories.

Just run the following to list the default search paths:
$(gcc -print-prog-name=cc1) -v


Preprocessing with g++ and specs-file

The question refers to arm-none-eabi-g++ 6.2 and linking against newlib-nano.
When I preprocess a C-source with -specs=nano.specs, the file newlib.h from the directory newlib-nano is included:
echo '#include <string.h>' |\
/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-6_2-2016q4/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc -specs=nano.specs -x c -E - |\
grep '^# 1 .*newlib\.h'
outputs # 1 "/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-6_2-2016q4/arm-none-eabi/include/newlib-nano/newlib.h" 1 3 4 (as expected). This is because the file nano.specs contains (among others) the lines
%rename cpp nano_cpp
-isystem =/include/newlib-nano %(nano_cpp)
But if I feed a C++-source through the same compiler
echo '#include <string.h>' |\
/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-6_2-2016q4/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc -specs=nano.specs -x c++ -E - |\
grep '^# 1 .*newlib\.h'
the output reads # 1 "/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-6_2-2016q4/arm-none-eabi/include/newlib.h" 1 3.
In other words: The specs-file is ignored.
I am aware that I should include <cstring> instead of <string.h> in C++ sources and that GNU g++ is commonly invoked by …/arm-none-eabi-c++ instead of …/arm-none-eabi-gcc -x c++ but I did that to carve out the small difference. And: this does not change the matter.
Question: What do I have to add to the specs-file to let C++-files include newlib-nano/newlib.h?
It had been a bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/+bug/1661882). It has been fixed. It will be in the “6-2017-q1-update”.

Use CXX to query preprocessor defines?

I have a GNUmakefile that respects CXX and CXXFLAGS. It also performs some platform and architecture tests. Currently, the makefile assumes the host and target are the same:
IS_X86 = $(shell uname -m | $(EGREP) -c "i.86|x86|i86|amd64")
In an effort to improve robustness, I want to ask the tools what it is compiling for. I've come up with the following, but I'm not sure it is correct.
$ export CXX=clang++
$ export CXXFLAGS="-DNDEBUG -g2 -O3 -m32"
$ $CXX $CXXFLAGS -dM -E - < /dev/null | egrep "(i386|x86_64)"
#define __i386 1
#define __i386__ 1
#define i386 1
$ export CXX=clang++
$ export CXXFLAGS="-DNDEBUG -g2 -O3"
$ $CXX $CXXFLAGS -dM -E - < /dev/null | egrep "(i386|x86_64)"
#define __x86_64 1
#define __x86_64__ 1
My question is, will the above - with CXX and CXXFLAGS - work reliably to detect a target? Or do I need something else?
Here's the two reasons I ask. First, my experience with Autotools indicates something different. When Autotools performs a test like above, they test CPP, and sometimes CPP or CXX needs to include --isysroot (or other hacks) to get things configured properly.
Second, some toolchains, like Clang, integrate other components (like a preprocessor or assembler), so I can't use CPP directly under all circumstances.
In fact, doing something as simple as $CXX -Wa,-v - </dev/null (ask assembler for its version) results in an "unsupported option" error under Clang when using its integrated assembler. (Cf., With integrated assembler enabled, fail to fetch version string of assembler).
And just in case: this is not an Autools or Cmake project. It does not use Boost or any other libraries. Its a stand alone C++03 project.
My question is, will the above - with CXX and CXXFLAGS - work reliably to detect a target?
The answer is Yes, it will. The preprocessor or compielr driver (passing down to preprocessor) will mostly yield expected target defines with all else being equal. Notable exception is GCC and ARMv8/Aarch64, which is missing a slew of expected defines.
The thing to avoid is uname -m (and friends). Uname reports information on the host, and not the target.

Where is the limit.h file that defines the template numeric_limits

So, I am trying to locate the limit.h file that has the numeric_limits defined.
I seem to find all different flavors of the limit.h but not the defined one, as
shown in
I am on debian distro.
Here is what I have done so far. I created a main.cpp with only #include <limits>
Did a g++ verbose build to find all the include path:
g++ -v main.cpp -o tryout.
Now I see that /usr/include
and usr/lib has bunch of limits.h files. But none of them seem to have the template definition I am looking for
in /usr/include/
% find -name limits.h returns the following :
in /usr/lib
% find -name limits.h returns the following:
So where is the std::numeric_limits template located. How do I find that file.
As the reference page shows, std::numeric_limits is defined in the header <limits>, not limits.h. You can find where it is by asking the preprocessor, for example:
~$ cat test.cc
#include <limits>
~$ g++ -E test.cc -o - | grep limits | grep gcc | tail -1
# 841 "/opt/swt/install/gcc-4.7.2/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.7.2/../../../../include/c++/4.7.2/limits" 3

ctags ignore lists for libc6, libstdc++ and boost

I use ctags with vim and the OmniCppComplete plugin. Currently when generating my tags I do it individually for each library. For libc6 I use the following list of tokens / macros in a file named libc6-ignore to ignore during processing:
Am I missing any other tokens I should be ignoring and should I be using this same list or a different one when generating tags for libstdc++ and boost?
For anyone who's interested I use the following to generate my tag files:
# First make sure apt-file is install and then do:
$ sudo apt-file update
# set up tags for libc, the standard C library
$ apt-file list libc6-dev | grep -o '/usr/include/.*\.h'> ~/.vim/tags/libc6-filelist
$ ctags --sort=foldcase --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -I./libc6-ignore -f ~/.vim/tags/libc6 -L ~/.vim/tags/libc6-filelist
# create tags for stdlibc++ and STL
$ apt-file list libstdc++6-4.4-dev | grep -E -o '/usr/include/.*\.(h|hpp)' > ~/.vim/tags/stdlibcpp-filelist
$ ctags --sort=foldcase -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -f ~/.vim/tags/stdlibcpp -L ~/.vim/tags/stdlibcpp-filelist
# For Boost
$ apt-file list boost | grep -E -o '/usr/include/.*\.(h|hpp)' | grep -v '/usr/include/boost/typeof/' > ~/.vim/tags/boost-filelist
$ ctags --sort=foldcase --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -f ~/.vim/tags/boost -L ~/.vim/tags/boost-filelist
You can also use the modified libstdc++ library:
This contains a stripped version of the C++ header files which works for ctags.
I made a Python script that extracts all tags beginning with an underscore from a tags file. You can choose with this script which tags to exclude.
Feel free to tailor the script to meet your needs or suggest anything else:
import re
for line in tags:
for element in sorted(results):
I have followed those instructions and I am able to get all boost boost references working i.e.
#include <iostream>
I can jump directly to iostream
However what I am still missing is to go to for example
#include <stdio.h>
Although in my generate script I have included as you mentioned i.e.
$ apt-file list libc6-dev | grep -o '/usr/include/.*\.h'> ~/.vim/tags/libc6-filelist
$ ctags --sort=foldcase --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -I./libc6-ignore -f ~/.vim/tags/libc6 -L ~/.vim/tags/libc6-filelist
After i generate the tag "libc6" file whenever I try to go to stdio.h it is saying “E426: tag not found: stdlib”.
Here is what I have included additionally to my .vimrc in order to make all those 3 tag files visible.
set tags+=~/.vim/tags/boost
set tags+=~/.vim/tags/libc6
set tags+=~/.vim/tags/stdlibcpp
I am not an expert however I can say that this worked somehow for boost but not for libc6-dev. Can someone assist me with the solution
here is the same code as above
sudo apt-file update
# set up tags for libc, the standard C library
apt-file list libc6-dev | grep -o '/usr/include/.*\.h'> ~/.vim/tags/libc6-filelist
ctags --sort=foldcase --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -I./libc6-ignore -f ~/.vim/tags/libc6 -L ~/.vim/tags/libc6-filelist
apt-file list libstdc++6-4.6-dev | grep -E -o '/usr/include/.*\.(h|hpp)' >> ~/.vim/tags/stdlibcpp-filelist
ctags --sort=foldcase -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -f ~/.vim/tags/stdlibcpp -L ~/.vim/tags/stdlibcpp-filelist
# For Boost
apt-file list boost | grep -E -o '/usr/include/.*\.(h|hpp)' | grep -v '/usr/include/boost/typeof/' > ~/.vim/tags/boost-filelist
ctags --sort=foldcase --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -f ~/.vim/tags/boost -L ~/.vim/tags/boost-filelist
Sorry--I've never used ctags before--but I'll take a stab at this question.
If I understand correctly, you can use the list of keywords from GCC itself. I found this https://gist.github.com/959484 inside gcc/gcc/c-family/c-common.c. Looks like it includes reserved words for all the C (c/c++/obj-c variants). I guess some are valid for all compilers, these are for gcc of course.
As for figuring out other symbols to ignore, on OS X I'd use nm to dump the symbols of the library in question an add all symbols marked as private ('s' instead of 'S' for example) to my list of symbols to ignore. Linux has a similar library-dumping tool?
Hope that's useful.
I had my own list and never thought about adding what you've already listed!
Here's that updated ignore list for libc6 that I've come up with (Ubuntu 14.04 and GCC 4.8.4) to use as input to the -I option of ctags:
I also created the following ignore list for generating a tags file for libstdc++ (GCC 4.8.2 on Ubuntu 14.04) (again, this is input to the -I option):
I changed __attribute__ to be: __attribute__+ to indicate it looks like a function and should be ignored.
Of course, I have created one for Boost as well, but I think I'll refrain from posting it until someone has a need.

Where does gcc look for C and C++ header files?

On a Unix system, where does gcc look for header files?
I spent a little time this morning looking for some system header files, so I thought this would be good information to have here.
`gcc -print-prog-name=cc1plus` -v
This command asks gcc which C++ preprocessor it is using, and then asks that preprocessor where it looks for includes.
You will get a reliable answer for your specific setup.
Likewise, for the C preprocessor:
`gcc -print-prog-name=cpp` -v
In addition, gcc will look in the directories specified after the -I option.
You can create a file that attempts to include a bogus system header.
If you run gcc in verbose mode on such a source, it will list all the system include locations as it looks for the bogus header.
$ echo "#include <bogus.h>" > t.c; gcc -v t.c; rm t.c
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
/System/Library/Frameworks (framework directory)
/Library/Frameworks (framework directory)
End of search list.
t.c:1:32: error: bogus.h: No such file or directory
The CPP Section of the GCC Manual indicates that header files may be located in the following directories. From the Search Path page:
GCC looks in several different places for headers. On a normal Unix system, if you do not instruct it otherwise, it will look for headers requested with #include in:
For C++ programs, it will also look in /usr/include/g++-v3, first.
To get GCC to print out the complete set of directories where it will look for system headers, invoke it like this:
$ LC_ALL=C gcc -v -E -xc - < /dev/null 2>&1 |
LC_ALL=C sed -ne '/starts here/,/End of/p'
which will produce output of the form
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
If you have -I-family options on the command line they will affect what is printed out.
(The sed command is to get rid of all the other junk this invocation prints, and the LC_ALL=C is to ensure that the sed command works -- the "starts here" and "End of search list" phrases are translated IIRC.)
g++ -print-search-dirs
gcc -print-search-dirs
The set of paths where the compiler looks for the header files can be checked by the command:-
cpp -v
If you declare #include "" , the compiler first searches in current directory of source file and if not found, continues to search in the above retrieved directories.
If you declare #include <> , the compiler searches directly in those directories obtained from the above command.
Source:- http://commandlinefanatic.com/cgi-bin/showarticle.cgi?article=art026
One could view the (additional) include path for a C program from bash by checking out the following:
If this is empty, it could be modified to add default include locations, by:
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$C_INCLUDE_PATH:/usr/include
These are the directories that gcc looks in by default for the specified header files ( given that the header files are included in chevrons <>);
1. /usr/local/include/ --used for 3rd party header files.
2. /usr/include/ -- used for system header files.
If in case you decide to put your custom header file in a place other than the above mentioned directories, you can include them as follows:
1. using quotes ("./custom_header_files/foo.h") with files path, instead of chevrons in the include statement.
2. using the -I switch when compiling the code.
gcc -I /home/user/custom_headers/ -c foo.c -p foo.o
Basically the -I switch tells the compiler to first look in the directory specified with the -I switch ( before it checks the standard directories).When using the -I switch the header files may be included using chevrons.
My system has gcc9 by default and I have built a gcc12 from source and I think the accepted answer is not correct, that is gcc -print-prog-name=cc1plus -v doesn't give the real include search path.
My build configuration is
Configured with: /home/tian/playground/gcc_build_play/objdir/../gcc-12.1.0/configure --prefix=/home/tian/GCC-12.1.0 --disable-multilib
And no matter where I mv the gcc12 directoy in my machine. It can always include its own c++ header files correctly.
If I type ./gcc -print-prog-name=cc1plus -v, in the original installed directory, it gives:
tian#tian-B250M-Wind:~/GCC-12.1.0/bin$ `./gcc -print-prog-name=cc1plus` -v
ignoring nonexistent directory "/home/tian/GCC-12.1.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12.1.0/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/include"
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
mv my gcc12 to ~/Desktop/, run again, gives:
tian#tian-B250M-Wind:~/Desktop/GCC-12.1.0/bin$ `./gcc -print-prog-name=cc1plus` -v
ignoring nonexistent directory "/home/tian/GCC-12.1.0/include/c++/12.1.0"
ignoring nonexistent directory "/home/tian/GCC-12.1.0/include/c++/12.1.0/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
ignoring nonexistent directory "/home/tian/GCC-12.1.0/include/c++/12.1.0/backward"
ignoring nonexistent directory "/home/tian/GCC-12.1.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12.1.0/include"
ignoring nonexistent directory "/home/tian/GCC-12.1.0/include"
ignoring nonexistent directory "/home/tian/GCC-12.1.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12.1.0/include-fixed"
ignoring nonexistent directory "/home/tian/GCC-12.1.0/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/include"
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
If that's true, then I compile a program with ./g++, it should use c++ header files in /usr/include or /usr/local/include. But it's not.
Experiment is omitted here. You can try using mv to rename any header file of gcc12 your test program use or add some garbage code to the header file. Then you will see the gcc12 ./g++ is complaining about the gcc12 c++ header file, not my system gcc9's c++ header files in /usr/include or /usr/local/include.
So in both places ./g++ can find its gcc12 c++ headers files correctly.
So I guess gcc and g++ are finding headers in relative directory, relative to /path_to_gcc12/bin/gcc.
Try./g++ -g -Wall --verbose -o test test.cpp gives the real include path:
tian#tian-B250M-Wind:~/Desktop/GCC-12.1.0/bin$ ./g++ -g -Wall --verbose -o test test.cpp
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Configured with: /home/tian/playground/gcc_build_play/objdir/../gcc-12.1.0/configure --prefix=/home/tian/GCC-12.1.0 --disable-multilib
Thread model: posix
Supported LTO compression algorithms: zlib
gcc version 12.1.0 (GCC)
COLLECT_GCC_OPTIONS='-g' '-Wall' '-v' '-o' 'test' '-shared-libgcc' '-mtune=generic' '-march=x86-64'
/home/tian/Desktop/GCC-12.1.0/bin/../libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12.1.0/cc1plus -quiet -v -imultiarch x86_64-linux-gnu -iprefix /home/tian/Desktop/GCC-12.1.0/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12.1.0/ -D_GNU_SOURCE test.cpp -quiet -dumpbase test.cpp -dumpbase-ext .cpp -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g -Wall -version -o /tmp/ccrg0qhG.s
GNU C++17 (GCC) version 12.1.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
compiled by GNU C version 12.1.0, GMP version 6.2.1, MPFR version 4.1.0, MPC version 1.2.1, isl version isl-0.24-GMP
GGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=100 --param ggc-min-heapsize=131072
ignoring nonexistent directory "/home/tian/Desktop/GCC-12.1.0/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12.1.0/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/include"
ignoring duplicate directory "/home/tian/Desktop/GCC-12.1.0/bin/../lib/gcc/../../lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12.1.0/../../../../include/c++/12.1.0"
ignoring duplicate directory "/home/tian/Desktop/GCC-12.1.0/bin/../lib/gcc/../../lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12.1.0/../../../../include/c++/12.1.0/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
ignoring duplicate directory "/home/tian/Desktop/GCC-12.1.0/bin/../lib/gcc/../../lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12.1.0/../../../../include/c++/12.1.0/backward"
ignoring duplicate directory "/home/tian/Desktop/GCC-12.1.0/bin/../lib/gcc/../../lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12.1.0/include"
ignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/local/include/x86_64-linux-gnu"
ignoring duplicate directory "/home/tian/Desktop/GCC-12.1.0/bin/../lib/gcc/../../lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12.1.0/include-fixed"
ignoring nonexistent directory "/home/tian/Desktop/GCC-12.1.0/bin/../lib/gcc/../../lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12.1.0/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/include"
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
So I think my guess is correct.