jquery .hover() and .show() - jquery-hover

i want to hide a <div> when mouse enters the <div> and it should reappear when mouse leaves the <div>.right now i just hid the <div> but it's not reappearing when mouse leaves the <div>

To elaborate on #rob.alarcon's answer, you have to remember the API for the .hover method is:
hover( handlerIn(eventObject), handlerOut(eventObject) )
Since you didn't post your code, I can't give you a definite answer, but you need to remember to provide a handler for both the "hover in" and "hover out" events. Meaning, it sounds like you have a valid method to handle the event that is triggered when the mouse enters the element, but did you also provide an event handler for when the mouse leaves the element?
It's not something you want to do in a production site, obviously, but you could always throw an alert() message in both methods so that you know explicitly that the events are being handled.


Set focus on component after modal close

I would like to know what is recommended way to focus on component from outside the component. I am trying to focus on a input field when the person closes the modal window.
Typically you would use an action in the modal that triggers when the close button is clicked, and you would send the action up to the component with the input with sendAction. In the component with the input, you could then use Ember.$ or any other method to tell the browser to focus on an element.
The situation is more complex if the modal is not inside the component that contains the input. In that case you might need to use a service or event. But it's much easier to use the first method.

How to know if the Gtk::ComboBoxText is popup

I am writing a simple GUI, in which I have a ComboBoxText. I write a log message when ever the user clicks on the ComboBoxText.
I have tried almost all the button release and popup signals but no results. The only thing which works is signal_changed() but I don't not need that. Please help me, below is my sample code :
and here is the call back function:
bool ComboBoxText::ComboInput(GdkEventButton *pEvt) {
// Here do the desired stuffs !!
return false; }
Use GTK+ property popup-shown. Not sure about Gtkmm syntax, probably property_popup_shown().get_value().
If you need a signal to listen to, connect to popdown or notify::popup-shown (the latter is invoked when property value changes; again, I'm not sure about Gtkmm syntax).
The idea here was to fire an event when the ComboBoxText is clicked. After some readings I figured it out that the ComboBoxText does not fire any on_click event as such.
One could mask a key press event (which by the way gets fired) and call the signal handler. This might not be handy for people who specifically looking for a on_click event but for those who are working with a keyboard or touch screen device. Here is a small chunk of code :`
cheers :)

WM_LBUTTONDOWN + WM_LBUTTONUP combination making drag view

I am using below code in my application's view on particular event to simulate a left mouse click.
Once this code executed a mouse drag view appears. How to avoid this drag view after simulating the mouse click?
When I monitored via SPY++ I got the both messages are sent like below,
WM_LBUTTONDOWN fwKeys: MK_LBUTTON xPos : 752 yPos:85
WM_BUTTONUP fwKeys:0000 xPos:752 yPos 85
I suspect the WM_LBUTTONUP message not sent properly.
What is the fwKeys : 0000 indicates?
Is there any think wrong in sendMessage of WM_LBUTTON up in the above code?
First of all, if that is your real code, you are "simulating" the mouse click improperly. There's more to a WM_LBUTTONDOWN or WM_LBUTTONUP than the message itself: there's data packed in the wParam and lParam values of the message.
You could easily see that if you had taken a second to look at the MSDN pages for WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP. They describe exactly what the wParam and lParam values mean in this context. And, by the way, this would also answer your question about the meaning of "fwKeys" in Spy++.
But really, if you need to simulate mouse events, then do it the right way: call the mouse_event function. It's whole purpose in life is to synthesize mouse events.
On to your other question: how to disable the drag view: it depends on what kind of control you're dealing with. For example, if you had a tree view control, then you could set the TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP style on the control, as stated on MSDN. If you want to disable drag & drop for that control permanently, then set the flag when you create the control. If you only want to disable it temporarily, during your synthesized input operations, then that's a bit trickier - you can use CWnd::ModifyStyle to temporarily remove the TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP but you will also need to add code to enable it again, after you finish sending your synthesized mouse movements and the control has finished processing them.
With all that said, what exactly are you trying to achieve? There may be an easier way to solve the problem that you are trying to address.
Thanks for all your answers and support.
I am working on a already developed application which requires this solution. Finally I found that the WM_LBUTTONDOWN handler was already defined in my view. This takes time to execute. Since I used SendMessage which posts message to a thread's message queue and return immediately, before the WM_LBUTTONDOWN finished, the next message WM_LBUTTONUP is called. So the WM_LBUTTONUP was failing.
I used PostMessage as below,
This resolves my problem.

Strings or hypertext Onclick event WxWidgets

so, here's the deal. I have some program who needs to call some event when i click on a word or phrase. I was thinking on html hypertext but not sure. My question is, how should i edit hyperlink event to call any function. Any other suggest will be appreciated.
It doesn't look like a good idea to turn every word in a text in a hyper link. If you really want to do this, you can just use wxHtmlWindow and handle its EVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED event.
But a better idea would probably be to use either a plain wxTextCtrl or wxRichTextCtrl, depending on the kind of contents you want to show, handle EVT_LEFT_UP in it and use HitTest() method to find out where did the click occur exactly.
Create the link: wxRichTextCtrl::BeginURL
Bind your handler to the event: http://docs.wxwidgets.org/trunk/overview_events.html#overview_events_bind
In handler, check which mouse event: wxTextUrlEvent::GetMouseEvent
In handler check which URL clicked: wxTextUrlEvent::GetURLStart
If all OK, call required function.

Sending action to Ember.StateManager : is goToState mandatory?

In the documentation of Ember.StateManager it's said that : "Inside of an action method the given state should delegate goToState calls on its StateManager". Does it mean that if I send an action message, I necessarily need to transit to another state. Is it possible to stay in the same state but doing some task by sending an action ? For example, I'm in a state "loading" and I run two actions "preprocess" and "display".
Very simply: an action message may but does not have to transition to another state.
Something you didn't ask, but is related and important: it is a bad idea and bad design to call goToState in an enter or exit method.
When dealing with statecharts in general, you can do whatever you want. It's not mandatory to switch states in an event handler. A common case would be an event handler that shows a cancel/save dialog. You can easily put the dialog on the page in the event handler, and proceed accordingly depending on which button is pressed.
A separate question is should every event handler basically just go to another state. In the above scenario, you can certainly go to a "confirm" state, the state-enter method will show the dialog, and there would be two handlers, one for each button. Those handler would in turn go to other states.
Both design choices I think are equally valid, at least in that scenario. If you choose to implement a separate state for every action, you will end up with a lot of small but concise states. If you choose to do stuff in the event handlers themselves, your states will be bigger, but there will be less of them.
One thing I will say is if an event handler is getting complicated, you are probably better of with a new state. Also, be consistent.
For you specific scenario, if I'm reading it right, you want to load data and then change the display to show the data, based on an event. In this case, I would use new states.
So you press a button that starts the process
In the event handler, go to some sort of 'MyDataSection' state
Initial substate is 'loadData'
Enter state method of 'loadData' starts the loading process
Event handler 'dataLoaded' in 'loadData' to handle when the data loads; this means you need to fire an event when the data loads
'dataLoaded' event goes to the 'show' state
show state shows the view (or removes activity indicator etc) and handles any events that come from the display.
What's good here is that if you have multiple ways to get to this section of the app, all actions that lead to this section only need to go to this state, and everything will always happen the same. Also note that since the view event handlers are on the show state, if the user hits a button while the data is loading, nothing will happen.