How to do "IF SELECT" with Django orm - django

i can't find a way to do the mysql "IF SELECT" with the django orm:
I have this model:
class Friendship(models.Model):
to_user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="friends")
from_user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="_unused_")
added = models.DateField(
objects = FriendshipManager()
class Meta:
unique_together = (('to_user', 'from_user'),)
Now to get all friends of user X i use this:
q = Friendship.objects.raw('SELECT IF( from_user_id = X, `to_user_id` ,
`from_user_id`) AS friend,id FROM `friends_friendship` WHERE `to_user_id` = X
OR `from_user_id` = X'
But the raw sqls do not return any objects, only ids. So it doesn't help me at all.
How could i use the django ORM to return a queryset of users?
Best regards,

I suggest you to have a look at the Many-to-Many relationship supported by Django's ORM.
It seems that your case fits the example from the Django Documentation here.

QuerySet objects have an extra method that lets you add raw SQL to the generated query. Something like the following should work for you.
qs = Friendship.objects.filter(Q(to_user=X) | Q(from_user=X))
qs = qs.extra(select={ "friend_id": "IF(from_user_id = X, `to_user_id`, `from_user_id`" })
When used like this the Friendship objects will have an extra parameter, friend, that contains the id of the friend. You might want to add a property to the Friendship that returns the User object, but there's not enough information in your question to say for certain that this is a good idea.
def friend(self):
return User.object.get(id=self.friend_id)

You can use the select_related method to follow the foreign key fields so when you access them an extra query is not made.
qs = Friendship.objects.filter(Q(to_user=X) | Q(from_user=X)).select_related(depth=1)
qs[0].to_user # doesn't cause another query to be made
If you then add a new method to the Friendship class you can get the correct User object. The values for both to_user and from_user will already be in memory so no queries are made when calling this function.
def friend_of(self, user):
if self.to_user == user:
return self.from_user
return self.to_user

Though an old question, I found Case and When to be useful:
from django.db.models import Case, When, Q
.annotate(friend=Case(When(from_user=X, then='to_user'), default='from_user'))\
.filter(Q(to_user=X) | Q(from_user=X))
See Django doc on conditional expressions.


How to filter multiple fields with list of objects

I want to build an webapp like Quora or Medium, where a user can follow users or some topics.
eg: userA is following (userB, userC, tag-Health, tag-Finance).
These are the models:
class Relationship(models.Model):
user = AutoOneToOneField('auth.user')
follows_user = models.ManyToManyField('Relationship', related_name='followed_by')
follows_tag = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)
class Activity(models.Model):
actor_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, related_name='actor_type_activities')
actor_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
actor = GenericForeignKey('actor_type', 'actor_id')
verb = models.CharField(max_length=10)
target_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, related_name='target_type_activities')
target_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
target = GenericForeignKey('target_type', 'target_id')
tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)
Now, this would give the following list:
following_user = userA.relationship.follows_user.all()
[<Relationship: userB>, <Relationship: userC>]
following_tag = userA.relationship.follows_tag.all()
[<Tag: tag-job>, <Tag: tag-finance>]
To filter I tried this way:
Activity.objects.filter(Q(actor__in=following_user) | Q(tags__in=following_tag))
But since actor is a GenericForeignKey I am getting an error:
FieldError: Field 'actor' does not generate an automatic reverse relation and therefore cannot be used for reverse querying. If it is a GenericForeignKey, consider adding a GenericRelation.
How can I filter the activities that will be unique, with the list of users and list of tags that the user is following? To be specific, how will I filter GenericForeignKey with the list of the objects to get the activities of the following users.
You should just filter by ids.
First get ids of objects you want to filter on
following_user = userA.relationship.follows_user.all().values_list('id', flat=True)
following_tag = userA.relationship.follows_tag.all()
Also you will need to filter on actor_type. It can be done like this for example.
actor_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(userA.__class__)
Or as #Todor suggested in comments. Because get_for_model accepts both model class and model instance
actor_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(userA)
And than you can just filter like this.
Activity.objects.filter(Q(actor_id__in=following_user, actor_type=actor_type) | Q(tags__in=following_tag))
What the docs are suggesting is not a bad thing.
The problem is that when you are creating Activities you are using auth.User as an actor, therefore you can't add GenericRelation to auth.User (well maybe you can by monkey-patching it, but that's not a good idea).
So what you can do?
#Sardorbek Imomaliev solution is very good, and you can make it even better if you put all this logic into a custom QuerySet class. (the idea is to achieve DRY-ness and reausability)
class ActivityQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
def for_user(self, user):
return self.filter(
actor_id__in=user.relationship.follows_user.values_list('id', flat=True)
class Activity(models.Model):
objects = ActivityQuerySet.as_manager()
user_feed = Activity.objects.for_user(request.user)
but is there anything else?
1. Do you really need GenericForeignKey for actor? I don't know your business logic, so probably you do, but using just a regular FK for actor (just like for the tags) will make it possible to do staff like actor__in=users_following.
2. Did you check if there isn't an app for that? One example for a package already solving your problem is django-activity-steam check on it.
3. IF you don't use auth.User as an actor you can do exactly what the docs suggest -> adding a GenericRelation field. In fact, your Relationship class is suitable for this purpose, but I would really rename it to something like UserProfile or at least UserRelation. Consider we have renamed Relation to UserProfile and we create new Activities using userprofile instead. The idea is:
class UserProfile(models.Model):
user = AutoOneToOneField('auth.user')
follows_user = models.ManyToManyField('UserProfile', related_name='followed_by')
follows_tag = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)
activies_as_actor = GenericRelation('Activity',
class ActivityQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
def for_userprofile(self, userprofile):
return self.filter(
class Activity(models.Model):
objects = ActivityQuerySet.as_manager()
#1st when you create activity use UserProfile
Activity.objects.create(actor=request.user.userprofile, ...)
#2nd when you fetch.
#Check how `for_userprofile` is implemented this time
As stated in the documentation:
Due to the way GenericForeignKey is implemented, you cannot use such fields directly with filters (filter() and exclude(), for example) via the database API. Because a GenericForeignKey isn’t a normal field object, these examples will not work:
You could follow what the error message is telling you, I think you'll have to add a GenericRelation relation to do that. I do not have experience doing that, and I'd have to study it but...
Personally I think this solution is too complex to what you're trying to achieve. If only the user model can follow a tag or authors, why not include a ManyToManyField on it. It would be something like this:
class Person(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
follow_tag = models.ManyToManyField('Tag')
follow_author = models.ManyToManyField('Author')
You could query all followed tag activities per Person like this:
And you could search 'persons' following a tag like this:
The same would apply to authors and you could use querysets to do OR, AND, etc.. on your queries.
If you want more models to be able to follow a tag or author, say a System, maybe you could create a Following model that does the same thing Person is doing and then you could add a ForeignKey to Follow both in Person and System
Note that I'm using this Person to meet this recomendation.
You can query seperately for both usrs and tags and then combine them both to get what you are looking for. Please do something like below and let me know if this works..
usrs = Activity.objects.filter(actor__in=following_user)
tags = Activity.objects.filter(tags__in=following_tag)
result = usrs | tags
You can use annotate to join the two primary keys as a single string then use that to filter your queryset.
from django.db.models import Value, TextField
from django.db.models.functions import Concat
following_actor = [
# actor_type, actor
(1, 100),
(2, 102),
searchable_keys = [str(at) + "__" + str(actor) for at, actor in following_actor]
result = MultiKey.objects.annotate(key=Concat('actor_type', Value('__'), 'actor_id',
.filter(Q(key__in=searchable_keys) | Q(tags__in=following_tag))

Django, general version of prefetch_related()?

Of course, I don't mean to do what prefetch_related does already.
I'd like to mimic what it does.
What I'd like to do is the following.
I have a list of MyModel instances.
A user can either follows or doesn't follow each instance.
my_models = MyModel.objects.filter(**kwargs)
for my_model in my_models:
my_model.is_following = Follow.objects.filter(user=user,, target_content_type=MY_MODEL_CTYPE)
Here I have n+1 query problem, and I think I can borrow what prefetch_related does here. Description of prefetch_related says, it performs the query for all objects and when the related attribute is required, it gets from the pre-performed queryset.
That's exactly what I'm after, perform query for is_following for all objects that I'm interested in. and use the query instead of N individual query.
One additional aspect is that, I'd like to attach queryset rather than attach the actual value, so that I can defer evaluation until pagination.
If that's too ambiguous statement, I'd like to give the my_models queryset that has is_following information attached, to another function (DRF serializer for instance).
How does prefetch_related accomplish something like above?
A solution where you can get only the is_following bit is possible with a subquery via .extra.
class MyModelQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
def annotate_is_follwing(self, user):
return self.extra(
select = {'is_following': 'EXISTS( \
SELECT `id` FROM `follow` \
WHERE `follow`.`target_id` = `mymodel`.id \
AND `follow`.`user_id` = %s)' %
class MyModel(models.Model):
objects = MyModelQuerySet.as_manager()
my_models = MyModel.objects.filter(**kwargs).annotate_is_follwing(request.user)
Now another solution where you can get a whole list of following objects.
Because you have a GFK in the Follow class you need to manually create a reverse relation via GenericRelation. Something like:
class MyModelQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
def with_user_following(self, user):
return self.prefetch_related(
queryset=Follow.objects.filter(user=user) \
class MyModel(models.Model):
following = GenericRelation(Follow,
objects = MyModelQuerySet.as_manager()
def get_first_following_object(self):
if hasattr(self, 'following_user') and len(self.following_user) > 0:
return self.following_user[0]
return None
my_models = MyModel.objects.filter(**kwargs).with_user_following(request.user)
Now you have access to following_user attribute - a list with all follow objects per mymodel, or you can use a method like get_first_following_object.
Not sure if this is the best approach, and I doubt this is what prefetch_related does because I'm joining here.
I found there's way to select extra columns in your query.
extra_select = """
EXISTS(SELECT * FROM follow_follow
WHERE follow_follow.target_object_id = AND
follow_follow.target_content_type_id = %s AND
follow_follow.user_id = %s)
qs = self.extra(
select={'is_following': extra_select},
So you can do this with join.
prefetch_related way of doing it would be separate queryset and look it up in queryset for the attribute.

Reverse select_related for onetoone field not working

According to the docs then you should be able to catch reverse relations when those relations are onetoone with a select_related(). But it is not working, so what could I be missing?
My class looks like this:
class MainPage(models.Model):
book = models.OneToOneField(Book, primary_key=True)
text = models.TextField(blank=True)
I can do this fine:
book = Book.objects.get(id=book_id, active=True)
main_page = book.mainpage
But doing like so does not lower the database calls:
book = Book.objects.select_related('mainpage').get(id=book_id, active=True)
main_page = book.mainpage
I guess you intend to hit only a single sql query (using one to one join). This might work for that:
book = Book.objects.get(mainpage__book_id=book_id, active=True)
The query in your question does not work because select_related works only with the querysets while .get returns an instance object. Thus this should work:
book = Book.objects.select_related('mainpage').filter(id=book_id, active=True)[0]
main_page = book.mainpage

Is it possible to order by an annotation with django TastyPie?

I'm trying to order by a count of a manyToMany field is there a way to do this with TastyPie?
For example
class Person(models.Model):
friends = models.ManyToMany(User, ..)
I want PersonResource to spit out json that is ordered by the number of friends a person has...
is that possible?
I know this is an old question, but I recently encountered this problem and came up with a solution.
Tastypie doesn't easily allow custom ordering, but it is easy to modify the queryset it uses.
I actually just modified the default queryset for the model using a custom manager.
for instance:
class PersonManager(models.Manager):
def get_query_set(self):
return super(PersonManager self).get_query_set().\
class Person(models.Model):
objects = PersonManager()
friends = ...
You could also add the annotation in Tastypie, wither in the queryset=... in the Meta class, or overriding the get_object_list(self,request) method.
I wasn't able to get the results ordering as per coaxmetal's solution, so I solved this a different way, by overriding the get_object_list on the Resource object as per Basically if the 'top' querystring parameter exists, then the ordered result is returned.
class MyResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = MyObject.objects.all()
def get_object_list(self, request):
most_popular = request.GET['top']
result = super(MyResource, self).get_object_list(request).annotate(num_something=Count('something')).order_by('num_something')
result = super(MyResource, self).get_object_list(request)
return result
I have not used TastyPie, but your problem seems to be more general. You can't have custom ordering in a Django ORM query. You're better off storing tuples of the form (Person, friend_count). This is pretty easy:
p_list = []
for person in Person.objects.all():
friendcount = len(person.friends.all())
p_list.append((person, friendcount))
Then, you can use the built in sorted function like so:
sorted_list = [person for (person, fc) in sorted(p_list, key=lambda x: x[1])]
The last line basically extracts the Persons from a sorted list of Persons, sorted on the no of friends one has.

Django, query filtering from model method

I have these models:
def Foo(Models.model):
size = models.IntegerField()
# other fields
def is_active(self):
if check_condition:
return True
return False
def Bar(Models.model):
foo = models.ForeignKey("Foo")
# other fields
Now I want to query Bars that are having active Foo's as such:
I am getting error such as
SyntaxError at /
('non-keyword arg after keyword arg'
How can I achieve this?
You cannot query against model methods or properties. Either use the criteria within it in the query, or filter in Python using a list comprehension or genex.
You could also use a custom manager. Then you could run something like this:
And all you have to do is:
class BarManager(models.Manager):
def foo_active(self):
# use your method to filter results
return you_custom_queryset
Check out the docs.
I had similar problem: I am using class-based view object_list and I had to filter by model's method. (storing the information in database wasn't an option because the property was based on time and I would have to create a cronjob and/or... no way)
My answer is ineffective and I don't know how it's gonna scale on larger data; but, it works:
q = Model.objects.filter(...)...
# here is the trick
q_ids = [ for o in q if o.method()]
q = q.filter(id__in=q_ids)
You can't filter on methods, however if the is_active method on Foo checks an attribute on Foo, you can use the double-underscore syntax like Bar.objects.filter(foo__is_active_attribute=True)