Problem in first program in driver programming using Visual Studio 2010 - c++

I am starting to learn this type of programming (driver programming) since a short while of the time.
I started by using the traditional way _> I mean I only used WDK to bulid and compiled driver and was working properly with simple method of projects but I faced small problems in advanced when i wanted to start to expand my program or make a little developed one.
So, I started using VS2010 in windows 7, I really faced a lot of problems because i do not have a background how can i used it as good as possible.
Finally, I reach to a good point, this point is say (If you want to start with driver programming in VS2010, 1- you should install WDK 2- install VS2010 3- Enter the paths of WDK headers dirctories into VS2010 Dirctories to be compatiple. 4- Start tor create new project and go on.
makefile project
Finally, I am really not sure, it is a correct way or not I am just beginner.
But I did like this and i found a good results
#include "wdm.h"
NTSTATUS DriverEntry( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT theDriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING theRegistryPath )
DbgPrint("Hello World!");
And i got:
1>------ Build started: Project: 1, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(37,5): warning MSB8005: The property 'NMakeBuildCommandLine' doesn't exist. Skipping... ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
My question is:
Is this the correct way? How can I know this program is working properly?
Should I do something else to make my program work correctly in kernal mode?

Never build drivers in Visual Studio!
The only way to build driver is: open WDK Build Environment command prompt, cd to the driver project directory, and type "build".
You can use Visual Studio only as source code editor, but don't build driver with it! There are number of ways to do this, published in different programming sites, but professional driver developers strongly recommend to use only WDK build for this.
To open WDK build environment, click main Windows menu - Programs - Windows Driver Kits - WDK - Build Environments - select target OS - select build environment, according to target computer processor type. Checked build environment means Debug, free build environment means Release.

Look into DDKWizard. It tackles exactly the issue you're handling, and does it well.

You shouldn't use the compiler of Visual Studio. The WDK compiler may contain changes to the standard WinSDK or Visual Studio compiler.
On the other hand, using a build macro from the makefile step is a nice enough way to utilize Visual Studio for developing the driver, and building it with the build toolkit used by the WDK.
There is a nice batch file which calls the necessary build environment and redirects the error outputs to the Visual Studio output pane.
To clarify, I use a makefile project in visual studio where all source files are added, when building I call a batch file which calls in turn ddkbuild with the right parameters.


Build a Visual Studio solution on a target macOS machine remotely

We have a large Visual Studio C++ solution that builds on a Windows machine.
We want to build this application on a macOS system and I’ve read that it’s possible by building/deploying remotely to a target macOS machine from a Windows Visual Studio environment.
Can we do that if we have a Visual studio solution with MSBuild projects? Or it is mandatory to have CMake projects to do that? At least for Linux remote building it seems that CMake isn't mandatory.
We also need to build our application in a CI/CD pipeline so we also need to build from a command line, from what I understood I also read that it should be possible but I don't know how maintainable it is.
For anyone interested, it is possible to remote build on Linux/macOS a MSBuild project without converting it to a CMake project.
Follow this topic for more info.

C++ program not running on windows systems without VS installed "VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found"

When I compile a simple program:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void main() {
cout << "Hello world!";
And tun the compiled .exe on another system without visual studio installed I receive the following error:
The Code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix the problem.
When I compile with cl.exe I receive no errors,
does anyone know a workaround to this without installing VCRUNTIME140.dll on the systems. (I've tested on multiple windows systems including a windows virtual machine)
I've encountered this problem before and there's a simple solution to it,
The missing .dll are a issue of static linking not missing packages (in most cases),
becuase visual studio 2019 comes pre-installed with what you need.
To fix:
go to your project properties (in project tab)
Select C/C++
Change the value of runtime library to "Multi-threaded debug (/MTd)"
This will cause the compiler to embed the runtime into the app.
The executable will be significantly bigger, but it will run without any need of runtime dlls.
Get the "Visual Studio 20xx VC++ Redistributable package" for your version of Visual Studio. Then run on the target machine to install.
Bottom of this page:
Or bottom of this page for older versions of Visual Studio:
I've had the same problem, mainly because originally when compiling something with C++ and turning it into an exe file, it's still gonna be an exe file that depends on libraries from C++.
But according to asd plourgy, who had a good idea to change the value of the runtime library, I wanted to share with whoever seeks knowledge how I solved it:
Go to your Visual Studio Code and follow these steps:
Click on Project
Scroll out C/C++
All Options
runtime library
Change value to: "Multithreaded-DLL (/MD)".
And that should do the trick. Afterwards, you have to obviously
create new(exe)
open cmd and run the exe to make sure it works.
My System is: Windows 10
Here are a few pictures to make the steps easier, it's in german though:

Visual Studio C++ But Without Dependencies [duplicate]

I created small aplication, copied exe from debug, copied textures, fonts in same folder as my exe is. In my computer, with visual studio installed i dont have any problem with running this, but on other computer i can't run this application, beacause of mvcp100d.dll(system don't see this). Is there any possibility, to run this exe in any other cumpter?
To prepare a computer to test the debug version of an application that is built with Visual C++, you have to deploy debug versions of the Visual C++ library DLLs that the application depends on. -from
NOTE: Debug versions of MSVC runtime are not redistributable.
Unless you need the debug version, I would build in release mode. Not only can that be distributed, it's usually faster also. It doesn't seem to me that you are doing anything with debugging that application.

How to execute MFC application on any pcs

I'm trying to release the mfc app which can execute without installing visual studio 2015.
First, When I'm on google, this suggested that I can execute like above by installing vc++ redistributable package.
So I've installed packages but it doesn't work.
And I got the error message. The message is like - "The program cannot start because of missing mfc140ud.dll. ...."
Second, someone said that the release app instead of debug mode can be executed without visual studio.
So I compiled the app on release mode, then I didn't get the error message but it doesn't executed. What's wrong with this?
What can I do?
You distributing a DEBUG version of your application. You can tell that by the name of the DLL it says it can't find. The "d" suffix of "mfc140ud.dll" indicates it's looking for the DEBUG version of the MFC libraries. I don't think that the redistributable contains debug version. Nor should it.
Try releasing a RELEASE build to your clients.
Your application don't run on other PC because is the debug version, compiling to release and distributing on other PC having the visual studio redistributable package will do.
If you want your application to run not depending on the mfc140u.dll you can simply static link your application with MFC. This is easily accomplished going into your project properties.
Your application exe will be bigger but you won't have to bother with these kind of errors anymore. Please note that while this method works on debug too you better not distribute debug code on other machines for a number of reasons.

VS2008: No option to convert Win32 C++ project to x64?

I am running VS Team System 2008 on WinXP. I make a new Win32 C++ project (Empty project). I go to Build Configuration to add a configuration for x64.
The only options I have are:
- Pocket PC 2003 (ARMV4)
- Smartphone 2003 (ARMV4)
I have no option for x64 (or Itanium). However, if I make a C# project within the same solution, I can create and select an x64 option for that project with no issues. But even then, when the x64 build configuration has been created, I still cannot select it for the C++ project - only for the C# project.
I have done this before on another system - creating an x64 config for a Win32 C++ project. But I can't do it now. Any ideas why? Something small/obvious no doubt, since google has offered no help. Thanks!
Maybe you didn't install the native x64 compiler.
Try to run setup again, and look if you selected the native x64 C++ compiler.