cin.get in a while loop - c++

I'm trying to get input from user and give output until s/he presses 'n'. It doesn't seem to work. Is problem in scanf or cin.get? When I press y it just takes "tekrar" as an input, thus gives "y" as output and goes into a loop. Also, doesn't stop when i give n as tekrar input.
char cevap[300]="";
char tekrar='y';
while (tekrar!='n')
cout<<"Again? (y/n)";
Again? (y/n)
Again? (y/n)
Again? (y/n)
Again? (y/n)

Mixing the various input methods on istream (get, getline, operator>>) can be fraught with peril if you're not aware of which methods leave the delimiter character in the stream and which don't, and handle them accordingly.
In this case, get will read 300 characters of input or input up until the newline, whichever happens first. The newline will not be extracted, and so will remain in the stream. That means your call to scanf() will read the newline and stop, leaving the y or n you just typed in the stream.
There are several ways to reorganize this code to make it do what it seems like you want. This is one way:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string cevap;
char tekrar='y';
while (tekrar!='n')
cout<<"Again? (y/n)";
tekrar = cin.get();
return 0;
This uses std::string and the non-member getline to read input in such a way as to not require you to be limited to 300 characters (not strictly speaking related to the question, but good practice usually). getline consumes and discards the delimiter, but get, used to read the continuation input, doesn't, so we discard it manually via ignore.

Use cin operator>> to read from stdin, instead of scanf:
string cevap;
char tekrar='y';
while (tekrar!='n')
getline(cin, cevap);
cout<<"Again? (y/n)";
cin >> tekrar;
Edit: fixed the infinite loop. You should use std::string instead of a simple char array.


Enter character instead int C++

I am writing a code that tally when an integer data type or character is entered.
int numero,
countInteger = 0;
countCharacter = 0;
while ( 1 ) {
try {
cin >> numero;
cout << numero;
throw numero;
} catch (...) {
cout << "Error";
If I entered Integer, counter in "countInteger" (but not show it in the code). If I enter a character, it is aa exception and recorded in "countCharacter".
But when I run the code generates an infinite loop and does not allow me to re-enter again. They could help me please. Guide me, you may have a bad concept.
When you try to read an integer, and you give something that's not an integer as input, there are two things happening: The first is that the stream gets its failbit set, the second things that happens is that the input is not extracted. So next iteration you read the same input again, and again and again...
I suggest another tactic: Read as a character, then see if it is a digit, an alphabetic character, or something else completely. Optionally, if you need the actual full number, read as a string, and try to convert to an integer.
A clarification: Input using std::cin is buffered. When you use the input operator >> then std::cin extracts characters from the buffer. If you try to read a number, but the first character in the buffer is not a digit, then the input operator will fail, and leave the character in the buffer.
Simple (hopefully) example:
Lets say you have this code
int number;
std::cin >> number;
std::cin >> number;
std::cin >> number;
As input for that part of the code, you enter
The first input will read 123 from the input, and stop at the letter, leaving the input as
Now we come to the second input, and the code will see that the first character is not a digit, so it will set the failbit in the stream and leave the input as is:
Then with the third input, the exact same thing as in the second happen.
Now imagine this was in a loop instead, the input operator >> will iteration after iteration see the non-digit input an promptly return, effectively giving you an infinite loop.
Now for a clarification of my suggestion... Depending on the goals and requirements of the program, you can instead read into a character and use the character classification functions to see what types you have.
Something like
int countDigit = 0;
int countCharacter = 0;
char ch;
while (std::cin >> ch)
if (std::isdigit(ch))
else if (std::isalpha(ch))
// Not a digit or an alphabetic character
// I.e. newlines, spaces, control characters, etc.
Finally a note about using exceptions for this: Most people would consider it bad. Exceptions are for exceptions, exceptional cases, not as part of the normal flow of the program. Throwing an exception is expensive and disrupts the normal flow. Only use them for exceptional things, like errors.

why does my program skip steps using getline()?

I think my program skips steps because I use getline() inside While and For loops without using cin.clear() and cin.ignore(). If I'm right, where will I have to insert them?
I tried to write the code with cin.clear() and cin.ignore(10000, '\n') after each getline() (really I don't know how these functions work properly, I found them surfing on Google) and the code doesn't work correctly.
The code is :
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
int main(){
string S;
cout<<"insert test....input exaple: test 1"<<endl;
getline(cin, S);
cout<<"START WHILE"<<endl;
int nB = 0; //number of Lego Bricks;
cout<<"insert number of Lego bricks"<<endl;
for(int i=0; i<nB; i++){
cout<<"START FOR"<<endl;
cout<<"insert Lego brick (the number of faces must be even)....input example: NameBrick -> face1 face2 face3 face4...."<<endl;
getline(cin, S);
getline(cin, S);
return 0;
cout<<"insert number of Lego bricks"<<endl;
This is the problem. getLine() keeps reading until the next newline character. Let us say that '|' is our newline symbol.
When you write something into the terminal or when you are reading from file you have many lines to work through.
Example input(Greeting, name, age and hobby):
Magnus Elden|
GetLine() will give you the entire line. The first call to getLine() will return the string "Hello." and stop since it reached a newline character, '|'.
The important part is that it stops AFTER the newline character.
Thus, the next time the first character it reads is the 'M' in "Magnus Elden".
When you get to the age part of the input, you use cin which only read the first item, be it a string or a number. As such it will stop BEFORE the newline character. The next time you call getLine() it reads until a newline character comes, but since the newline character still remains in the buffer getLine() returns immediately with "" as its return value.
That is why it seems to skip a step.
Step by step breakdown:
You input your greeting "Hello." and the buffer will then look like this:
Let us say that the start of the reading is denoted by a ^. These are the steps.
Step 1.
Function call:getLine()
Return value:"Hello."
Step 2.
Input:Magnus Elden
Buffer:Magnus Elden.|
Function call: getLine()
Return value:"Magnus Elden"
Step 3.
Function call: cin
Return value:24
Step 4.
Function call: getLine() //Remember that it runs until the first newline '|'.
Return value:""
Just change the code bit to:
cout<<"insert number of Lego bricks"<<endl;
getLine(cin, s);
nB = atoi(s.c_str());
I hope this helps.
getline(cin,s) will do what you expect. The rest of the line (except the newline itself) is stored in s. And, crucially, the newline itself will be extracted and discarded.
So, if you call getline(cin,s) multiple times, each line will be read once, as you expect.
Similarly, assuming x in an int, cin >> x will read an integer. Multiple consecutive calls to cin >> x will read numbers from the input into x. Each time you call cin>>x it will skip over any whitespace before the number, then read the number. So, if you have a set of numbers, perhaps on the same line separated by spaces, or perhaps on different lines separated by newlines, then cin>>x will read them for you.
But it will not read-and-discard any whitespace after the number. Whitespace is discarded at the start of each call to cin>>x (i.e. before the number itself is read), but not after the number is read.
The problem occurs if you have a cin>>x followed by a getline. Imagine you type a number and then press enter. cin>>x will consume the number. but cin>>x will not consume the newline. Then, the getline will attempt to read the rest of the line. It will not try to read the next line. We're are still stuck on the same line as the number. You probably hit Enter immediately after entering the number, therefore the "rest of the line" is just an empty string.
There's a difference between "typing a number" and "typing a number followed by hitting the Enter key"
Thanks to all.
I solved replacing cin>> with getline how many of you suggested.
cout<<"insert number of Lego bricks"<<endl;
cout<<"insert number of Lego bricks"<<endl;
getLine(cin, s);
nB = atoi(s.c_str());

How do I input variables using cin without creating a new line?

Whenever I input a variable using cin, after one hits enter it automatically goes to a new line. I'm curious if there's a way to use cin without having it go to a new line. I'm wanting to cin and cout multiple things on the same line in the command prompt. Is this possible?
You can't use cin or any other standard input for this. But it is certainly possible to get the effect you are going for. I see you're on Windows using Visual Studio, so you can use, for example, _getch. Here's an example that reads until the next whitespace and stores the result in a string.
#include <conio.h> // for _getch
std::string get_word()
std::string word;
char c = _getch();
while (!std::isspace(c))
std::cout << c;
c = _getch();
std::cout << c;
return word;
It's not very good. For example, it doesn't handle non printing character input very well. But it should give you an idea of what you need to do. You might also be interested in the Windows API keyboard functions.
If you want a wider audience, you will want to look into some cross-platform libraries, like SFML or SDL.
you can also use space for input instead of enter
something like this:
cin >> a >> b >> c;
and in input you type
10 20 30
As others have noted, you can't do this with cin, but you could do it with getchar(). What you would have to do is:
collect each character individually using getchar() (adding each to the end of a string as it is read in, for instance), then
after reading each character, decide when you've reached the end of one variable's value (e.g. by detecting one or more ' ' characters in the input, if you're reading in int or double values), then
if you've reached the end of the text for a variable, convert the string of characters that you've built into a variable of the appropriate type (e.g. int, double, etc.), then
output any content onto the line that might be required, and then
continue for the next variable that you're reading in.
Handling errors robustly would be complicated so I haven't written any code for this, but you can see the approach that you could use.
I don't think what you want to do can be achieved with cin. What you can do is to write all your input in one line, with a delimiter of your choosing, and parse the input string.
It is not possible. To quote #Bo Persson, it's not something controlled by C++, but rather the console window.
I can't comment but if you leave spaces between integers then you can get the desired effect. This works with cin too.
int a, b, c;
cin>>a; cin>>b; cin>>c;
If you enter your values as 10 20 30 then they will get stored in a, b, and c respectively.
just use the gotoxy statement. you can press 'enter' and input values in the same line
for eg. in the input of a 3*3 matrix:
void main()
int a[20][20],x,y;
cout<<"Enter the matrix:\n ";
for(int r=2;r<7;r+=2)
for(int c=2;c<7;c+=2)

getline() does not work if used after some inputs [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Need help with getline()
getline() is not working, if I use it after some inputs, i.e.
using namespace std;
string date,time;
char journal[23];
cout<<"Journal Entry:\t";
where as if I use getline() on top of inputs, it does work i.e.
cout<<"Journal Entry:\t";
What might be the reason?
Characters are extracted until either (n - 1) characters have been
extracted or the delimiting character is found (which is delimiter if this
parameter is specified, or '\n' otherwise). The extraction also stops
if the end of the file is reached in the input sequence or if an error
occurs during the input operation.
When cin.getline() reads from the input, there is a newline character left in the input stream, so it doesn't read your c-string. Use cin.ignore() before calling getline().
cout<<"Journal Entry:\t";
Adding to what #DavidHammen said:
The extraction operations leave the trailing '\n' character in the stream. On the other hand, istream::getline() discards it. So when you call getline after an extraction operator, '\n' is the first character it encounters and it stops reading right there.
Put this after before getline call extraction:
A more robust way of taking input would be something like this:
while (true) {
if (cin>>time) {
cin.ignore(); // discard the trailing '\n'
} else {
// ignore everything or to the first '\n', whichever comes first
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
cin.clear(); // clear the error flags
cout << "Invalid input, try again.\n";
You're not checking stream status. The std::cin stream extraction operator (operator>>) can fail. When it does, the stream is marked as "bad" (failbit, badbit, or eofbit are set). Once "bad", all subsequent stream extractions on that stream will fail unless you clear the status.
Learn to be a paranoid programmer. Always check status of those formatted input operations. You could, for example throw an exception, or print an error message and exit. The one thing you shouldn't do is to simply assume that it worked.

C instruction is being reordered when cin cout and gets is used consecutively

Does anyone knows why C instruction is being reordered when cin cout and gets is used consecutively here?
I am using Dev-C++
using namespace std;
int main(){
char a[10],b;
cout<<"cout<<a<<b:"<<a<<" "<<b<<"\n\n";
I got an output like:
gets(a):cout<<a<<b:32 1
gets(a):cout<<a<<b:65 4
gets(a):cout<<a<<b:12242 3
gets(a):cout<<a<<b: 1
It seemed like some input for cin was passed in gets.. and it also appears that instructions were reordered like:
instead of,
cin>>b read just a character, leaving the rest of the input to be read by later input operation. So gets sill has something to read and don't block.
At the first cin >> b, there is no input available. You enter '132\n' (input from terminal is usually made line by line) in a buffer and just get the 1 out of it. gets reads the next characters 32 and the \n which terminates gets. It doesn't need to read something more from the terminal.
Nothing has been re-ordered.
your input from keyboard has been send only when you pressed enter. At that time, there have been enough data to execute the cin<<b, the following cout, then to complete the gets(a).
In others words, the execution of cin<<b is suspended to the reception of a char. But that char is not send to the program until you pressed 'Enter' (this is because of your terminal settings). When you press 'Enter', the first char is received by cin<<b and the remaining is buffered. cout executes, and when it is the turn of gets(a), the buffer delivers the remaining chars included the carriage return, so gets(a) completes as well, with the data you entered to complete the cin<<b instruction.
Try to simply press enter for the cin<<b to complete, then you'll see the cout, and then you will have the gets(a) waiting for your inputs.
While not really answering your question...
The idiomatic way in C++ would rather be to use getline. It's an accident of history that does not make it part of the iostream interface directly, but it really is the function to use for inputs.
Shameless plug from the website:
// getline with strings
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main () {
std::string str;
std::cout << "Please enter full name: ";
getline (std::cin,str);
std::cout << "Thank you, " << str << ".\n";
The main advantage of getline, in this version, is that it reads up until it encounters a line-ending character.
You can specify your own set of "line-ending" characters in the overload accepting a third parameter, to make it stop on commas or colons, for example.
The code isn't reordered, but std::cout is buffered so the string doesn't appear immediately on your display. Therefore gets(a) will be executed with the output still in the buffer.
You can add a <<flush after the output string to make cout flush it's buffer.
When you use std::cin, it knows how to tell std::cout to flush the buffer before the input starts, so you don't have to.