GPU memory allocation for video - opengl

Is it possible to allocate some memory on the GPU without cuda?
i'm adding some more details...
i need to get the video frame decoded from VLC and have some compositing functions on the video; I'm doing so using the new SDL rendering capabilities.
All works fine until i have to send the decoded data to the sdl texture... that part of code is handled by standard malloc which is slow for video operations.
Right now i'm not even sure that using gpu video will actually help me

Let's be clear: are you are trying to accomplish real time video processing? Since your latest update changed the problem considerably, I'm adding another answer.
The "slowness" you are experiencing could be due to several reasons. In order get the "real-time" effect (in the perceptual sense), you must be able to process the frame and display it withing 33ms (approximately, for a 30fps video). This means you must decode the frame, run the compositing functions (as you call) on it, and display it on the screen within this time frame.
If the compositing functions are too CPU intensive, then you might consider writing a GPU program to speed up this task. But the first thing you should do is determine where the bottleneck of your application is exactly. You could strip your application momentarily to let it decode the frames and display them on the screen (do not execute the compositing functions), just to see how it goes. If its slow, then the decoding process could be using too much CPU/RAM resources (maybe a bug on your side?).
I have used FFMPEG and SDL for a similar project once and I was very happy with the result. This tutorial shows to do a basic video player using both libraries. Basically, it opens a video file, decodes the frames and renders them on a surface for displaying.

You can do this via Direct3D 11 Compute Shaders or OpenCL. These are similar in spirit to CUDA.

Yes, it is. You can allocate memory in the GPU through OpenGL textures.

Only indirectly through a graphics framework.
You can use OpenGL which is supported by virtually every computer.
You could use a vertex buffer to store your data. Vertex buffers are usually used to store points for rendering, but you can easily use it to store an array of any kind. Unlike textures, their capacity is only limited by the amount of graphics memory available. has a good tutorial on how to read and write data to vertex buffers, you can ignore everything about drawing the vertex buffer.


Is there a direct way to render/encode Vulkan output as an ffmpeg video file?

I'm about to generate 2D and 3D music animations and render them to video using C++. I was thinking about using OpenGL, but I've read that, unfortunately, it is being discontinued in favour of Vulkan, which seems to offer higher performance using a GPU, but is also a lower-level API, making it more difficult to learn. I still have almost no knowledge in both OpenGL and Vulkan, beginning to learn now.
My question is:
is there a way to encode the Vulkan render output (showing a window or not) into a video file, preferentially through FFPMEG? If so, how could I do that?
Speed: the decrease in performance should be nearly that of encoding the video only, not much more than that (e.g. by having to save lossless frames as images first and then encoding a video from them).
Controllable FPS and resolution: the video fps and frame resolution can be freely chosen.
Reliability, reproducibility: running a code that gives a same Vulkan output twice should result in 2 equal videos independently of the system, i.e. no dropping frames, async problems (I want to sync with audio) or whatsoever. The chosen video fps should stay fixed (e.g. 60 fps), no matter if the computer can render 300 or 3 fps.
What I found out so far:
An example of taking "screenshots" from Vulkan output: it writes to a ppm image at the end, which is a binary uncompressed image file.
An encoder for rendering videos from OpenGL output, which is what I want, but using OpenGL in that case.
That Khronos includes in the Vulkan API a video subset.
A video tool to decode, demux, process videos using FFMPEG and Vulkan.
That is possible to render the output into a buffer without the need of a screen to display it.
First of all, ffmpeg is a framework used for video encoding and decoding. Second, if you have no experience with any of the GPU rendering API you should start with OpenGL. Vulkan is very low-level and complicated. OpenGL will be here for a very long time and will not be immediately replaced with Vulkan.
The off-screen rendering option you mentioned is probably the best one. It doesn't really matter though, you can also use the image from the framebuffer. The image is just a matrix of RGBA pixels. You need these data as the input for the video encoding. Please take a look at how ffmpeg works. You need to send the rendered frame data in the encoder which produces video packets that are stored in a video file. You need to chose a container (mp4, mkv, avi,...) and video format (h265, av1, vp9,...). You can of course implement a frame limiter and render the scene with a constant framerate or just pick the frames that have a constant timestep.
The performance problem happens, when you transfer the data from RAM to GPU memory and vice versa. For example, when downloading the rendered image from the buffer and passing it to the CPU encoder. Therefore, the most optimal approach would be with Vulkan, using the new video extension and directly sending the rendered frames in the HW accelerated encoder without any transfers from the GPU memory. You can also run the encoder in a different thread to make it work asynchronously.
But honestly, it's not trivial. The most simple solution (not realtime) for you to create a video from 3D render would be to:
Create a fixed FPS game loop
Make screenshots of the scene by downloading the framebuffer data in OGL or Vulkan
Process the frames by ffmpeg binary to create a video file
Another hack would be to use a screen recording software (OBS, Fraps, etc.) to create the video form your 3D app.

AVFoundation on OSX: OpenGL texture from video WITHOUT needing access to pixel data

I've read a lot of posts describing how people use AVAssetReader or AVPlayerItemVideoOutput to get video frames as raw pixel data from a video file, which they then use to upload to an OpenGL texture. However, this seems to create the needless step of decoding the video frames with the CPU (as opposed to the graphics card), as well as creating unnecessary copies of the pixel data.
Is there a way to let AVFoundation own all aspects of the video playback process, but somehow also provide access to an OpenGL texture ID it created, which can just be drawn into an OpenGL context as necessary? Has anyone come across anything like this?
In other words, something like this pseudo code:
open movie file, providing an opengl context;
get opengl texture id;
every opengl loop:
draw texture id;
If you were to use the Video Decode Acceleration Framework on OS X, it will give you a CVImageBufferRef when you "display" decoded frames, which you can call CVOpenGLTextureGetName (...) on to use as a native texture handle in OpenGL software.
This of course is lower level than your question, but it is definitely possible for certain video formats. This is the only technique that I have personal experience with. However, I believe QTMovie also has similar functionality at a much higher level, and would likely provide the full range of features you are looking for.
I wish I could comment on AVFoundation, but I have not done any development work on OS X since 10.6. I imagine the process ought to be similar though, it should be layered on top of CoreVideo.

C++ GUI Development - Bitmap vs. Vector Graphics CPU Usage

I'm currently in the process of designing and developing GUI's for some audio applications made in C++ (using the Juce framework).
So far I've been playing with using bitmap graphics to create custom sliders and dials, by using 'film strip' style images to animate the components (meaning when the user interacts with a slider it triggers a method that changes the offset of a film-strip image to change the components appearance). Depending on the size of the original image and the number of 'frames', the CPU usage level changes quite dramatically.
Firstly, what would be the most efficient bitmap file format to use in terms of CPU consumption? At the moment I'm using PNG images.
Secondly, would it be more efficient to use vector graphics for these kind of graphical components? I understand the main differences between bitmap and vector graphics, but I haven't found any information regarding their CPU usage levels with regard to GUI interaction.
Or would CPU usage be down to the particular methods/functions/libraries/frameworks being used?
Or would CPU consumption be down to the particular methods/functions/libraries/frameworks being used?
Any of these things could influence it.
Pixel based images might take a while to read off of disk the bigger they are. Compressed types might take more time to uncompress. Vector might take more time to render when are loaded.
That being said, I would definitely not expect that your choice of image type to have any impact on its performance. Since you didn't provide a code example it is hard to speculate beyond that.
In general, you would expect that the run-time costs of the images to happen when they are loaded. So whenever you create an image object. If you create an images all over the place, then maybe its expensive. It is possible that your film strip is recreating the images instead of loading them once and caching them.
Before choosing bitmap vs. vector graphics, investigate if your graphics processor supports vector or bitmap graphics. Some things take a long time to draw as vectors.
Have you tried double-bufferring?
This is where you write to a buffer in memory while the display (graphics processor) is loading another.
Load your bitmaps from the resource once. Store them as memory snapshots to avoid the additional cost of translating them from a format.
Does your graphic processor support "blitting"?
Blitting is where the graphics processor can copy a rectangular area in memory (bitmap) and display it along with apply optional operations before displaying (such as XOR with existing bits).
To improve your rendering speed, only convert images from the file into a bitmap form once. Store this somewhere. Refer to this converted bitmap as needed. Next, investigate and implement double buffering. Lastly, investigate and use bit-blitting or blitting.
Other optimization rules apply here too, such as reviewing the design, removing requirements, loop unrolling, passing images via pointer vs. copying them, and reduce "if" statements by using boolean logic and Karnaugh (sp?) maps.
In general, calculations for rendering vector graphics are going to take longer than blitting a rectangular region of a bitmap to the screen. But for basic UI stuff, neither should be particularly intensive.
You probably should do some profiling. Perhaps you're redrawing much more frequently than necessary. Or perhaps the PNG is being decoded each time you try to draw from it. (I'm not familiar with Juce.)
For a straight Windows app, I'd probably render vector graphics into a device-dependent bitmap once on startup and then just blit from the bitmap to the screen. Using vector gives you DPI independence, and blitting from a device-dependent bitmap is about the fastest way to paint a block of pixels. I believe the color matching is done when you render to the device-dependent bitmap, so you don't even have the ICM overhead on the screen drawing.
Vector graphics was ditched long ago - bitmap graphics are more performant. The thing is that you can send a bitmap to the GPU once and then render it forever more by a simple copy.
Secondly, the GPU uses it's own texture compression. DirectX is DXT5, I believe, but when the GPU sees the texture, it doesn't care what you loaded it from.
However, a modern CPU even with a crappy integrated GPU should have absolutely no problem with simple GUI rendering. If you're struggling, then it's time to look again at the technique you're using. Perhaps your framework is slow or your use of it is suboptimal.

Full HD 2D Texture Memory OpenGL

I am in the process of writing a full HD capable 2D engine for a company of artists which will hopefully be cross platform and is written in OpenGL and C++.
The main problem i've been having is how to deal with all those HD sprites. The artists have drawn the graphics at 24fps and they are exported as png sequences. I have converted them into DDS (not ideal, because it needs the directx header to load) DXT5 which reduces filesize alot. Some scenes in the game can have 5 or 6 animated sprites at a time, and these can consist of 200+ frames each. Currently I am loading sprites into an array of pointers, but this is taking too long to load, even with compressed textures, and uses quite a bit of memory (approx 500mb for a full scene).
So my question is do you have any ideas or tips on how to handle such high volumes of frames? There are a couple of ideas i've thought've of:
Use the swf format for storing the frames from Flash
Implement a 2D skeletal animation system, replacing the png sequences (I have concerns about the joints being visible tho)
How do games like Castle Crashers load so quickly with great HD graphics?
Well the first thing to bear in mind is that not all platforms support DXT5 (mobiles specifically).
Beyond that have you considered using something like zlib to compress the textures? The textures will likely have a fair degree of self similarity which will mean that they will compress down a lot. In this day and age decompression is cheap due to the speed of processors and the time saved getting the data off the disk can be far far more useful than the time lost to decompression.
I'd start there if i were you.
24 fps hand-drawn animations? Have you considered reducing the framerate? Even cinema-quality cel animation is only rarely drawn at the full 24-fps. Even going down to 18 fps will get rid of 25% of your data.
In any case, you didn't specify where your load times were long. Is the load from harddisk to memory the problem, or is it the memory to texture load that's the issue? Are you frequently swapping sets of texture data into the GPU, or do you just build a bunch of textures out of it at load time?
If it's a disk load issue, then your only real choice is to compress the texture data on the disk and decompress it into memory. S3TC-style compression is not that compressed; it's designed to be a useable compression technique for texturing hardware. You can usually make it smaller by using a standard compression library on it, such as zlib, bzip2, or 7z. Of course, this means having to decompress it, but CPUs are getting faster than harddisks, so this is usually a win overall.
If the problem is in texture upload bandwidth, then there aren't very many solutions to that. Well, depending on your hardware of interest. If your hardware of interest supports OpenCL, then you can always transfer compressed data to the GPU, and then use an OpenCL program to decompress it on the fly directly into GPU memory. But requiring OpenCL support will impact the minimum level of hardware you can support.
Don't dismiss 2D skeletal animations so quickly. Games like Odin Sphere are able to achieve better animation of 2D skeletons by having several versions of each of the arm positions. The one that gets drawn is the one that matches up the closest to the part of the body it is attached to. They also use clever art to hide any defects, like flared clothing and so forth.

What can cause a reduction in frame rate when upgrading a graphics card?

We have a two-screen DirectX application that previously ran at a consistent 60 FPS (the monitors' sync rate) using a NVIDIA 8400GS (256MB). However, when we swapped out the card for one with 512 MB of RAM the frame rate struggles to get above 40 FPS. (It only gets this high because we're using triple-buffering.) The two cards are from the same manufacturer (PNY). All other things are equal, this is a Windows XP Embedded application and we started from a fresh image for each card. The driver version number is 169.21.
The application is all 2D. I.E. just a bunch of textured quads and a whole lot of pre-rendered graphics (hence the need to upgrade the card's memory). We also have compressed animations which the CPU decodes on the fly - this involves a texture lock. The locks take forever but I've also tried having a separate system memory texture for the CPU to update and then updating the rendered texture using the device's UpdateTexture method. No overall difference in performance.
Although I've read through every FAQ I can find on the internet about DirectX performance, this is still the first time I've worked on a DirectX project so any arcane bits of knowledge you have would be useful. :)
One other thing whilst I'm on the subject; when calling Present on the swap chains it seems DirectX waits for the present to complete regardless of the fact that I'm using D3DPRESENT_DONOTWAIT in both present parameters (PresentationInterval) and the flags of the call itself. Because this is a two-screen application this is a problem as the two monitors do not appear to be genlocked, I'm working around it by running the Present calls through a threadpool. What could the underlying cause of this be?
Are the cards exactly the same (both GeForce 8400GS), and only the memory size differ? Quite often with different memory sizes come slightly different clock rates (i.e. your card with more memory might use slower memory!).
So the first thing to check would be GPU core & memory clock rates, using something like GPU-Z.
It's an easy test to see if the surface lock is the problem, just comment out the texture update and see if the framerate returns to 60hz. Unfortunately, writing to a locked surface and updating the resource kills perfomance, always has. Are you using mipmaps with the textures? I know DX9 added automatic generation of mipmaps, could be taking up a lot of time to generate those. If your constantly locking the same resource each frame, you could also try creating a pool of textures, kinda like triple-buffering except with textures. You would let the render use one texture, and on the next update you pick the next available texture in the pool that's not being used in to render. Unless of course your memory constrained or your only making diffs to the animated texture.