Trigger build in Jenkins/Hudson using hashtag in commit-message - build

Is it possible to trigger a Hudson/Jenkins build only when a certain string appears in a commit-message?
For instance, I want to trigger a build that rolls out my application to the dev environment by writing a commit message like:
MYPROJECT-123 Fixed NPE in #deploy:DEV
The general idea is described in this great talk on Continuos Deployment but I couldn't find any information on how to do this in Hudson.
I would prefer to have this behavior in Hudson itself and not in an external system like commit-hooks or web-hooks.

I don't know of an out of the box way you can parse the SCM message as part of the trigger. You have a couple of options that might achieve what you want though
Write your own Hudson SCM plugin
Chain your jobs together into a build pipeline. The first job could simply look for that message in the changelog.xml to determine if the next build is triggered or not.
If you are looking at building a pipeline of build jobs, check out the build-pipeline-plugin.
Anyone got a more elegant solution??

There is a plugin called Commit Message Trigger Plugin, but it had just a 0.1 release.
Maybe the easiest way is to use a version control post commit (or push) trigger to start a Hudson Job. You'd one anyway to automatically start your build.


Setting build priority in yaml or UI

Is there a way to setup up a build's priority in a yaml based pipeline? There seem to be references to build priority in the Azure DevOps API, but nothing in how to do this via yaml. I thought there might be some docs in the Triggers section, but no.
We need this because we have some fast building NuGet packages, but these get starved via slow-build pipelines making turnaround time for packages painful.
The closest thing I could come up with to working around this is via agent demands in the yaml
- Agent.ComputerName = XYZ
to separate build pipelines, but this is a bit of a hack and doesn't use agents efficiently.
A way to set this in UI would be acceptable, but I couldn't seem to find anything.
Recently Azure DevOps introduced the ability to manually specify a build/release runs next.
This manifests as a Run next button. (image source).
So while you can't say "this pipeline always takes priority" yet, you can manually force a specific run to the front of the queue.
If you need a specific pipeline to always take priority, then you likely want to setup a separate agent pool just for those pipelines, or use demands as Leo Liu mentioned.
Setting build priority in yaml or UI
I'm afraid this feature is not yet supported in Azure DevOps at this moment.
There is a popular user voice about it, you can upvote it and check the feedback from that ticket.
Currently as a workaround, just like what you did, set the demands in build definitions to force building with the specific agents.
Hope this helps.

Want to make a Job on Hudson C/C++

Hopefully I find here someone who has experience with Hudson and its functions.
Now . I have Hudson installed this did not reveal any problems. But now I want to create a new job and that I'm developing in C / C + +.
In addition, I am working on Subversion svn where I run on the first error. Hudson did not find my svn . He says that I need an authentication . As I learned I can at Hudson authenticate but that does not work .
Maybe one of you knows how to create a project.
The things should be done in the job of Hudson.
Hudson is on my computer (local ) delete my project.
Then Hudson to access my SVN and check out the project from there.
The whole is now compiling Hudson . ( The best would be a compiler for C / C + + for Visual Studio 2008 compiler ) . The compiler then creates a * . Exe file.
Now Hudson to start the project on the basis of the *. Exe file and run the program .
Last but not least is to Hudson case of an error or if it was all right, inform the persons working on the project via email.
So that would be it what I 've hoped of Hudson. Otherwise, I take the whole not much. I know that I can do all this via a batch file . But that's not my goal. I want Hudson to automate so that I can start at midnight my builds / tests daily.
Do you think that at Hudson are my requirement too high?
For your help I would be very grateful , as I am stuck for days.
Here is a "basic" Hudson job
Create a new free-style software project job.
Configure that job.
(Optional) Configure triggers, such as "timer", "SCM polling", or others.
(Optional) Under Source Code Management section, select your SCM source and configure your repositories and local workspace
Under Build section, select Add build step and select:
Execute Shell if on *nix
Execute Windows Batch Command if on Windows
Pick whatever build-step plugin you are using.
(If using either of the "execute" build steps) Write your build/make/compile command as you would from command line.
(If using another plugin build step) Configure the plugin options according to your requirements.
(Optional) Archive the artifacts of the build with Archive the artifacts under Post-build Actions
(Optional) Execute other post-build actions
(Optional) Send out an email
Now to address your specific scenario. First things first, your question is too broad, and may get locked. Don't get discouraged if that happens, create separate question for each item individually. I cannot cover in details all these items, but I will give you an overview.
The SCM part
Based on your previous question, No Credentials to try in Hudson, I am now guessing that you are not providing Hudson with an HTTP URL to your SVN server, but trying to give it your local workspace location... Please do the command line check that I asked in that question.
You need to provide it with a proper HTTP server URL. Hudson will check out the project from the SVN URL you provided, under what is called a Workspace. The location of workspace can differ, based on your Hudson configuration, but it is a folder inside Hudson installation that is dedicated to the job. It can be referenced from within the job through %WORKSPACE% environment variable.
There are ways to use a different workspace location, but that is outside the scope of this overview. The whole SCM part is also optional, you can rely on existing file system, but this is not a good approach, and again, out of scope of this overview.
The Build step
After Hudson checked-out/updated the Workspace with your SVN, comes the building step. Hudson can do Execute Windows Batch Command by default. It can also Invoke Ant by default. (It can also do Maven, but that is not applicable to your situation)
To do other types of builds, you need a Build Wrapper plugin. In your particular case, the MSBuild plugin is probably what you want. I've never used MSBuild, so cannot give you details. Again, if you have a specific question on how to use MSBuild plugin, you should probably make a separate question with specific issues.
So, using either Execute Windows Batch Command or MSBuild plugin, configure your building step.
Running the exe???
This is very vague. You want to start the .exe and then what? Will it quit and you need an exit code? Do you want to see it on the screen? Again, this is very broad, and deserves a separate question (or read existing questions). If you just want to make a call to the .exe, you can configure a second Execute Windows Batch Command step, type there call path\to\yourfile.exe. But most likely you will not see that on screen. Read my answer here, Open Excel on Jenkins CI, on details of launching an .exe from Hudson/Jenkins that would be visible on screen.
If you want a simple email, Hudson Post-Build actions has a way to send an email. For better customization options, you would want Email-Ext plugin. Once again, if you need details on how to use the email-ext plugin, create a new question (after searching existing questions first), as this is too much to cover in one question.
Your requirements are not too high, but Hudson is not a magic tool that will do the work for you. You still need to configure every step of it. And unless you have a Maven based project (which integrate very well with Hudson), a lot of actions will need to be done through the Execute Windows Batch Command and scripting of your own.

Cruise control with C++

Is it possible to use the CruiseControl tool with a C++ (Mingw) project on Windows? I need to be able to download the latest sources from XVN, build them, send reports by mail. The application is using http server (lightpd) for work.
So main question is have to use it for email notifications?
Problem is I dont see any destination field in email tag.
I am interested in sending email notifications after build which executes in batch file.
E. g. in my config file I call batch file which executes build, after that I need to send email notification, how can I do it ?
Of course it is possible. There is a Java for Windows, a command line SVN clients, you can invoke gmake or any other build system you are using along with Cygwin, there is even a support for a Visual Studio projects if you need it. There are a lot of people using Cruise Control for C++ projects, thus a lot of documentation, tutorials and examples available online.
Perhaps not exactly what you're asking for, but is there anything preventing you from using Jenkins? People I've talked to that maintains the continuous integration for a living that have used both Jenkins as well as cruise control prefers Jenkins. Of course the bonus with Jenkins is that it's free.
If you can create a script that checks out and builds your project from the command line (in Cygwin's bash, for example), then you can certainly integrate the build into cruise control or Jenkins.
I don't know much about cruise control, but we use Jenkins a lot, and even though it has bugs that need to be worked around overall we find it extremely useful for CI and nightly build jobs.
Regarding the email aspect, Jenkins can be configured to watch the SVN log and when a build fails it can send an email to the people that committed changes since the last successful build. This functionality can be enabled with minimal configuration. There are add-ons that allow you to configure the content of the emails as well.

Start TeamCity build when artifacts are published

Let's say I have one TeamCity build configuration depending on artifacts taken from another.
It is possible to publish artifacts while build is in progress in TeamCity.
My question is: is it possible to trigger build when all necessary artifacts are available even if builds that are providing these artifacts are still in progress?
The purpose of this is to speed up builds a little.
Thank you!
TeamCity, as far as I know, only has the option to trigger on finish of another build configuration, not after publishing artifacts which as you say you can do while the build is still in progress.
Let me ask you another question:
Since whatever you are doing in the build after the publication of the artifacts didn't of course stop you from publishing the artifacts, can't you extract that part out into another build configuration and then have that part fetch the artifacts from this one? This way you can make whatever build configuration you wanted to trigger as soon as you get the artifacts, trigger, well, as soon as you get the artifacts.

Can a Hudson job poll a SCM without pulling code down?

I have a job that I want to run every time a commit is made to a repository. I want to avoid pulling this code down, I only want the notification build trigger. So, is there either a way to not pull down certain repositories in your SCM upon a build or a way to poll things that aren't in the SCM for a build?
you could use a post commit hook to trigger your hudson job.
Since you want to avoid changing SVN, you have to write a job that gets executed every so often (may be every 5 Minutes). This jobs runs a svn command using windows bach or shell script task to get the current revision for the branch in question. You can set the status of the job to unstable if there is a change. Don't use failure because you can't distinguish than between a real failure and a repository change. I think there is a plugin that sets the job status depending on the contents of you output.
You can then use the email extension plugin to send an email every time the revision changes. You can get the revision number from the last (or better the last successful or unstable) job. You can archive a file containing the revision number on the jobs or you can set the description for the job to the revision using the description setter plugin. Have a look at Hudsons remote API for ideas on how to get the information from the previous job.
Since you run your job very often during the day. don't forget to delete old job runs. But I would keep at least two days worth of history, just in case your svn is down for 24 hours.