Using pointer for crossing over all elements in INTEGER array - c++

Is there a way to cross over all elements in integer array using pointer ( similiar to using pointer to cross over string elements).I know that integer array is not NULL terminated so when I try to cross over array using pointer it overflows.So I added NULL as a last element of an array and it worked just fine.
int array[7]={1,12,41,45,58,68,NULL};
int *i;
printf("%d ",*i);
But what if one of the elements in array is 0 ,that will behave just as NULL.Is there any other way that will implement pointer in crossing over all elements in integer array?

In general, no unless you pick a sentinel value that's not part of the valid range of the data. For example, the valid range might be positive numbers, so you can use a negative number like -1 as a sentinel value that indicates the end of the array. This how C-style strings work; the NULL terminator is used because it's outside of the valid range of integers that could represent a character.
However, it's usually better to somehow pair up the array pointer with another variable that indicates the size of the array, or another pointer that points one-past-the-end of the array.
In your specific case, you can do something like this:
// Note that you don't have to specify the length of the array.
int array[] = {1,12,41,45,58,68};
// Let the compiler count the number of elements for us.
int arraySize = sizeof(array)/sizeof(int);
// or int arraySize = sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]);
int main()
int* i;
for(i = array; i != array + arraySize; i++)
printf("%d ",*i);
You can also do this:
int arrayBegin[] = {1,12,41,45,58,68};
int* arrayEnd = arrayBegin + sizeof(arrayBegin)/sizeof(arrayBegin[0]);
int main()
int* i;
for(i = arrayBegin; i != arrayEnd; i++)
printf("%d ",*i);
But given only a pointer, no you can't know how long the array it points to is. In fact, you can't even tell if the pointer points to an array or a single object! (At least not portably.)
If you have functions that must accept an array, either have your function require:
the pointer and the size of the array pointed by the pointer,
or two pointers with one pointing to the first element of the array and one pointing one-past-the-end of the array.

I'd like to give some additional advice: Never use some kind of sentinel/termination value in arrays for determining their bounds. This makes your programs prone to error and is often the cause for security issues. You should always store the length of arrays to limit all operations to their bounds and test against that value.
In C++ you have the STL and its containers.
In C you'll effectively end up using structures like
typedef struct t_int_array
size_t length;
int data[1]; /* note the 1 (one) */
} int_array;
and a set of manipulation functions like this
int_array * new_int_array(size_t length)
int_array * array;
/* we're allocating the size of basic t_int_array
(which already contains space for one int)
and additional space for length-1 ints */
array = malloc( sizeof(t_int_array) + sizeof(int) * (length - 1) );
return 0;
array->length = length;
return array;
int_array * concat_int_arrays(int_array const * const A, int_array const * const B);
int_array * int_array_push_back(int_array const * const A, int const value);
/* and so on */
This method will make the compiler align the t_int_array struct in a way, that it's optimal for the targeted architecture (also with malloc allocation), and just allocating more space in quantities of element sizes of the data array element will keep it that way.

The reason that you can iterate across a C-style string using pointers is that of the 256 different character values, one has been specifically reserved to be interpreted as "this is the end of the string." Because of this, C-style strings can't store null characters anywhere in them.
When you're trying to use a similar trick for integer arrays, you're noticing the same problem. If you want to be able to stop at some point, you'll have to pick some integer and reserve it to mean "this is not an integer; it's really the end of the sequence of integers." So no, there is no general way to take an array of integers and demarcate the end by a special value unless you're willing to pick some value that can't normally appear in the string.
C++ opted for a different approach than C to delineate sequences. Instead of storing the elements with some sort of null terminator, C++-style ranges (like you'd find in a vector, string, or list) store two iterators, begin() and end(), that indicate the first element and first element past the end. You can iterate over these ranges by writing
for (iterator itr = begin; itr != end; ++itr)
/* ... visit *itr here ... */
This approach is much more flexible than the C-string approach to defining ranges as it doesn't rely on specific properties of any values in the range. I would suggest opting to use something like this if you want to iterate over a range of integer values. It's more explicit about the bounds of the range and doesn't run into weird issues where certain values can't be stored in the range.

Apart from the usual suggestion that you should go and use the STL, you can find the length of a fixed array like this:
int array[6]={1,12,41,45,58,68};
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]); ++i)
{ }
If you use a templated function, you can implicitly derive the length like this:
template<size_t len> void func(int (&array)[len])
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { }
int array[6]={1,12,41,45,58,68};
If 0 is a value that may occur in a normal array of integers, you can specify a different value:
const int END_OF_ARRAY = 0x80000000;
int array[8]={0,1,12,41,45,58,68,END_OF_ARRAY};
for (int i = 0; array[i] != END_OF_ARRAY; ++i)
{ }
If every value is a possibility, or if none of the other approaches will work (for example, a dynamic array) then you have to manage the length separately. This is how strings that allow embedded null characters work (such as BSTR).

In your example you are using (or rather abusing) the NULL macro as a sentinel value; this is the function of the NUL('\0') character in a C string, but in the case of a C string NUL is not a valid character anywhere other than as the terminal (or sentinel) value .
The NULL macro is intended to represent an invalid pointer not an integer value (although in C++ when implicitly or explicitly cast to an int, its value is guaranteed to be zero, and in C this is also almost invariably the case). In this case if you want to use zero as the sentinel value you should use a literal zero not NULL. The problem is of course that if in this application zero is a valid data value it is not suitable for use as a sentinel.
So for example the following might suit:
static const int SENTINEL_VALUE = -1 ;
int array[7] = { 1, 12, 41, 45, 58, 68, SENTINEL_VALUE } ;
int* i ;
for( i = array; *i != SENTINEL_VALUE; i++ )
printf( "%d ", *i ) ;
If all integer values are are valid data values then you will not be able to use a sentinel value at all, and will have to use either a container class (which knows its length) or iterate for the known length of the array (from sizeof()).

Just to pedanticize and expand a little on a previous answer: in dealing with integer arrays in C, it's vanishingly rare to rely on a sentinel value in the array itself. No(1) sane programmer does that. Why not? Because by definition an integer can hold any value within predefined negative/positive limits, or (for the nowadays-not-unusual 32-bit integer) 0 to 0xffffff. It's not a good thing to redefine the notion of "integer" by stealing one of its possible values for a sentinel.
Instead, one always(1) must(1) rely on a controlling up-to-date count of integers that are in the array. Suppose we are to write a C function
that returns an int pointer to the first array member whose value is greater than the function's argument or, if there's no such member, returns NULL (all code is untested):`
int my_int_array[10]; // maximum of 10 integers in my_int_array[], which must be static
int member_count = 0; // varies from 0 to 10, always holds number of ints in my_int_array[]
int *
first_greater_than ( int val ) {
int i;
int *p;
for ( i = 0, p = my_int_array; i < member_count; ++i, ++p ) {
if ( *p > val ) {
return p;
return NULL;
Even better is also to limit the value of i to never count past the last possible member of my_int_array[], i.e., it never gets bigger than 9, and p never points at my_int_array[10] and beyond:
int my_int_array[10]; // maximum of 10 integers in my_int_array[], which must be static
int member_count = 0; // varies from 0 to 10, always holds number of ints in my_int_array[]
int *
first_greater_than ( int val ) {
#define MAX_COUNT sizeof(my_int_array)/sizeof(int)
int i;
int* p;
for ( i = 0, p = my_int_array; i < member_count && i < MAX_COUNT; ++i, ++p ) {
if ( *p > val ) {
return p;
return NULL;
HTH and I apologize if this is just too, too elementary.
Not strictly true but believe it for now

In ANSI C it's very easy and shorter than solution before:
int array[]={1,12,41,45,58,68}, *i=array;
size_t numelems = sizeof array/sizeof*array;
while( numelems-- )
printf("%d ",*i++);

Another way is to manage array of pointers to int:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_ELEMENTS 10
int main() {
int * array[MAX_ELEMENTS];
int ** i;
int k;
// initialize MAX_ELEMENTS,1 matrix
for (k=0;k<MAX_ELEMENTS;k++) {
array[k] = malloc(sizeof(int*));
// last element of array will be NULL pointer
if (k==MAX_ELEMENTS-1)
array[k] = NULL;
array[k][0] = k;
// now loop until you get NULL pointer
for (i=array;*i;i++) {
printf("value %i\n",**i);
// free memory
for (k=0;k<MAX_ELEMENTS;k++) {
return 0;
In this way loop condition is totally independent from the values of integers. But... for this to work you must use 2D array (matrix) instead of ordinary 1D array. Hope that helps.


while every value in array is different than specific int value

I have an array of values e.g. 1, 4, 7, 2.
I also have another array of values and I want to add its values to this first array, but only when they all are different from all values that are already in this array. How can I check it? I've tried many types of loops, but I always ended with an iteration problem.
Could you please tell me how to solve this problem? I code in c++.
int array1[7] = {2,3,7,1,0};
int val1 = rand() % 10;
int val2 = rand() % 10;
int array2[2] = {val1, val2};
and I am trying to put every value from array2 into array1. I tried loop
for (int x:array2)
while((val1 && val2) == x)
val1 = rand() % 10;
val2 = rand() % 10;
and many more, but still cannot figure it out. I have this problem because I may have various number of elements for array2. So it makes this "&&" solution infinite.
It is just a sample to show it more clearly, my code has much more lines.
Okay, you have a few problems here. If I understand the problem, here's what you want:
A. You have array1 already populated with several values but with space at the end.
1. How do you identify the number of entries in the array already versus the extras?
B. You have a second array you made from two random values. No problem.
You want to append the values from B to A.
2. If initial length of A plus initial length of B is greater than total space allocated for A, you have a new problem.
Now, other people will tell you to use the standard template library, but if you're having problems at this level, you should know how to do this yourself without the extra help from a confusing library. So this is one solution.
class MyArray {
int * data;
int count;
int allocated;
MyArray() : data(nullptr), count(0), allocated(0) {}
~MyArray() { if (data != nullptr) free(data); }
// Appends value to the list, making more space if necessary
void add(int value) {
if (count >= allocated) {
// Not enough space, so make some.
allocated += 10;
data = (data == nullptr) malloc(allocated * sizeof(int))
: realloc)data, allocated * sizeof(int));
data[count++] = value;
// Adds value only if not already present.
void addUnique(int value) {
if (indexOf(value) < 0) {
// Returns the index of the value, if found, else -1
int indexOf(int value) {
for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
if (data[index] == value) {
return index;
return -1;
This class provides you a dynamic array of integers. It's REALLY basic, but it teaches you the basics. It helps you understand about allocation / reallocating space using old-style C-style malloc/realloc/free. It's the sort of code I was writing back in the 80s.
Now, your main code:
MyArray array;
// etc. Yes, you could write a better initializer, but this is easy to understand
MyArray newValues;
newValues.add(rand() % 10);
newValues.add(rand() % 10);
for (int index = 0; index < newValues.count; ++index) {
The key part of this is the addUnique function, which simply checks first whether the value you're adding already is in the array. If not, it appends the value to the array and keeps track of the new count.
Ultimately, when using integer arrays like this instead of the fancier classes available in C++, you HAVE TO keep track of the size of the array yourself. There is no magic .length method on int[]. You can use some magic value that indicates the end of the list, if you want. Or you can do what I did and keep two values, one that holds the current length and one that holds the amount of space you've allocated.
With programming, there are always multiple ways to do this.
Now, this is a lot of code. Using standard libraries, you can reduce all of this to about 4 or 5 lines of code. But you're not ready for that, and you need to understand what's going on under the hood. Don't use the fancy libraries until you can do it manually. That's my belief.

How can I find the size of a (* char) array inside of a function?

I understand how to find the size using a string type array:
char * shuffleStrings(string theStrings[])
int sz = 0;
printf("sz is %d\n", sz);
char * shuffled = new char[sz];
return shuffled;
One of my questions in the above example also is, why do I have to decrement the size by 1 to find the true number of elements in the array?
So if the code looked like this:
char * shuffleStrings(char * theStrings[])
//how can I find the size??
//I tried this and got a weird continuous block of printing
int i = 0;
printf("sz is %d\n", i);
char * shuffled = new char[i];
return shuffled;
You should not decrement the counter to get the real size, in the fist snippet. if you have two element and one empty element, the loop will end with value , which is correct.
In the second snippet, you work on a pointer to a pointr. So the while-condition should be *theStrings (supposing that a NULL pointer ist the marker for the end of your table.
Note that in both cases, if the table would not hold the marker for the end of table, you'd risk to go out of bounds. Why not work with vector<string> ? Then you could get the size without any loop, and would not risk to go out of bounds
What you are seeing here is the "termination" character in the string or '\0'
You can see this better when you use a char* array instead of a string.
Here is an example of a size calculator that I have made.
int getSize(const char* s)
unsigned int i = 0;
char x = ' ';
while ((x = s[i++]) != '\0');
return i - 1;
As you can see, the char* is terminated with a '\0' character to indicate the end of the string. That is the character that you are counting in your algorithm and that is why you are getting the extra character.
As to your second question, seem to want to create a new array with size of all of the strings.
To do this, you could calculate the length of each string and then add them together to create a new array.

Why does my array element retrieval function return random value?

I am trying to make an own simple string implementation in C++. My implementation is not \0 delimited, but uses the first element in my character array (the data structure I have chosen to implement the string) as the length of the string.
In essence, I have this as my data structure: typedef char * arrayString; and I have got the following as the implementation of some primal string manipulating routines:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "new_string.h"
// Our string implementation will store the
// length of the string in the first byte of
// the string.
int getLength(const arrayString &s1) {
return s1[0] - '0';
void append_str(arrayString &s, char c) {
int length = getLength(s); // get the length of our current string
length++; // account for the new character
arrayString newString = new char[length]; // create a new heap allocated string
newString[0] = length;
// fill the string with the old contents
for (int counter = 1; counter < length; counter++) {
newString[counter] = s[counter];
// append the new character
newString[length - 1] = c;
delete[] s; // prevent a memory leak
s = newString;
void display(const arrayString &s1) {
int max = getLength(s1);
for (int counter = 1; counter <= max; counter++) {
std::cout << s1[counter];
void appendTest() {
arrayString a = new char[5];
a[0] = '5'; a[1] = 'f'; a[2] = 'o'; a[3] = 't'; a[4] = 'i';
append_str(a, 's');
My issue is with the implementation of my function getLength(). I have tried to debug my program inside Visual Studio, and all seems nice and well in the beginning.
The first time getLength() is called, inside the append_str() function, it returns the correct value for the string length (5). When it get's called inside the display(), my own custom string displaying function (to prevent a bug with std::cout), it reads the value (6) correctly, but returns -42? What's going on?
Ignore my comments in the code. It's purely educational and it's just me trying to see what level of commenting improves the code and what level reduces its quality.
In get_length(), I had to do first_element - '0' because otherwise, the function would return the ascii value of the arithmetic value inside. For instance, for decimal 6, it returned 54.
This is an educational endeavour, so if you see anything else worth commenting on, or fixing, by all means, let me know.
Since you are getting the length as return s1[0] - '0'; in getLength() you should set then length as newString[0] = length + '0'; instead of newString[0] = length;
As a side why are you storing the size of the string in the array? why not have some sort of integer member that you store the size in. A couple of bytes really isn't going to hurt and now you have a string that can be more than 256 characters long.
You are accessing your array out of bounds at couple of places.
In append_str
for (int counter = 1; counter < length; counter++) {
newString[counter] = s[counter];
In the example you presented, the starting string is "5foti" -- without the terminating null character. The maximum valid index is 4. In the above function, length has already been set to 6 and you are accessing s[5].
This can be fixed by changing the conditional in the for statement to counter < length-1;
And in display.
int max = getLength(s1);
for (int counter = 1; counter <= max; counter++) {
std::cout << s1[counter];
Here again, you are accessing the array out of bounds by using counter <= max in the loop.
This can be fixed by changing the conditional in the for statement to counter < max;
Here are some improvements, that should also cover your question:
Instead of a typedef, define a class for your string. The class should have an int for the length and a char* for the string data itself.
Use operator overloads in your class "string" so you can append them with + etc.
The - '0' gives me pain. You subtract the ASCII value of 42 from the length, but you do not add it as a character. Also, the length can be 127 at maximum, because char goes from -128 to +127. See point #1.
append_str changes the pointer of your object. That's very bad practice!
Ok, thank you everyone for helping me out.
The problem appeared to be inside the appendTest() function, where I was storing in the first element of the array the character code for the value I wanted to have as a size (i.e storing '5' instead of just 5). It seems that I didn't edit previous code that I had correctly, and that's what caused me the issues.
As an aside to what many of you are asking, why am I not using classes or better design, it's because I want to implement a basic string structure having many constraints, such as no classes, etc. I basically want to use only arrays, and the most I am affording myself is to make them dynamically allocated, i.e resizable.

Is it possible to pass char[][] to a function requesting char**?

I am trying to call a function that takes char** as a parameter. Its job is to fill an array of strings (i.e. an array of char*). I know the max length of the strings, and I can pass the max number to fill as another parameter, so I was hoping to stack allocate it like this:
fill_my_strings(char** arr_str, int max_str); // function prototype
char fill_these[max_strings][max_chars_per_string]; // allocating chars
fill_my_strings(fill_these, max_strings); // please fill them!
Of course, I get the "cannot convert char[max_strings][max_chars_per_string] to char**" error.
I know this is some subtle (or not-so-subtle) problem with my understanding of the difference between arrays and pointers. I'm just not sure why it's not possible to pass this block of memory to something wanting a char** and have it fill in my stack-allocated chars. Could somebody please explain if this is possible, or if not, why not?
Is it possible to call a function like this without calling malloc / new?
The simple answer to your question is no; a two dimensional array is different than a pointer-to pointer type. Arrays decay to pointers to their first element, but pointers actually are that value.
The difference between these types is clear, if you cast both to char*
int x;
char *arr_pp[] = {"foo", "bar", "baz"};
char arr_2d[][4] = {"foo", "bar", "baz"};
char *cp = (char*)arr_pp;
for(x=0; x<3; x++)
printf("%d ", cp[x]);
cp = (char*)arr_2d;
for(x=0; x<3; x++)
printf("%d ", cp[x]);
The output (on my computer) is:
-80 -123 4
102 111 111
Where the first row is gibberish formed by the fact that I'm printing an address cast into bytes, and the second row is the ascii values of "foo".
In a function taking a char ** the compiler can't know to decay array types, which don't actually contain pointers.
Suppose you have n pointers to strings of m-1 maximum characters (m characters including the NULL).
So, in pure C:
sizeof(char[n][m]) will return n*m.
sizeof(char**) will return the size of a pointer in your architecture, probably 32 (if x86) or 64 (if x86_64).
char[n][m] actually allocates the n*m byte contiguously. char** allocates a single pointer. This pointer references a memory stripe of *n bytes. Each of these n pointers points to a memory stripe of m characters.
So, considering that sizeof(char) == u, if you declare char a[n][m], when you use a[i][j], the compiler understands *(a + i*m*u + j*u).
So, considering that sizeof(char *) == w, if you declare char **a, when you use a[i][j], the compiler understands ((a + i*w) + j*w).
Completely different data management.
The closes thing you could do to handle your special case is to create a char** variable, and populate it with the addresses of your stack allocated matrix.
char **tmp = malloc(max_strings * sizeof(char *));
int i;
for(i = 0; i < max_strings; i++){
tmp[i] = &(fill_these[i][0]); //you probably can't reference a char[][] with a single index - not confirmed
I am not sure why fill_my_strings() need a char** parameter. From your example, caller have already allocated the memory from stack. So using a char* should be OK.
But if you want to use char** or you can't modify the fill_my_strings() function, try following example code:
void fill_my_strings(char** arr_str, int max_chars_per_string, int max_strings)
for(int i = 0; i < max_strings; ++i)
//Make sure you have enough space
memcpy(*arr_str, "ABCD", sizeof("ABCD"));
*arr_str += max_chars_per_string;
char fill_these[max_strings][max_chars_per_string];
char* pointer = (char*)fill_these;
fill_my_strings(&pointer, max_strings, max_chars_per_string);
The obvious thing to do is build an index
In c use something like:
char string_list[num_strings][str_length];
// ...
char**index = calloc( (num_strings+1), sizeof(*index) ); // calloc insures NULL termination
for (int i=0; i<num_strings; ++i) {
index[i] = string_list[i]
In c++ prefer new[] to calloc;

Working with Arrays in C

I am new to C and C++ and I need help with arrays. I have an array initialized to zero with 500 elements(myDataBinary). Now I have one more array ith values in it say 1,2,3....Now by reading the values (1,2,3...) from(my_data[10]) i want to make the corresponding elements in myDataBinary "1" and rest should be "0". I have written the below code to achieve this, but I am getting some segmentation fault and not able to see the proper results. Any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
int my_data[10] = {1,3,9,10};
int myDataBinary[500] = {0};
int index;
for(int i=0; i<sizeof(my_data);i++)
index = my_data[i];
myDataBinary[index] = 1;
printf("rec data %d = %d\n",index,myDataBinary[index]);
sizeof(my_data) returns the total size of the array in bytes, not the number of elements.
Since ints are (usually) 2 bytes wide, you're ending up outside the array.
Replace sizeof(my_data) in the for loop with sizeof(my_data)/sizeof(int) and try again.
sizeof operator gives the size of an object (or type) in bytes. The canonical way to determine the number of elements in an array x is:
sizeof x / sizeof x[0]
This does not depend upon knowing the type of the elements of x, and will work even if you change it. sizeof my_data / sizeof(int) doesn't have that property.
Note that my_data has to be an array, it cannot be a pointer. This is important because in many contexts (when passed to a function for example), the name of an array decays to a pointer, so the following "won't work":
void f(int *data)
printf("%zu\n", sizeof data);
int main(void)
int my_data[10] = {1,3,9,10};
printf("%zu\n", sizeof my_data);
return 0;
The above program will print two different values (unless sizeof(int)*10 == sizeof(int *)).
Don't use sizeof(my_data) - this doesn't give you what you want. To find the number of the elements you can do int n = sizeof(my_data) / sizeof(int):
int my_data[10] = {1,3,9,10};
int myDataBinary[500] = {0};
int index;
int n = sizeof(my_data) / sizeof(int);
for(int i=0; i<n;i++)
index = my_data[i];
myDataBinary[index] = 1;
printf("rec data %d = %d\n",index,myDataBinary[index]);