Disable GCC "may be used uninitialized" on a particular variable - c++

I'm getting this warning on a stack variable:
warning: object.member may be used uninitialized in this function
In this case I do not wish to force initialization to just to get rid of the warning as it consumes CPU cycles. The variable is a POD structure so a memset on it is not zero cost. I can verify that the variable is never used uninitialized, so I'd just like to suppress the warning for it.
In general I do want the warning, just not on this particular variable in this particular scenario. How can I suppress the warning?
Looks like the pragma diagnostics are the correct way to go but they require quite a recent version of GCC (4.6)
No acceptable solution prior that version is known.

Try doing this:
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wuninitialized"
foo(b); /* no diagnostic for this one */
This pragma comes in three interesting and helpful flavors : warning, error, ignored. See 6.56.10 Diagnostic Pragmas for their usages. The link says,
GCC allows the user to selectively
enable or disable certain types of
diagnostics, and change the kind of
the diagnostic. For example, a
project's policy might require that
all sources compile with -Werror but
certain files might have exceptions
allowing specific types of warnings.
Or, a project might selectively enable
diagnostics and treat them as errors
depending on which preprocessor macros
are defined.

The accepted answer has two big problems that requires more than a comment.
First, it deactivates the warning for the whole file. If that pragma resides in a header, probably for more. Warnings are useful and if it is indeed a false positive, one should disable the warning for a bunch of code as small as possible.
Then the warning in the OP is "maybe uninitialized" which is deactivated by -Wmaybe-uninitialized, as opposed to -Wuninitialized.
#pragma GCC diagnostic push // save the actual diag context
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized" // disable maybe warnings
function() or int variable; // impacted section of code
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop // restore previous diag context

GCC differentiates between uninitalised and self initalized, e.g. compiling:
int main() {
int i = i;
return i;
With gcc -Wall -Wextra gives no warnings, unless you explicitly added -Winit-self as well, yet it gets completely optimized out by my quick testing.

#Nawaz has answered the question as specifically asked, but have you considered that the fact that you need this may indicate you're declaring your struct too early/at a less nested scope than appropriate? It would generally be much preferred if you could declare your struct at a point where you can actually initialize it rather than declaring it earlier and filling it in various locations.
Also, even though you can verify that it's never used uninitialized right now, what if someone else adds a new code path in the future and it's not initialized properly? If you disable the warning then it'll silently compile and probably break in an unexpected way. Unless you can prove that the initialization is taking a measurable amount of your program's CPU it's probably better to just do the initialization up front.

Selectively disable GCC warnings for only part of a translation unit?


C++ mark a function as experimental/not fully implemented

I have a function I will need to leave partially implemented for a variety of reasons and I want to prevent future users (read as me in the future when I have forgotten that I did this) to know the function is incomplete, buggy and untested.
Option n1 is merely adding a comment // Warning this thing is partially implemented and will break randomly
This however won't create compile time warnings so, I am not a fan.
Option n2 is to use [[deprecated("reason")]] which has the advantage of raising compile warnings but its misleading, the function wasn't deprecated it's actually the opposite of deprecation, it's a WIP and will perhaps one day be fully implemented.
Are there alternatives?
The [[deprecated]] attribute is exactly what this is for (emphasis mine) :
indicates that the use of the name or entity declared with this attribute is allowed, but discouraged for some reason
You can still use the function, you just get a warning message that you shouldn't rely on its use.
Caveat: MSVC breaks the standard and emits a compiler error (due to SDL flag being turned on by default) instead of a warning.
The only thing in standard C++ for this is the [[deprecated("message")]] attribute.
GNU has a non-standard Function Attribute for warning messages:
warning ("message")
If this attribute is used on a function declaration and a call to such a function is not eliminated through dead code elimination or other optimizations, a warning which will include message will be diagnosed. This is useful for compile time checking, especially together with __builtin_constant_p and inline functions. While it is possible to define the function with a message in .gnu.warning* section, when using this attribute the problem will be diagnosed earlier and with exact location of the call even in presence of inline functions or when not emitting debugging information.

Missing return statement does not produce an error [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why does flowing off the end of a non-void function without returning a value not produce a compiler error?
(11 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I found this in one of my libraries this morning:
static tvec4 Min(const tvec4& a, const tvec4& b, tvec4& out)
out.w = min(a.w,b.w);
I'd expect a compiler error because this method doesn't return anything, and the return type is not void.
The only two things that come to mind are
In the only place where this method is called, the return value isn't being used or stored. (This method was supposed to be void - the tvec4 return type is a copy-and-paste error)
a default constructed tvec4 is being created, which seems a bit unlike, oh, everything else in C++.
I haven't found the part of the C++ spec that addresses this. References (ha) are appreciated.
In some circumstances, this generates an error in VS2012. I haven't narrowed down specifics, but it's interesting, nonetheless.
This is undefined behavior from the C++11 draft standard section 6.6.3 The return statement paragraph 2 which says:
[...] Flowing off the end of a function is equivalent to a return with no value; this results in undefined behavior in a value-returning function. [...]
This means that the compiler is not obligated provide an error nor a warning usually because it can be difficult to diagnose in all cases. We can see this from the definition of undefined behavior in the draft standard in section 1.3.24 which says:
[...]Permissible undefined behavior ranges from ignoring the situation completely with unpredictable results, to behaving during translation or program execution in a documented manner characteristic of the environment (with or without the issuance of a diagnostic message), to terminating a translation or execution (with the issuance of a diagnostic message).[...]
Although in this case we can get both gcc and clang to generate a wanring using the -Wall flag, which gives me a warning similar to this:
warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]
We can turn this particular warning into an error using the -Werror=return-type flag. I also like to use -Wextra -Wconversion -pedantic for my own personal projects.
As ComicSansMS mentions in Visual Studio this code would generate C4716 which is an error by default, the message I see is:
error C4716: 'Min' : must return a value
and in the case where not all code paths would return a value then it would generate C4715, which is a warning.
Maybe some elaboration on the why part of the question:
As it turns out, it is actually quite hard† for a C++ compiler to determine whether a function exits without a return value. In addition to the code paths that end in explicit return statements and the ones that fall off the end of the function, you also have to consider potential exception throws or longjmps in the function itself, as well as all of its callees.
While it is quite easy for a compiler to identify a function that looks like it might be missing a return, it is considerably harder to prove that it is missing a return. In order to lift compiler vendors of this burden, the standard does not require this to generate an error.
So compiler vendors are free to generate a warning if they are quite sure that a function is missing a return and the user is then free to ignore/mask that warning in those rare cases where the compiler was actually wrong.
†: In the general case, this is equivalent to the halting problem, so it is actually impossible for a machine to decide this reliably.
Compile your code with -Wreturn-type option:
$ g++ -Wreturn-type source.cpp
This will give you warning. You can turn the warning into error if you use -Werror too:
$ g++ -Wreturn-type -Werror source.cpp
Note that this will turn all warnings into errors. So if you want error for specific warning, say -Wreturn-type, just type return-type without -W part as:
$ g++ -Werror=return-type source.cpp
In general you should always use -Wall option which includes most common warnings — this includes missing return statement also. Along with -Wall, you can use -Wextra also, which includes other warnings not included by -Wall.
Maybe some additional elaboration on the why part of the question.
C++ was designed so that a very large body of pre-existing body of C code compiles with minimum amount of changes. Unfortunately, C itself was paying a similar duty to earliest pre-standard C which did not even have the void keyword and instead relied on a default return type of int. C functions usually did return values, and whenever code superficially similar to Algol/Pascal/Basic procedures was written without any return statements, the function was, under the hood, returning whichever garbage was left on the stack. Neither the caller nor the callee assigns the value of the garbage in a reliable way. If the garbage is then ignored by every caller, everything is fine and C++ inherits the moral obligation to compile such code.
(If the returned value is used by the caller, the code may behave non-deterministically, similar to processing of an uninitialized variable. Could the difference be reliably identified by a compiler, in a hypothetical successor language to C? This is hardly possible. The caller and the callee may be in different compilation units.)
The implicit int is just a part of the C legacy involved here. A "dispatcher" function might, depending on a parameter, return a variety of types from some code branches, and return no useful value from other code branches. Such a function would generally be declared to return a type long enough to hold any of the possible types and the caller might need to cast it or extract it from a union.
So the deepest cause is probably the C language creators' belief that procedures that do not return any value are just an unimportant special case of functions that do; this problem got aggravated by the lack of focus on type safety of function calls in the oldest C dialects.
While C++ did break compatibility with some of the worst aspects of C (example), the willingness to compile a return statement without a value (or the implicit value-less return at the end of a function) was not one of them.
As already mentioned, this is undefined behavior and will give you a compiler warning. Most places I've worked require you to turn on compiler settings to treat warnings as errors - which enforces that all your code must compile with 0 errors and 0 warnings. This is a good example of why that is a good idea.
This is more of the standard C++ rule/feature which tends to be flexible with things and which tends to be more close to C.
But when we talk of the compilers, GCC or VS, they are more for professional usage and for variety of development purposes and hence put more strict development rules as per your needs.
That makes sense also, my personal opinion, because the language is all about features and its usage whereas compiler defines the rules for optimal and best way of using it as per your needs.
As mentioned in above post, compiler sometimes gives the error, sometimes gives warning and also it has the option of skipping these warning etc, indicating the freedom to use the language and its features in a way that suits us best.
Along with this there are several other questions mentioning this behaviour of returning a result without having a return statement. One simple example would be:
int foo(int a, int b){ int c = a+b;}
int main(){
int c = 5;
int d = 5;
printf("f(%d,%d) is %d\n", c, d, foo(c,d));
return 0;
Could this anomaly be due stack properties and more specifically:
Zero-Address Machines
In zero-address machines, locations of both operands are assumed to be at a default location.
These machines use the stack as the source of the input operands and the result goes back into
the stack. Stack is a LIFO (last-in-first-out) data structure that all processors support, whether
or not they are zero-address machines. As the name implies, the last item placed on the stack
is the first item to be taken out of the stack. All operations on this type of machine assume that the required input operands are the top
two values on the stack. The result of the operation is placed on top of the stack.
In addition to that, for accessing memory to read and write data same registers are used as data source and destination(DS (data segment) register), that store first the variables needed for the calculation and then the returned result.
with this answer I would like to discuss one possible explanation of the strange behaviour at machine (instruction) level as it has already a context and its covered in adequately wide range.

Why does this C++ snippet compile (non-void function does not return a value) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why does flowing off the end of a non-void function without returning a value not produce a compiler error?
(11 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I found this in one of my libraries this morning:
static tvec4 Min(const tvec4& a, const tvec4& b, tvec4& out)
out.w = min(a.w,b.w);
I'd expect a compiler error because this method doesn't return anything, and the return type is not void.
The only two things that come to mind are
In the only place where this method is called, the return value isn't being used or stored. (This method was supposed to be void - the tvec4 return type is a copy-and-paste error)
a default constructed tvec4 is being created, which seems a bit unlike, oh, everything else in C++.
I haven't found the part of the C++ spec that addresses this. References (ha) are appreciated.
In some circumstances, this generates an error in VS2012. I haven't narrowed down specifics, but it's interesting, nonetheless.
This is undefined behavior from the C++11 draft standard section 6.6.3 The return statement paragraph 2 which says:
[...] Flowing off the end of a function is equivalent to a return with no value; this results in undefined behavior in a value-returning function. [...]
This means that the compiler is not obligated provide an error nor a warning usually because it can be difficult to diagnose in all cases. We can see this from the definition of undefined behavior in the draft standard in section 1.3.24 which says:
[...]Permissible undefined behavior ranges from ignoring the situation completely with unpredictable results, to behaving during translation or program execution in a documented manner characteristic of the environment (with or without the issuance of a diagnostic message), to terminating a translation or execution (with the issuance of a diagnostic message).[...]
Although in this case we can get both gcc and clang to generate a wanring using the -Wall flag, which gives me a warning similar to this:
warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]
We can turn this particular warning into an error using the -Werror=return-type flag. I also like to use -Wextra -Wconversion -pedantic for my own personal projects.
As ComicSansMS mentions in Visual Studio this code would generate C4716 which is an error by default, the message I see is:
error C4716: 'Min' : must return a value
and in the case where not all code paths would return a value then it would generate C4715, which is a warning.
Maybe some elaboration on the why part of the question:
As it turns out, it is actually quite hard† for a C++ compiler to determine whether a function exits without a return value. In addition to the code paths that end in explicit return statements and the ones that fall off the end of the function, you also have to consider potential exception throws or longjmps in the function itself, as well as all of its callees.
While it is quite easy for a compiler to identify a function that looks like it might be missing a return, it is considerably harder to prove that it is missing a return. In order to lift compiler vendors of this burden, the standard does not require this to generate an error.
So compiler vendors are free to generate a warning if they are quite sure that a function is missing a return and the user is then free to ignore/mask that warning in those rare cases where the compiler was actually wrong.
†: In the general case, this is equivalent to the halting problem, so it is actually impossible for a machine to decide this reliably.
Compile your code with -Wreturn-type option:
$ g++ -Wreturn-type source.cpp
This will give you warning. You can turn the warning into error if you use -Werror too:
$ g++ -Wreturn-type -Werror source.cpp
Note that this will turn all warnings into errors. So if you want error for specific warning, say -Wreturn-type, just type return-type without -W part as:
$ g++ -Werror=return-type source.cpp
In general you should always use -Wall option which includes most common warnings — this includes missing return statement also. Along with -Wall, you can use -Wextra also, which includes other warnings not included by -Wall.
Maybe some additional elaboration on the why part of the question.
C++ was designed so that a very large body of pre-existing body of C code compiles with minimum amount of changes. Unfortunately, C itself was paying a similar duty to earliest pre-standard C which did not even have the void keyword and instead relied on a default return type of int. C functions usually did return values, and whenever code superficially similar to Algol/Pascal/Basic procedures was written without any return statements, the function was, under the hood, returning whichever garbage was left on the stack. Neither the caller nor the callee assigns the value of the garbage in a reliable way. If the garbage is then ignored by every caller, everything is fine and C++ inherits the moral obligation to compile such code.
(If the returned value is used by the caller, the code may behave non-deterministically, similar to processing of an uninitialized variable. Could the difference be reliably identified by a compiler, in a hypothetical successor language to C? This is hardly possible. The caller and the callee may be in different compilation units.)
The implicit int is just a part of the C legacy involved here. A "dispatcher" function might, depending on a parameter, return a variety of types from some code branches, and return no useful value from other code branches. Such a function would generally be declared to return a type long enough to hold any of the possible types and the caller might need to cast it or extract it from a union.
So the deepest cause is probably the C language creators' belief that procedures that do not return any value are just an unimportant special case of functions that do; this problem got aggravated by the lack of focus on type safety of function calls in the oldest C dialects.
While C++ did break compatibility with some of the worst aspects of C (example), the willingness to compile a return statement without a value (or the implicit value-less return at the end of a function) was not one of them.
As already mentioned, this is undefined behavior and will give you a compiler warning. Most places I've worked require you to turn on compiler settings to treat warnings as errors - which enforces that all your code must compile with 0 errors and 0 warnings. This is a good example of why that is a good idea.
This is more of the standard C++ rule/feature which tends to be flexible with things and which tends to be more close to C.
But when we talk of the compilers, GCC or VS, they are more for professional usage and for variety of development purposes and hence put more strict development rules as per your needs.
That makes sense also, my personal opinion, because the language is all about features and its usage whereas compiler defines the rules for optimal and best way of using it as per your needs.
As mentioned in above post, compiler sometimes gives the error, sometimes gives warning and also it has the option of skipping these warning etc, indicating the freedom to use the language and its features in a way that suits us best.
Along with this there are several other questions mentioning this behaviour of returning a result without having a return statement. One simple example would be:
int foo(int a, int b){ int c = a+b;}
int main(){
int c = 5;
int d = 5;
printf("f(%d,%d) is %d\n", c, d, foo(c,d));
return 0;
Could this anomaly be due stack properties and more specifically:
Zero-Address Machines
In zero-address machines, locations of both operands are assumed to be at a default location.
These machines use the stack as the source of the input operands and the result goes back into
the stack. Stack is a LIFO (last-in-first-out) data structure that all processors support, whether
or not they are zero-address machines. As the name implies, the last item placed on the stack
is the first item to be taken out of the stack. All operations on this type of machine assume that the required input operands are the top
two values on the stack. The result of the operation is placed on top of the stack.
In addition to that, for accessing memory to read and write data same registers are used as data source and destination(DS (data segment) register), that store first the variables needed for the calculation and then the returned result.
with this answer I would like to discuss one possible explanation of the strange behaviour at machine (instruction) level as it has already a context and its covered in adequately wide range.

Should compilers ignore unused variables that result in constructors or destructors being run?

I have some code that I put in a destructor to ensure it is run both on normal exit and exception stack unwinding:
struct withProtectedClose {
~withProtectedClose() {
// Do some cleanup here...
void test() {
withProtectedClose close;
// Do some work before closing
Yet the g++ compiler (g++ (GCC) 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-11)) is complaining:
test.cpp: In function `void test()':
test.cpp:28: warning: unused variable 'close'
I can silence it by referring to the variable somehow, but that muddies the code only to silence the compiler, not how I want my code influenced.
Shouldn't the fact that there is a destructor be enough to clue the compiler in that it makes no difference that there is no use of the variable after construction?
Assuming the compiler cannot be shut up while still getting notices of legitimate unused variables, is there a way to silence this one only other than by using it?
I'd tend to think it is a bug in the compiler. It is still present in g++ 4.7.1.
As a work around, you may try to define a constructor which does nothing. It suppresses the warning with g++ 4.7.1, I don't know with 3.4.6.
Since it seems to be solely a GCC issue, you can "fix" it by declaring your struct like this:
struct __attribute__ ((__unused__)) withProtectedClose
This reliably silences the warning on my version 4.6.3 compiler (and the destructor is demonstrably run, in accordance with the standard). It will however still warn you about unused variables otherwise.
Most of the time, it's a mistake that you really want to know about, so turning off the warning (-Wno-unused-variable) alltogether is not a good alternative. If for no other reason, one will want to remove (unintentionally) unused variables because they confuse people reading the code and put needless burden on the optimizer.
If you need to be portable, use a macro to encapsulate the attribute stuff (empty macro on non-GCC).
To address the actual question "Should compilers ignore unused variables that result in constructors or destructors being run?" -- No.
The C++ standard states []:
If a variable with automatic storage duration has initialization or a destructor
with side effects, it shall not be eliminated even if it appears to be unused,
except that a class object or its copy/move may be eliminated as specified in 12.8.
Insofar, a compiler is not allowed to ignore the variable. It is, however, allowed to warn about something that is often unintentional.
MSVC doesn't issue this warning in such a case. If your gcc version does, try suppressing it this way:
withProtectedClose close;

Controlling Clang Warnings

I've compiled the SQLite amalgamation source into my iOS project, and clang throws a warning on this line
mask = (sizeof(long)==8) ? LARGEST_INT64 : 0x7fffffff;
with the following warning:
Implicit conversion from 'long long' to 'long' changes value from
9223372036854775807 to -1
I've enabled -fdiagnostics-show-name to show the name (warn_impcast_integer_precision_constant).
I certainly don't want to change anything in the SQLite source, since I don't want to introduce unforseen side effects, so I'd like to disable this specific warning just for that one line. The warning is certainly valid, but cannot occur anyway with the sizeof check in place.
To make this process reproducible for other warnings and diagnostics, is there a method to find out the specific warning class and disable them for one line? Unfortunately I can't find anything in the so called clang/llvm "documentation".
Any remotely recent version of clang should be printing the flag associated with a given warning along with the warning (in this case -Wconstant-conversion); not sure why you are not seeing this. And to turn it off, you can use #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wconstant-conversion".
as quoted from the user manual lined by sir Chris Lattner:
In the below example -Wmultichar is ignored for only a single line of code, after which the diagnostics return to whatever state had previously existed.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmultichar"
char b = 'df'; // no warning.
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
But more importantly, would it not be more prudent to consider the type of variable that 'mask' is, and what 'mask' represents?
Since you're doing something depending on whether the size of long is 8, should it perhaps be of type uint64_t?
What if sizeof(long) is actually 16 instead of 8 or 4 (which I guess you expect it to be when it is not 8)? Is 0x7fffffff then still the mask you need? Or perhaps you really want to assign it LONG_MAX from limits.h rather then the current construction.
The clang user manual is here:
It discusses various topics related to diagnostics. There are other useful documents in the sidebar of http://clang.llvm.org/