SOCKS 5 and UDP (C/C++) - c++

I know that SOCKS 5 supports UDP and I have been over the structure of the packets that are sent/received in negotiating with a SOCKS proxy.
The one thing I am not clear on is the procedure for setting up to register with a proxy to send/receive UDP packets.
Specifically, my biggest question is, "Is the connection to the SOCKS proxy that is used to negotiate a UDP associate relationship still made with TCP/IP?". In other words, "Do you end up using a TCP/IP socket to receive UDP packets routed through a SOCKS proxy?"
I would imagine that, if you used a TCP/IP connection to establish a pathway for UDP communication, you'd kind of be missing the whole point of establishing UDP communications. However, on the other hand, if the negotiation were made using UDP (and resulted in a UDP socket), then how would the relationship be terminated when your application is shutting down and no longer needs the proxy to "remember" you?
I have been all over the net looking for an example...but can't find anything. Any help (especially an example) would be appreciated.
"A UDP-based client MUST send its datagrams to the UDP relay server at
the UDP port indicated by BND.PORT in the reply to the UDP ASSOCIATE
"UDP association terminates when the TCP connection that the UDP
ASSOCIATE request arrived on terminates."
I actually tried using it once, but failed, because many "socks5" proxy
implementations don't actually support the complete protocol.
So I'd suggest to set up a working test case first (find an app which
would support socks5 udp proxy, and a proxy where it would actually work).
Then any network sniffer would tell you how it really works (if it does).


My friend and I are receiving packets from a server in UDP, I am able to receive them but he can't

My friend and I are writing a game in sfml. We wrote both the client and the server in C++. The library we used to handle the networking is SFML. The clients send block update packets to the server and the server sends them to all connected players. This works fine, both my friend and I are able to receive the TCP packets. The problem is with the UDP player position packets. The server receives a UDP packet containing the players x y z (position coordinates) and pitch and yaw(direction the player is looking). Then it sends that information to all other connected clients.(This happens 10 times per second) We put a simple printf() statement to detect whether my friend is even receiving the udp packets but it turns out he was not. And I am obviously receiving the UDP packets since it I am able to see his position.
We thought this was because the server is sending UDP packets to the clients' router's IP but the packet does not contain the local ip of the computer the packet is meant for. Later, we learned that when the server sends a packet to the router, the packet gets sent containing a public ip address and a public port, the router then maps that port to a local ip address and a local port. However this is called port forwarding and requires the routers to be configured.
We just want to know why isn't this a problem with TCP connections?
Why am I able to receive the UDP packets without port forwarding?
Is port forwarding necessary for UDP communication?
We just want to know why isn't this a problem with TCP connections?
Because a connection is bidirectional.
Why am I able to receive the UDP packets without port forwarding?
There could be a lot of possibilities and there's no way we can know without looking much more closely. Here are a few possibilities:
You aren't behind a router that's doing NAT.
The router that does NAT for you isn't between your client and the server.
Your client sent a UDP datagram to the server and your router recognizes the response UDP datagram as a reply to that, creating the effect of having a "UDP connection".
Your client uses UPnP and your router supports UPnP to get port forwarding without special effort.
The server sets the source and destination UDP ports incorrectly and, by luck, it still works in your case. For example, the source and destination ports might happen to be the same or your router's NAT is especially permissive.
The server sets its source IP address incorrectly and this just happens to work in your case either because your router's NAT is more permissive or because the IP address you send to and the IP address the server sends from happen to be the same in your case.
You send a UDP datagram to the server and your friend didn't, thus your datagrams are seen as replies and your friend's aren't.
You can narrow things down if you can dump packets at the server. Seeing a UDP datagram from your friend as seen by the server followed by a UDP datagram from the server to your friend would help narrow things down a lot.
Is port forwarding necessary for UDP communication?
Generally no. If the client sends the first UDP datagram and the server correctly swaps the source and destination ports and the source and destination IP addresses, the UDP reply datagram will usually work.
The client must send UDP to the server first. The server must ensure that the UDP datagram is seen as a reply. That means the server looks at the UDP datagrams it gets from the client and ensures that it responds from the port the client sent UDP to and to the port the client sent UDP from. Similarly, it must send to the IP address the client sent from and send from the IP address the client send to.
Generally, servers offer TCP fallback or some other form of NAT penetration in case things don't "just work".

Is it possible to send TCP packet to UDP-only server?

I have a UDP server, but I have no UDP capability on client side. Is there a way to send packet via TCP so that UDP server can receive it normally? UDP server cannot be transformed into TCP server.
Reason for wanting to do this is that I'm using a SOCKS5 proxy that does not support UDP associate capability, but I have to use that proxy.
No. The UDP server cannot complete the 3-way handshake required for TCP. If you have IP-raw sockets, it is actually easier to implement UDP on top. However it seems extremely unlikely that you don't have a UDP-stack.
When you talk about "no UDP capability" do you mean the client has no UDP-stack, or is he just behind some firewall that blocks UDP? In the latter case use a proxy.
No, UDP server will not going to accept TCP packets at all (it's a different protocol, so network stack will never propagate those to the application).
If you have to use SOCKS5 proxy, the only way to connect to the said server is by using another proxy-like application, which will stand beyond SOCKS5, accept TCP connections (initiated by app behind SOCKS5 proxy) and retransmit data as UDP.

C++ How to retrieve ACK from a TCP Socket (windows)

I have some issues getting information about the acknowledgement of a TCP connection.
I've implemented a basic TCP Socket Server (socket(), listen(), bind(), accept(), send()) using Windows sockets. The communication works fine but now I want to retrieve and observe the incoming acknowledgements of the TCP packet.
Does anyone knows how I can get this information programmatically?
If your application needs to know when the data is received, or even in the case of failure, how much was received, you need an application-level acknowledgement.
The TCP ACK does not belong to the Application layer, it is purely layer-4 book-keeping information. If layer7 needs an ACK you need to add one at layer 7.
Related, the same goes for keep-alives: Asyncsockets and "silent" disconnections

Winsock ~ Creating an UDP Listener (Multiple vs 1 socket)

Dear Stackoverflowers,
I am researching networking a bit and I decided I'd like to create a small and simple networking library with Winsock. (I am using Completion Ports and Overlapped IO though)
As I researched a bit I came to the following steps for a TCP Listener(Correct me if I am wrong):
Create a Listening Socket
Bind it to a port/IP
Listen on it
When a new connection is created, give a seperate Socket for that connection.
Listener continue's to listen, the specific connection is handled as needed.
EDIT: With a 'connection' from here I mean communication between the server and distinct clients.
Though for an UDP Listener we need to make use of WSARecvFrom which returns the IP address at the lpFrom parameter. Now I was wondering the following:
Is it better to make one UDP Socket listen to incoming connections on a specific port with WSARecvFrom and create new sockets for every specific connection? Or could I just use the UDP Socket itself with WSASendTo. Would that cause any performance penalties if one UDP Socket is used for for example 1000 connections? Or would it be the same or even better then creating/duplicating seperate Sockets for each different incoming connection?
Note: If multiple sockets are needed how would you handle sockets listening on the same port or could a client accept UDP from different ports?
Hope you guys can help!
Ps. Extra tips are always welcome!
Unlike TCP, UDP is connection-less, and as such you don't need to create separate sockets for each party. One UDP socket can handle everything. Bind it to a local IP/Port and call WSARecvFrom() once, and when it reports data to your IOCP you can process the data as needed (if another thread if needed) and then call WSARecvFrom() again. Each time new data arrives, you have to look at the reported lpFrom address to know the IP/Port of the sender. And yes, you can use the same UDP socket for sending data to each sender when needed.

how to differentiate if client is using TCP or UDP from server side

I am writing simple client-server program.
Client send some messages to server using UDP or TCP. Server must be able to support both UDP and TCP.
If client, sends message using UDP, sequence of method calls in client is socket(),bind(),sendto(),recvfrom(),close() and that in server is socket(),bind(),sendto(),recvfrom(),close().
If it uses TCP,
sequence of call in server is
and that in client is
In my program, user/client is given choice in the start to select what he want to use UDP or TCP. So, my main problem is how can I know or differentiate in the server side, if the client is sending message using TCP or UDP. If it uses TCP, I must call listen(),accept(),send(),recv()
and if it uses UDP, I don't call listen(),accept() but call sendto() and recvfrom().
So, how can I differentiate/know this in the beginning so that I can make appropriate function calls.
Before the packet reaches you, you don't know whether it's UDP or TCP.
So you want to bind to both UDP and TCP sockets if you expect requests both ways.
Once you did, you just know which way it came by the socket you received the packet through.
When you create the socket, you pass a type - SOCK_STREAM (TCP) or SOCK_DGRAM (UDP)
So the two kinds of traffic will be on two different sockets.
Just as Henry Troup pointed out, an IP socket is defined as
(transport, interface, port).
(UDP,, 80) is not the same IP socket as (TCP,, 80) , thus you can safely bind to both of them and listen for incoming traffic.
just let the TCP socket listen on port X, and do the UDP connections through port Y