Regex / htaccess : Multiple Pages - regex

What I want
Imagine 3 feeds in a single page what have unique contents and I would like to have a pagination for each feed, so I can paginate 3 feeds at the same time, and when I change a feed's page that doesn't affects the other feeds currently selected pages.
So when I change feed3 to page 12, feed1 remains on page 2 and feed2 remains on page 3
change this :
into this :
Note: there can be more or less than 3 feeds
The Problem
The problem is that I can't convert multiple variables if I want to change the whole link.
This is the regex what I have tried
but this gets only /pages/feed1=2
But I would like to convert all the feeds with their variables so I can work with them in PHP.

Take a look at , and just do 2 string replacements.
one: replace pages with index.php?pages=on, second replace / with &


Regexmatch in Google Sheet to find 2 sections of my website

I'm trying to find the number of users coming to 2 different parts of my website:
To do this I use REGEXMATCH with | separator:
=SUMPRODUCT(('raw data'!$B$2:$B),REGEXMATCH('RAW - New Users'!$A$2:$A,"/blog/|"))
However, when I check with this formula:
=SUMPRODUCT(('raw data'!$B$2:$B),REGEXMATCH('RAW - New Users'!$A$2:$A,"/blog/") + REGEXMATCH('RAW - New Users'!$A$2:$A,""))
I find more users.
I'm pretty sure the . messes up with the 1st formula. I've tried /blog/|resources\.company but it didn't help. How can I change my first formula so the REGEXMATCH finds everything that contains "" as well as "/blog"?

Parsing a name from a complex string in Tableau

I have a series of values in Tableau that are long strings intermixed with letters and numbers. I am unable to control the data output, but would like to parse the names from these strings. They follow the following format:
Potato 1TByte 4.5 NFA
Board 256GByte 553 NCA
Launch 4 512GByte 4.5 NFA
Launch 4S 512GByte 4.5 NCA
From each of these, I am attempting to capture the following:
"Launch 4"
"Launch 4S"
Each string follows the same format: the name, followed by size, followed by some extra information we don't really care about.
I've tried to put together some text parsing strings, but am coming up short, and am still trying to learn regular expressions.
The Tableau calculated field I was trying to work with was something like the following:
LEFT([String], FIND([String], "Byte") - 2)
The issue is that the text and numbers preceding Byte can be anywhere from 4 to 2 characters and I need a way to identify the length of that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
One option which uses a regex replacement:
REGEXP_REPLACE('Launch 4 512GByte 4.5 NFA', ' \d+[A-Z]Byte .*$', '')
This strips off everything from the Byte term to the right, leaving us with only the product name.
You could try the following - this seems to work - Screenshot of Tableau output. Find below the formulas for the various derived columns you see in the screenshot (Your source column is called [Name])
Step1 = LEFT([Name],FIND([Name],"Byte")-1)
Step2 = LEN([Step1])-LEN(REPLACE([Step1]," ",""))
Step3 = FINDNTH([Step1]," ",[Step2])
Step4 = LEFT([Step1],[Step3]-1)
And of course you can nest all these in a single calculated field - kept them as separate columns for easier understanding

Remove all lines does not contain in other file

I have file A 'Emails' with so many email , and file B 'Domain' with so many domain
Example File A 'Emails ':
Example file B 'Domain'
My expected result :
is there a way to do with 2 file in emeditor .Thanks much
I would propose using the Join CSV function. #Abimanyu's regex method may work if you have less than 10 or so domains. More than that, it might take a while to process the data.
To prepare the document for joining, right click on the CSV/Sort toolbar and edit the User-defined separated format to use # as the delimiter.
Now on both file A and file B, change the CSV mode to User-defined separated. On the CSV/Sort toolbar, there is a button called "Join CSV".
Join CSV options:
Make sure the correct documents are selected
Key Column is the email domain columns
In the list at the bottom, select the output columns, which should be column 1 and 2 from file A
Press the Join Now button, change CSV mode to Normal mode and you will get an output which looks like this:
May be this will be help to you :
Pattern : .*|.*
Match groups:
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3
Match 4

Using regex extract a particular text from a paragraph

I have used the below to extract a string from a paragraph.
data = '''actions/steps to (re-) produce the problem:
1) Media--> Music collectio--> on right side--> click on Add Favourite icon--> on clicking Add from Favourite icon--> (Delete from favourite ) will display--> again click on Delete the favourite
expected result/behaviour:
it should display the track as well
observed result/behavior:
1st track list will display then
2nd list of songs will display
3rd no records will display
this behaviour will appear again and again
possible impact:
this can be an issue while driving
actions/steps to recover from error:
software version tested (including supplied software or CAF version if relevant):
MGU :- 17w.25.4-2'''
for i in data["Error Description"]:
if len(re.findall(r'(Observed result\/behavior:|observed result\/behavior:)([^(]*)Possible impact:', i))==1:
observed.append((re.findall(r'(Observed result\/behavior:|observed result\/behavior:)([^(]*)Possible impact:', i))[0][1])
observed.append(" ".join((re.findall(r'(Observed result\/behavior:|observed result\/behavior:)([^(]*)Possible impact:', i))))
It shows nothing as the "observed:" has 4 lines. If it generally has one line and the immediate preceding is "possible impact:" then it displays the output.
I need my output though if the observed has n no of lines
Please help.
This should work on the assumption that observed result/behavior: will have one blank line before the next paragraph:
begin = data.index('observed result/behavior:')
end = data[begin:].index('\n\n')
output = data[begin:(begin+end)]
observed result/behavior:
1st track list will display then
2nd list of songs will display
3rd no records will display
this behaviour will appear again and again

AWQL - how can i use a regular expressions or something similar?

I am querying the adwords api via the following AWQL-Query (which works fine):
SELECT AccountDescriptiveName, CampaignId, CampaignName, AdGroupId, AdGroupName, KeywordText, KeywordMatchType, MaxCpc, Impressions, Clicks, Cost, Conversions, ConversionsManyPerClick, ConversionValue
WHERE CampaignStatus IN ['ACTIVE', 'PAUSED']
AND AdGroupStatus IN ['ENABLED', 'PAUSED']
AND AdNetworkType1 IN ['SEARCH'] AND Impressions > 0
DURING 20140501,20140531
Now i want to exclude some campaigns:
we have a convention for our new campaigns that the campaign name begins with three numbers followed by an underscore, eg. "100_brand_all"
So i want to get only these new campaigns..
I tried lots of different variations for STARTS_WITH but only exact strings are working - but i need a pattern to match!
I already read and following its content it should be possible to use a WHERE expression like this:
CampaignName STARTS_WITH ['0','1','2','3']
But that doesn't work!
Any other ideas how i can achieve this?
Well, why don't you run a campaign performance report first, then process that ( get the campaign ids you want or don't want) the use those in the "CampaignId IN [campaign ids here] . or CampaignID NOT_IN [campaign ids]