i am newbie in C++ and boost.
As part of my master thesis, i wrote a program which simulate a statistical model. During the computation, i use boost::thread to process my "center of mass vector", for saving some computation time. So far so good.
Now, i would like to take each result from the boost::thread (each time one element) and pass it to a running thread, which is going to preform recursive regression.
My questions:
how can i pass my new computed element to the existing thread?
how could i "wake-up" the thread, when i pass the new element?
i would be happy if someone could point me to an existing example.
the simplest possible way is to use std::queue, boost::mutex and boost::conditional_variable. wrap any access to queue by mutex, after pushing to queue call conditional_variable.notify_one(). in consumer thread wait on conditional_variable until any result is ready, then process it.
A proven way to control a thread from another thread is to send messages via a combination of a queue with a conditional variable. Unfortunately, boost::thread doesn't provide a standard solution and there are a couple of tricky things when implementing (possible deadlocks, behaviour when queue is full, use polymorphic messages...)
You should use mutex and/ro semaphore to synchronize your threads and lock variable to achieve thread-safe communication. Just note that all threads in your process share the same memory so you can access the same data, but you have to do it in a thread-safe way.
I'm not sure if boost library implements any threading primitives, but here is a good tutorial about multi-threading programming using POSIX threads - http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialPosixThreads.html
I'm trying to create a task manager, which accepts tasks and runs each task as a new thread, using C++ and (currently) std::thread on a Linux environment .
the task manager accepts normal tasks and priority tasks.
when a priority task arrives, all normal tasks need to be halted until the priority task is done.
I'm keeping all normal task threads in a std::vector, but I couldn't find a proper function to halt those threads.
is there a way, preferably not using locks, to implement the wanted behavior?
maybe with <pthread> or boost threads?
There is no direct way to interrupt a thread from the outside.
Boost interruption points are handy to stop things once for all but that's not equivalent to a pause.
I would suggest you to implement your own "interruption" class with a condition variable (and yes a mutex) to check and wait efficiently anywhere inside your tasks. But it is up to you to explicitely call these interruptions.
Maybe another way would be make your priority tasks multithreadable so that you can allocate more threads to fulfill them => the scheduler is more likely to complete them first but that's not sure so forget what i said.
Sorry, I don't aknowledge anything better then this.
I am trying to use the multithreading features in the C++11 standard library and have the following situation envisioned.
I have a parent class which maintains a queue of thread. So something like:
std::queue<MyMTObject *> _my_threads;
The class MyMTObject contains the std::thread object.
The queue has a fixed size of 5 and the class initially starts with the queue being full.
As I have jobs to process I launch threads and I remove them from the queue. What I would like is to get a notification when the job is finished along with the pointer to the MyMTObject, so that I can reinsert them into the queue and make them available again.
I have basically 2 questions:
1: Is this a sound idea? I know I have not specified specifics but broadly speaking. I will, of course, control all access to the queue with a mutex.
2: Is there a way to implement this notification mechanism without using external libraries like Qt or boost.
For duplicates, I did look on the site but could not find anything that was suitable to manage a collection of threads.
I'm not sure if I need to mention this, but std::thread objects can't be re-used. Generally, the only reason you keep a std::thread reference is to std::thread::join the thread. If you don't plan to join the thread later (e.g. dispatch to threads and wait for completion), it's generally advised to std::thread::detach it.
If you're trying to keep threads for a thread pool, it's probably easier to have each thread block on the std::queue and pull objects from the queue to work on. This is relatively easy to implement using a std::mutex and a std::condition_variable. It generally gives good throughput, but to get finer control over scheduling you can do things like keep a seperate std::queue for each thread.
Detaching the threads and creating a work queue also has the added benefit that it avoids redundantly requesting the operating system create new threads which adds overhead and increases overall resource usage.
You could try to deploy some version of Reactor pattern I think. So, you could start one additional control thread that cleans after these workers. Now, you create a ThreadSafeQueue that will be used to communicate events from worker threads to control thread. This queue should be implemented in such a way that you can select on it and wait for any activity on the other end (some thread terminates and calls queue.push for example).
All in all I think it's quite elegant solution. I does add an overhead of an additional thread, but this thread will be mostly sleeping and waking up only once a while to clean up after the worker.
There is no elegant way to do this in Posix, and C++ threading model is almost a thin wrapper on Posix.
You can join a specific thread (one at a time), or you can wait on futures - again, one future at a time.
The best you can do to avoid looping is to employ a conditional variable, and make all threads singal on it (as well as indicating which one just exited by setting some sort of per-thread flag) just before they are about to exit. The 'reaper' would notice the signal and check the flags.
The issue is that this solution requires thread cooperation. But I know not of any better.
I have multiple consumer threads and one producer thread. Producer thread writes the data into a map belong to a certain consumer thread and sends a signal to the consumer thread. I am using mutexes around the map when I am inserting and erasing the data. however this approach looks not efficient in terms of speed performance. Can you suggest another approach instead of map which requires mutex locks and unlocks and I think mutex slows down the transmission.
however this approach looks not efficient in terms of speed performance. Can you suggest another approach instead of map which requires mutex locks and unlocks and I think mutex slows down the transmission.
You should use a profiler to identify where the bottleneck is.
Producer thread writes the data into a map belong to a certain consumer thread and sends a signal to the consumer thread.
The producer should not be concerned what kind of data structure the consumer uses - it is a consumer's implementation detail. Keep in mind that inserting a value into a map requires a memory allocation (unless you are using a custom allocator) and memory allocation internally takes locks as well to protect the state of the heap. The end result is that locking a mutex around map::insert operation may lock it for too long actually.
A simpler and more efficient design would be to have an atomic queue between the producer and consumer (e.g. pipe, TBB concurrent_bounded_queue which pre-allocates its storage so that push/pop operations are really quick). Since your producer communicates directly to each consumer that queue is one-writer-one-reader and it can be implemented as a wait-free queue (or ring buffer a-la C++ disruptor).
Andrei Alexandrescu made the good point in that you should measure your code (https://www.facebook.com/notes/facebook-engineering/three-optimization-tips-for-c/10151361643253920) and this is the same advice I would give you, which is to measure your code and see what performance differences you are getting between a baseline test and your test running single threaded:
Time required to insert data using single thread to map
with above listed data
Time required to insert data
using single thread to map with above listed data and using mutex
If you are still looking for a thread-safe container, you may want to look at Intel's open-source implementation of thread-safe containers at http://www.threadingbuildingblocks.org/docs/help/reference/containers_overview/concurrent_queue_cls.htm .
Also, as a suggestion for the consumer thread implementation, you may want to read the ActiveObject article that Herb Sutter posted on his website: http://herbsutter.com/2010/07/12/effective-concurrency-prefer-using-active-objects-instead-of-naked-threads/
If you can provide some more details, like why the map has to be locked all the time, we may be able to draft up a mechanism that is better performing.
I have game and I have two threads , one generates custom class and needs to store that (I put to push that in queue but I am not sure if that is thread safe, first thread generates every 50ms new instance, and second can read faster if there is any or slower - speed changes over time) . Another thread uses if queue is not empty , pop first and calculates some things. Is there any data structure thread safe for this problem in stl or boost ?
Using std::queue or any similar container will not be thread safe. If you want your access (push/pop) to be thread-safe, while using std::queue, you should use boost::mutex or a similar mechanism to lock before each access. You can look at boost::shared_mutex if you need immutable reads from more than one thread (not sure you need that based on what you described).
Apart from that, you can take a look at boost::interprocess::message_queue, as someone has already mentioned -> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_50_0/boost/interprocess/ipc/message_queue.hpp for the most recent version of boost.
Moreover, there is the concept of lock-free queues en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-blocking_algorithm. I cannot provide an example of such implementation but I am sure you can find some if you google around.
I have a lot of data that I want to disseminate to many different threads. This data is coming from a single thread. The consuming threads can safely access the container simultaneously.
The data needs to be merged into the container ever delta seconds (50ms < delta < 1), during which time the consuming threads need to be locked out, but not blocked. Similarly, when the data producer wants to merge in the data, it should wait until any reading threads are finished (which should be fast), but no one else should start reading as the update needs to occur as soon as possible.
I'm working on linux (platform specific solution is perfectly fine/expected) and I care about every millisecond. What sort of locking mechanisms should I use or is there an even better model for this problem?
If there is only one data producer thread and memory is not a consideration, you may want to consider using a merge and swap algorithm.
In it, the writer thread creates a copy of the data structure while readers continue to use the original, merges in new changes, then performs an exchange of the two structures within a mutex or critical section (or reader/writer lock). If your Unix platform supports interlocked exchange as an atomic operation, you can perform a lock-free exchange maximizing read throughput through they implementation.
It looks like you need to use the pthread read/write locks. They allow you to restrict access to one writer OR multiple readers. Look at pthread_rwlock_init to initialize the lock, pthread_rwlock_rdlock to acquire the lock for reading data, and pthread_rwlock_wrlock to acquire the lock for writing data.
Sounds like a good use for pthread read-write locks along with some thread-safe queues. The producer thread inserts items into the queue. The worker pool will pull items off of the queue and process the data. I'm not sure how the output will work but you might want to use a thread-safe queue here as well... maybe a priority queue to automatically merge the data if it makes sense.
The locked queue construct is nothing more than a mutex for exclusive locking, a std::queue for data storage, and a condition variable to wake up threads that are waiting on the queue. The enqueue method grabs the lock, inserts into the queue, releases the lock, and signals the condition. The dequeue method grabs the mutex, waits on the condition using the mutex as a guard, and dequeues any data that is there when it is woken up. This is a pretty standard producer-consumer style queue.
Before you roll your own solution, you might want to check out Boost.MPI and Boost.Thread. They both provide nicer C++ interfaces over the underlying OS implementation. I've used Boost.Thread a lot but it doesn't provide a nice message passing interface, but it does improve over pthread.
If you are really into multi-processing, you might want to give Boost.MPI or maybe Apache Qpid serious consideration. I plan on looking into Qpid and AMPQ for future projects since they both provide nice message-based interfaces.