Is there a good general purpose options class for c++? - c++

Each time I write another one of my small c++ toy programs, I come across the need for a small, easy-to-use options/parameter class. Here is what it should be able to do:
accept at least ints, doubles, string parameters
easy way to add new options
portable, small and fast
read options from a file and/or command line
upper and lower bounds for parameters
and all the other neat useful things I am not thinking of right now
What I want to do is pass a pointer to this class to the builder and all of my strategy objects, so they can read the parameters of the algorithm I am running (e.g. which algorithm, maximum number of iterations etc.)
Can someone point me to an implementation that achieves at least some of these things?

Boost Program-Options is pretty slick. I think it does all the things on your list, apart from maybe bounds validation. But even then, you can provide custom validators pretty easily.
Update: As #stefan rightly points out in a comment, this also fails on "small"! It adds quite a significant chunk to your binary if you statically link it in.

You might want to consider storing your configuration in JSON format. While reading JSON from the command-line is slightly awkward, it's still perfectly doable and even reasonably legible. Other than that you get a whole lot of flexibility, including nested configuration options, facilities for deserializing complicated data types etc.
There are numerous libraries for de-serializing JSON into C++, see e.g. this discussion and comparison of a few of them. Some are small, many are fast (although you don't actually need them to be fast - configuration data is very small), most are very portable. A long list and some benchmark results (although not a feature comparison) can be found here; some of these libraries might actually be geared towards use for reading configuration options, although that's just a wild guess.


What is are the advantages of a custom data structure?

What's the need to go for defining and implementing data structures (e.g. stack) ourselves if they are already available in C++ STL?
What are the differences between the two implementations?
First, implementing by your own an existing data structure is a useful exercise. You understand better what it does (so you can understand better what the standard containers do). In particular, you understand better why time complexity is so important.
Then, there is a quality of implementation issue. The standard implementation might not be suitable for you.
Let me give an example. Indeed, std::stack is implementing a stack. It is a general-purpose implementation. Have you measured sizeof(std::stack<char>)? Have you benchmarked it, in the case of a million of stacks of 3.2 elements on average with a Poisson distribution?
Perhaps in your case, you happen to know that you have millions of stacks of char-s (never NUL), and that 99% of them have less than 4 elements. With that additional knowledge, you probably should be able to implement something "better" than what the standard C++ stack provides. So std::stack<char> would work, but given that extra knowledge you'll be able to implement it differently. You still (for readability and maintenance) would use the same methods as in std::stack<char> - so your WeirdSmallStackOfChar would have a push method, etc. If (later during the project) you realize or that bigger stack might be useful (e.g. in 1% of cases) you'll reimplement your stack differently (e.g. if your code base grow to a million lines of C++ and you realize that you have quite often bigger stacks, you might "remove" your WeirdSmallStackOfChar class and add typedef std::stack<char> WeirdSmallStackOfChar; ....)
If you happen to know that all your stacks have less than 4 char-s and that \0 is not valid in them, representing such "stack"-s as a char w[4] field is probably the wisest approach. It is fast and easy to code.
So, if performance and memory space matters, you might perhaps code something as weird as
class MyWeirdStackOfChars {
bool small;
union {
std::stack<char>* bigstack;
char smallstack[4];
Of course, that is very incomplete. When small is true your implementation uses smallstack. For the 1% case where it is false, your implemention uses bigstack. The rest of MyWeirdStackOfChars is left as an exercise (not that easy) to the reader. Don't forget to follow the rule of five.
Ok, maybe the above example is not convincing. But what about std::map<int,double>? You might have millions of them, and you might know that 99.5% of them are smaller than 5. You obviously could optimize for that case. It is highly probable that representing small maps by an array of pairs of int & double is more efficient both in terms of memory and in terms of CPU time.
Sometimes, you even know that all your maps have less than 16 entries (and std::map<int,double> don't know that) and that the key is never 0. Then you might represent them differently. In that case, I guess that I am able to implement something much more efficient than what std::map<int,double> provides (probably, because of cache effects, an array of 16 entries with an int and a double is the fastest).
That is why any developer should know the classical algorithms (and have read some Introduction to Algorithms), even if in many cases he would use existing containers. Be also aware of the as-if rule.
STL implementation of Data Structures is not perfect for every possible use case.
I like the example of hash tables. I have been using STL implementation for a while, but I use it mainly for Competitive Programming contests.
Imagine that you are Google and you have billions of dollars in resources destined to storing and accessing hash tables. You would probably like to have the best possible implementation for the company use cases, since it will save resources and make search faster in general.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that you also have some of the best engineers on the planet working for you (:
(This video is made by Kulukundis talking about the new hash table made by his team at Google )
Some other reasons that justify implementing your own version of Data Structures:
Test your understanding of a specific structure.
Customize part of the structure to some peculiar use case.
Seek better performance than STL for a specific data structure.
Hating STL errors.
Benchmarking STL against some simple implementation.

Strings vs binary for storing variables inside the file format

We aim at using HDF5 for our data format. HDF5 has been selected because it is a hierarchical filesystem-like cross-platform data format and it supports large amounts of data.
The file will contain arrays and some parameters. The question is about how to store the parameters (which are not made up by large amounts of data), considering also file versioning issues and the efforts to build the library. Parameters inside the HDF5 could be stored as either (A) human-readable attribute/value pairs or (B) binary data in the form of HDF5 compound data types.
Just as an example, let's consider as a parameter a polygon with three vertex. Under case A we could have for instance a variable named Polygon with the string representation of the series of vertices, e.g. for instance (1, 2); (3, 4); (4, 1). Under case B, we could have instead a variable named Polygon made up by a [2 x 3] matrix.
We have some idea, but it would be great to have inputs from people who have already worked with something similar. More precisely, could you please list pro/cons of A and B and also say under what circumstances which would be preferable?
Speaking as someone who's had to do exactly what you're talking about a number of time, rr got it basically right, but I would change the emphasis a little.
For file versioning, text is basically the winner.
Since you're using an hdf5 library, I assume both serializing and parsing are equivalent human-effort.
text files are more portable. You can transfer the files across generations of hardware with the minimal risk.
text files are easier for humans to work with. If you want to extract a subset of the data and manipulate it, you can do that with many programs on many computers. If you are working with binary data, you will need a program that allows you to do so. Depending on how you see people working with your data, this can make a huge difference to the accessibility of the data and maintenance costs. You'll be able to sed, grep, and even edit the data in excel.
input and output of binary data (for large data sets) will be vastly faster than text.
working with those binary files in a new environmnet (e.g. a 128 bit little endian computer in some sci-fi future) will require some engineering.
similarly, if you write applications in other languages, you'll need to handle the encoding identically between applications. This will either mean engineering effort, or having the same libraries available on all platforms. Plain text this is easier...
If you want others to write applications that work with your data, plain text is simpler. If you're providing binary files, you'll have to provide a file specification which they can follow. With plain text, anyone can just look at the file and figure out how to parse it.
you can archive the text files with compression, so space concerns are primarily an issue for the data you are actively working with.
debugging binary data storage is significantly more work than debugging plain-text storage.
So in the end it depends a little on your use case. Is it meaningful to look at the data in the myriad tools that handle plain-text? Is it only meaningful to look at it with big-data hdf5 viewers? Will writing plain text be onerous to you in terms of time and space?
In general, when I'm faced with this issue, I basically always do the same thing: I store the data in plain text until I realize the speed problems are more irritating than working with binary would be, and then I switch. If you don't know in advance if you're crossing that threshold start with plain-text, and write your interface to your persistence layer in such a way that it will be easy to switch later. This is tiny bit of additional work, which you will probably get back thanks to plain text being easier to debug.
If you expect to edit the file by hand often (like XMLs or JSONs), then go with human readable format.
Otherwise go with binary - it's much easier to create a parser for it and it will run faster than any grammar parser.
Also note how there's nothing that prevents you from creating a converter between binary and human-readable form later.
Versioning files might sound nice, but are you really going to inspect the diffs for files "containing large arrays"?

Best approach to storing scientific data sets on disk C++

I'm currently working on a project that requires working with gigabytes of scientific data sets. The data sets are in the form of very large arrays (30,000 elements) of integers and floating point numbers. The problem here is that they are too large too fit into memory, so I need an on disk solution for storing and working with them. To make this problem even more fun, I am restricted to using a 32-bit architecture (as this is for work) and I need to try to maximize performance for this solution.
So far, I've worked with HDF5, which worked okay, but I found it a little too complicated to work with. So, I thought the next best thing would be to try a NoSQL database, but I couldn't find a good way to store the arrays in the database short of casting them to character arrays and storing them like that, which caused a lot of bad pointer headaches.
So, I'd like to know what you guys recommend. Maybe you have a less painful way of working with HDF5 while at the same time maximizing performance. Or maybe you know of a NoSQL database that works well for storing this type of data. Or maybe I'm going in the totally wrong direction with this and you'd like to smack some sense into me.
Anyway, I'd appreciate any words of wisdom you guys can offer me :)
Smack some sense into yourself and use a production-grade library such as HDF5. So you found it too complicated, but did you find its high-level APIs ?
If you don't like that answer, try one of the emerging array databases such as SciDB, rasdaman or MonetDB. I suspect though, that if you have baulked at HDF5 you'll baulk at any of these.
In my view, and experience, it is worth the effort to learn how to properly use a tool such as HDF5 if you are going to be working with large scientific data sets for any length of time. If you pick up a tool such as a NoSQL database, which was not designed for the task at hand, then, while it may initially be easier to use, eventually (before very long would be my guess) it will lack features you need or want and you will find yourself having to program around its deficiencies.
Pick one of the right tools for the job and learn how to use it properly.
Assuming your data sets really are large enough to merit (e.g., instead of 30,000 elements, a 30,000x30,000 array of doubles), you might want to consider STXXL. It provides interfaces that are intended to (and largely succeed at) imitate those of the collections in the C++ standard library, but are intended to work with data too large to fit in memory.
I have been working on scientific computing for years, and I think HDF5 or NetCDF is a good data format for you to work with. It can provide efficient parallel read/wirte, which is important for dealing with big data.
An alternate solution is to use array database, like SciDB, MonetDB, or RasDaMan. However, it will be kinda painful if you try to load HDF5 data into an array database. I once tried to load HDF5 data into SciDB, but it requires a series of data transformations. You need to know if you will query the data often or not. If not often, then the time-consuming loading may be unworthy.
You may be interested in this paper.
It can allow you to query the HDF5 data directly by using SQL.

Binary parser or serialization?

I want to store a graph of different objects for a game, their classes may or may not be related, they may or may not contain vectors of simple structures.
I want parsing operation to be fast, data can be pretty big.
Adding new things should not be hard, and it should not break backward compatibility.
Smaller file size is kind of important
Readability counts
By serialization I mean, making objects serialize themselves, which is effective, but I will need to write different serialization methods for different objects for that.
By binary parsing/composing I mean, creating a new tree of parsers/composers that holds and reads data for these objects, and passing this around to have my objects push/pull their data.
I can also use json, but it can be pretty slow for reading, and it is not very size effective when it comes to pretty big sets of matrices, and numbers.
Point by point:
Fast Parsing: binary (since you don't necessarily have to "parse", you can just deserialize)
Adding New Things: text
Smaller: text (even if gzipped text is larger than binary, it won't be much larger).
Readability: text
So that's three votes for text, one point for binary. Personally, I'd go with text for everything except images (and other data which is "naturally" binary). Then, store everything in a big zip file (I can think of several games do this or something close to it).
Good reads: The Importance of Being Textual and Power Of Plain Text.
Check out protocol buffers from Google or thrift from Apache. Although billed as a way to write wire protocols easily, it's basically an object serialization mechanism that can create bindings in a dozen languages, has efficient binary representation, easy versioning, fast performance, and is well-supported.
We're using Boost.Serialization. Don't know how it performs next to those offered by samkass.

Are there any tools for tracking down bloat in C++?

A carelessly written template here, some excessive inlining there - it's all too easy to write bloated code in C++. In principle, refactoring to reduce that bloat isn't too hard. The problem is tracing the worst offending templates and inlines - tracing those items that are causing real bloat in real programs.
With that in mind, and because I'm certain that my libraries are a bit more bloat-prone than they should be, I was wondering if there's any tools that can track down those worst offenders automatically - i.e. identify those items that contribute most (including all their repeated instantiations and calls) to the size of a particular target.
I'm not much interested in performance at this point - it's all about the executable file size.
Are there any tools for this job, usable on Windows, and fitting with either MinGW GCC or Visual Studio?
EDIT - some context
I have a set of multiway-tree templates that act as replacements for the red-black tree standard containers. They are written as wrappers around non-typesafe non-template code, but they were also written a long time ago and as an "will better cache friendliness boost real performance" experiment. The point being, they weren't really written for long-term use.
Because they support some handy tricks, though (search based on custom comparisons/partial keys, efficient subscripted access, search for smallest unused key) they ended up being in use just about everywhere in my code. These days, I hardly ever use std::map.
Layered on top of those, I have some more complex containers, such as two-way maps. On top of those, I have tree and digraph classes. On top of those...
Using map files, I could track down whether non-inline template methods are causing bloat. That's just a matter of finding all the instantiations of a particular method and adding the sizes. But what about unwisely inlined methods? The templates were, after all, meant to be thin wrappers around non-template code, but historically my ability to judge whether something should be inlined or not hasn't been very reliable. The bloat impact of those template inlines isn't so easy to measure.
I have some idea which methods are heavily used, but that's the well-known opimization-without-profiling mistake.
Check out Symbol Sort. I used it a while back to figure out why our installer had grown by a factor of 4 in six months (it turns out the answer was static linking of the C runtime and libxml2).
Map file analysis
I have seen a problem like this some time ago, and I ended up writing a custom tool which analysed map file (Visual Studio linker can be instructed to produce one). The tool output was:
list of function sorted descending by code size, listing only first N
list of source files sorted descending by code size, listing only first N
Parsing map file is relatively easy (function code size can be computed as a difference between current and following line), the hardest part is probably handling mangled names in a reasonable way. You might find some ready to use libraries for both of this, I did it a few years ago and I do not know the current situation.
Here is a short excerpt from a map file, so that you know what to expect:
Address Publics by Value Rva+Base Lib:Object
0001:0023cbb4 ?ApplyScheme#Input##QAEXPBVParamEntry###Z 0063dbb4 f mainInput.obj
0001:0023cea1 ?InitKeys#Input##QAEXXZ 0063dea1 f mainInput.obj
0001:0023cf47 ?LoadKeys#Input##QAEXABVParamEntry###Z 0063df47 f mainInput.obj
Symbol Sort
As posted in Ben Staub's answer, Symbol Sort is a ready to use command line utility (comes with a complete C# source) which does all of this, with the only difference of not analysing map files, but rather pdb/exe files.
So what I'm reading based on your question and your comments is that the library is not actually too large.
The only tool you need to determine this is a command shell, or Windows File explorer. Look at the file size. Is it so big that it causes real actual problems? (Unacceptable download times, won't fit in memory on the target platform, that kind of thing)?
If not, then you should worry about code readability and maintainability and nothing else. And the tool for that is your eyes. Read the code, and take the actions needed to make it more readable if necessary.
If you can point to an actual reason why the executable size is a problem, please edit that into your question, as it is important context.
However, assuming the file size is actually a problem:
Inlined functions are generally not a problem, because the compiler, and no one else, chooses which functions to inline. Simply marking something inline does not inline the actual generated code. The compiler inlines if it determines the trade-off between larger code and less indirection to be worth it. If a function is called often, it will not be inlined, because that would dramatically affect code size, which would hurt performance.
If you're worried that inlined functions cause code bloat, simply compile with the "optimize for size" flag. Then the compiler will restrict inlining to the cases where it doesn't affect executable size noticeably.
For finding out which symbols are biggest, parse the map file as #Suma suggested.
But really, you said it yourself when you mentioned "the well-known opimization-without-profiling mistake."
The very first act of profiling you need to do is to ask is the executable size actually a problem? In the comments you said that you "have a feeling", which, in a profiling context is useless, and can be translated into "no, the executable size is not a problem".
Profile. Gather data and identify trouble spots. Before worrying about how to bring down the executable size, find out what the executable size is, and identify whether or not that is actually a problem. You haven't done that yet. You read in a book that "code bloat is a problem in C++", and so you assume that code bloat is a problem in your program. but is it? Why? How do you determine that it is?
This is wonderful object file in lib/library size analysis GUI tool generated from Visual studio compiler map file . this tool analyses and generates report from map file . you can do filtering also and it dynamically display size . just input the map file to this tool and this tool will list what function are occupying which size the given map fiel generated by dll/exe check the screenshots of it in above file/ you can sort on size also.
Basically, you are looking for costly things that you don't need. Suppose there is some category of functions that you don't need taking some large percent of the space, like 20%. Then if you picked 20 random bytes out of the image size, on the average 4 of them (20 * 20%) will be in that category, and you will be able to see them. So basically, you take those samples, look at them, and if you see an obvious pattern of functions that you don't really need, then remove them. Then do it again because other categories of routines that used less space are now taking a higher percentage.
So I agree with Suma that parsing the map file is a good start. Then I would write a routine to walk through it, and every 5% of the way (space-wise) print the routine I am in. That way I get 20 samples. Often I find that a large chunk of object space results from a very small number (like 1) of lines of source code that I could easily have done another way.
You are also worried about too much inlining making functions larger than they could be. To figure that out, I would take each of those sample, and since it represents a specific address in a specific function, I would trace that back to the line of code it is in. That way, I can tell if it is in an expanded function. This is a bit of work, but doable.
A similar problem is how to find tumors when disks get full. The same idea there is to walk the directory tree, adding up the file sizes, Then you walk it again, and as you pass each 5% point, you print out the path of the file you are in. This tells you not only if you have large files, it tells you if you have large numbers of small files, and it doesn't matter how deeply they are buried or how widely they are scattered. When you clean out one category of files that you don't need, you can do it again to get the next category, and so on.
Good luck.
Your question seems to tend towards run-time rather than compile-time bloat.
However, if compile-time bloat (plus binary bloat resulting from inefficient compilation) is relevant, then I have to mention clang tool IWYU.
Since IWYU likely will manage to toss quite a number of #include:s in your code areas, this should also manage to reduce binary bloat. At least for my own environment I can certainly confirm a useful reduction in build time.