What C++ code compiles down to the x86 REP instruction? - c++

I'm copying elements from one array to another in C++. I found the rep movs instruction in x86 that seems to copy an array at ESI to an array at EDI of size ECX. However, neither the for nor while loops I tried compiled to a rep movs instruction in VS 2008 (on an Intel Xeon x64 processor). How can I write code that will get compiled to this instruction?

Honestly, you shouldn't. REP is sort of an obsolete holdover in the instruction set, and actually pretty slow since it has to call a microcoded subroutine inside the CPU, which has a ROM lookup latency and is nonpipelined as well.
In almost every implementation, you will find that the memcpy() compiler intrinsic both is easier to use and runs faster.

Under MSVC there are the __movsxxx & __stosxxx intrinsics that will generate a REP prefixed instruction.
there is also a 'hack' to force intrinsic memset aka REP STOS under vc9+, as the intrinsic no longer exits, due to the sse2 branching in the crt. this is better that __stosxxx due to the fact the compiler can optimize it for constants and order it correctly.
#define memset(mem,fill,size) memset((DWORD*)mem,((fill) << 24|(fill) << 16|(fill) << 8|(fill)),size)
__forceinline void memset(DWORD* pStart, unsigned long dwFill, size_t nSize)
//credits to Nepharius for finding this
DWORD* pLast = pStart + (nSize >> 2);
while(pStart < pLast)
*pStart++ = dwFill;
if((nSize &= 3) == 0)
if(nSize == 3)
(((WORD*)pStart))[0] = WORD(dwFill);
(((BYTE*)pStart))[2] = BYTE(dwFill);
else if(nSize == 2)
(((WORD*)pStart))[0] = WORD(dwFill);
(((BYTE*)pStart))[0] = BYTE(dwFill);
of course REP isn't always the best thing to use, imo your way better off using memcpy, it'll branch to either sse2 or REPS MOV based on your system (under msvc), unless you feeling like writing custom assembly for 'hot' areas...

If you need exactly that instruction - use built-in assembler and write that instruction manually. You can't rely on the compiler to produce any specific machine code - even if it emits it in one compilation it can decide to emit some other equivalent during next compilation.

REP and friends was nice once upon a time, when the x86 CPU was a single-pipeline industrial CISC-processor.
But that has changed. Nowadays when the processor encounters any instruction, the first it does is translating it into an easier format (VLIW-like micro-ops) and schedules it for future execution (this is part of out-of-order-execution, part of scheduling between different logical CPU cores, it can be used to simplifying write-after-write-sequences into single-writes, et.c.). This machinery works well for instructions that translates into a few VLIW-like opcodes, but not machine-code that translates into loops. Loop-translated machine code will probably cause the execution pipeline to stall.
Rather than spending hundreds of thousands of transistors into building CPU-circuitry for handling looping portions of the micro-ops in the execution pipeline, they just handle it in some sort of crappy legacy-mode that stutterly stalls the pipeline, and ask modern programmers to write your own damn loops!
Therefore it is seldom used when machines write code. If you encounter REP in a binary executable, its probably a human assembly-muppet who didn't know better, or a cracker that really needed the few bytes it saved to use it instead of an actual loop, that wrote it.
(However. Take everything I just wrote with a grain of salt. Maybe this is not true anymore. I am not 100% up to date with the internals of x86 CPUs anymore, I got into other hobbies..)

I use the rep* prefix variants with cmps*, movs*, scas* and stos* instruction variants to generate inline code which minimizes the code size, avoids unnecessary calls/jumps and thereby keeps down the work done by the caches. The alternative is to set up parameters and call a memset or memcpy somewhere else which may overall be faster if I want to copy a hundred bytes or more but if it's just a matter of 10-20 bytes using rep is faster (or at least was the last time I measured).
Since my compiler allows specification and use of inline assembly functions and includes their register usage/modification in the optimization activities it is possible for me to use them when the circumstances are right.

On a historic note - not having any insight into the manufacturer's strategies - there was a time when the "rep movs*" (etc) instructions were very slow. I think it was around the time of the Pentium/Pentium MMX. A colleague of mine (who had more insight than I) said that the manufacturers had decreased the chip area (<=> fewer transistors/more microcode) allocated to the rep handling and used it to make other, more used instructions faster.
In the fifteen years or so since rep has become relatively speaking faster again which would suggest more transistors/less microcode.


Does any of current C++ compilers ever emit "rep movsb/w/d"?

This question made me wonder, if current modern compilers ever emit REP MOVSB/W/D instruction.
Based on this discussion, it seems that using REP MOVSB/W/D could be beneficial on current CPUs.
But no matter how I tried, I cannot made any of the current compilers (GCC 8, Clang 7, MSVC 2017 and ICC 18) to emit this instruction.
For this simple code, it could be reasonable to emit REP MOVSB:
void fn(char *dst, const char *src, int l) {
for (int i=0; i<l; i++) {
dst[i] = src[i];
But compilers emit a non-optimized simple byte-copy loop, or a huge unrolled loop (basically an inlined memmove). Do any of the compilers use this instruction?
GCC has x86 tuning options to control string-ops strategy and when to inline vs. library call. (See https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/x86-Options.html). -mmemcpy-strategy=strategy
takes alg:max_size:dest_align triplets, but the brute-force way is -mstringop-strategy=rep_byte
I had to use __restrict to get gcc to recognize the memcpy pattern, instead of just doing normal auto-vectorization after an overlap check / fallback to a dumb byte loop. (Fun fact: gcc -O3 auto-vectorizes even with -mno-sse, using the full width of an integer register. So you only get a dumb byte loop if you compile with -Os (optimize for size) or -O2 (less than full optimization)).
Note that if src and dst overlap with dst > src, the result is not memmove. Instead, you'll get a repeating pattern with length = dst-src. rep movsb has to correctly implement the exact byte-copy semantics even in case of overlap, so it would still be valid (but slow on current CPUs: I think microcode would just fall back to a byte loop).
gcc only gets to rep movsb via recognizing a memcpy pattern and then choosing to inline memcpy as rep movsb. It doesn't go directly from byte-copy loop to rep movsb, and that's why possible aliasing defeats the optimization. (It might be interesting for -Os to consider using rep movs directly, though, when alias analysis can't prove it's a memcpy or memmove, on CPUs with fast rep movsb.)
void fn(char *__restrict dst, const char *__restrict src, int l) {
for (int i=0; i<l; i++) {
dst[i] = src[i];
This probably shouldn't "count" because I would probably not recommend those tuning options for any use-case other than "make the compiler use rep movs", so it's not that different from an intrinsic. I didn't check all the -mtune=silvermont / -mtune=skylake / -mtune=bdver2 (Bulldozer version 2 = Piledriver) / etc. tuning options, but I doubt any of them enable that. So this is an unrealistic test because nobody using -march=native would get this code-gen.
But the above C compiles with gcc8.1 -xc -O3 -Wall -mstringop-strategy=rep_byte -minline-all-stringops on the Godbolt compiler explorer to this asm for x86-64 System V:
test edx, edx
jle .L1 # rep movs treats the counter as unsigned, but the source uses signed
sub edx, 1 # what the heck, gcc? mov ecx,edx would be too easy?
lea ecx, [rdx+1]
rep movsb # dst=rdi and src=rsi
.L1: # matching the calling convention
Fun fact: the x86-64 SysV calling convention being optimized for inlining rep movs is not a coincidence (Why does Windows64 use a different calling convention from all other OSes on x86-64?). I think gcc favoured that when the calling convention was being designed, so it saved instructions.
rep_8byte does a bunch of setup to handle counts that aren't a multiple of 8, and maybe alignment, I didn't look carefully.
I also didn't check other compilers.
Inlining rep movsb would be a poor choice without an alignment guarantee, so it's good that compilers don't do it by default. (As long as they do something better.) Intel's optimization manual has a section on memcpy and memset with SIMD vectors vs. rep movs. See also http://agner.org/optimize/, and other performance links in the x86 tag wiki.
(I doubt that gcc would do anything differently if you did dst=__builtin_assume_aligned(dst, 64); or any other way of communicating alignment to the compiler, though. e.g. alignas(64) on some arrays.)
Intel's IceLake microarchitecture will have a "short rep" feature that presumably reduces startup overhead for rep movs / rep stos, making them much more useful for small counts. (Currently rep string microcode has significant startup overhead: What setup does REP do?)
memmove / memcpy strategies:
BTW, glibc's memcpy uses a pretty nice strategy for small inputs that's insensitive to overlap: Two loads -> two stores that potentially overlap, for copies up to 2 registers wide. This means any input from 4..7 bytes branches the same way, for example.
Glibc's asm source has a nice comment describing the strategy: https://code.woboq.org/userspace/glibc/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/memmove-vec-unaligned-erms.S.html#19.
For large inputs, it uses SSE XMM registers, AVX YMM registers, or rep movsb (after checking an internal config variable that's set based on CPU-detection when glibc initializes itself). I'm not sure which CPUs it will actually use rep movsb on, if any, but support is there for using it for large copies.
rep movsb might well be a pretty reasonable choice for small code-size and non-terrible scaling with count for a byte loop like this, with safe handling for the unlikely case of overlap.
Microcode startup overhead is a big problem with using it for copies that are usually small, though, on current CPUs.
It's probably better than a byte loop if the average copy size is maybe 8 to 16 bytes on current CPUs, and/or different counts cause branch mispredicts a lot. It's not good, but it's less bad.
Some kind of last-ditch peephole optimization for turning a byte-loop into a rep movsb might be a good idea, if compiling without auto-vectorization. (Or for compilers like MSVC that make a byte loop even at full optimization.)
It would be neat if compilers knew about it more directly, and considered using it for -Os (optimize for code-size more than speed) when tuning for CPUs with the Enhanced Rep Movs/Stos Byte (ERMSB) feature. (See also Enhanced REP MOVSB for memcpy for lots of good stuff about x86 memory bandwidth single threaded vs. all cores, NT stores that avoid RFO, and rep movs using an RFO-avoiding cache protocol...).
On older CPUs, rep movsb wasn't as good for large copies, so the recommended strategy was rep movsd or movsq with special handling for the last few counts. (Assuming you're going to use rep movs at all, e.g. in kernel code where you can't touch SIMD vector registers.)
The -mno-sse auto-vectorization using integer registers is much worse than rep movs for medium sized copies that are hot in L1d or L2 cache, so gcc should definitely use rep movsb or rep movsq after checking for overlap, not a qword copy loop, unless it expects small inputs (like 64 bytes) to be common.
The only advantage of a byte loop is small code size; it's pretty much the bottom of the barrel; a smart strategy like glibc's would be much better for small but unknown copy sizes. But that's too much code to inline, and a function call does have some cost (spilling call-clobbered registers and clobbering the red zone, plus the actual cost of the call / ret instructions and dynamic linking indirection).
Especially in a "cold" function that doesn't run often (so you don't want to spend a lot of code size on it, increasing your program's I-cache footprint, TLB locality, pages to be loaded from disk, etc). If writing asm by hand, you'd usually know more about the expected size distribution and be able to inline a fast-path with a fallback to something else.
Remember that compilers will make their decisions on potentially many loops in one program, and most code in most programs is outside of hot loops. It shouldn't bloat them all. This is why gcc defaults to -fno-unroll-loops unless profile-guided optimization is enabled. (Auto-vectorization is enabled at -O3, though, and can create a huge amount of code for some small loops like this one. It's quite silly that gcc spends huge amounts of code-size on loop prologues/epilogues, but tiny amounts on the actual loop; for all it knows the loop will run millions of iterations for each one time the code outside runs.)
Unfortunately it's not like gcc's auto-vectorized code is very efficient or compact. It spends a lot of code size on the loop cleanup code for the 16-byte SSE case (fully unrolling 15 byte-copies). With 32-byte AVX vectors, we get a rolled-up byte loop to handle the leftover elements. (For a 17 byte copy, this is pretty terrible vs. 1 XMM vector + 1 byte or glibc style overlapping 16-byte copies). With gcc7 and earlier, it does the same full unrolling until an alignment boundary as a loop prologue so it's twice as bloated.
IDK if profile-guided optimization would optimize gcc's strategy here, e.g. favouring smaller / simpler code when the count is small on every call, so auto-vectorized code wouldn't be reached. Or change strategy if the code is "cold" and only runs once or not at all per run of the whole program. Or if the count is usually 16 or 24 or something, then scalar for the last n % 32 bytes is terrible so ideally PGO would get it to special case smaller counts. (But I'm not too optimistic.)
I might report a GCC missed-optimization bug for this, about detecting memcpy after an overlap check instead of leaving it purely up to the auto-vectorizer. And/or about using rep movs for -Os, maybe with -mtune=icelake if more info becomes available about that uarch.
A lot of software gets compiled with only -O2, so a peephole for rep movs other than the auto-vectorizer could make a difference. (But the question is whether it's a positive or negative difference)!

Deoptimizing a program for the pipeline in Intel Sandybridge-family CPUs

I've been racking my brain for a week trying to complete this assignment and I'm hoping someone here can lead me toward the right path. Let me start with the instructor's instructions:
Your assignment is the opposite of our first lab assignment, which was to optimize a prime number program. Your purpose in this assignment is to pessimize the program, i.e. make it run slower. Both of these are CPU-intensive programs. They take a few seconds to run on our lab PCs. You may not change the algorithm.
To deoptimize the program, use your knowledge of how the Intel i7 pipeline operates. Imagine ways to re-order instruction paths to introduce WAR, RAW, and other hazards. Think of ways to minimize the effectiveness of the cache. Be diabolically incompetent.
The assignment gave a choice of Whetstone or Monte-Carlo programs. The cache-effectiveness comments are mostly only applicable to Whetstone, but I chose the Monte-Carlo simulation program:
// Un-modified baseline for pessimization, as given in the assignment
#include <algorithm> // Needed for the "max" function
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
// A simple implementation of the Box-Muller algorithm, used to generate
// gaussian random numbers - necessary for the Monte Carlo method below
// Note that C++11 actually provides std::normal_distribution<> in
// the <random> library, which can be used instead of this function
double gaussian_box_muller() {
double x = 0.0;
double y = 0.0;
double euclid_sq = 0.0;
// Continue generating two uniform random variables
// until the square of their "euclidean distance"
// is less than unity
do {
x = 2.0 * rand() / static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX)-1;
y = 2.0 * rand() / static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX)-1;
euclid_sq = x*x + y*y;
} while (euclid_sq >= 1.0);
return x*sqrt(-2*log(euclid_sq)/euclid_sq);
// Pricing a European vanilla call option with a Monte Carlo method
double monte_carlo_call_price(const int& num_sims, const double& S, const double& K, const double& r, const double& v, const double& T) {
double S_adjust = S * exp(T*(r-0.5*v*v));
double S_cur = 0.0;
double payoff_sum = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<num_sims; i++) {
double gauss_bm = gaussian_box_muller();
S_cur = S_adjust * exp(sqrt(v*v*T)*gauss_bm);
payoff_sum += std::max(S_cur - K, 0.0);
return (payoff_sum / static_cast<double>(num_sims)) * exp(-r*T);
// Pricing a European vanilla put option with a Monte Carlo method
double monte_carlo_put_price(const int& num_sims, const double& S, const double& K, const double& r, const double& v, const double& T) {
double S_adjust = S * exp(T*(r-0.5*v*v));
double S_cur = 0.0;
double payoff_sum = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<num_sims; i++) {
double gauss_bm = gaussian_box_muller();
S_cur = S_adjust * exp(sqrt(v*v*T)*gauss_bm);
payoff_sum += std::max(K - S_cur, 0.0);
return (payoff_sum / static_cast<double>(num_sims)) * exp(-r*T);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// First we create the parameter list
int num_sims = 10000000; // Number of simulated asset paths
double S = 100.0; // Option price
double K = 100.0; // Strike price
double r = 0.05; // Risk-free rate (5%)
double v = 0.2; // Volatility of the underlying (20%)
double T = 1.0; // One year until expiry
// Then we calculate the call/put values via Monte Carlo
double call = monte_carlo_call_price(num_sims, S, K, r, v, T);
double put = monte_carlo_put_price(num_sims, S, K, r, v, T);
// Finally we output the parameters and prices
std::cout << "Number of Paths: " << num_sims << std::endl;
std::cout << "Underlying: " << S << std::endl;
std::cout << "Strike: " << K << std::endl;
std::cout << "Risk-Free Rate: " << r << std::endl;
std::cout << "Volatility: " << v << std::endl;
std::cout << "Maturity: " << T << std::endl;
std::cout << "Call Price: " << call << std::endl;
std::cout << "Put Price: " << put << std::endl;
return 0;
The changes I have made seemed to increase the code running time by a second but I'm not entirely sure what I can change to stall the pipeline without adding code. A point to the right direction would be awesome, I appreciate any responses.
Update: the professor who gave this assignment posted some details
The highlights are:
It's a second semester architecture class at a community college (using the Hennessy and Patterson textbook).
the lab computers have Haswell CPUs
The students have been exposed to the CPUID instruction and how to determine cache size, as well as intrinsics and the CLFLUSH instruction.
any compiler options are allowed, and so is inline asm.
Writing your own square root algorithm was announced as being outside the pale
Cowmoogun's comments on the meta thread indicate that it wasn't clear compiler optimizations could be part of this, and assumed -O0, and that a 17% increase in run-time was reasonable.
So it sounds like the goal of the assignment was to get students to re-order the existing work to reduce instruction-level parallelism or things like that, but it's not a bad thing that people have delved deeper and learned more.
Keep in mind that this is a computer-architecture question, not a question about how to make C++ slow in general.
Important background reading: Agner Fog's microarch pdf, and probably also Ulrich Drepper's What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory. See also the other links in the x86 tag wiki, especially Intel's optimization manuals, and David Kanter's analysis of the Haswell microarchitecture, with diagrams.
Very cool assignment; much better than the ones I've seen where students were asked to optimize some code for gcc -O0, learning a bunch of tricks that don't matter in real code. In this case, you're being asked to learn about the CPU pipeline and use that to guide your de-optimization efforts, not just blind guessing. The most fun part of this one is justifying each pessimization with "diabolical incompetence", not intentional malice.
Problems with the assignment wording and code:
The uarch-specific options for this code are limited. It doesn't use any arrays, and much of the cost is calls to exp/log library functions. There isn't an obvious way to have more or less instruction-level parallelism, and the loop-carried dependency chain is very short.
It would be hard to get a slowdown just from re-arranging the expressions to change the dependencies, to reduce ILP from hazards.
Intel Sandybridge-family CPUs are aggressive out-of-order designs that spend lots of transistors and power to find parallelism and avoid hazards (dependencies) that would trouble a classic RISC in-order pipeline. Usually the only traditional hazards that slow it down are RAW "true" dependencies that cause throughput to be limited by latency.
WAR and WAW hazards for registers are pretty much not an issue, thanks to register renaming. (except for popcnt/lzcnt/tzcnt, which have a false dependency their destination on Intel CPUs, even though it should be write-only).
For memory ordering, modern CPUs use a store buffer to delay commit into cache until retirement, also avoiding WAR and WAW hazards. See also this answer about what a store buffer is, and being essential essential for OoO exec to decouple execution from things other cores can see.
Why does mulss take only 3 cycles on Haswell, different from Agner's instruction tables? (Unrolling FP loops with multiple accumulators) has more about register renaming and hiding FMA latency in an FP dot product loop.
The "i7" brand-name was introduced with Nehalem (successor to Core2), and some Intel manuals even say Core i7 when they seem to mean Nehalem, but they kept the "i7" branding for Sandybridge and later microarchitectures. SnB is when the P6-family evolved into a new species, the SnB-family. In many ways, Nehalem has more in common with Pentium III than with Sandybridge (e.g. register read stalls aka ROB-read stalls don't happen on SnB, because it changed to using a physical register file. Also a uop cache and a different internal uop format). The term "i7 architecture" is not useful, because it makes little sense to group the SnB-family with Nehalem but not Core2. (Nehalem did introduce the shared inclusive L3 cache architecture for connecting multiple cores together, though. And also integrated GPUs. So chip-level, the naming makes more sense.)
Summary of the good ideas that diabolical incompetence can justify
Even the diabolically incompetent are unlikely to add obviously useless work or an infinite loop, and making a mess with C++/Boost classes is beyond the scope of the assignment.
Multi-thread with a single shared std::atomic<uint64_t> loop counter, so the right total number of iterations happen. Atomic uint64_t is especially bad with -m32 -march=i586. For bonus points, arrange for it to be misaligned, and crossing a page boundary with an uneven split (not 4:4).
False sharing for some other non-atomic variable -> memory-order mis-speculation pipeline clears, as well as extra cache misses.
Instead of using - on FP variables, XOR the high byte with 0x80 to flip the sign bit, causing store-forwarding stalls.
Time each iteration independently, with something even heavier than RDTSC. e.g. CPUID / RDTSC or a time function that makes a system call. Serializing instructions are inherently pipeline-unfriendly.
Change multiplies by constants to divides by their reciprocal ("for ease of reading"). div is slow and not fully pipelined.
Vectorize the multiply/sqrt with AVX (SIMD), but fail to use vzeroupper before calls to scalar math-library exp() and log() functions, causing AVX<->SSE transition stalls.
Store the RNG output in a linked list, or in arrays which you traverse out of order. Same for the result of each iteration, and sum at the end.
Also covered in this answer but excluded from the summary: suggestions that would be just as slow on a non-pipelined CPU, or that don't seem to be justifiable even with diabolical incompetence. e.g. many gimp-the-compiler ideas that produce obviously different / worse asm.
Multi-thread badly
Maybe use OpenMP to multi-thread loops with very few iterations, with way more overhead than speed gain. Your monte-carlo code has enough parallelism to actually get a speedup, though, esp. if we succeed at making each iteration slow. (Each thread computes a partial payoff_sum, added at the end). #omp parallel on that loop would probably be an optimization, not a pessimization.
Multi-thread but force both threads to share the same loop counter (with atomic increments so the total number of iterations is correct). This seems diabolically logical. This means using a static variable as a loop counter. This justifies use of atomic for loop counters, and creates actual cache-line ping-ponging (as long as the threads don't run on the same physical core with hyperthreading; that might not be as slow). Anyway, this is much slower than the un-contended case for lock xadd or lock dec. And lock cmpxchg8b to atomically increment a contended uint64_t on a 32bit system will have to retry in a loop instead of having the hardware arbitrate an atomic inc.
Also create false sharing, where multiple threads keep their private data (e.g. RNG state) in different bytes of the same cache line. (Intel tutorial about it, including perf counters to look at). There's a microarchitecture-specific aspect to this: Intel CPUs speculate on memory mis-ordering not happening, and there's a memory-order machine-clear perf event to detect this, at least on P4. The penalty might not be as large on Haswell. As that link points out, a locked instruction assumes this will happen, avoiding mis-speculation. A normal load speculates that other cores won't invalidate a cache line between when the load executes and when it retires in program-order (unless you use pause). True sharing without locked instructions is usually a bug. It would be interesting to compare a non-atomic shared loop counter with the atomic case. To really pessimize, keep the shared atomic loop counter, and cause false sharing in the same or a different cache line for some other variable.
Random uarch-specific ideas:
If you can introduce any unpredictable branches, that will pessimize the code substantially. Modern x86 CPUs have quite long pipelines, so a mispredict costs ~15 cycles (when running from the uop cache).
Dependency chains:
I think this was one of the intended parts of the assignment.
Defeat the CPU's ability to exploit instruction-level parallelism by choosing an order of operations that has one long dependency chain instead of multiple short dependency chains. Compilers aren't allowed to change the order of operations for FP calculations unless you use -ffast-math, because that can change the results (as discussed below).
To really make this effective, increase the length of a loop-carried dependency chain. Nothing leaps out as obvious, though: The loops as written have very short loop-carried dependency chains: just an FP add. (3 cycles). Multiple iterations can have their calculations in-flight at once, because they can start well before the payoff_sum += at the end of the previous iteration. (log() and exp take many instructions, but not a lot more than Haswell's out-of-order window for finding parallelism: ROB size=192 fused-domain uops, and scheduler size=60 unfused-domain uops. As soon as execution of the current iteration progresses far enough to make room for instructions from the next iteration to issue, any parts of it that have their inputs ready (i.e. independent/separate dep chain) can start executing when older instructions leave the execution units free (e.g. because they're bottlenecked on latency, not throughput.).
The RNG state will almost certainly be a longer loop-carried dependency chain than the addps.
Use slower/more FP operations (esp. more division):
Divide by 2.0 instead of multiplying by 0.5, and so on. FP multiply is heavily pipelined in Intel designs, and has one per 0.5c throughput on Haswell and later. FP divsd/divpd is only partially pipelined. (Although Skylake has an impressive one per 4c throughput for divpd xmm, with 13-14c latency, vs not pipelined at all on Nehalem (7-22c)).
The do { ...; euclid_sq = x*x + y*y; } while (euclid_sq >= 1.0); is clearly testing for a distance, so clearly it would be proper to sqrt() it. :P (sqrt is even slower than div).
As #Paul Clayton suggests, rewriting expressions with associative/distributive equivalents can introduce more work (as long as you don't use -ffast-math to allow the compiler to re-optimize). (exp(T*(r-0.5*v*v)) could become exp(T*r - T*v*v/2.0). Note that while math on real numbers is associative, floating point math is not, even without considering overflow/NaN (which is why -ffast-math isn't on by default). See Paul's comment for a very hairy nested pow() suggestion.
If you can scale the calculations down to very small numbers, then FP math ops take ~120 extra cycles to trap to microcode when an operation on two normal numbers produces a denormal. See Agner Fog's microarch pdf for the exact numbers and details. This is unlikely since you have a lot of multiplies, so the scale factor would be squared and underflow all the way to 0.0. I don't see any way to justify the necessary scaling with incompetence (even diabolical), only intentional malice.
###If you can use intrinsics (<immintrin.h>)
Use movnti to evict your data from cache. Diabolical: it's new and weakly-ordered, so that should let the CPU run it faster, right? Or see that linked question for a case where someone was in danger of doing exactly this (for scattered writes where only some of the locations were hot). clflush is probably impossible without malice.
Use integer shuffles between FP math operations to cause bypass delays.
Mixing SSE and AVX instructions without proper use of vzeroupper causes large stalls in pre-Skylake (and a different penalty in Skylake). Even without that, vectorizing badly can be worse than scalar (more cycles spent shuffling data into/out of vectors than saved by doing the add/sub/mul/div/sqrt operations for 4 Monte-Carlo iterations at once, with 256b vectors). add/sub/mul execution units are fully pipelined and full-width, but div and sqrt on 256b vectors aren't as fast as on 128b vectors (or scalars), so the speedup isn't dramatic for double.
exp() and log() don't have hardware support, so that part would require extracting vector elements back to scalar and calling the library function separately, then shuffling the results back into a vector. libm is typically compiled to only use SSE2, so will use the legacy-SSE encodings of scalar math instructions. If your code uses 256b vectors and calls exp without doing a vzeroupper first, then you stall. After returning, an AVX-128 instruction like vmovsd to set up the next vector element as an arg for exp will also stall. And then exp() will stall again when it runs an SSE instruction. This is exactly what happened in this question, causing a 10x slowdown. (Thanks #ZBoson).
See also Nathan Kurz's experiments with Intel's math lib vs. glibc for this code. Future glibc will come with vectorized implementations of exp() and so on.
If targeting pre-IvB, or esp. Nehalem, try to get gcc to cause partial-register stalls with 16bit or 8bit operations followed by 32bit or 64bit operations. In most cases, gcc will use movzx after an 8 or 16bit operation, but here's a case where gcc modifies ah and then reads ax
With (inline) asm:
With (inline) asm, you could break the uop cache: A 32B chunk of code that doesn't fit in three 6uop cache lines forces a switch from the uop cache to the decoders. An incompetent ALIGN (like NASM's default) using many single-byte nops instead of a couple long nops on a branch target inside the inner loop might do the trick. Or put the alignment padding after the label, instead of before. :P This only matters if the frontend is a bottleneck, which it won't be if we succeeded at pessimizing the rest of the code.
Use self-modifying code to trigger pipeline clears (aka machine-nukes).
LCP stalls from 16bit instructions with immediates too large to fit in 8 bits are unlikely to be useful. The uop cache on SnB and later means you only pay the decode penalty once. On Nehalem (the first i7), it might work for a loop that doesn't fit in the 28 uop loop buffer. gcc will sometimes generate such instructions, even with -mtune=intel and when it could have used a 32bit instruction.
A common idiom for timing is CPUID(to serialize) then RDTSC. Time every iteration separately with a CPUID/RDTSC to make sure the RDTSC isn't reordered with earlier instructions, which will slow things down a lot. (In real life, the smart way to time is to time all the iterations together, instead of timing each separately and adding them up).
Cause lots of cache misses and other memory slowdowns
Use a union { double d; char a[8]; } for some of your variables. Cause a store-forwarding stall by doing a narrow store (or Read-Modify-Write) to just one of the bytes. (That wiki article also covers a lot of other microarchitectural stuff for load/store queues). e.g. flip the sign of a double using XOR 0x80 on just the high byte, instead of a - operator. The diabolically incompetent developer may have heard that FP is slower than integer, and thus try to do as much as possible using integer ops. (A compiler could theoretically still compile this to an xorps with a constant like -, but for x87 the compiler would have to realize that it's negating the value and fchs or replace the next add with a subtract.)
Use volatile if you're compiling with -O3 and not using std::atomic, to force the compiler to actually store/reload all over the place. Global variables (instead of locals) will also force some stores/reloads, but the C++ memory model's weak ordering doesn't require the compiler to spill/reload to memory all the time.
Replace local vars with members of a big struct, so you can control the memory layout.
Use arrays in the struct for padding (and storing random numbers, to justify their existence).
Choose your memory layout so everything goes into a different line in the same "set" in the L1 cache. It's only 8-way associative, i.e. each set has 8 "ways". Cache lines are 64B.
Even better, put things exactly 4096B apart, since loads have a false dependency on stores to different pages but with the same offset within a page. Aggressive out-of-order CPUs use Memory Disambiguation to figure out when loads and stores can be reordered without changing the results, and Intel's implementation has false-positives that prevent loads from starting early. Probably they only check bits below the page offset so it can start before the TLB has translated the high bits from a virtual page to a physical page. As well as Agner's guide, see this answer, and a section near the end of #Krazy Glew's answer on the same question. (Andy Glew was an architect of Intel's PPro - P6 microarchitecture.) (Also related: https://stackoverflow.com/a/53330296 and https://github.com/travisdowns/uarch-bench/wiki/Memory-Disambiguation-on-Skylake)
Use __attribute__((packed)) to let you mis-align variables so they span cache-line or even page boundaries. (So a load of one double needs data from two cache-lines). Misaligned loads have no penalty in any Intel i7 uarch, except when crossing cache lines and page lines. Cache-line splits still take extra cycles. Skylake dramatically reduces the penalty for page split loads, from 100 to 5 cycles. (Section 2.1.3). (And can do two page walks in parallel).
A page-split on an atomic<uint64_t> should be just about the worst case, esp. if it's 5 bytes in one page and 3 bytes in the other page, or anything other than 4:4. Even splits down the middle are more efficient for cache-line splits with 16B vectors on some uarches, IIRC. Put everything in a alignas(4096) struct __attribute((packed)) (to save space, of course), including an array for storage for the RNG results. Achieve the misalignment by using uint8_t or uint16_t for something before the counter.
If you can get the compiler to use indexed addressing modes, that will defeat uop micro-fusion. Maybe by using #defines to replace simple scalar variables with my_data[constant].
If you can introduce an extra level of indirection, so load/store addresses aren't known early, that can pessimize further.
Traverse arrays in non-contiguous order
I think we can come up with incompetent justification for introducing an array in the first place: It lets us separate the random number generation from the random number use. Results of each iteration could also be stored in an array, to be summed later (with more diabolical incompetence).
For "maximum randomness", we could have a thread looping over the random array writing new random numbers into it. The thread consuming the random numbers could generate a random index to load a random number from. (There's some make-work here, but microarchitecturally it helps for load-addresses to be known early so any possible load latency can be resolved before the loaded data is needed.) Having a reader and writer on different cores will cause memory-ordering mis-speculation pipeline clears (as discussed earlier for the false-sharing case).
For maximum pessimization, loop over your array with a stride of 4096 bytes (i.e. 512 doubles). e.g.
for (int i=0 ; i<512; i++)
for (int j=i ; j<UPPER_BOUND ; j+=512)
So the access pattern is 0, 4096, 8192, ...,
8, 4104, 8200, ...
16, 4112, 8208, ...
This is what you'd get for accessing a 2D array like double rng_array[MAX_ROWS][512] in the wrong order (looping over rows, instead of columns within a row in the inner loop, as suggested by #JesperJuhl). If diabolical incompetence can justify a 2D array with dimensions like that, garden variety real-world incompetence easily justifies looping with the wrong access pattern. This happens in real code in real life.
Adjust the loop bounds if necessary to use many different pages instead of reusing the same few pages, if the array isn't that big. Hardware prefetching doesn't work (as well/at all) across pages. The prefetcher can track one forward and one backward stream within each page (which is what happens here), but will only act on it if the memory bandwidth isn't already saturated with non-prefetch.
This will also generate lots of TLB misses, unless the pages get merged into a hugepage (Linux does this opportunistically for anonymous (not file-backed) allocations like malloc/new that use mmap(MAP_ANONYMOUS)).
Instead of an array to store the list of results, you could use a linked list. Every iteration would require a pointer-chasing load (a RAW true dependency hazard for the load-address of the next load). With a bad allocator, you might manage to scatter the list nodes around in memory, defeating cache. With a bad toy allocator, it could put every node at the beginning of its own page. (e.g. allocate with mmap(MAP_ANONYMOUS) directly, without breaking up pages or tracking object sizes to properly support free).
These aren't really microarchitecture-specific, and have little to do with the pipeline (most of these would also be a slowdown on a non-pipelined CPU).
Somewhat off-topic: make the compiler generate worse code / do more work:
Use C++11 std::atomic<int> and std::atomic<double> for the most pessimal code. The MFENCEs and locked instructions are quite slow even without contention from another thread.
-m32 will make slower code, because x87 code will be worse than SSE2 code. The stack-based 32bit calling convention takes more instructions, and passes even FP args on the stack to functions like exp(). atomic<uint64_t>::operator++ on -m32 requires a lock cmpxchg8B loop (i586). (So use that for loop counters! [Evil laugh]).
-march=i386 will also pessimize (thanks #Jesper). FP compares with fcom are slower than 686 fcomi. Pre-586 doesn't provide an atomic 64bit store, (let alone a cmpxchg), so all 64bit atomic ops compile to libgcc function calls (which is probably compiled for i686, rather than actually using a lock). Try it on the Godbolt Compiler Explorer link in the last paragraph.
Use long double / sqrtl / expl for extra precision and extra slowness in ABIs where sizeof(long double) is 10 or 16 (with padding for alignment). (IIRC, 64bit Windows uses 8byte long double equivalent to double. (Anyway, load/store of 10byte (80bit) FP operands is 4 / 7 uops, vs. float or double only taking 1 uop each for fld m64/m32/fst). Forcing x87 with long double defeats auto-vectorization even for gcc -m64 -march=haswell -O3.
If not using atomic<uint64_t> loop counters, use long double for everything, including loop counters.
atomic<double> compiles, but read-modify-write operations like += aren't supported for it (even on 64bit). atomic<long double> has to call a library function just for atomic loads/stores. It's probably really inefficient, because the x86 ISA doesn't naturally support atomic 10byte loads/stores, and the only way I can think of without locking (cmpxchg16b) requires 64bit mode.
At -O0, breaking up a big expression by assigning parts to temporary vars will cause more store/reloads. Without volatile or something, this won't matter with optimization settings that a real build of real code would use.
C aliasing rules allow a char to alias anything, so storing through a char* forces the compiler to store/reload everything before/after the byte-store, even at -O3. (This is a problem for auto-vectorizing code that operates on an array of uint8_t, for example.)
Try uint16_t loop counters, to force truncation to 16bit, probably by using 16bit operand-size (potential stalls) and/or extra movzx instructions (safe). Signed overflow is undefined behaviour, so unless you use -fwrapv or at least -fno-strict-overflow, signed loop counters don't have to be re-sign-extended every iteration, even if used as offsets to 64bit pointers.
Force conversion from integer to float and back again. And/or double<=>float conversions. The instructions have latency > 1, and scalar int->float (cvtsi2ss) is badly designed to not zero the rest of the xmm register. (gcc inserts an extra pxor to break dependencies, for this reason.)
Frequently set your CPU affinity to a different CPU (suggested by #Egwor). diabolical reasoning: You don't want one core to get overheated from running your thread for a long time, do you? Maybe swapping to another core will let that core turbo to a higher clock speed. (In reality: they're so thermally close to each other that this is highly unlikely except in a multi-socket system). Now just get the tuning wrong and do it way too often. Besides the time spent in the OS saving/restoring thread state, the new core has cold L2/L1 caches, uop cache, and branch predictors.
Introducing frequent unnecessary system calls can slow you down no matter what they are. Although some important but simple ones like gettimeofday may be implemented in user-space with, with no transition to kernel mode. (glibc on Linux does this with the kernel's help: the kernel exports code+data in the VDSO).
For more on system call overhead (including cache/TLB misses after returning to user-space, not just the context switch itself), the FlexSC paper has some great perf-counter analysis of the current situation, as well as a proposal for batching system calls from massively multi-threaded server processes.
A few things that you can do to make things perform as bad as possible:
compile the code for the i386 architecture. This will prevent the use of SSE and newer instructions and force the use of the x87 FPU.
use std::atomic variables everywhere. This will make them very expensive due to the compiler being forced to insert memory barriers all over the place. And this is something an incompetent person might plausibly do to "ensure thread safety".
make sure to access memory in the worst possible way for the prefetcher to predict (column major vs row major).
to make your variables extra expensive you could make sure they all have 'dynamic storage duration' (heap allocated) by allocating them with new rather than letting them have 'automatic storage duration' (stack allocated).
make sure that all memory you allocate is very oddly aligned and by all means avoid allocating huge pages, since doing so would be much too TLB efficient.
whatever you do, don't build your code with the compilers optimizer enabled. And make sure to enable the most expressive debug symbols you can (won't make the code run slower, but it'll waste some extra disk space).
Note: This answer basically just summarizes my comments that #Peter Cordes already incorporated into his very good answer. Suggest he get's your upvote if you only have one to spare :)
You can use long double for computation. On x86 it should be the 80-bit format. Only the legacy, x87 FPU has support for this.
Few shortcomings of x87 FPU:
Lack of SIMD, may need more instructions.
Stack based, problematic for super scalar and pipelined architectures.
Separate and quite small set of registers, may need more conversion from other registers and more memory operations.
On the Core i7 there are 3 ports for SSE and only 2 for x87, the processor can execute less parallel instructions.
Late answer but I don't feel we have abused linked lists and the TLB enough.
Use mmap to allocate your nodes, such that your mostly use the MSB of the address. This should result in long TLB lookup chains, a page is 12 bits, leaving 52 bits for the translation, or around 5 levels it must travers each time. With a bit of luck they must go to memory each time for 5 levels lookup plus 1 memory access to get to your node, the top level will most likely be in cache somewhere, so we can hope for 5*memory access. Place the node so that is strides the worst border so that reading the next pointer would cause another 3-4 translation lookups. This might also totally wreck the cache due to the massive amount of translation lookups. Also the size of the virtual tables might cause most of the user data to be paged to disk for extra time.
When reading from the single linked list, make sure to read from the start of the list each time to cause maximum delay in reading a single number.

Why is strcmp not SIMD optimized?

I've tried to compile this program on an x64 computer:
#include <cstring>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return ::std::strcmp(argv[0],
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really long string"
I compiled it like this:
g++ -std=c++11 -msse2 -O3 -g a.cpp -o a
But the resulting disassembly is like this:
0x0000000000400480 <+0>: mov (%rsi),%rsi
0x0000000000400483 <+3>: mov $0x400628,%edi
0x0000000000400488 <+8>: mov $0x22d,%ecx
0x000000000040048d <+13>: repz cmpsb %es:(%rdi),%ds:(%rsi)
0x000000000040048f <+15>: seta %al
0x0000000000400492 <+18>: setb %dl
0x0000000000400495 <+21>: sub %edx,%eax
0x0000000000400497 <+23>: movsbl %al,%eax
0x000000000040049a <+26>: retq
Why is no SIMD used? I suppose it could be to compare, say, 16 chars at once. Should I write my own SIMD strcmp, or is it a nonsensical idea for some reason?
In a SSE2 implementation, how should the compiler make sure that no memory accesses happen over the end of the string? It has to know the length first and this requires scanning the string for the terminating zero byte.
If you scan for the length of the string you have already accomplished most of the work of a strcmp function. Therefore there is no benefit to use SSE2.
However, Intel added instructions for string handling in the SSE4.2 instruction set. These handle the terminating zero byte problem. For a nice write-up on them read this blog-post:
GCC in this case is using a builtin strcmp. If you want it to use the version from glibc use -fno-builtin. But you should not assume that GCC's builtin version of strcmp or glibc's implementaiton of strcmp are efficient. I know from experience that GCC's builtin memcpy and glibc's memcpy are not as efficient as they could be.
I suggest you look at Agner Fog's asmlib. He has optimized several of the standard library functions in assembly. See the file strcmp64.asm. This has two version: a generic version for CPUs without SSE4.2 and a version for CPUs with SSE4.2. Here is the main loop for the SSE4.2 version
add rax, 16 ; increment offset
movdqu xmm1, [rs1+rax] ; read 16 bytes of string 1
pcmpistri xmm1, [rs2+rax], 00011000B ; unsigned bytes, equal each, invert. returns index in ecx
jnbe compareloop ; jump if not carry flag and not zero flag
For the generic version he writes
This is a very simple solution. There is not much gained by using SSE2 or anything complicated
Here is the main loop of the generic version:
mov al, [ss1]
cmp al, [ss2]
jne _notequal
test al, al
jz _equal
inc ss1
inc ss2
jmp _compareloop
I would compare the performance of GCC's builtin strcmp , GLIBC's strcmp and the asmlib strcmp. You should look at the disassembly to make sure that you get the builtin code. For example GCC's memcpy does not use the builtin version from sizes larger than 8192.
In regards to the the string length, Agner's SSE4.2 version reads up to 15 bytes beyond the of the string. He argues this is rarely a problem since nothing is written. It's not a problem for stack allocated arrays. For statically allocated arrays it could be a problem for memory page boundaries. To get around this he adds 16 bytes to the .bss section after the .data section. For more details see the section 1.7 String instructions and safety precautions in the manaul of the asmlib.
When the standard library for C was designed, the implementations of string.h methods that were most efficient when dealing with large amounts of data would be reasonably efficient for small amounts, and vice versa. While there may be some string-comparison scenarios were sophisticated use of SIMD instructions could yield better performance than a "naive implementation", in many real-world scenarios the strings being compared will differ in the first few characters. In such situations, the naive implementation may yield a result in less time than a "more sophisticated" approach would spend deciding how the comparison should be performed. Note that even if SIMD code is able to process 16 bytes at a time and stop when a mismatch or end-of-string condition is detected, it would still have to do additional work equivalent to using the naive approach on the last 16 characters scanned. If many groups of 16 bytes match, being able to scan through them quickly may benefit performance. But in cases where the first 16 bytes don't match, it would be more efficient to just start with the character-by-character comparison.
Incidentally, another potential advantage of the "naive" approach is that it would be possible to define it inline as part of the header (or a compiler might regard itself as having special "knowledge" about it). Consider:
int strcmp(char *p1, char *p2)
int idx=0,t1,t2;
t1=*p1; t2=*p2;
if (t1 != t2)
if (t1 > t2) return 1;
return -1;
if (!t1)
return 0;
p1++; p2++;
} while(1);
...invoked as:
if (strcmp(p1,p2) > 0) action1();
if (strcmp(p3,p4) != 0) action2();
While the method would be a little big to be in-lined, in-lining could in the first case allow a compiler to eliminate the code to check whether the returned value was greater than zero, and in the second eliminate the code which checked whether t1 was greater than t2. Such optimization would not be possible if the method were dispatched via indirect jump.
Making an SSE2 version of strcmp was an interesting challenge for me.
I don't really like compiler intrinsic functions because of code bloat, so I decided to choose auto-vectorization approach. My approach is based on templates and approximates SIMD register as an array of words of different sizes.
I tried to write an auto-vectorizing implementation and test it with GCC and MSVC++ compilers.
So, what I learned is:
1. GCC's auto-vectorizer is good (awesome?)
2. MSVC's auto-vectorizer is worse than GCC's (doesn't vectorize my packing function)
3. All compilers declined to generate PMOVMSKB instruction, it is really sad
Version compiled by online-GCC gains ~40% with SSE2 auto-vectorization. On my Windows machine with Bulldozer-architecture CPU auto-vectorized code is faster than online compiler's and results match the native implementation of strcmp. But the best thing about the idea is that the same code can be compiled for any SIMD instruction set, at least on ARM & X86.
If anyone will find a way to make compiler to generate PMOVMSKB instruction then overall performance should get a significant boost.
Command-line options for GCC: -std=c++11 -O2 -m64 -mfpmath=sse -march=native -ftree-vectorize -msse2 -march=native -Wall -Wextra
Source code compiled by Coliru online compiler
Assembly + Source code (Compiler Explorer)
#PeterCordes, thanks for the help.
I suspect there's simply no point in SIMD versions of library functions with very little computation. I imagine that functions like strcmp, memcpy and similiar are actually limited by the memory bandwidth and not the CPU speed.
It depends on your implementation. On MacOS X, functions like memcpy, memmove and memset have implementations that are optimised depending on the hardware you are using (the same call will execute different code depending on the processor, set up at boot time); these implementations use SIMD and for big amounts (megabytes) use some rather fancy tricks to optimise cache usage. Nothing for strcpy and strcmp as far as I know.
Convincing the C++ standard library to use that kind of code is difficult.
AVX 2.0 would be faster actually
Edit: It is related to registers and IPC
Instead of relying on 1 big instruction, you can use a plethora of SIMD instructions with 16 registers of 32 bytes, well, in UTF16 you it gives you 265 chars to play with !
double that with avx512 in few years!
AVX instructions also do have high throughput.
According this blog: https://blog.cloudflare.com/improving-picohttpparser-further-with-avx2/
Today on the latest Haswell processors, we have the potent AVX2
instructions. The AVX2 instructions operate on 32 bytes, and most of
the boolean/logic instructions perform at a throughput of 0.5 cycles
per instruction. This means that we can execute roughly 22 AVX2
instructions in the same amount of time it takes to execute a single
PCMPESTRI. Why not give it a shot?
Edit 2.0
SSE/AVX units are power gated, and mixing SSE and/or AVX instructions with regular ones involves a context switch with performance penalty, that you should not have with the strcmp instruction.
I don't see the point in "optimizing" a function like strcmp.
You will need to find the length of the strings before applying any kind of parallel processing, which will force you to read the memory at least once. While you're at it, you might as well use the data to perform the comparison on the fly.
If you want to do anyting fast with strings, you will need specialized tools like finite state machines (lexx comes to mind for a parser).
As for C++ std::string, they are inefficient and slow for a large number of reasons, so the gain of checking length in comparisons is neglectible.

Is comparing to zero faster than comparing to any other number?

faster than
I can produce assembly but there is too much assembly produced and I can never locate the particulars I'm after. I was hoping someone just knows the answer. I would guess they are the same unless most CPU architectures have some sort of "compare to zero" short cut.
thanks for any help.
Typically, yes. In typical processors testing against zero, or testing sign (negative/positive) are simple condition code checks. This means that instructions can be re-ordered to omit a test instruction. In pseudo assembly, consider this:
LOADCC r1, test // load test into register 1, and set condition codes
BCZS Loop // If zero was set, go to Loop
Now consider testing against 1:
LOAD r1, test // load test into register 1
SUBT r1, 1 // Subtract Test instruction, with destination suppressed
BCNE Loop // If not equal to 1, go to Loop
Now for the usual pre-optimization disclaimer: Is your program too slow? Don't optimize, profile it.
It depends.
Of course it's going to depend, not all architectures are equal, not all µarchs are equal, even compilers aren't equal but I'll assume they compile this in a reasonable way.
Let's say the platform is 32bit x86, the assembly might look something like
test eax, eax
jnz skip
cmp eax, -1
jnz skip
So what's the difference? Not much. The first snippet takes a byte less. The second snippet might be implemented with an inc to make it shorter, but that would make it destructive so it doesn't always apply, and anyway, it's probably slower (but again it depends).
Take any modern Intel CPU. They do "macro fusion", which means they take a comparison and a branch (subject to some limitations), and fuse them. The comparison becomes essentially free in most cases. The same goes for test. Not inc though, but the inc trick only really applied in the first place because we just happened to compare to -1.
Apart from any "weird effects" (due to changed alignment and whatnot), there should be absolutely no difference on that platform. Not even a small difference.
Even if you got lucky and got the test for free as a result of a previous arithmetic instruction, it still wouldn't be any better.
It'll be different on other platforms, of course.
On x86 there won't be any noticeably difference, unless you are doing some math at the same time (e.g. while(--x) the result of --x will automatically set the condition code, where while(x) ... will necessitate some sort of test on the value in x before we know if it's zero or not.
Many other processors do have a "automatic updates of the condition codes on LOAD or MOVE instructions", which means that checking for "postive", "negative" and "zero" is "free" with every movement of data. Of course, you pay for that by not being able to backward propagate the compare instruction from the branch instruction, so if you have a comparison, the very next instruction MUST be a conditional branch - where an extra instruction between these would possibly help with alleviating any delay in the "result" from such an instruction.
In general, these sort of micro-optimisations are best left to compilers, rather than the user - the compiler will quite often convert for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) into for(i = 1000-1; i >= 0; i--) if it thinks that makes sense [and the order of the loop isn't important in the compiler's view]. Trying to be clever with these sort of things tend to make the code unreadable, and performance can suffer badly on other systems (because when you start tweaking "natural" code to "unnatural", the compiler tends to think that you really meant what you wrote, and not optimise it the same way as the "natural" version).

Could this alternative way to loop be more effcient?

I was bored one rainy afternoon and came up with this:
int ia_array[5][5][5]; //interger array called array
int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;//counters
while( i < 5 )//loop conditions
ia_array[i][j][k] = 0;//do something
__asm inc k;//++k;
if( k > 4)
__asm inc j; //++j;
__asm mov k,0;///k = 0;
if( j > 4)
__asm inc i; //++i;
__asm mov j,0;//j = 0;
}//end of while
}//i,j,k fall out of scope
its functionally equivalent to three nested for loops. However in a for loop you cannot use __asm statements. Also you have the option to not put the counters in a scope so you can reuse them for other loops. I have looked at the disassembly for both and my alternative has 15 opcodes and the nested for loops have 24. Therefore is it potentially faster? suppose I'm really asking is __asm inc i; faster then ++i;?
note: i don't intent to use this code in any projects, just out of curiosity. thanks for your time.
First off, your compiler will likely store the values of i, j and k in registers.
It's more efficient to do for (i = 4; i <=0; i--) than for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) as the cpu can determine if the result of the last operation it executed was zero for free - it doesn't have to explicitly compare to 4 (see the cmovz instruction).
It's the not the case for x86 that having to execute less instruction will lead to faster code. There are all sorts of issues to do with instruction pipelining that quickly get too much for a programmer to write by hand. Leave it to the compiler, they're sufficiently efficient these days (though definitely not optimal... but who wants to wait hours for their code to compile).
You can check it out yourself by running your function a few hundred thousand times with each implementation and check which is faster. Check if you can write asm instructions in for loops with
__asm {
inc j;
mov k, 0;
(it's been a while since I did this)
P.S. Have fun experimenting with asm, it can be very interesting and rewarding!
No, it won't be even remotely faster. Infact, it could quite easily be slower. Your compiler's optimizer is almost certainly more effective at this than you are.
This is going to be very compiler and compiler switch specific, but your code will have three tests per loop iteration where a traditional nested loop would only have one per inner-most loop iteration, so I think your approach would tend to be slower in general.
Several things:
You can't judge the speed of assembly code based on the number of opcodes in the output. Compilers can unroll loops to eliminate branches, and many modern compilers will attempt to vectorize a loop like the one above. The former could have more opcodes than naive code and be faster, and the latter could have fewer and be faster.
By putting __asm statements in your code, you're probably precluding any optimizations the compiler could do on the loop. So if you compiled this with something really fast like, say, the Intel compilers, then you will likely get worse performance with your code than with the compiler. This is especially true for something as simple as your code here, where the array sizes are known statically and the loop bounds are constant.
If you really want to get a sense of what compilers can/can't do, grab a book or take a course on optimizing compilers and vectorization. There are tons of different optimizations and understanding the performance of even a simple piece of code like this on a particular architecture can be subtle.
There are plenty of kernels and number crunching codes where compilers still can't do better than knowledgable humans, but without a lot of experience with architecture details you're not going to do much better than icc -fast or xlC -O5.
While it certainly is possible to beat a compiler at optimization, you're not going to do it this way. The bits you've written in assembly language are pretty obvious, mechanical types of translations that any half-way decent compiler (or even a pretty lousy one) can do easily.
If you want to beat the compiler, you need to go a lot further, such as rearranging instructions to allow more to execute in parallel (decidedly non-trivial) or finding a better sequence of instructions than the compiler can.
In this case, for example, you might at least stand a chance by noting that iarray[5][5][5] can (from an assembly language viewpoint) be treated as a single, flat array of 5*5*5 = 125 elements, and encode most of what's essentially a memset into a single instruction:
mov ecx, 125 // 125 elements
xor eax, eax // set them to zero
mov di, offset ia_array // where we're going to store them
rep stosd // and fill that memory.
Realistically, however, this probably isn't going to be a major (or probably even minor) improvement over what the compiler is likely to generate. It's more likely close to the minimum necessary to (at least nearly) keep up.
The next step would be to consider using non-temporal stores instead of a simple stosd. This won't actually speed up this loop (much, anyway), but it might gain some speed overall by avoiding this store polluting the cache if it's possible that other code already in the cache is more important immediately. You could also use some of the other SSE instructions to gain a little speed -- but even at best, you can't expect much better than a couple of percent out of this. The bottom line is that for zeroing some memory, the speed is limited primarily by the bus speed, not the instructions you use, so nothing you do is likely to help much.