Coldfusion Scheduled Tasks - Does the interval reset each time a task runs? - coldfusion

Does anyone know that when a scheduled task in Coldfusion runs it resets the interval timer or does the task run at the set interval time no matter how long that task run for?
For example, i create a task to run every 10 minutes that takes 5 minutes to run starting from 12pm. Will the task run at 12:00, then 12:10, then 12:20 etc etc.
Or would it run at 12:00 which takes 5 minutes, then at 12:15 ten minutes after the task has finished, then another 5 minutes to run so the next one would run at 12:30 etc etc.
Hope that makes sense.

For example, i create a task to run
every 10 minutes that takes 5 minutes
to run starting from 12pm. Will the
task run at 12:00, then 12:10, then
12:20 etc etc.
The task will always run on the interval. So if you set it every 10 minutes it will run every 10 minutes after the first run.
Note: If the task runs over time (i.e. longer than the interval) than it will NOT queue. That particular run will just be skipped and the task will run at the next interval as per usual.
Hope that helps!


Continuously run a DAG after 2 minutes of completion of the previous run in Airflow

I want to know if we can schedule a DAG to run continuously after 2 minutes of completion of the same DAG in Airflow.
My DAG should run in such a way that every time it completes its run, it has to wait for 2 minutes and start running again. I don't want to schedule my DAG to run for every 2 minutes instead it should continuously run right after 2 minutes of completion of the same DAG.
You could schedule your dag at an arbitrary time in a day and use the TriggerDagRunOperator to trigger itself again. To wait for 2 minutes before triggering itself, you could simply introduce a sleep task.
Task 1 >> Task 2 >> Task 3 BashOperator(bash_command="sleep 120") >> Task 4 TriggerDagRunOperator(trigger_dag_id="this-dag-id")
Yes, you can schedule DAG to run every 2 Minutes.
Set schedule_interval='*/2 * * * *'
Schedule_interval accepts a CRON expression:
Structuring dag
If you want to rerun continuously after 2 mins try configuring TriggerDagRunOperator

Why is AWS Glue taking time to start the execution?

Once execution started it's completing in just few seconds but pending execution itself is taking 10 to 15 minutes, I agree that it's setting up the env for running the job, but In my case, I need to run this job(transforming JSON) for every 15 min, will this workout or any option is there? Am I missing any configuration?

Invoke background agent periodically in wp7

I am working on windows phone app. In this app I want to start OnInvoke() method of background agent daily at 9 A.M. and want to stop it at 6 P.M automatically daily.
How can I do it?
You can't chose when your background agent will run. It will run every 30 minutes or so for about 15 seconds, during the whole day, as long as the phone has enough battery remaining.
But what you can do is, at the beginning of the OnInvoke method, check the current time. If the current time is not in the required interval, just exit from the method without doing any processing.

Sitecore scheduled task only runs every hour

We set up a schedule to execute a command.
It is scheduled to run every 5 minutes as follows: 20090201T235900|20190201T235900|127|00:05:00
However, from the logs we see it runs only every hour.
Is there a reason for this?
check scheduling frequency in your sitecore.config file
<!-- Time between checking for scheduled tasks waiting to execute -->
The scheduling interval is based on the the scheduler interval and the job interval. Every scheduler interval period, all the configured jobs are evaluated. This is logged. During that evaluation, each job checked against the last time it ran, if that interval is greater that the configured job interval, the job is started.
It's fairly simple, but it's important to understand the mechanism. You can also see how it allows no way of inherently running jobs at a specific time, only at approximate intervals.
You can also see that jobs can never run more frequently than the scheduler interval regardless of the job interval. It is not unreasonable to set the scheduler to one-minute intervals to reduce the inaccuracy of job timings to no more than a minute.
In a worse case, with a 5 minute sheduler interval and a 5 minute job interval. The delay to job starting could be up to 9 minutes 59 seconds.

Scheduled task "Daily every" not firing

I have the developers edition of CF running on my machine, and I have a job that is scheduled to run:
Daily every 9 min(s) from 12:01 AM to 12:59 PM
but it's not running.
I can press the "Run Scheduled Task" button and it runs, but it's not running on it's own.
I have other jobs that run daily, but this one is not running every 9 minutes.
check the scheduler.log file for its execution and the next rescheduling time. If it hows a time which is not what you have set. Delete the job and recreate it again.
I have faced the same problem! and this was the way I made it running.
The best way to find out what's going on with the job is to take a look at the scheduler log in the CF Admin. After running the job, you should be able to check and see the next time it's scheduled to run.
Also, make sure the job isn't paused on the Scheduled Tasks page.