Optional dependency injection for unit testing - unit-testing

I'm considering my options for setting up a class for unit testing. This particular class should ALWAYS use the same soap client configuration under normal circumstances. I feel like users of the class shouldn't need to be concerned with setting up a soap client when they use it. Or, even be aware that it uses soap at all.
Really the only exception is in unit testing. I'll need to be able to mock the Soap_Client. I've come up with the following approach where i create the soap client in the constructor and can optionally set it with setSoapClient().
class WebServiceLayer
const WSDL_URL = 'https://www.example.com/?WSDL';
private $soapClient;
public function __construct()
$this->soapClient = new Soap_Client(self::WSDL_URL);
public function setSoapClient(Soap_Client $soapClient)
$this->soapClient = $soapClient;
public function fetchSomeResponse()
$soapClient = $this->soapClient;
return $soapClient->someRequest();
Is this a valid way to handle this? The only problem i see with it, is that im instantiating the client in the constructor which "i've heard" is something to avoid.
I've run into this dilemma before on other classes, so it would be really nice to get peoples opinions on this.

Looks fine to me... you're using standard Setter injection. The only strange thing is returning a new client in the Getter. Why not return null if it hasn't been injected?


How to decide what to mock in Java Unit Tests?

I am trying to write a Unit Tests to a legacy code using Mockito.
But I am not able to understand how do I mock it. Can some please help.
The real problem I am facing is actually I am not able to decide how to make a decision on what exactly is to be mocked? Below is the code. I have looked at numerous videos on YouTube and read many Mockito Tutorials but all of them seem to be guiding mostly about how to use the Mockito Framework.
The basic idea of what to Mock is still unclear. Please guide if you have a better source. I do understand that the code showed below does not really showcase the best coding practice.
public class DataFacade {
public boolean checkUserPresent(String userId){
return getSomeDao.checkUserPresent(userId);
private SomeDao getSomeDao() {
DataSource dataSource = MyDataSourceFactory.getMySQLDataSource();
SomeDao someDao = new SomeDao(dataSource);
Well, a Unittest, as the name implies, tests a unit. You should mock anything that isn't part of that unit, especially external dependencies. For example, a DAO is normally a good example for something that will be mocked in tests where the class under tests uses it, because otherwise you would really have actual data access in your test, making it slower and more prone to failure because of external reasons (for example, if your dao connects to a Datasource, that Datasource's target (for example, the database) may be down, failing your test even if the unit you wanted to test is actually perfectly fine). Mocking the DAO allows you to test things independently.
Of course, your code is bad. Why? You are creating everything in your method by calling some static factory method. I suggest instead using dependency injection to inject the DAO into your facade, for example...
public DataFacade(SomeDao someDao) {
this.someDao = someDao;
This way, when instantiating your DataFacade, you can give it a dao, which means, in your test you can give it a mock, for example...
public void testSomething() {
SomeDao someDaoMock = Mockito.mock(SomeDao.class);
DataFacade toTest = new DataFacade(someDaoMock);
...now you can prepare your mock to do something and then call the DataFace method
Dependency injection frameworks like Spring, Google Guice, etc. can make this even easier to manage, but the first step is to stop your classes from creating their own dependencies, but let the dependencies be given to them from the outside, which makes the whole thing a lot better.
You should "mock" the inner objects that you use in your methods.
For example if you write unit tests for DataFacade->checkUserPresent, you should mock the getSomeDao field.
You have a lot of ways to do it, but basically you can make getSomeDao to be public field, or get it from the constructor. In your test class, override this field with mocked object.
After you invoke DataFacade->checkUserPresent method, assert that checkUserPresent() is called.
For exmaple if you have this class:
public class StudentsStore
private DbReader _db;
public StudentsStore(DbReader db)
_db = db;
public bool HasStudents()
var studentsCount = _db.GetStudentsCount();
if (studentsCount > 0)
return true;
return false;
And in your test method:
var mockedDb = mock(DbReader.class);
var store = new StudentsSture(mockedDb);

How to unit test a class that consumes a web service?

I have a class (lets call it A) that:
In the constructor takes a config and based on it, creates a stub of
a web service and stores a reference to it in a private field.
Has a few methods that call web methods and some stuff inbetween.
I started to create a unit test that:
Creates an instance of a class A with a dummy configuration.
Through reflection it injects the mocked web service stub.
Although that web service has plenty of methods.
Should I mock them all (in every test, with different data)?
Or maybe I should create another layer that encapsulates only the web methods that are being used?
Or there is another approach?
You should create a wrapper interface around your webservice, and make your class under test take a dependency on that interface, rather than directly on the webservice; you can then mock the interface. Only make that interface expose the methods of the webservice that you find interesting. This is known as a facade pattern, and is detailed here.
Without having a clue about what you're testing, aim for something like this:
public interface IWebserviceWrapper
Whatever DoStuff(int something);
public class WebserviceWrapper : IWebserviceWrapper
private WebService _theActualWebservice;
public WebserviceWrapper(Webservice theService)
_theActualWebService = theService;
public Whatever DoStuff(int something)
return _theActualWebservice.DoSomething(something);
Then your test would look like this (in this case, using MOQ)
public void Test_doing_something()
Mock<IWebserviceWrapper> _serviceWrapperMock = new Mock<IWebserviceWrapper>();
_serviceWrapperMock.SetUp(m => m.DoStuff(12345)).Returns(new Whatever());
var classUnderTest = new ClassUnderTest(_serviceWrapperMock.Object);
var result = classUnderTest.Dothings(12345);
Short answer Yes :). Long answer you should use some kind of mocking lib for example: http://code.google.com/p/mockito/ and in your unit test mock the WS stub and pass it to the tested class. That is the way of the force :)
When you unit test a class, you always want to make sure to only test that class and not include its dependencies. To do that, you will have to mock your WS to have it return dummy data when methods are called. Depending on your scenarios, you do not have to mock ALL the methods for each test, I would say only those that are used.
For an example about mocking, you can read this article: http://written-in-codes.blogspot.ca/2011/11/unit-tests-part-deux.html

fake directories for .net unit testing

I'm trying to create a unit test for a code similar to this:
foreach (string domainName in Directory.GetDirectories(server.Path))
HandleDomainDirectory(session, server, domainName);
The problem is that I'm using the System.IO.Directory class in my code.
How can I create a testing method that won't be dependent on any folder I have on my hard disk.
In other words, How can I fake the response of "Directory.GetDirectories(server.Path)"?
(Please note, I do control the "server" object in my class, therefore i can give any path i want)
Rather than calling Directory.GetDirectories(server.Path) directly, you could create an interface like IDirectoryResolver with a single method that takes a path string and returns the list of directories. The class containing your code above would then need a property or field of type IDirectoryResolver, which can be injected through the constructor or a setter.
For your production code, you would then create a new class that implements the IDirectoryResolver interface. This class could use the Directory.GetDirectories method in its implementation of the interface method.
For unit testing, you could create a MockDirectoryResolver class which implements IDirectoryResolver (or use a mocking library to create a mock instance for the interface). The mock implementation can do whatever you need it to do.
You would inject a wrapper class.
public class DirectoryFetcher
public virtual List<string> GetDirectoriesIn(string directory)
return Directory.GetDirectories(directory);
And then inject that:
foreach(string directory in _directoryFetcher.GetDirectoriesIn(server.Path))
// Whatever
You can then Mock that guy at the injection point (this example uses Moq, and constructor injection):
Mock<DirectoryFetcher> mockFetcher = new Mock<DirectoryFetcher>();
mockFetcher.Setup(x => x.GetDirectoriesIn("SomeDirectory")).Returns(new List<string>
MyObjectToTest testObj = new MyObjectToTest(mockFetcher.Object);
// Do Test
When communicating with the outside world, such as file system, databases, web services etc. , you should always consider using wrapper classes like the others before me suggested. Testability is one major argument, but an even bigger one is: The out side world changes, and you have no control over it. Folders move, user rights changes, new disk drives appears and old ones are removed. You only want to care about stuff like that in one place. Hence, the wrapper -- let's call it DirectoryResolver like Andy White suggested ealier.
So, wrap your file system calls, extract an interface, and inject that interface where you need to communicate with the file system.
The best solution I've found was to use Moles. The code is very specific, and must do very specific thing. Wrapping it with wrapper class will be redundant. The only reason I needed wrapper class is in order to write tests. Moles allows me to write the tests without any wrapper class :)

Correct way to unit test private variables

I have the following method:
private string _google = #"http://www.google.com";
public ConnectionStatus CheckCommunicationLink()
//Test if we can get to Google (A happy website that should always be there).
Uri googleURI = new Uri(_google);
if (!IsUrlReachable(googleURI, mGoogleTestString))
//The internet is not reachable. No connection is available.
return ConnectionStatus.NotConnected;
return ConnectionStatus.Connected;
The question is, how do I get it to not try the connection to Google (thus avoiding the dependency on the internet being up).
The easiest way is to take _google and change it to point to something local to the machine. But to do that I need to make _google public. I would rather not do that because _google should not ever be changed by the app.
I could make `_google' a param to an overloaded version of the method (or object constructor). But that too exposes an interface that I don't ever want the app to use.
The other option is to make _google internal. But for the app, internal is the same as public. So, while others cannot see _google, the app interface still exposes it.
Is there a better way? If so, please state it.
(Also, please don't pick on my example unless it really helps figure out a solution. I am asking for ideas on general scenarios like this, not necessarily this exact example.)
Refactor your code to depend on an ICommunicationChecker:
public interface ICommunicationChecker
ConnectionStatus GetConnectionStatus();
Then your test(s) can mock this interface making the implementation details irrelevant.
public class CommunicationChecker : ICommunicationChecker
private string _google = #"http://www.google.com";
public ConnectionStatus GetConnectionStatus()
//Test if we can get to Google (A happy website that should always be there).
Uri googleURI = new Uri(_google);
if (!IsUrlReachable(googleURI, mGoogleTestString))
//The internet is not reachable. No connection is available.
return ConnectionStatus.NotConnected;
return ConnectionStatus.Connected;
Why do you have _google hard coded in your code? Why not put it in a configuration file which you can then change for your test for example?
Some options:
make _google load from an external configuration (maybe providing www.google.com as a default value) and supply a special configuration for unit tests;
place the unit test class inside the class containing the CheckCommunicationLink method.
Note: I would strongly recommend making it configurable. In real-world cases relying on the availability of a particular 3rd party web site is not a good idea, because they can be blocked by a local firewall etc.
For unit testing purposes you should mock whatever http connection you are using in your class (which is hidden in IsUrlReachable method). This way you can check that your code is really trying to connect to google without actually connecting. Please paste the IsUrlReachable method if you need more help with mocking.
If the above solution is not an option, you could consider having a local test http server and:
Making the url configurable, so that you can point to the local address
(this one is nasty) Use reflection to change _google before the tests
(most purist will disagree here) You could create an overload taking the parameter and use this one for testing (so you test only CheckCommunicationLink(string url) method
code for (3):
private string _google = #"http://www.google.com";
public ConnectionStatus CheckCommunicationLink()
return CheckCommunicationLink(_google);
public ConnectionStatus CheckCommunicationLink(string url)
//Test if we can get to Google (A happy website that should always be there).
Uri googleURI = new Uri(url);
if (!IsUrlReachable(googleURI, mGoogleTestString))
//The internet is not reachable. No connection is available.
return ConnectionStatus.NotConnected;
return ConnectionStatus.Connected;

Proper application of Mock objects in Unit Testing

I've got a PresenterFactory that creates Presenter classes based on a Role parameter. Specifically, the Role parameter is an external class which I cannot control (IE 3rd party.)
My factory looks something like this:
public class PresenterFactory {
public Presenter CreatePresenter(Role role, ...) {
if (role.IsUserA("Manager")) {
return new ManagerPresenter(...)
if (role.IsUserA("Employee")) {
return new EmployeePresenter(...)
I'm stuck on how to write the unit test for this since creating the Role object forces a database access. I thought that I could Mock this object. My test looked like this:
public void TestPresenterFactory()
var mockRole = new Mock<Role>();
mockRole .Setup(role=> role.IsUserA("Manager"))
PresenterFactory.CreatePresenter(mockRole.Object, ...);
However I receive an ArguementException:
Invalid setup on a non-overridable member: role=> role.IsUserA("Manager")
I'm not sure where to go and sure could use some course correction. What am I doing wrong?
You can create a wrapper object for Role that has all the same methods and properties, but is mockable, and the default implementation simply returns the underlying Role's implementation.
Then your tests can use the wrapper Role to set up the desired behaviour.
This is often a way to get around concrete classes that really need mocking.
What you want to mock is the creation of a Role object, then pass that mock object into your CreatePresenter method. On the mock you would set whatever properties required to determine what kind of user it is. If you still have dependencies on the database at this point, then you might look at refactoring your Role object.
Consider using a mocking framework that does not impose artificial constraints (such as requirements for methods to be virtual, for classes to not be sealed, etc) on how your code must be written to be mockable. The only example of such that I'm aware of in .NET context is TypeMock.
In Java when using EasyMock extensions you would be able to mock "real" objects and methods, most likely there's equivalent or alternative mock framework that you can use for your purpose