Serialize derived classes with boost - c++

I have three classes defined as:
class Base
int myvar1;
int myvar2;
class Base2 : Base
Base2(...) : Base(...)
template<typename T> class Derived
Derived(...) : Base2(...)
I need to serialize the base class including also the derived classes with boost to send it via sockets. How can i do it?
std::auto_ptr<Base2>(new Derived(...))


Only allow further inheritance from child class

Context: I'm doing some internal cleanup to move away from large & unwieldy data structures to more well-defined data structures.
I have a class that does something like this:
class Base {
virtual int DoStuff(BigType input);
Calling code:
std::vector<Base*> bases;
BigType input;
for (const auto& base : bases) {
Child classes currently look like this:
class Child : public Base {
int DoStuff(BigType input) const override {
// do stuff
I added an intermediate interface:
template <typename SmallType>
class FocusedBase : public Base {
int DoStuff(BigType input) const override {
return DoStuff(SmallType(input));
virtual int DoStuff(SmallType input);
Child classes now look like this. Note that SmallType may differ across child classes:
class Child : public FocusedBase<SmallType> {
int DoStuff(SmallType input) {
// do stuff
Calling code remains the same.
I'd like to have new classes inherit from FocusedBase only, not Base. Any thoughts on how to do so?
If you want to disallow inheriting from Base directly you can make Base::Base() private and make FocusedBase a friend:
struct Base {
Base() = default;
friend class FocusedBase;
struct FocusedBase : Base {};
struct Foo : Base {};
struct Bar : FocusedBase {};
int main() {
//Foo f; // error
Bar b; // ok

C++ class Design with Inheritance

class Base
static int GetType_S()
return 1;
virtual int GetType()
return GetType_S();
class Son1 : public Base
static int GetType_S()
return 2;
virtual int GetType()
return GetType_S();
My Question is : When I need some other classes like "Son1,Son2..." ,every class should implement GetType and GetType_S function, This two functions is repeated.So How to design this classes gracefully to let son classes implement only one function?And It is best not to use macros.
You can have a class template that each SonN inherits from, which in turn inherits Base.
template <int Type>
class Middle : public Base
static int GetType_S()
return Type;
virtual int GetType()
return GetType_S();
class Son1 : public Middle<2> {};
class Son2 : public Middle<3> {};
class Whatever : public Middle<42> {};
Or, if there is nothing else in those classes:
using Son1 = Middle<2>;
using Son2 = Middle<3>;
using Whatever = Middle<42>;

Exposing base class enum without tediously listing enumerators

In C++11, I can expose an enumerator which is protected in a base class, to users of a derived class, as follows:
class Base
enum Waldo { hidden, found };
class Derived : public Base
using Base::Waldo;
void foo()
Derived::Waldo w = Derived::Waldo::found;
Unfortunately, in C++03, Derived::Waldo::found is illegal, and Derived::found is met with 'Base::Waldo Base::found' is protected within this context.
I could work around that by also writing a using for each enumerator:
class Derived : public Base
using Base::Waldo;
using Base::hidden;
using Base::found;
void foo()
Derived::Waldo w = Derived::found; // works in C++03
but this can be really tedious to do if the enumerator has many enumerators. Is there a way to pull off this enum-exposing in C++03 without this tedium?
struct Wrap
enum Waldo { hidden, found };
class Base : protected Wrap
class Derived : public Base
using Base::Wrap;
void foo()
Derived::Wrap::Waldo w = Derived::Wrap::found;
Edit: Or you put it inside:
class Base
struct Wrap
enum Waldo { hidden, found };
class Derived : public Base
using Base::Wrap;
void foo()
Derived::Wrap::Waldo w = Derived::Wrap::found;
Well, I think there are lots of different ways to do this, depending on what you want to do with the enum. Here is one:
struct WaldoStates
enum States{hidden, found};
class Base
typedef WaldoStates Waldo;
class Derived : public Base
void foo()
WaldoStates::States state = Derived::Waldo::found;
Now, this is good if simply want the states to be accessible with something like myClass::Waldo::hidden in any class of the inheritance tree. If you want to be able to set different states for some of the derived classes, you may want to do something like this instead:
struct WaldoStates
typedef int State;
struct DefaultWaldoStates : public WaldoStates
enum States{hidden, found};
struct OtherWaldoStates : public WaldoStates
enum States{stillHidden, alreadyFound};
class Base
typedef DefaultWaldoStates Waldo;
class Derived : public Base
class OtherDerived : public Base
typedef OtherWaldoStates Waldo;
void foo()
WaldoStates::State state0 = Derived::Waldo::found;
WaldoStates::State state1 = OtherDerived::Waldo::alreadyFound;

Statically Init a derived class

With c++, Is there a way to get a derived class to inherit its own static initializer? I am trying to do something like the following:
class Base {
class StaticInit {
virtual StaticInit() =0;
class Derived: public Base {
virtual StaticInit::StaticInit() {
//do something with the derived class
static StaticInit init;
static Derived::StaticInit init;
it would also be nice if I didn't have to define the init var in each derived class. I am currently redefining the StaticInit internal class in each derived class but it seems redundant.
Each derived class is a singleton, and I need the instance to be stored in a lookup table at program startup.
I use templates to do this, rather than inheritance - something like:
template <typename T>
struct StaticInit {
StaticInit() {
// do whatever with T
in use:
static StaticInit <SomeClass> init;
Use the CRTP:
template <class D>
class Base {
class StaticInit {
StaticInit() { D::initStatic(*this); }
static StaticInit init;
template <class D>
Base<D>::StaticInit init;
class Derived: public Base<Derived> {
initStatic(Base<Derived>::StaticInit& s) {
// Do derived-specific initialisation on s.

Multiple inheritance hierarchy

I'm looking for a clean way of doing this since a long time. In my problem, there exist 3 classes not sharing any parent in common but each having some methods with the same name (A.doSomething, B.doSomething, C.doSomething). Hence, having the same function signature, class D inheriting from A and using method doSomething() will "look the same" to E inheriting from B or C .
Here is a sketch of what I'd like to be able to do:
class Base {
void myMethod(void) { doSomething(); }
class Independent {
clase Derived : public Base : public Independent {
int main(void) {
Derived *derivedObject = new Derived();
In this problem, object of type "Independent" is provided by a library that I cannot change. I would like to define a base class that uses methods that are going to be inherited later on. I couldn't find a proper way of doing this using virtual inheritance without causing ambiguous compiling.
You've got a nasty situation there. One solution to this would be using the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern to perform the inheritance at compile-time, like this:
template <typename D>
class Base {
void myMethod(void) { static_cast<D*>(this)->doSomething(); }
class Independent {
void doSomething();
clase Derived : public Base : public Independent {
int main(void) {
Derived *derivedObject = new Derived();
Alternatively, you could choose to put a middleman class in between to forward to Independent (I assume you have many classes deriving from the same Base and Independent, and just don't want to have to do this for each class).
template <typename D>
class Base {
virtual void doSomethingImpl();
void myMethod(void) { doSomethingImpl(); }
class Independent {
void doSomething();
class IndependentWrapper : public Base : public Independent {
void doSomethingImpl() { Independent::doSomething(); }
clase Derived : public IndependentWrapper {
int main(void) {
Derived *derivedObject = new Derived();