JQuery - Problem with selectors (siblings, parents...) - coldfusion

I got a coldfusion query where the result is grouped on country names. With a click on this one, I try to open or close the list under the country. But i cannot work correctly with this siblings and this parents. The result is, if i click on a country name, the fourth one, for example, it close all childrens, and the three country name which are before too.
Can someone help me to choose the right selectors ?
Thank you in advance ,
The code:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var toggleMinus = '<cfoutput>#variables.strWebAddress#</cfoutput>/images/bullet_toggle_minus.png';
var togglePlus = '<cfoutput>#variables.strWebAddress#</cfoutput>/images/bullet_toggle_plus.png';
var $subHead = $('table#categorylist tbody th:first-child');
$subHead.prepend('<img src="' +toggleMinus+ '" alt="collapse this section" /> ');
$('img', $subHead).addClass('clickable').click(function(){
var toggleSrc = $(this).attr('src');
if(toggleSrc == toggleMinus){
<table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" align="center id="categorylist">
<th class="text3" width="15%">
<cfmodule template="../custom_tags/get_message.cfm" keyName="L_ACTOR_CODENUMBER">
<th class="text3" width="15%">
<cfmodule template="../custom_tags/get_message.cfm" keyName="L_ACTOR_CODE">
<th class="text3" width="55%">
<cfmodule template="../custom_tags/get_message.cfm" keyName="L_ACTOR_NAME">
<th class="text3" width="15%">
<cfmodule template="../custom_tags/get_message.cfm" keyName="L_ACTIVE">
<tbody id="content">
<cfoutput query="qryCategoryUrl" group="country_name" groupcasesensitive="false">
<tr class="country">
<th style="font-weight:bold; text-align:left;" colspan="4">#country_name#</th>
<td valign="top" class="text3">#Replace(ACTOR_CODENUMBER, Chr(13) & Chr(10), "<br>", "ALL")# </td>
<td valign="top" class="text3">#Replace(ACTOR_CODE, Chr(13) & Chr(10), "<br>", "ALL")# </td>
<td valign="top" class="text3">#Replace(ACTOR_NAME, Chr(13) & Chr(10), "<br>", "ALL")# </td>
<td valign="top" class="text3"><cfmodule template="../custom_tags//get_message.cfm" keyName="#ACTIVE_display(qryCategoryUrl.ACTIVE)#"></td>

Instead of:
Try this:
And of course, apply the same change to the .fadeIn(). You might also look into .fadeToggle()docs.
Here's a (reduced) example: http://jsfiddle.net/redler/5sqJz/. While it doesn't affect the example, presumably you would be setting the initial state of those detail rows as hidden.

woah all that cfmodule usage, cfmodule can be a memory hog.
Although what I always recommend is that people try their pages in whatever browser, and use the SelectorGadget bookmarklet at http://www.selectorgadget.com/
This makes it easier to test and check the correct selector, for your app needs.


Remove string between HTML tags with TRegEx

I am designing by code a report sent by email with Outlook using HTML format.
To do that, I'm loading first a HTML template where I can insert all dynamic parts using predefined tags like [CustomerName].
<p>You will find below reports for customer [CustomerName] dated [ReportdDate]</p>
<thead id="t01">
<th align='center' width='80'>Order Nr</th>
<th align='left' width='400'>Date</th>
<th align='left' width='200'>Info</th>
<th align='center' width='200'>Site Name</th>
<thead id="t01">
<th align='center' width='80'>Order Nr</th>
<th align='left' width='100'>Date</th>
<th align='left' width='400'>Info</th>
<th align='left' width='200'>Site Name</th>
<p>Best regards</p>
This template is ready to insert two HTML tables: [TableA] and [TableB]
But sometimes a table has no data. So, I want to remove that complete HTML section. To achieve this, I have inserted fake tags:
<tag-1></tag-1> and <tag-2></tag-2>
And then removing the complete section including the two fake tags using TRegEx. This is working just fine here:
But with this code in Delphi, it doesn't work as expected:
TRegEx.Replace(MessageBody.Text, '<tag-1>.*?</tag-1>', '');
Could you tell me what's wrong here?
My problem is fixed. Thanks to all of you
Just use the roSingleLine option to deal with line feeds:
MessageBody.Text := TRegEx.Replace(MessageBody.Text, '<tag-1>.*?</tag-1>', '', [roSingleLine]);
first you have to remove all the CR LF from your string and then use the expression with escape before < and >

Conditional Printing with Netsuite Advanced PDF/HTML Template (Zero Value)

I have inherited a custom NetSuite Advanced PDF/HTML Template which is the primary default for the majority of our invoicing.
We would like to have an expenses line not print when value is $0.00. Searches online and of Stack Overflow have not provided clear direction. It appears #if/#else might be solution, but I am unclear on how to integrate into the existing code. I have some HTML/CSS experience, but am new to Freemarker.
The current code looks to wrap instructions for printing line items that are not entered as expenses within the Billable Expenses instructions?
<#if record.item?has_content>
<#assign totalBillableExpense = 0>
<table class="itemtable" style="width: 100%; margin-top: 10px;"><!-- start items -->
<#list record.item as item>
<#if item_index==0>
<th colspan="20" align="left">${item.description#label}</th>
<!--th align="center" colspan="3">${item.quantity#label}</th-->
<!--th align="right" colspan="4">${item.rate#label}</th-->
<th align="right" colspan="4">${item.amount#label}</th>
<#if item.custcol_ns_print_pdf?string == "Yes">
<td colspan="20">
<!--#if item.itemtype?contains("Description") || item.itemtype?contains("Subtotal")-->
<!--td align="center" colspan="3" line-height="150%">${item.quantity}</td-->
<!--td align="right" colspan="4">${item.rate}</td-->
<td align="right" colspan="4">${item.amount}</td>
<#if item.description?contains("Total Billable Expenses")>
<#assign totalBillableExpense = totalBillableExpense + item.amount>
</#list><!-- end items -->
<td colspan="20">Billable Expenses </td>
<td align="right" colspan="4">${totalBillableExpense?string.currency}</td>
This might be what you are asking:
<#if totalBillableExpense gt 0>
<td colspan="20">Billable Expenses </td>
<td align="right" colspan="4">${totalBillableExpense?string.currency}</td>
Also to avoid a potential issue with empty <tr/> tags you should reformulate this:
<#if item.custcol_ns_print_pdf?string == "Yes">
<#if item.description?contains("Total Billable Expenses")>
<#assign totalBillableExpense = totalBillableExpense + item.amount>
to something like:
<#if item.description?contains("Total Billable Expenses")>
<#assign totalBillableExpense = totalBillableExpense + item.amount>
<#if item.custcol_ns_print_pdf?string == "Yes">

Thymeleaf , Map object which has value as List of districts .?

Suppose we have a Map object which has State as it's Key and List of districts in a State as it's Value. This how I am iterating over this kind of Map object.but each district is NOT getting printed on a new row. Can someone help ???
<div th:if="${not #lists.isEmpty(stateToDistrictMap)}">
<th:block th:each="state : ${stateToDistrictMap}">
<td th:text="${state.key}">State</td>
<th:block th:each="district : ${state.value}">
<td th:text="${district.name}">District</td>
<td th:text="${district.code}">District</td>
<td th:text="${district.erstyear}">District</td>
<td th:text="${district.info}">District</td>
Can someone help ???
You probably want something like:
<div th:if="${not #lists.isEmpty(stateToDistrictMap)}">
<th:block th:each="state: ${stateToDistrictMap}">
<tr th:each="district, i: ${state.value}">
<td th:text="${i.first ? state.key : ' '}" />
<td th:text="${district.name}" />
<td th:text="${district.code}" />
<td th:text="${district.erstyear}" />
<td th:text="${district.info}" />

How to find the element part of the anchor tag

I am totally new to the selenium. Please accept apologies for asking daft or silly question.
I have below on the website. What I am interested is that how can I get the data-selectdate value using selenium + python . Once I have the data-selectdate value, I would like to compare this against the the date I am interested in.
You help is deeply appreciated.
Note: I am not using Beautiful soup or anything.
<table role="grid" tabindex="0" summary="October 2018">
<th role="columnheader" id="dayMonday"><abbr title="Monday">Mon</abbr></th>
<th role="columnheader" id="dayTuesday"><abbr title="Tuesday">Tue</abbr></th>
<th role="columnheader" id="dayWednesday"><abbr title="Wednesday">Wed</abbr></th>
<th role="columnheader" id="dayThursday"><abbr title="Thursday">Thur</abbr></th>
<th role="columnheader" id="dayFriday"><abbr title="Friday">Fri</abbr></th>
<th role="columnheader" id="daySaturday"><abbr title="Saturday">Sat</abbr></th>
<td role="gridcell" headers="dayMonday">
<a data-selectdate="2018-10-22T00:00:00+01:00" data-selected="false" id="day22"
<td role="gridcell" headers="dayTuesday">
<a data-selectdate="2018-10-23T00:00:00+01:00" data-selected="false" id="day23"
<td role="gridcell" headers="dayWednesday">
<a data-selectdate="2018-10-24T00:00:00+01:00" data-selected="false" id="day24"
<td role="gridcell" headers="dayThursday">
<a data-selectdate="2018-10-25T00:00:00+01:00" data-selected="false" id="day25"
<td role="gridcell" headers="dayFriday">
<a data-selectdate="2018-10-26T00:00:00+01:00" data-selected="false" id="day26"
<td role="gridcell" headers="daySaturday">
<a data-selectdate="2018-10-27T00:00:00+01:00" data-selected="false" id="day27"
To get the values of the attribute data-selectdate you can use the following solution:
elements = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector("table[summary='October 2018'] tbody td[role='gridcell'][headers^='day']>a")
for element in elements:
You can use get_attribute api of element class to read attribute value of element.
css_locator = "table tr:nth-child(1) > td[headers='dayMonday'] > a"
ele = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(css_locator)
selectdate = ele.get_attribute('data-selectdate')

Multidimensional list in Thymeleaf (Java) - List<List<Object>>

Have anyone of you any suggestion, how to iterate through a multidimensional list in Thymeleaf?
My multidimensional list looks as follow:
public List<List<PreferredZone>> findZonesByPosition(List<Position> positionList) {
List <PreferredZone> prefZone = new ArrayList<>();
List<List<PreferredZone>> listPrefZone = new ArrayList<>();
long positionId = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < positionList.size(); i++) {
positionId = positionList.get(i).getPositionId();
prefZone = prefZoneDAO.findFilteredZone(positionId);
return listPrefZone;
In my controller as attribute:
List<List<PreferredZone>> prefZoneList = prefZoneService.findZonesByPosition(positionList);
Finally I try to iterate this two dimensional list in a HTML table:
<table th:each="prefList :#{prefZoneList}" class="table table-striped display hover">
<!-- Loop für die Daten -->
<tr th:each="row, iterState :${prefList}" class="clickable-row">
<td th:text="${row[__${iterState.index}__]}.zoneIso"></td>
<td th:text="${row[__${iterState.index}__]}.zoneName"></td>
<td style="text-align:center;">
<input type="checkbox" th:value="${${row[__${iterState.index}__]}.zoneId}" id="zone" class="checkbox-round" />
It doesn't work however. I don't have any other idea how to solve this.
I have to have a multidimensional list, because I have got a table with multiple records and each record contains a button to open a modal window. Each of this windows contains either a HTML table where I have to display the records.
Have you got any suggestion for me?
You have a mistake in #{prefZoneList} and (as noted in comments) in using iterState.index
Try it:
<table th:each="prefList : ${prefZoneList}" class="table table-striped display hover">
<tr th:each="row : ${prefList}" class="clickable-row">
<td th:text="${row.zoneIso}"></td>
<td th:text="${row.zoneName}"></td>
<td style="text-align:center;">
<input type="checkbox" th:value="${row.zoneId}" id="zone" class="checkbox-round" />
Syntax #{...} - a message Expressions
iterState.index is the current iteration index, starting with 0, using like ${prefList[__${iterState.index}__].element} where element - filed in prefList.