Need to develop Protocol analyser for Abis? - c++

Abis is the signals which are passed from BTS to BSC in mobile networks. The work they want to do is to collect the messages from BTS, analyse it to find some specific errors etc. So for doing these, I have to actually know how to do protocol analyser. the language which i am told is to use is c or CPP.

There are three main stages on analysing data for any protocol:
Capturing or generating the network traffic: For mobile networks, that generally involves very expensive receiver hardware - hardware that usually comes with its own analyser software that will be far better than anything you might code yourself. Base stations may allow for a way to monitor their operation and capture data. It is also theoretically possible to repurpose other hardware (e.g. a cell phone or a lab instrument), or to generate the data using a simulator.
Extracting the data of interest: You need to extract and isolate the data for the protocol that interests you. Depending on the encapsulation and encryption properties of the network, that might be impossible for data captured in the wild - in that case you'd need something that would act as a node in the network and provide access to its inner workings.
Analysing the protocol of interest: You need a piece of software that will not only implement the protocol, but that will provide far more extensive logging and error-recovery capabilities than any production implementations. That way it will be able to point out and handle misbehaving nodes.
If you intend to write a protocol analyser of your own, you need to aqcuire the protocol specification and code such an implementation. You should be warned that even the simplest protocols are in fact quite difficult to implement correctly.
Without more information on your development and target platforms, the source and format of the data and the resources that you have available, there is no way for us to provide more information.
PS: It would also help if your question contained an actual question that we could answer.


How to write a CanOpen stack?

I have a similar problem with this. How to program a simple CANopen layer .
I read the answers but I have to program a CANopen layer on my own I cannot get a commercial one. So are there any basics of writing a CANopen stack (or layer I'm not certain about the difference)? I don't know even where to start..
If it's required here's some information :
My master device is a beagle bone black with QNX. QNX has a generic CAN library I think but not specific to CANopen. And my slave is a militarized brushless motor controller. I'm writing in C++.
I have a documentation about the general requirements of my system.
There are 2 RPDOs and 4 TPDOs, transmission is synchronous, there is no stopped mode( so no heart-beat and node guarding) and all message informations are stated (size, format, related node IDs etc.)
There are actually at least 4 open source projects that implement CANopen:
CanFestival is the oldest and might be the most mature solution. License: LGPLv2.
CANopenNode is aimed at micro-controllers. License: GPLv2.
Lely CANopen is a library for implementing CANopen masters and slaves. License: Apache version 2.
openCANopen is a master that runs on Linux. License: ISC. Note: I am the author of this project.
I would have posted links, but apparently I don't have enough "reputation".
openCANopen also includes some utilities such as a daemon for forwarding traffic over TCP and a program that interprets and dumps CANopen traffic to standard output.
Lely CANopen is actually of pretty decent code quality and I might have used it if it'd been available when I started writing my own implementation. However, I have not tried using it, so I can't really say which implementation is "better". I can only say that they are different and one or the other may suit your needs better.
Now, I doubt that any of those implementations will work straight out of the box on QNX. They will either have to be adapted or you can copy individual parts of the code into your own implementations. At least that should save you some time.
The quick and dirty work-around is to only implement the bare minimum (just don't market it as CANopen or claim CANopen compliance):
Support for those specific RPDOs/TPDOs that the other node will send/expect to receive. Use fixed COBID (CAN identifiers). Forget about PDO mapping and PDO configuration, use fixed settings.
Implement a NMT bootup message.
Implement NMT state transitions between pre-operational and operational (your node needs to respond to these from the NMT master).
Implement some means to set the node id. Easiest might be to hard code it as a program constant.
If you are lucky, this is all that is needed. If you are unlucky, there will be SDO commmunication, meaning you will have to implement the SDO protcol and also the whole Object Dictionary. Otherwise, the above is fairly straight-forward and not that much work.
In case you need the Object Dictionary, then there might be no other way around getting a full-blown protocol stack. You'll also need to apply for a vendor id from CAN-in-Automation, but it's a one-time fee (no royalties).
I'm from Embedded Office and want to add my penny to your search, even if it's late. First I want to mention, the reason why we didn't put drivers into the canopen-stack repository is the complexity of embedded software development on multiple targets with multiple compilers and my goal to provide running software wherever possible. With just a library is hard to identify problems during usage.
The good news, I setup an environment to get the different targets and compilers managable by a single maintainer (me). So the canopen-stack is developped with LLVM on host machines, and a first demo is provided for STM32F7xx microcontrollers. More is coming, so stay tuned :-)

Choosing path of packet in socket programming?

Would it be possible to manually set or at least influence the path that a packet takes through the internet using socket programming for an application?
For e.g. suppose I don't want the program to send packets that go through routers based in country A, but to go around it instead.
Would that be possible? I am using C++ so advice in that context would be great but any language would be helpful as well.
The whole point of packet-switched networks is that routing is determined collectively by the router located at each hop along the way. That is why they are called routers. It's fundamental to how a network as large as the internet can actually work in any useful way at all.
The originating machine does not and cannot hope to have enough information to decide on an inter-country network route and, even if it did, the rest of the internet would never abide by its decision.
Whatever bizarre and/or nefarious use you have in mind for this, you'll have to think of alternatives.

Debugging or mapping out a large state machine?

I'm trying to debug a chunk of code that's mostly a straightforward 16-state state machine, although there are some cases where the transitions are not very simple (the data the state changes operate on are about 200 bytes of data in a couple C++ classes).
We're finding the machine ending up in a "final" state much earlier than expected. Since I'm not yet intimately familiar with the code, I'm hoping I can try to make out the different states and transitions in a way that will make it easier for me to quickly identify and debug the different transition paths.
Are there any useful tools or techniques for mapping out a state machine like this?
It might be worth noting that I'm doing this from a reverse-engineering standpoint, so there is no planning documentation for the system available to me.
You can look into formal model checking tools, such as UPPAAL. This tool can be used for modelling and verification of any system that can be modelled as networks of timed automata - this includes state machines. I have used it previously to verify e.g. invariants and reachability of possible states.

Early media settings in AVPF

According to RFC4585, AVPF profile allows a device to send feedback earlier than the usual transmission of a regular RTCP packet. But, depending on the bandwidth, number of users and periodicity of regular RTCP packets, it is possible for the participants of a session not be able to use early feedback.
How is this threshold calculated? This is not provided (it'd be nice to have it, at least for the point-to-point case).
From the RFC:
Note that the algorithms do not depend on all senders and receivers agreeing on the same value for this threshold. It is merely intended to provide conceptual guidance to application designers and is not used in any calculations.
So, if this threshold is even implemented (sounds like it's not necessary) it will be implementation specific.
There are open source implementations of AVPF; duobango being one example, and it seems Jingle also implements this. It may be worth looking through their codebase for some help. I wasn't able to find anything more.
Good luck!

I need an efficient protocol between webservices that are more or less supported by all major languages

I am looking for a fast and efficient protocol that can be used between different web services to send text-data (not binary data). Doesn't matter if the protocol is binary or text base.
Some conditions:
I has to be more "efficient" than normal XML which adds a lot of extra data and the tools to read/write is too heavy
It has to be "supported" by most major languages, meaning it cannot only be available for one specific language. At the moment, both Java and PHP have to be able to talk to each other using this protocol.
I have already looked at:
XML - which I am currently using.
Hessian 2 -which works perfectly in Java, but the PHP-support is out of date
JSON -the different between JSON and XML is only minor
Any suggestions are welcome!
Update 1: It should be possible to use this protocol over HTTP.
I have two answers.
First of all, REST services are "supported" from any stack capable of making an HTTP request. If you really need better efficiency than SOAP, just doing it yourself with REST is probably your best bet.
Second, does it really need to be 'more "efficient" than normal XML'? Have you profiled it? Are you certain that data transfer between your service and the client is going to be your bottleneck? How big is your payload with/without the XML?
Protocol Buffers might be exactly what you want. It's a Google creation that, in their words, is "a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible way of serializing structured data for use in communications protocols, data storage, and more."
Their official docs show implementations in Java, C++ and Python. However, the protocol is simple and has been implemented in a lot of languages (I use a C# implementation, for example.)
IMHO, there are other methodologies in this area, but nothing quite meets the sweet spot of proto-buffers in terms of simplicity and performance across a variety of languages.