SWIG: Reporting Python exceptions from C++ code - c++

I am using a library, which specifies in its API docs to define a class inherited from some particular class of of the library. The library itself is written in C++ and the bindings to Python is generated using SWIG. The problem is, when I run my Python code, no matter what exception Python throws, I get the error saying "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Swig::DirectorMethodException'".
I would like to have this exception raised by the Python code to be reported while executing my program. Esp, those cases where I get ZeroDivisionError.
I tried to hack a bit by following the method described in the SWIG documentation at http://www.swig.org/Doc2.0/Python.html#Python_nn36 but with no luck. I still get the same message "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Swig::DirectorMethodException'" no matter what I put in the module.i file.
Can some one please give me pointers on how to go about with this problem, so that Python exceptions are reported as they are?

Report exception raised by Python in the console of the program.
This is the useful fix from Madhusudan.C.S.
See his comment on ginbot's answer.
I am putting it as an answer so that it becomes more visible.
/* MyInterface.i */
%module(directors="1") MyInterface
%feature("director:except") {
if( $error != NULL ) {
PyObject *ptype, *pvalue, *ptraceback;
PyErr_Fetch( &ptype, &pvalue, &ptraceback );
PyErr_Restore( ptype, pvalue, ptraceback );

I don't know how far along you are with your code base, so this may be of little use, but I had better luck with boost::python than SWIG. Then you could do this: boost::python Export Custom Exception


How to check in JNI if java class exists?

If im using this:
Log("Not found");
return 0;
I got error: no such class
As mentioned in the documentation, FindClass can result in a variety of (Java) exceptions being thrown.
It is an error to make any further JNI calls with a pending Java exception. So you need to, at a minimum, clear the exception using env->ExceptionClear().

Building RakNet C# Wrapper with Swig, get an annoying error at build

I know I should post this on the official RakNet forum, but I actually have, but it seems to be dead as hell.
The reason why I'm asking here is because I have no idea of C++, I'm a game developer and we're using Unity3D/C# to develop our new game, it's going to be Multiplayer and as RakNet was Open Sourced I wanted to give it a try.
So, here we go, this is the error log:
raknet_wrap.cxx(15441): error C2558: class 'RakNet::ReliabilityLayer' : no copy constructor available or copy constructor is declared 'explicit'
And the line where the error is is this:
jresult = new ReliabilityLayer((const ReliabilityLayer &)result);
Full function:
SWIGEXPORT void * SWIGSTDCALL CSharp_RakPeer_RemoteSystemStruct_reliabilityLayer_get(void * jarg1) {
void * jresult ;
RakNet::RakPeer::RemoteSystemStruct *arg1 = (RakNet::RakPeer::RemoteSystemStruct *) 0 ;
ReliabilityLayer result;
arg1 = (RakNet::RakPeer::RemoteSystemStruct *)jarg1;
result = ((arg1)->reliabilityLayer);
jresult = new ReliabilityLayer((const ReliabilityLayer &)result);
return jresult;
Can someone tell me why is it not working and explain it for a completely new person to C++ so I can understand the error?
(Edit) Going to also provide the ReliabilityLayer class! Here it is: http://pastebin.com/qTXedJFw
So I finally managed to build the RakNet C# DLL of the newest RakNet version.
And, as I don't want anybody with no experience on C++ to go through the madness I did through, I'm just sharing the DLL for easy use. Just import it to your project and start using it.
Here it is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwuOJwLuDZfnM29DTFlLTWZWOXc/view?usp=sharing
OK to whoever is watching this and doesn't have a successful answer.
This is clearly a compiler bug in MSVC 2013 (that's what I tried).
SWIG generates the file 'RakNet_wrap.cxx' with the following line:
jresult = new ReliabilityLayer((const ReliabilityLayer &)result);
The quickest way around it is to edit this line so that it reads:
jresult = new ReliabilityLayer(result);
and hence the casting becomes implicit instead of explicit and MSVC 2013 accepts this.
The only problem is that when you hit Build, SWIG will overwrite this file and introduce the error again. So just remove the SWIG prebuild step (Alt+F7->Build Events->Pre-Build Event remove the PreBuild.bat from the command line) and build again. Now it will successfully compile and link as it should.
Don't forget to put the PreBuild.bat file again if you need to modify the source code and run SWIG again!
Also use SWIG 2.0.12; the latest version I tried (3.0.5); generates broken C# code (undefined HandleRef and IntPtr because System.Runtime.InteropServices is not either explicit nor imported via 'using' keyword).
I've raised a ticket to the SWIG project about this: https://github.com/swig/swig/issues/433

Embedding Lua to C++ and wxWidgets using Eclipse IDE

I am new to Lua so I am sorry if this is rather an easy question but it is driving me nuts. In my previous thread A simple query on calling Lua 5.2 from C++ I have used an easy C++ code to embed Lua in it. Things worked well but when I transfer that concept to a more complex project, the same code does not work. I have checked many sources but could not find a solution.
Here is my code:
#include "External/include/lua.hpp"
lua_State *luastate =NULL;
bool ScienceSuitApp::OnInit()
ScienceSuitFrame* frame = new ScienceSuitFrame(0L);
return true;
Now when I try to compile the code, I am getting invalid arguments error for the luaL_openlibs(luastate) line. The error that the compiler gives:
Invalid arguments '
Candidates are:
void luaL_openlibs(*)
' ScienceSuitApp.cpp /ScienceLab line 33 Semantic Error
This is actually happening whenever I call a Lua function such as luaL_dostring etc.. which takes lua_State as parameter. By the way, I am using Eclipse as IDE and wxWidgets as GUI if that should give a clue. Any my configuration for this set up is:
I "think" I have solved the problem. It stems from the fact that Eclipse throws a "semantic error" and not a "syntax error". Therefore, I followed the advice from Eclipse CDT shows semantic errors, but compilation is ok. But now my question is what does it have to do with Indexing in Eclipse IDT? It feels like I am using Eclipse without knowing any of its internals.

Nodejs C++ event emitter. add-on error. Non-function in MakeCallback. method = emit Abort trap: 6

I'm creating a C++ level event emitter addon for node.js. I'm getting this C++ error when including the add-on in a node.js project.
Non-function in MakeCallback. method = emit Abort trap: 6
I found this Gist with a simplified example of the same behavior:
Hoping for some general insight into why this might be caused or what this error means.
If I understand what you're trying to do correctly, you have a couple of problems in your keylogger.js file;
util.inherits(new keylogger, events.EventEmitter);
exports = keylogger;
You're trying to extend an instance, and your export statement is a bit off. This should work better to export keylogger as an instance which the test file seems to expect;
util.inherits(keylogger, events.EventEmitter);
exports.keylogger = new keylogger();

Xerces: How to check the validity of an XML file using ErrorHandler

I am trying to determine if a given XML file is valid (has proper syntax and structure), and I am using Xerces. I have been able to succesfully read proper files but when I give it files with incorrect syntax, no errors are thrown.
I have been fishing around and found out that I might have to use an Error handler and user setErrorHandler to catch the errors instead of the traditional try-throw-catch exception handling.
The problem that I am having though is that I am very confused how to declare the proper handler, set it to my parser and then read the errors if there are any that show up.
Is there any chance somebody could shed some light on my situation?
// #input_parameter from function: const string & xmlConfigArg
xercesc::DOMDocument* doc = NULL;
string xmlConfig(xmlConfigArg);
Handler handler; // I'm not sure what type of handler to use
doc = _parser-> getDocument();
//Nothing is ever caught here
You need to derive a class from ErrorHandler (< xercesc/sax/ErrorHandler.hpp >)
then overwrite all the virtual methods there.
After doing so, You can get the error code from the class you created. No exceptions will be thrown in the parsing, so you can wave the try/cache block (or keep it for a different use).