Why am I getting excessive CPU Usage with "clock( )"? - c++

I'm trying to create a simple timer using the clock() method. When the application is executed, my CPU usage jumps from 0% to 25%. For a simple program that does nothing but count from 60 to 0 in seconds, it's a bit excessive.
I was following this: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/ctime/clock/
Any reason for this? Are there any alternatives I could use?

The code you reference:
while (clock() < endwait) {}
will clearly just chew CPU while waiting for the time to pass, hence the 25% usage ( one core).
while (clock() < endwait) { Sleep(1);}
should solve your problem.

Use boost::this_thread::sleep
// sleep for one second

My best guess is that your problem is not the clock function, but the wait function.
It loops until a certain time is reached. You should use a function that actually suspends your program, like the sleep function.

Most simple timing tests are better run with some pseudo-code like this:
start = get_time()
for 1 .. 10:
end = get_time()
diff = end - start
print "%d seconds elapsed", diff
On Unix-derived platforms, gettimeofday(2) returns a struct with seconds and microseconds since the Epoch, which makes for some pretty decent resolution timing. On other platforms, you'll have to hunt around for decent time sources.


Wait accurate for 20 millisec

I need to execute some function accurate in 20 milliseconds (for RTP packets sending) after some event. I have tried next variants:
Also different perversions as:
auto a= GetTickCount();
while ((GetTickCount() - a) < 20) continue;
Also tried micro and nanoseconds.
All this methods have error in range from -6ms to +12ms but its not acceptable. How to make it work right?
My opinion, that +-1ms is acceptable, but no more.
UPDATE1: to measure time passed i use std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
Briefly, because of how OS kernels manage time and threads, you won't get accuracy much better with that method. Also, you can't rely on sleep alone with a static interval or your stream will quickly drift off your intended send clock rate, because the thread could be interrupted or it could be scheduled again well after your sleep time... for this reason you should check the system clock to know how much to sleep for at each iteration (i.e. somewhere between 0ms and 20ms). Without going into too much detail, this is also why there's a jitter buffer in RTP streams... to account for variations in packet reception (due to network jitter or send jitter). Because of this, you likely won't need +/-1ms level accuracy anyway.
Using std::chrono::steady_clock, I got about 0.1ms accuracy on windows 7.
That is, simply:
auto a = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
while ((std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - a) < WAIT_TIME) continue;
This should give you accurate "waiting" (about 0.1ms, as I said), at least. We all know that this kind of waiting is "ugly" and should be avoided, but it's a hack that might still do the trick just fine.
You could use high_resolution_clock, which might give even better accuracy for some systems, but it is not guaranteed not to be adjusted by the OS, and you don't want that. steady_clock is supposed to be guaranteed not to be adjusted, and often has the same accuracy as high_resolution_clock.
As for "sleep()" functions that are very accurate, I don't know. Perhaps someone else knows more about that.
In C we have a nanosleep function in time.h.
The nanosleep() function causes the current thread to be suspended from execution until either the time interval specified by the rqtp argument has elapsed or a signal is delivered to the calling thread and its action is to invoke a signal-catching function or to terminate the process.
This below program sleeps for 20 milli seconds.
int main()
struct timespec tim, tim2;
tim.tv_sec = 0;
tim.tv_nsec =20000000;//20 milliseconds converted to nano seconds
if(nanosleep(&tim , NULL) < 0 )
printf("Nano sleep system call failed \n");
return -1;
printf("Nano sleep successfull \n");
return 0;

std::clock() and CLOCKS_PER_SEC

I want to use a timer function in my program. Following the example at How to use clock() in C++, my code is:
int main()
std::clock_t start = std::clock();
while (true)
double time = (std::clock() - start) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
std::cout << time << std::endl;
return 0;
On running this, it begins to print out numbers. However, it takes about 15 seconds for that number to reach 1. Why does it not take 1 second for the printed number to reach 1?
Actually it is a combination of what has been posted. Basically as your program is running in a tight loop, CPU time should increase just as fast as wall clock time.
But since your program is writing to stdout and the terminal has a limited buffer space, your program will block whenever that buffer is full until the terminal had enough time to print more of the generated output.
This of course is much more expensive CPU wise than generating the strings from the clock values, therefore most of the CPU time will be spent in the terminal and graphics driver. It seems like your system takes about 14 times the CPU power to output that timestamps than generating the strings to write.
std::clock returns cpu time, not wall time. That means the number of cpu-seconds used, not the time elapsed. If your program uses only 20% of the CPU, then the cpu-seconds will only increase at 20% of the speed of wall seconds.
Returns the approximate processor time used by the process since the beginning of an implementation-defined era related to the program's execution. To convert result value to seconds divide it by CLOCKS_PER_SEC.
So it will not return a second until the program uses an actual second of the cpu time.
If you want to deal with actual time I suggest you use the clocks provided by <chrono> like std::steady_clock or std::high_resolution_clock

time vs gettimeofday c ++

The time command returns the time elapsed in execution of a command.
If I put a "gettimeofday()" at the start of the command call (using system() ), and one at the end of the call, and take a difference, it doesn't come out the same. (its not a very small difference either)
Can anybody explain what is the exact difference between the two usages and which is the best way to time the execution of a call?
The Unix time command measures the whole program execution time, including the time it takes for the system to load your binary and all its libraries, and the time it takes to clean up everything once your program is finished.
On the other hand, gettimeofday can only work inside your program, that is after it has finished loading (for the initial measurement), and before it is cleaned up (for the final measurement).
Which one is best? Depends on what you want to measure... ;)
It's all dependent on what you are timing. If you are trying to time something in seconds, then time() is probably your best bet. If you need higher resolution than that, then I would consider gettimeofday(), which gives up to microsecond resolution (1 / 1000000th of a second).
If you need even higher resolution than that, consider using clock() and CLOCKS_PER_SECOND, just note that clock() is rarely an accurate description for the amount of time taken, but rather the number of CPU cycles used.
time() returns time since epoch in seconds.
gettimeofday(): returns:
struct timeval {
time_t tv_sec; /* seconds */
suseconds_t tv_usec; /* microseconds */
Each time function has different precision. In C++11 you would use std::chrono:
using namespace std::chrono;
auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
/* do stuff*/
auto end = high_resolution_clock::now();
float elapsedSeconds = duration_cast<duration<float>>(end-start).count();

gettimeofday on uLinux wierd behaviour

Recently i've been trying to create a wait function that waits for 25 ms using the wall clock as reference. I looked around and found "gettimeofday", but i've been having problems with it. My code (simplified):
timeval start, end;
double t_us;
bool release = false;
while (release == false)
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
t_us = ( (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000*1000) + (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
if (t_us >= 25000) //25 ms
release = true;
This code runs in a thread (Posix) and, on it's its own, works fine. DoStuff() is called every 25ms. It does however eat all the CPU if it can (as you might expect) so obviously this isn't a good idea.
When I tried throttling it by adding a Sleep(1); in the wait loop after the if statement, the entire thing slows by about 50% (that is, it called DoStuff every 37ms or so. This makes no sense to me - assuming DoStuff and any other threads complete their tasks in under (25 - 1) ms the called rate of DoStuff shouldn't be affected (allowing a 1ms error margin)
I also tried Sleep(0), usleep(1000) and usleep(0) but the behaviour is the same.
The same behaviour occurs whenever another higher priority thread needs CPU time (without the sleep). It's as if the clock stops counting when the thread reliqnuishes runtime.
I'm aware that gettimeofday is vulnerable to things like NTP updates etc... so I tried using clock_gettime but linking -ltr on my system causes problems so i don't think that is an option.
Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
The part that's missing here is how the kernel does thread scheduling based on time slices. In rough numbers, if you sleep at the beginning of your time slice for 1ms and the scheduling is done on a 35ms clock rate, your thread may not execute again for 35ms. If you sleep for 40ms, your thread may not execute again for 70ms. You can't really change that without changing the scheduling, but that's not recommended due to overall performance implications of the system. You could use a "high-resolution" timer, but often that's implemented in a tight cycle-wasting loop of "while it's not time yet, chew CPU" so that's not really desirable either.
If you used a high-resolution clock and queried it frequently inside of your DoStuff loop, you could potentially play some tricks like run for 30ms, then do a sleep(1) which could effectively relinquish your thread for the remainder of your timeslice (e.g. 5ms) to let other threads run. Kind of a cooperative/preemptive multitasking if you will. It's still possible you don't get back to work for an extended period of time though...
All variants of sleep()/usleep() involve yielding the CPU to other runnable tasks. Your programm can then run only after it is rescheduled by the kernel, which seems to last about 37 ms in your case.

Need a better wait solution

Recently I have been writing a program in C++ that pings three different websites and then depending on pass or fail it will wait 5 minutes or 30 seconds before it tries again.
Currently I have been using the ctime library and the following function to process my waiting. However, according to my CPU meter this is an unacceptable solution.
void wait (int seconds)
clock_t endwait;
endwait = clock () + seconds * CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
while (clock () < endwait) {}
The reason why this solution is unacceptable is because according to my CPU meter the program runs at 48% to 50% of my CPU when waiting. I have a Athlon 64 x2 1.2 GHz processor. There is no way my modest 130 line program should even get near 50%.
How can I write my wait function better so that it is only using minimal resources?
To stay portable you could use Boost::Thread for sleeping:
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
int main()
//waits 2 seconds
boost::this_thread::sleep( boost::posix_time::seconds(1) );
boost::this_thread::sleep( boost::posix_time::milliseconds(1000) );
return 0;
With the C++11 standard the following approach can be used:
Alternatively sleep_until could be used.
Use sleep rather than an empty while loop.
Just to explain what's happening: when you call clock() your program retrieves the time again: you're asking it to do that as fast as it can until it reaches the endtime... that leaves the CPU core running the program "spinning" as fast as it can through your loop, reading the time millions of times a second in the hope it'll have rolled over to the endtime. You need to instead tell the operating system that you want to be woken up after an interval... then they can suspend your program and let other programs run (or the system idle)... that's what the various sleep functions mentioned in other answers are for.
There's Sleep in windows.h, on *nix there's sleep in unistd.h.
There's a more elegant solution # http://www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/faq/part4/section-6.html