How Recursion Works Inside a For Loop - c++

I am new to recursion and trying to understand this code snippet. I'm studying for an exam, and this is a "reviewer" I found from Standford' CIS Education Library (From Binary Trees by Nick Parlante).
I understand the concept, but when we're recursing INSIDE THE LOOP, it all blows! Please help me. Thank you.
countTrees() Solution (C/C++)
For the key values 1...numKeys, how many structurally unique
binary search trees are possible that store those keys.
Strategy: consider that each value could be the root.
Recursively find the size of the left and right subtrees.
int countTrees(int numKeys) {
if (numKeys <=1) {
// there will be one value at the root, with whatever remains
// on the left and right each forming their own subtrees.
// Iterate through all the values that could be the root...
int sum = 0;
int left, right, root;
for (root=1; root<=numKeys; root++) {
left = countTrees(root - 1);
right = countTrees(numKeys - root);
// number of possible trees with this root == left*right
sum += left*right;

Imagine the loop being put "on pause" while you go in to the function call.
Just because the function happens to be a recursive call, it works the same as any function you call within a loop.
The new recursive call starts its for loop and again, pauses while calling the functions again, and so on.

For recursion, it's helpful to picture the call stack structure in your mind.
If a recursion sits inside a loop, the structure resembles (almost) a N-ary tree.
The loop controls horizontally how many branches at generated while the recursion decides the height of the tree.
The tree is generated along one specific branch until it reaches the leaf (base condition) then expand horizontally to obtain other leaves and return the previous height and repeat.
I find this perspective generally a good way of thinking.

Look at it this way: There's 3 possible cases for the initial call:
numKeys = 0
numKeys = 1
numKeys > 1
The 0 and 1 cases are simple - the function simply returns 1 and you're done. For numkeys 2, you end up with:
sum = 0
loop(root = 1 -> 2)
root = 1:
left = countTrees(1 - 1) -> countTrees(0) -> 1
right = countTrees(2 - 1) -> countTrees(1) -> 1
sum = sum + 1*1 = 0 + 1 = 1
root = 2:
left = countTrees(2 - 1) -> countTrees(1) -> 1
right = countTrees(2 - 2) -> countTrees(0) -> 1
sum = sum + 1*1 = 1 + 1 = 2
output: 2
for numKeys = 3:
sum = 0
loop(root = 1 -> 3):
root = 1:
left = countTrees(1 - 1) -> countTrees(0) -> 1
right = countTrees(3 - 1) -> countTrees(2) -> 2
sum = sum + 1*2 = 0 + 2 = 2
root = 2:
left = countTrees(2 - 1) -> countTrees(1) -> 1
right = countTrees(3 - 2) -> countTrees(1) -> 1
sum = sum + 1*1 = 2 + 1 = 3
root = 3:
left = countTrees(3 - 1) -> countTrees(2) -> 2
right = countTrees(3 - 3) -> countTrees(0) -> 1
sum = sum + 2*1 = 3 + 2 = 5
output 5
and so on. This function is most likely O(n^2), since for every n keys, you're running 2*n-1 recursive calls, meaning its runtime will grow very quickly.

Just to remember that all the local variables, such as numKeys, sum, left, right, root are in the stack memory. When you go to the n-th depth of the recursive function , there will be n copies of these local variables. When it finishes executing one depth, one copy of these variable will be popped up from the stack.
In this way, you will understand that, the next-level depth will NOT affect the current-level depth local variables (UNLESS you are using references, but we are NOT in this particular problem).
For this particular problem, time-complexity should be carefully paid attention to. Here are my solutions:
/* Q: For the key values 1...n, how many structurally unique binary search
trees (BST) are possible that store those keys.
Strategy: consider that each value could be the root. Recursively
find the size of the left and right subtrees.
how-recursion-works-inside-a-for-loop */
/* A: It seems that it's the Catalan numbers: */
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Time Complexity: ~O(2^n)
int CountBST(int n)
if (n <= 1)
return 1;
int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
int lc = CountBST(i);
int rc = CountBST(n-1-i);
c += lc*rc;
return c;
// Time Complexity: O(n^2)
int CountBST_DP(int n)
vector<int> v(n+1, 0);
v[0] = 1;
for (int k = 1; k <= n; ++k)
for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
v[k] += v[i]*v[k-1-i];
return v[n];
/* Catalan numbers:
C(n, 2n)
f(n) = --------
f(n+1) = -------- * f(n)
Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(n) - but can be easily reduced to O(1). */
int CountBST_Math(int n)
vector<int> v(n+1, 0);
v[0] = 1;
for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
v[k+1] = v[k]*2*(2*k+1)/(k+2);
return v[n];
int main()
for (int n = 1; n <= 10; ++n)
cout << CountBST(n) << '\t' << CountBST_DP(n) <<
'\t' << CountBST_Math(n) << endl;
return 0;
/* Output:
1 1 1
2 2 2
5 5 5
14 14 14
42 42 42
132 132 132
429 429 429
1430 1430 1430
4862 4862 4862
16796 16796 16796

You can think of it from the base case, working upward.
So, for base case you have 1 (or less) nodes. There is only 1 structurally unique tree that is possible with 1 node -- that is the node itself. So, if numKeys is less than or equals to 1, just return 1.
Now suppose you have more than 1 key. Well, then one of those keys is the root, some items are in the left branch and some items are in the right branch.
How big are those left and right branches? Well it depends on what is the root element. Since you need to consider the total amount of possible trees, we have to consider all configurations (all possible root values) -- so we iterate over all possible values.
For each iteration i, we know that i is at the root, i - 1 nodes are on the left branch and numKeys - i nodes are on the right branch. But, of course, we already have a function that counts the total number of tree configurations given the number of nodes! It's the function we're writing. So, recursive call the function to get the number of possible tree configurations of the left and right subtrees. The total number of trees possible with i at the root is then the product of those two numbers (for each configuration of the left subtree, all possible right subtrees can happen).
After you sum it all up, you're done.
So, if you kind of lay it out there's nothing special with calling the function recursively from within a loop -- it's just a tool that we need for our algorithm. I would also recommend (as Grammin did) to run this through a debugger and see what is going on at each step.

Each call has its own variable space, as one would expect. The complexity comes from the fact that the execution of the function is "interrupted" in order to execute -again- the same function.
This code:
for (root=1; root<=numKeys; root++) {
left = countTrees(root - 1);
right = countTrees(numKeys - root);
// number of possible trees with this root == left*right
sum += left*right;
Could be rewritten this way in Plain C:
root = 1;
if ( !( root <= numkeys ) ) {
goto EndLoop;
left = countTrees( root -1 );
right = countTrees ( numkeys - root );
sum += left * right
goto Loop;
// more things...
It is actually translated by the compiler to something like that, but in assembler. As you can see the loop is controled by a pair of variables, numkeys and root, and their values are not modified because of the execution of another instance of the same procedure. When the callee returns, the caller resumes the execution, with the same values for all values it had before the recursive call.

IMO, key element here is to understand function call frames, call stack, and how they work together.
In your example, you have bunch of local variables which are initialised but not finalised in the first call. It's important to observe those local variables to understand the whole idea. At each call, the local variables are updated and finally returned in a backwards manner (most likely it's stored in a register before each function call frame is popped off from the stack) up until it's added to the initial function call's sum variable.
The important distinction here is - where to return. If you need accumulated sum value like in your example, you cannot return inside the function which would cause to early-return/exit. However, if you depend on a value to be in a certain state, then you can check if this state is hit inside the for loop and return immediately without going all the way up.


In the most simplest explanation possible how to convert an array to min and max heaps in C++?

So recently i learned about heaps and iam really struggling to find an easy algo to convert an array to max and min heap in C++. My approach is as follows (for max heap) if you have an array of n size, use the formula
k=(n-1)/2 -1.We will start from index k and traverse backwards. From k till index 1 (skipping index 0 so as to accomodate the left child 2i and right child 2i+1 indexes), we will compare each node with its children if its lesser than both.In case this condition is true we will check for second condition that which child is greater of the two and then swap that child with the parent. It's all good till this point but suppose we are heapifying an array of size 7 that looks like this
index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
element 5 6 8 1 9 2
In this method index 2 its children 4 and 5, index 1 and its children 2 and 3 are taken care of but what will happen of index 6.
I looked up and also checked youtube and other websites but couldnt find anything helpful.
Edit: Here is my approach can you guys check this for errors
void a_buildHeap(int arr[],int n)
int swaps{};
int comps{};
for (int i = n/2; i >= 1; i--)
int lc = 2*i;
int rc = 2*i + 1;
if (arr[i] < arr[lc] && arr[i] < arr[rc])
if (lc > rc)
swap(arr[i], arr[lc]);
else if (rc > lc)
swap(arr[i], arr[rc]);
cout << "Total swaps: " << swaps << " "<<endl;
cout << "Total comaprisons: " << comps << endl;
You don't really need to skip index 0. Left = Index * 2 + 1 and Right = Index * 2 + 2 can access the child elements too.
I solve this problem recursively. Start at the root element and first call the same function (recursively) on the left and right child element if they exist (check for out of bound here).
Now check which of the 3 elements is the largest/smallest (again you need to check if they exist first). Root, left or right. If Root is largest/smallest don't do anything. If it is left or right then swap the elements.
Finally if you did a swap it is important to call the recursive function on the swapped child position again.
Now you should end up with the solution.
for (int i = n/2; i >= 1; i--)
This for loops doesn't work in all cases. In some cases you either will miss a potential swap or you get out of bounds. So you still need to check for that. Also simply traversing once through the tree will not be enough to sort it correctly.
if (arr[i] < arr[lc] && arr[i] < arr[rc])
This if statement is wrong. You check if the left and the right child are larger when actually only one of the need to be larger.
Next you check if the left or right child is larger. What will you do if they are both the same size?
Finally your approach of traversing backwards will only work in certain cases and not in all cases. You should try to use a debugger or just get a pen and paper and try to visualize what will happen if run your code.

Is there a way to reduce the time complexity of the program?

Assume there are n prisoners standing in a circle. The first prisoner has a knife with which he kills the second prisoner and passes on the knife to the third person who kills the fourth prisoner and passes the knife to the fifth prisoner.
This cycle is repeated till only one prisoner is left. Note that the prisoners are standing in a circle, thus the first prisoner is next to the nth prisoner. Return the index of the last standing prisoner.
I tried implementing the solution using a circular linked list. Here's my code
The structure of the circular linked list is:-
struct Node
int Data;
Node *Next;
Node *Head = NULL;
Here are my deleteByAddress() and main() functions:-
inline void deleteByAddress(Node *delNode)
Node *n = Head;
if(Head == delNode)
while(n -> Next != Head)
n = n -> Next;
n -> Next = Head -> Next;
Head = n -> Next;
return ;
while(n -> Next != delNode)
n = n -> Next;
n -> Next = delNode -> Next;
delete delNode;
int main(void)
for(int i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; i++)
Node *n = Head;
while(Head -> Next != Head)
deleteByAddress(n -> Next);
n = n -> Next;
cout << Head -> Data;
return 0;
The above code works perfectly and produces the desired output for n = 100, which is 73.
Is there any way we can reduce the time complexity or use a more efficient data structure to implement the same question.
This is known as the Josephus problem. As the Wikipedia page shows and others have noted, there is a formula for when k is 2. The general recurrence is
// zero-based Josephus
function g(n, k){
if (n == 1)
return 0
return (g(n - 1, k) + k) % n
console.log(g(100, 2) + 1)
This can easily be solved with O(1) complexity using the following:
last = (num - pow(2, int(log(num)/log(2)))) * 2 + 1
for example for num = 100 :
last = (100 - pow(2, int(log(100)/log(2)))) * 2 + 1 = 73
And if you have log2() function, you may replace a bit ugly log(num)/log(2) which basically takes a logarithm with the base 2.
Use 1 loop. You can grab, at every iteration, the current one's next, then set current to the next ones next and then delete the next one.
This assumes all the data is set up before hand and ignores the rewriting of the next variable when you hit the bounds.
The trick to reduce time complexity is to come up with more clever algorithms than brute-forcing it by simulation.
Here, as so often, key is obviously to solve the math. The first loop, for example, kills everybody with i%2=1 (assuming 0 based indexing), the second everybody with i%4=(n+1)%2*2 or so etc. - I'd be looking for a closed form to directly compute the survivor. It will likely boil down to a few bit manipulations yielding a O(log n) algorithm that is almost instant in practise because of all running completely in CPU registers with not even L1 cache accesses.
For such a simple processing the list manipulation and memory allocation is going to dominate the computation, you could use just a single array where you have an index to the first alive and each element is the index of next alive.
That said you could indeed search for a formula that avoids doing the loops... for example if the number of prisoners is even then after the first "loop" you end up with half of the prisoners and the knife back in the hands of first one. This means that the index of the surviving prisoner when n is even is
f(n) = 2 * f(n / 2) # when n is even
in case n is odd things are a bit more complex... after the first loop you will end up with (n + 1)/2 prisoners, but the knife in the hand of last one so some modulo arithmetic is needed because you need to "adjust" the result of the recursive call f((n + 1)/2).
The method to reduce time complextiy is, as in most cases that a challenge fails for out-of-time reasons, to not simulate and use math instead. With luck it turns into a one-liner.
The algorithm can be sped up very much, if you change to:
Note that for a total number of prisoners which is a power of two, always index 0 will survive.
For other cases:
determine the highest power of two which is lower or equal to the number of prisoners
determine R, the rest when reducing the number of prisoners by that power of two
the prisoner who survives in the end will be the one who gets the knife after that number of prisoners has been killed
Trying to find out which prisoner that is.
Case of 5 prisoners (1 higher than 22, R=1):
Deaths 1: x x
Deaths 2:x x
last : O
Case of 6 (R=2):
Deaths 1: x x x
Deaths 2:x x (index 4 kills index 0 after index 2 was killed by index 0)
last : O
Case of 7 (R=3):
Deaths 1:xx x x (index 6 kills index 0 after index 5 was killed by index 2)
Deaths 2: x x (index 6 kills index 2 after index 4 was killed by index 2)
last : O
Case of 8 is the next power of two, index 0 survives.
In the end, the final survivor is always the one at index 2*R.
Hence, instead of simulating, you just need to determine R.
That should be possible at worst in a time complexity of order of logarithm to base 2 of total number.

Why time complexity of following code is O(n^2)?

void level_order_recursive(struct node *t , int h) //'h' is height of my binary tree
{ //'t' is address of root node
for(int i = 0 ; i <= h ; i++)
print_level(t , i);
After print_level() is called everytime , I think recursive function is called (2^i) times . So 2^0 + 2^1 + 2^2 ....2^h should give time complexity of O(2^n).Where am I going wrong ?
void print_level(struct node * t , int i)
if( i == 0)
cout << t -> data <<" ";
if(t -> left != NULL)
print_level(t -> left , i - 1); //recursive call
if(t -> right != NULL)
print_level(t -> right , i - 1); //recursive call
You are confusing h and n. h is the height of the tree. n is apparently the number of elements in the tree. So print_level takes worst case O ($2^i), but that is also just n.
The worst case happens when you have a degenerate tree, where each node has only one successor. In that case you have n nodes, but the height of the tree is also h = n. Each call to print_level takes i steps in that case, and summing up i from 1 to h = n gives O ($n^2).
You always start at the root of the tree t and increase the level by one each time (i) until you reach the height of the tree h.
You said it is a binary tree, but you did not mention any property, e.g. balanced or so. So I assume it can be an unbalanced binary tree and thus the height of the tree in worst case can be h = n where n is the number of nodes (that is a completely unbalanced tree that looks like a list actually).
So this means that level_order_recursive loops n times. I.e. the worst case is that the tree has n levels.
print_level receives the root node and the level to print. And it calls itself recursively until it reaches the level and prints out that level.I.e. it loops i times (a recursive call decreases i by one each time).
So you have 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + h iterations. And since h = n you get 1 + 2 + 3 ... + n steps. This is (n * (n+1))/2 (Gaussian sum formula) which is in O(n^2).
If you can assure that the tree is balanced than you would improve the worst case scenario, because the height would be h = ld(n) where ld denotes the binary logarithm.
Based on this or that, pages 3 and 4, binary search algorithm, which resembles our case, has a time complexity of T(n) = T(n/2) + c.
Except that, both left and right sub-trees are browsed, hence the 2T(n/2) in the formula below, since this is a traversal algorithm, rather than a search one.
Here, I will comply to the question and use 'h' instead of 'n'.
Using recurrence relation, you get the following proof:
In the worst case the time complexity will be O(n^2) but cannot be 2^n as time complexity for each level will be-> O(n) + O(n-1) + O(n-2) + ... + O(1) which is at worst O(n^2).

Interview: Summing numbers in two linked lists

During an interview yesterday, I was asked how I would go about summing the values of two singly linked lists that contained digits. They also said the lists could be unequal lengths.
I asked if the list was stored backwards, as that's how I learned about it at uni, but they said no, it was stored forward. They also said I couldn't simply reverse the lists, add then, then reverse it to get it forward again because that option required too much processing. This sort of solution is all I've been able to find online.
I was unable to give an answer, even after they hinted that I should be doing this with a recursive function.
Can anyone help me out with what the solution would have been. This was for a C++ job and I'm hoping that if I ever get called back and I'm able to explain I researched the solution, they might see that as a good sign. Thank you.
For those confused about how the summation is supposed to work, it was presented in this way.
List 1: 1->2->9
List 2: 1->3
So since the numbers are stored forward, I would need to begin by adding the 9 and 3 (end of both lists). Then take the 1 carry and do 1 + 2 + 1. Etc.
You count the length of both lists. You pad at the beginning the shorter list with a number of 0 digits so that they are equal in length. Now you pad both numbers with an extra 0 (it will be used by the carry of the first digits. So that it's possible that 9 + 1 = 10).
You create a third linked list of length equal to the previous two.
Now you do a class like this:
class Digit
Digit *Next;
int Dt;
and a function like this:
int Sum(const Digit* left, const Digit* right, Digit* runningTotal)
int carry = 0;
if (left->Next != NULL)
carry = Sum(left->Next, right->Next, runningTotal->Next);
carry += left->Dt + right->Dt;
runningTotal->Dt = carry % 10;
carry /= 10;
return carry;
This is "version 0".
In "version 1" you remove the extra padding for the last carry and you add it only if needed.
In "version 2" you remove unnecessary "0" digits from the front of the linked lists.
In "version 3" you create the runningTotal linked list directly in Sum. You give to the first level Sum only the "Head" of the Running Total.
In "version 4" instead of padding the shorter LL, you pass a parameter on the number of digits to skip from the longest LL (this is the most difficult passage).
There is another possibility, much more complex, but that doesn't require to pre-count the length of the lists. It uses two recursive functions:
The first recursive function simply traverses left and right while both are present. If both finishes at the same time then you can simply roll-back as in the previous example.
If one of them finishes before the other, then you use another recursive function like this (the initial value of *extraDigits is 1):
void SaveRemainingDigits(const Digit *remaining, int *extraDigits, int **buffer)
int currentDigit = *extraDigits - 1;
*extraDigits = *extraDigits + 1;
if (remaining->Next)
SaveRemainingDigits(remaining->Next, extraDigits, buffer);
*buffer = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * extraDigits);
(*buffer)[currentDigit] = remaining->Dt;
when this function finally returns, we have a scratchpad from where to extract the digits and the length of the scratchpad
The innermost level of our first recursive function has now to sum its current digit of the shortest linked list with the last digit of the scratchpad and put the current digit of the longest linked list in the scratchpad in place of the digit just used. Now you unroll your recursive function and you use the scratchpad as a circular array. When you finish unrolling, then you add elements to the runningTotal linked list taking them directly from the scratchpad.
As I've said, it's a little complex, but in 1-2 hours I could write it down as a program.
An example (without carry)
1 2 3 4
6 5
you recurse the first two elements. So you have
1-6 (in the first level)
2-5 (in the second level)
Now you see that the second list is finished and you use the second function.
3 (extraDigit enters as 0, is modified to 1. currentDigit = 0)
4 (extraDigit enters as 1, is modified to 2. currentDigit = 1.
malloc of 2 elements,
buffer[currentDigit] = 4 => buffer[1] = 4)
unroll and we return to the previous row
3 (currentDigit = 0
buffer[currentDigit] = 3 => buffer[0] = 3)
Now we return to the previous function
2-5 (in the second level,
with a lengthBuffer == 2,
we set index = length(buffer) - 1
currentDigitTotal = 5 + buffer[index] => currentDigitTotal = 5 + 4
buffer[index] = 2 => buffer[1] = 2;
index = (index - 1 + lengthBuffer) % lengthBuffer => index = 0
1-6 (in the first level,
with a lengthBuffer == 2,
index = 0,
currentDigitTotal = 6 + buffer[index] => currentDigitTotal = 6 + 3
buffer[index] = 1 => buffer[0] = 1;
index = (index - 1 + lengthBuffer) % lengthBuffer => index = 1
now we exited the recursive function.
In an external function we see that we have a buffer.
We add its elements to the head of the total.
Our Linked list now is 9-9 and our buffer is 1,2 with index 1
for (int i = 0; i < lengthBuffer; i++)
index = (index - 1 + lengthBuffer) % lengthBuffer
I will approach this problem in something like this
Let's suppose the 2 lists are :
1->2->7->6->4->3 and
The sum is 1->2->7 + Sum(6->4->3, 5->7->2)
Now we make a function that take 2 lists of same size and returns their sum
which will be something like
list1->val + list2->val + Sum(list1->next, list2->next)
with base case if(list1->next == NULL) return list1->val+list2->val;
Note :: we can handle the carry in next pass easily or you can handle that in our sum function itself
So after all this our ans will be 1->2->7->11->11->5
then recursively do %10 and take carry and add it to previous value.
so final ans will be 1->2->8->2->1->5
I would have created a node like *head or *tail to store the address of the node that I started from, then iterate through the list making sure im not back at my start point. This doesn't require to to have to count the length of each, which sounds inefficient.
As for the recursiveness just do this check at the top of the function and return (node->value + myfunct(node->prev)); It'd be more efficient given you're doing the math once.
The lists "1, 2, 9" and "1, 3" each represent the numbers "129" and "13", in which case the sum is "142".
Using recursion
Compute the length of each list.
If the lengths differ, pad the shortest with zeroes at the beggining.
Iterate over the lists recursively, returning: a) the carry number if any, or zero otherwise, and b) the tail of the list.
In pseudocode:
def sum_lists_rec(a, b, start_a, start_b, length_a, length_b):
"""Returns a pair of two elements: carry and the tail of the list."""
if the end of the lists:
return (0, empty_list)
result = sum_lists_rec(a+1, b+1, start_a+1, start_b+1, length_a, length_b)
carry = (a[0] + b[0] + result[0]) / 10
digit = (a[0] + b[0] + result[0]) % 10
return (carry, [digit] ++ result[1])
def sum_lists1(a, b):
length_a = length(a)
length_b = length(b)
if length_a < length_b:
a = [0, 0, ..., (length_b - length_a)] ++ a
else if length_b < length_a:
b = [0, 0, ..., (length_a - length_b)] ++ b
result = sum_lists_rec(a, b, length_a, length_b, 0, 0)
if result[0] != 0:
return [result[0]] ++ result[1]
return result[1]
As an alternative, you can use a stack:
Compute the length of each list.
If the lengths differ, pad the shortest with zeroes at the beggining.
Push each digit of both lists on the stack.
Pop the stack until is empty, creating the new list.

Finding all paths down stairs?

I was given the following problem in an interview:
Given a staircase with N steps, you can go up with 1 or 2 steps each time. Output all possible way you go from bottom to top.
For example:
N = 3
Output :
1 1 1
1 2
2 1
When interviewing, I just said to use dynamic programming.
S(n) = S(n-1) +1 or S(n) = S(n-1) +2
However, during the interview, I didn't write very good code for this. How would you code up a solution to this problem?
Thanks indeed!
I won't write the code for you (since it's a great exercise), but this is a classic dynamic programming problem. You're on the right track with the recurrence; it's true that
S(0) = 1
Since if you're at the bottom of the stairs there's exactly one way to do this. We also have that
S(1) = 1
Because if you're one step high, your only option is to take a single step down, at which point you're at the bottom.
From there, the recurrence for the number of solutions is easy to find. If you think about it, any sequence of steps you take either ends with taking one small step as your last step or one large step as your last step. In the first case, each of the S(n - 1) solutions for n - 1 stairs can be extended into a solution by taking one more step, while in the second case each of the S(n - 2) solutions to the n - 2 stairs case can be extended into a solution by taking two steps. This gives the recurrence
S(n) = S(n - 2) + S(n - 1)
Notice that to evaluate S(n), you only need access to S(n - 2) and S(n - 1). This means that you could solve this with dynamic programming using the following logic:
Create an array S with n + 1 elements in it, indexed by 0, 1, 2, ..., n.
Set S[0] = S[1] = 1
For i from 2 to n, inclusive, set S[i] = S[i - 1] + S[i - 2].
Return S[n].
The runtime for this algorithm is a beautiful O(n) with O(n) memory usage.
However, it's possible to do much better than this. In particular, let's take a look at the first few terms of the sequence, which are
S(0) = 1
S(1) = 1
S(2) = 2
S(3) = 3
S(4) = 5
This looks a lot like the Fibonacci sequence, and in fact you might be able to see that
S(0) = F(1)
S(1) = F(2)
S(2) = F(3)
S(3) = F(4)
S(4) = F(5)
This suggests that, in general, S(n) = F(n + 1). We can actually prove this by induction on n as follows.
As our base cases, we have that
S(0) = 1 = F(1) = F(0 + 1)
S(1) = 1 = F(2) = F(1 + 1)
For the inductive step, we get that
S(n) = S(n - 2) + S(n - 1) = F(n - 1) + F(n) = F(n + 1)
And voila! We've gotten this series written in terms of Fibonacci numbers. This is great, because it's possible to compute the Fibonacci numbers in O(1) space and O(lg n) time. There are many ways to do this. One uses the fact that
F(n) = (1 / √(5)) (Φn + φn)
Here, Φ is the golden ratio, (1 + √5) / 2 (about 1.6), and φ is 1 - Φ, about -0.6. Because this second term drops to zero very quickly, you can get a the nth Fibonacci number by computing
(1 / √(5)) Φn
And rounding down. Moreover, you can compute Φn in O(lg n) time by repeated squaring. The idea is that we can use this cool recurrence:
x0 = 1
x2n = xn * xn
x2n + 1 = x * xn * xn
You can show using a quick inductive argument that this terminates in O(lg n) time, which means that you can solve this problem using O(1) space and O(lg n) time, which is substantially better than the DP solution.
Hope this helps!
You can generalize your recursive function to also take already made moves.
void steps(n, alreadyTakenSteps) {
if (n == 0) {
print already taken steps
if (n >= 1) {
steps(n - 1, alreadyTakenSteps.append(1));
if (n >= 2) {
steps(n - 2, alreadyTakenSteps.append(2));
It's not really the code, more of a pseudocode, but it should give you an idea.
Your solution sounds right.
If n = 1 return {1}
If n = 2 return {2, (1,1)}
Return S(n-1)x{1} U S(n-2)x{2}
(U is Union, x is Cartesian Product)
Memoizing this is trivial, and would make it O(Fib(n)).
Great answer by #templatetypedef - I did this problem as an exercise and arrived at the Fibonacci numbers on a different route:
The problem can basically be reduced to an application of Binomial coefficients which are handy for Combination problems: The number of combinations of n things taken k at a time (called n choose k) can be found by the equation
Given that and the problem at hand you can calculate a solution brute force (just doing the combination count). The number of "take 2 steps" must be zero at least and may be 50 at most, so the number of combinations is the sum of C(n,k) for 0 <= k <= 50 ( n= number of decisions to be made, k = number of 2's taken out of those n)
BigInteger combinationCount = 0;
for (int k = 0; k <= 50; k++)
int n = 100 - k;
BigInteger result = Fact(n) / (Fact(k) * Fact(n - k));
combinationCount += result;
The sum of these binomial coefficients just happens to also have a different formula:
Actually, you can prove that the number of ways to climb is just the fibonacci sequence. Good explanation here:
Solving the problem, and solving it using a dynamic programming solution are potentially two different things.
In general, to solve a given problem, we need to solve different parts of the problem (subproblems), then combine the solutions of the subproblems to reach an overall solution. Often, many of these subproblems are really the same. The dynamic programming approach seeks to solve each subproblem only once, thus reducing the number of computations
This leads me to believe you want to look for a solution that is both Recursive, and uses the Memo Design Pattern. Recursion solves a problem by breaking it into sub-problems, and the Memo design pattern allows you to cache answers, thus avoiding re-calculation. (Note that there are probably cache implementations that aren't the Memo design pattern, and you could use one of those as well).
The first step I would take would be to solve some set of problems by hand, with varying or increasing sizes of N. This will give you a pattern to help you figure out a solution. Start with N = 1, through N = 5. (as others have stated, it may be a form of the fibbonacci sequence, but I would determine this for myself before calling the problem solved and understood).
From there, I would try to make a generalized solution that used recursion. Recursion solves a problem by breaking it into sub-problems.
From there, I would try to make a cache of previous problem inputs to the corresponding output, hence memoizing it, and making a solution that involved "Dynamic Programming".
I.e., maybe the inputs to one of your functions are 2, 5, and the correct result was 7. Make some function that looks this up from an existing list or dictionary (based on the input). It will look for a call that was made with the inputs 2, 5. If it doesn't find it, call the function to calculate it, then store it and return the answer (7). If it does find it, don't bother calculating it, and return the previously calculated answer.
Here is a simple solution to this question in very simple CSharp (I believe you can port this with almost no change to Java/C++).
I have added a little bit more of complexity to it (adding the possibility that you can also walk 3 steps). You can even generalize this code to "from 1 to k-steps" if desired with a while loop in the addition of steps (last if statement).
I have used a combination of both dynamic programming and recursion. The use of dynamic programming avoid the recalculation of each previous step; reducing the space and time complexity related to the call stack. It however adds some space complexity (O(maxSteps)) which I think is negligible compare to the gain.
/// <summary>
/// Given a staircase with N steps, you can go up with 1 or 2 or 3 steps each time.
/// Output all possible way you go from bottom to top
/// </summary>
public class NStepsHop
const int maxSteps = 500; // this is arbitrary
static long[] HistorySumSteps = new long[maxSteps];
public static long CountWays(int n)
if (n >= 0 && HistorySumSteps[n] != 0)
return HistorySumSteps[n];
long currentSteps = 0;
if (n < 0)
return 0;
else if (n == 0)
currentSteps = 1;
currentSteps = CountWays(n - 1) +
CountWays(n - 2) +
CountWays(n - 3);
HistorySumSteps[n] = currentSteps;
return currentSteps;
You can call it in the following manner
long result;
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(0); // result = 1
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(1); // result = 1
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(5); // result = 13
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(10); // result = 274
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(25); // result = 2555757
You can argue that the initial case when n = 0, it could 0, instead of 1. I decided to go for 1, however modifying this assumption is trivial.
the problem can be solved quite nicely using recursion:
void printSteps(int n)
char* output = new char[n+1];
generatePath(n, output, 0);
void generatePath(int n, char* out, int recLvl)
if (n==0)
out[recLvl] = '\0';
out[recLvl] = '1';
out[recLvl] = '2';
and in main:
void main()
return 0;
It's a weighted graph problem.
From 0 you can get to 1 only 1 way (0-1).
You can get to 2 two ways, from 0 and from 1 (0-2, 1-1).
You can get to 3 three ways, from 1 and from 2 (2 has two ways).
You can get to 4 five ways, from 2 and from 3 (2 has two ways and 3 has three ways).
You can get to 5 eight ways, ...
A recursive function should be able to handle this, working backwards from N.
Complete C-Sharp code for this
void PrintAllWays(int n, string str)
string str1 = str;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str1);
if (n == 0)
if (n >= 1)
sb = new StringBuilder(str1);
PrintAllWays(n - 1, sb.Append("1").ToString());
if (n >= 2)
sb = new StringBuilder(str1);
PrintAllWays(n - 2, sb.Append("2").ToString());
Late C-based answer
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define steps 60
static long long unsigned int MAP[steps + 1] = {1 , 1 , 2 , 0,};
static long long unsigned int countPossibilities(unsigned int n) {
if (!MAP[n]) {
MAP[n] = countPossibilities(n-1) + countPossibilities(n-2);
return MAP[n];
int main() {
Here is a C++ solution. This prints all possible paths for a given number of stairs.
// Utility function to print a Vector of Vectors
void printVecOfVec(vector< vector<unsigned int> > vecOfVec)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vecOfVec.size(); i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vecOfVec[i].size(); j++)
cout << vecOfVec[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
// Given a source vector and a number, it appends the number to each source vectors
// and puts the final values in the destination vector
void appendElementToVector(vector< vector <unsigned int> > src,
unsigned int num,
vector< vector <unsigned int> > &dest)
for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++)
// Ladder Problem
void ladderDynamic(int number)
vector< vector<unsigned int> > vecNminusTwo = {{}};
vector< vector<unsigned int> > vecNminusOne = {{1}};
vector< vector<unsigned int> > vecResult;
for (int i = 2; i <= number; i++)
// Empty the result vector to hold fresh set
// Append '2' to all N-2 ladder positions
appendElementToVector(vecNminusTwo, 2, vecResult);
// Append '1' to all N-1 ladder positions
appendElementToVector(vecNminusOne, 1, vecResult);
vecNminusTwo = vecNminusOne;
vecNminusOne = vecResult;
int main()
return 0;
may be I am wrong.. but it should be :
S(1) =0
S(2) =1
Here We are considering permutations so in that way
S(3) =3
S(4) =7