need help using 2 mfc projects in one solution - c++

ive created the first project as mfc application and i have tried to enter the solution another project which created as mfc dll. when i running program the gui from the first solution(demodlg) is shows up. and i want that in a prss of a button in the gui the second gui(CAnalyzerDialog) will show up. i've tried a lot of options and i cant get it done right.
the last option ive tried is this code :
CAnalyzerDialog dlg;
please help. thank you for your time

I think the problem is that the program and DLL both have their own resource files, but MFC is only accessing the program resources and ignoring the DLL ones. Look into AFX_MANAGE_STATE and see if that helps.

Have you tried to set CAnalyzerDialog as primary project?
On solution explorer, right click on the CAnalyzerDialog, tick "Set as startup project".
Probably you are trying to elaborate that:
demodlg - EXE
CAnalyzerDialog - DLL
Check the way you link both project(static or dynamic-runtime/compile time).


VS2022 Community crashes when adding Class to MFC Dialog

I am facing a very consistent and persistent problem with Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition.
In an MFC project I open the Resource File and add a new Dialog. Then I place some standard controls and rename the dialog resource from its default name to a new ID.
Then I save and try to assign a Class to the dialog by right-clicking on the dialog and choosing 'Add Class'. Then the 'Add MFC Class' window appears, I enter the Class Name and click [OK].
It appears it creates the class on the File System and then VS2022 crashes completely!
I have disabled all addins in case an addin could be causing the problem but it happens every (almost) every time even without plugins. The only time I manage to get it to work is if I save, close all code editors, exit VS2022, restart it and immediately try to add the class. Another piece of information is that I have changed the MFC dialog template with a different one but it does not seem to bother it when I get it to work. Also intelliSense is completely disabled.
How can I debug this and identify the root cause of this crash?
There's a fair chance that you can't do anything in an effective fashion. VS2022 isn't an open source project, where you can easily pinpoint a crash to a specific line of code and fix it yourself.
But the good thing is that you don't need to. Just use the feedback channel VS2022 provides:
Usually a Microsoft employee will reply within a few days and maybe a fix will be included in the next preview version. Only now and then it can take some month to get a bug resolved.

How to add an icon to a console application

This seems like a thing that should be quite simple to do, but for some reason I have problems even to google anything on the subject...
How do you add an icon to a console application in Visual Studio. Now, I know how this works with Win32 desktop applications - you have the resource file, and the icon with the lowest ID is simply used as the app's icon. But if I add a new resource file to a console application and even mess around with the icon editor - nothing happens. The target executable still has the same default icon. Is there some kind of difference between a console application and a desktop one regarding resources? Or do I need to also do set something else apart from just adding the resource file with an icon?
It should work the same as with normal WinAPI application. In my case the problem was probably caused by windows icons caching. You can verify this is the case by moving the executable to another directory.

CRichEditCtrl not working properly in shared dll written using MFC?

I am writing a DLL written in MFC to be used by other application.
project settings:
1. Use MFC in static library
2. preprocessor : AFXDLL
3. MD Build
I have also used AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState()) before calling
CWinApp which internally calls InitInstance and DLL main.
This Dialog has tab in it and I am able to see only the first tab all other tab are coming as blank. When I am running the same DLL as exe (with required changes) its working fine.
Also DLL is crashing when i am calling AfxGetApp() ?
I suppose major problem is due to DOMODAL(). Can anyone tell what might be the issue of tab control not working?
Update I found out that CRichEditCtrl was the problem. In dialog tab I had this as well when I removed this It worked fine. Can anyone know the reason of this..
I have used AfxInitRichEdit2() before in InitiInstance()
I am new to MFC so let me know if you need any more info
You have to call AfxInitRichEdit() before the rich edit control is used.
Do you call AfxInitRichEdit2 in InitInstance of the EXE?
Try putting it in the DLL's InitInstance too!

Assign to console app an icon (program code) in VS2005

Hi guys :)
I have my console app finished (c++).
And now I'm looking for a way to give it an icon. So when I distribute it, it keeps the icon.
I didn't find anything yet. I would really appreciate some help!
Nobody want to continue helping me? :(
You will need a resource file (.rc) and specify an icon to get it included in the binary. The first icon (the one with the lowest ID number) will be the icon of your application.
Unfortunately the new express editions do not come with an integrated resource editor anymore, but you can use the excellent free alternative ResEd for this task.
You simply have to create a new .rc file, add the icon and then include the .rc file in your c++ project.

Adding an item to Internet Explorer's right-click context menu

I'm trying to add a new entry into Internet Explorer's right-click context menu. I understand that this can be achieved by creating an HTML file containing JavaScript, and then linking to this from a location in the registry. I have also read that you can also add the HTML to a resource file and compile it into a DLL (see the Microsoft KB: Adding Entries to the Standard Context Menu). This is where I have started to hit problems.
Here is a bit of background about what I have done so far.
I have the following JavaScript in the file C:\test.htm:
<script type="text/javascript">
alert('Hello, world!');
I have added a new REG_SZ value 'c:\test.htm' in the registry at the following location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt
If I now restart IE, my new menu item appears in the context menu. If I select my new menu item, my message box alert appears as expected. So far so good. However, I can't seem to access the script if it's in a DLL. Here are the steps I have taken:
Created a new Visual C++ Class Library project in VS 2005 named 'IETest' in c:\IETest
Imported my C:\test.htm file into the default app.rc resource file. I have changed the ID to be TEST
Compiled the DLL in debug mode
Altered the registry entry to read
If I now restart IE and try again, the message box does not appear when I right-click and select my new context menu entry. I have also tried a release build of the DLL without any luck, and also tried replacing the last forward slash with a comma and altering the path single-backslashes to double-slashes.
I can only presume that I've done something wrong when creating my DLL. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is there any way I can examine the compiled DLL to examine the resources and associated IDs?
Have you tried having the ID be TEST.html? My guess is that IE doesn't know how to handle the file because it doesn't have an extension listed, but this is totally a guess based off the fact that's how certain MS .dlls identify them (i.e. res://c:\windows\system32\shdoclc.dll/navcancl.htm)
The only other thing I can think of is to make sure your resources are of type 23.
ResourceHacker can view the resource files like you want: