enum as template - c++

This is what I want to do:
enum MyEnum
template<class T>
void func()
cout << T::TWO << endl;
int main()
It works, but I get a warning: "warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'MyEnum' used in qualified name"
How can I do this without getting the warning

Enum is a little tricky here. The type ONE and TWO will be in the outer namespace.
So adding the type to the name results in the warning.
You could just remove the qualifier
template<class T>
void func()
cout << TWO << endl;
Since the TWO is known in the outer namespace.
You could also just move your enum to some sort of enclosing struct.
struct EnumContainer
enum MyEnum
template<class T>
void func()
std::cout << T::TWO << std::endl;
int main()
Now the compiler should be fine.

Enums (pre C++0x) are treated like integral types.
In fact, the notation MyEnum::TWO is garbage: there is no class or namespace MyEnum. The names ONE, TWO, and THREE are brought into the namespace where the enum is defined [in this case, the global namespace].
You should get an error like TWO is not a member of MyEnum.
One way to emulate the behavior is to put it in a struct or class, like others have suggested.

While it would be nice to use the enum as the template parameter and have it recognize each individual enum separately as you've written it, it won't happen. Instead, may I suggest that you declare the following:
template<MyEnum T>
void func(){
std::cout << T << std::endl;
The great thing about C++ is that the way templates are structured gives you a Turning complete system. Hence, you don't need a separate call like this, as you've declared to get each individual enum value. You can create a separate function for each value when you need it and only when you need it.
Now, getting to the other problem of your question, as #delnan commented, you can't have two different Enums with the same name. You can, however, have a class with a member variable called TWO such that:
struct Foo{
int TWO;
struct Bar{
int TWO;
template<typename T>
void func(){
std::cout << T::TWO << std::endl;
Hope that helps.


reference used for template parameter

I got following code running
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
template<typename a> struct function
void self1(){ cout << "hello world 1111" << endl; }
template<typename a> struct function<a&>
void self2() { cout << "hello world 2222" << endl; }
int main()
function<int> a;
function<int&> b;
return 0;
The result is:
hellow world 1111
heloow world 2222
Would like to ask the relation ship between the first "struct function" and the second "struct function"
Is the second one classfied as "template specialization" for the first one? (seems not)
I can see that the 2nd one is based on the 1st one. (By removing the 1st one, it is not compilable). But
b.self1() is not defined.
So somehow the 2nd have redefined the struct to a new one?
I can see that the 2nd one is based on the 1st one. (By removing the
1st one, it is not compilable). But
b.self1() is not defined. So somehow the 2nd have redefined the struct
to a new one?
function is a struct template, it's not a struct by itself. At the moment of instantiating one like you did : function<int> a; the compiler generates a struct function_int that contains int for all T's (or a's in this case).
template<typename a> struct function<a&>
This is a specialisation of the struct template that's used for when a is a reference type. This specialisation can't use any members/methods of the "original" struct template.

CRTP and unique persistent identifiers

Consider the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
struct BaseClass {
static int identifier() {
static int identifier_counter = 0;
return identifier_counter++;
template <class D>
struct Class: public BaseClass {
static int identifier() {
static int class_identifier = BaseClass::identifier();
return class_identifier;
struct A: public Class<A> { };
struct B: public Class<B> { };
int main() {
int r = std::rand()%2;
if(r) {
std::cout << "A: " << A::identifier() << std::endl;
std::cout << "B: " << B::identifier() << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "B: " << B::identifier() << std::endl;
std::cout << "A: " << A::identifier() << std::endl;
It's a reduced, but still plausible representation of the problem.
Any derived class will have a specific, different identifier on runtime and two instances of the same type will share the same identifier. Surely a good solution for such a problem.
Unfortunately, those identifiers depend on the order on which the identifier members are invoked (we can see it easily by running multiple times the example). In other words, given two classes A and B, if it happens that running twice the software their identifier members are invoked in different order, they have different identifiers.
My problem is that, for some reasons, I need to store those identifiers somewhere and let them survive the single execution, so that I can reason on the original types once the application runs once more and decide to read those values from the storage.
An alternative would be to use hash_code from type_info, but it suffers from other problems. Another solution would be to force the calls to the identifier members during the bootstrap of the application, but this one also has several drawbacks.
I'd like to know if there is so far an easy to implement though still elegant solution that is completely transparent to the developer to identify types over several executions, as the one above is for the single run of the application.
The problem of having unique persistent identifier for every class is unsolvable with C++. Sorry. You will either depend on the order of calling your initializaer functions, or, if you call them from initializers of static objects, on the order of static initializer (which will usually depend on the order of your object files in your link line).
And of course, there is no guarantee that hash will be unique.
You will have to use external script for this. In particular, something like this might be used:
// when class is first created
class Foo {
static int class_id = ?CLASS_ID?;
// after class is process by the script
class Foo {
static int class_id = 123; // Autogenerated by 'stamp_id.pl'
You might have a perl script running as part of the compilation (the very first thing) which opens all .h files in the project directory, reads all of them, counts all instances of Autogenerated by 'stamp_id.pl' and than stamps all ?CLASS_ID? with incremented counter (starting from the number of already generated ids). To add some safety, you might want a better pattern than simple ?...?, but I think, you got the idea.
Even if they are slightly different as questions, here I proposed a solution that maybe can fit well also with this question.
It isn't based on the CRTP idiom and it has the advantage of being a non-intrusive solution.
It follows a minimal, working example:
template<typename T>
struct wrapper {
using type = T;
constexpr wrapper(std::size_t N): N{N} {}
const std::size_t N;
template<typename... T>
struct identifier: wrapper<T>... {
template<std::size_t... I>
constexpr identifier(std::index_sequence<I...>): wrapper<T>{I}... {}
template<typename U>
constexpr std::size_t get() const { return wrapper<U>::N; }
template<typename... T>
constexpr identifier<T...> ID = identifier<T...>{std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(T)>{}};
// ---
struct A {};
struct B {};
constexpr auto id = ID<A, B>;
int main() {
switch(id.get<B>()) {
case id.get<A>():
std::cout << "A" << std::endl;
case id.get<B>():
std::cout << "B" << std::endl;
The main problem is that the ids can change if an element is removed from the types list.
Anyway, it's trivial to define an empty placeholder to work around the issue.

How do I pass a data member name as a parameter for use on another parameter?

Given a struct such as this:
struct Foo{
std::string name;
int value;
I'm looking for a way to pass both the instantiation of the type,
as well as the data member name,
each as separate arguments.
Although this is incorrect syntax, I think it helps illustrate what I am trying to accomplish:
template<typename MemberName>
void Print(Foo foo, MemberName member_name){
std::cout << foo.member_name << '\n';
int main(){
Foo foo{"name",100}; //create instance
Print(foo,.name); //prints name
Print(foo,.value); //prints 100
How can this be achieved in C++?
Additionally, I do not have access to modify the deceleration of the type.
You're probably looking for pointers to members:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
struct Foo{
std::string name;
int value;
template<typename MemberType>
void Print(Foo foo, MemberType Foo::* member_name){
std::cout << foo.*member_name << '\n';
int main(){
Foo foo{"name",100}; //create instance
Print(foo, &Foo::name); //prints name
Print(foo, &Foo::value); //prints 100
Edit: of course, pointers to members aren't really common in c++ and in this specific case, just passing the actual member values like Steephen suggests is better (but maybe you want to use them in a more complicated case)

Template in C++, why have to use enum

I have a quick question about item 48 in Scott Meyers' "Effective C++".
I just don't understand the code copied from the book below,
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <unsigned n>
struct Factorial
enum { value=n*Factorial<n-1>::value };
template <>
struct Factorial<0>
enum { value=1};
int main()
Why do I have to use enum in template programming?
Is there an alternative way to do this?
Thanks for the help in advance.
You could use static const int also:
template <unsigned n>
struct Factorial
static const int value= n * Factorial<n-1>::value;
template <>
struct Factorial<0>
static const int value= 1;
This should be fine also. The result is same in both cases.
Or you could use existing class template, such as std::integral_constant (in C++11 only) as:
template <unsigned n>
struct Factorial : std::integral_constant<int,n * Factorial<n-1>::value> {};
template <>
struct Factorial<0> : std::integral_constant<int,1> {};
I see that the other answers cover the alternative approaches well, but no one's explained why the enum (or static const int) is required.
First, consider the following non-template equivalent:
#include <iostream>
int Factorial(int n)
if (n == 0)
return 1;
return n * Factorial(n-1);
int main()
std::cout << Factorial(5) << std::endl;
std::cout << Factorial(10) << std::endl;
You should be able to understand it easily. However, it's disadvantage is that the value of the factorial will be computed at run-time, i.e. after running your program the compiler will execute the recursive function calls and calculations.
The idea of template approach is to perform the same calculations at compile-time, and place the result in the resulting executable. In other words, the example you presented resolves to something alike:
int main()
std::cout << 120 << std::endl;
std::cout << 3628800 << std::endl;
But in order to achieve that, you have to 'trick' the compiler into performing the computations. And in order to do that, you need to let it store the result somewhere.
The enum is there exactly in order to do that. I will try to explain that by pointing out what would not work there.
If you tried to use a regular int, it would not work because a non-static member like int is meaningful only in a instantiated object. And you can't assign a value to it like this but instead do that in a constructor. A plain int won't work.
You need something that would be accessible on an uninstantiated class instead. You could try static int but it still doesn't work. clang would give you a pretty straightforward description of the problem:
c.cxx:6:14: error: non-const static data member must be initialized out of line
static int value=n*Factorial<n-1>::value ;
^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you actually put those definitions out-of-line, the code will compile but it will result in two 0s. That is because this form delays the computation of values to the initialization of program, and it does not guarantee the correct order. It is likely that a Factorial<n-1>::values was obtained before being computed, and thus 0 was returned. Additionally, it is still not what we actually want.
Finally, if you put static const int there, it will work as expected. That's because static const has to be computed at the compile time, and that's exactly what we want. Let's type the code again:
#include <iostream>
template <unsigned n>
struct Factorial
static const int value=n*Factorial<n-1>::value ;
template <>
struct Factorial<0>
static const int value=1;
int main()
std::cout << Factorial<5>::value << std::endl;
std::cout << Factorial<10>::value << std::endl;
First you instantiate Factorial<5>; static const int forces the compiler has to compute its value at compiler time. Effectively, it instantiates the type Factorial<4> when it has to compute another value. And this goes one until it hit Factorial<0> where the value can be computed without further instantiations.
So, that was the alternate way and the explanation. I hope it was at least a bit helpful in understanding the code.
You can think of that kind of templates as a replacement of the recursive function I posted at the beginning. You just replace:
return x; with static const int value = ...,
f(x-1) with t<x-1>::value,
and if (n == 0) with the specialization struct Factorial<0>.
And for the enum itself, as it was already pointed out, it was used in the example to enforce the same behavior as static const int. It is like that because all the enum values need to be known at compile-time, so effectively every requested value has to be computed at compile-time.
To be more specific, the "enum hack" exists because the more correct way of doing it with static const int was not supported by many compilers of the time. It's redundant in modern compilers.
You can use static const int as Nawaz says. I guess the reason Scott Myers uses an enum is that compiler support for in-class initialization of static const integers was a bit limited when he wrote the book. So an enum was a safer option.
You can use an int instead of static const it for this as follows:
template<int n>
struct Factorial
int val{ n*Factorial<n - 1>().val };
struct Factorial<0>
int val{1};
int main()
cout << "Factorial 5: " << Factorial<5>().val << endl;
You can also use function template instead of struct/class template:
template<int n>
int fact()
return n*fact<n - 1>();
template <>
int fact<0>()
return 1;
int main()
cout << "Fact 5: " << fact<5>() << endl;

Compile time type checking C++

I have created a type list. I then create a class using a template passing the type list. When I call the print function of the class with a some types not specified they are casted. How can I enforce the exact type at compile time? So if I use an unlisted type I get a compiler error.
template <class T, class U>
struct Typelist
typedef T Head;
typedef U Tail;
class NullType
typedef Typelist<int,Typelist<float,Typelist<char*,NullType> > > UsableTypes;
template<class T>
class MyClass
void print(T::Head _Value) { std::cout << _Value; }
void print(T::Tail::Head _Value) { std::cout << _Value; }
void print(T::Tail::Tail::Head _Value) { std::cout << _Value; }
MyClass<UsableTypes> testclass;
void TestMyClass()
int int_val = 100000;
float flt_val = 0.1f;
char* char_val = "Hi";
short short_val = 10;
std::string str_val = "Hello";
testclass.print( int_val ); // OK 8-)
std::cout << endl;
testclass.print( flt_val ); // OK 8-)
std::cout << endl;
testclass.print( char_val ); // OK 8-)
std::cout << endl;
testclass.print( short_val); // this compiles OK and works ??? 8-(
std::cout << endl;
testclass.print( str_val ); // compile error 8-)
std::cout << endl;
#Kerrek SB: Hi I thought it was going to help me with my next step, which was creating the print function depending on the t_list contents, Types and amounts of types. But I'm struggling to separate compile time processing and runtime processing. What I am trying to do is create a print function for each type in the list. So if the list has two types, two print functions will be created and if there are five types then five print functions will be created one for each type.
When I do this:
typedef Typelist<int,Typelist<float,Typelist<char*,NullType> > > UsableTypes;
MyClass<UsableTypes> newclass
Does this create three instance of MyClass one for each type in the list or does it create one instance and I have to create a print function for each type?
I feel I almost have all the blocks in my mind but just can’t fit them together. Any help you can offer would be gratefully received. Thanks.
Add a private function template
template<typename T> void print(T);
which doesn't need an implementation. This should catch all types for which no explicit print exists, and since it is private, it will give an error message.
You would have to make your print function into a template and then check whether the types match:
template <typename U>
void print(const U & u)
// use std::is_same<typename std::decay<T::Head>::type, typename std::decay<U>::type>::value
Here I'm stealing is_same and decay from <type_traits>, but if you don't have C++11, you can either take them from TR1 or from Boost, or just write them yourself, as they're very simple type modifier classes.
The conditional would best go into a static_assert, which is another C++11 feature, but there exist similar constructions for C++98/03 that produce a compile-time error under a certain condition.
You could take your arguments by non-const reference, forcing them to be the exact same type. However you can no longer use it with const variables or literals.