What would be an efficient, portable way to convert a unsigned short to a char* (i.e. convert 25 to '25').
I'd like to avoid things such as getting (std::string) strings involved. Performance is important in this case since this conversion will need to happen quickly and often.
I was looking into things such as using sprintf but would like to explorer any and all ideas.
First off, do it right, then do it fast--only optimize if you can see for certain that a piece of code is not performant.
snprintf() into a buffer will do what you want. Is it the fastest possible solution? Not at all. But it is among the simplest, and it will suffice to get your code into a working state. From there, if you see that those calls to snprintf() are so laborious that they need to be optimized, then and only then seek out a faster solution.
An array of strings such that
array[25] = "25";
array[26] = "26";
array[255] = "255";
maybe? You could write a small program that generates the table source code for you quite easily, and then use this file in your project.
Edit: I don't get what you mean by you don't want to ge strings involved.
try this:
int convert(unsigned short val, char* dest)
int i = 0;
if (val > 10000)
dest[i++] = (val / 10000) | 0x30;
val %= 10000;
if (val > 1000)
dest[i++] = (val / 1000) | 0x30;
val %= 1000;
if (val > 100)
dest[i++] = (val / 100) | 0x30;
val %= 100;
if (val > 10)
dest[i++] = (val / 10) | 0x30;
val %= 10;
dest[i++] = (val) | 0x30;
dest[i] = 0;
return i;
I would say at least try sprintf and since you have this tagged as C++, try StringStream, and actually profile them. In many cases the compiler is smart enough to build something that works pretty well. Only when you know it's going to be a bottleneck do you need to actually find a faster way.
I hacked together a test of various functions here, and this is what I came up with:
write_ushort: 7.81 s
uShortToStr: 8.16 s
convert: 6.71 s
use_sprintf: 49.66 s
(Write_ushort is my version, which I tried to write as clearly as possible, rather than micro-optimize, to format into a given character buffer; use_sprintf is the obvious sprintf(buf, "%d", x) and nothing else; the other two are taken from other answers here.)
This is a pretty amazing difference between them, isn't it? Who would ever think to use sprintf faced with almost an order of magnitude difference? Oh, yeah, how many times did I iterate each tested function?
// Taken directly from my hacked up test, but should be clear.
// Compiled with gcc 4.4.3 and -O2. This test is interesting, but not authoritative.
int main() {
using namespace std;
char buf[100];
#define G2(NAME,STMT) \
{ \
clock_t begin = clock(); \
for (int count = 0; count < 3000; ++count) { \
for (unsigned x = 0; x <= USHRT_MAX; ++x) { \
NAME(x, buf, sizeof buf); \
} \
} \
clock_t end = clock(); \
#define G(NAME) G2(NAME,) G2(NAME,cout << #NAME ": " << double(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " s\n";)
#undef G
#undef G2
return 0;
Sprintf converted the entire possible range of unsigned shorts, then did the whole range again 2,999 more times at about 0.25 µs per conversion, on average, on my ~5 year old laptop.
Sprintf is portable; is it also efficient enough for your requirements?
My version:
// Returns number of non-null bytes written, or would be written.
// If ret is null, does not write anything; otherwise retlen is the length of
// ret, and must include space for the number plus a terminating null.
int write_ushort(unsigned short x, char *ret, int retlen) {
assert(!ret || retlen >= 1);
char s[uint_width_10<USHRT_MAX>::value]; // easy implementation agnosticism
char *n = s;
if (x == 0) {
*n++ = '0';
else while (x != 0) {
*n++ = '0' + x % 10;
x /= 10;
int const digits = n - s;
if (ret) {
// not needed by checking retlen and only writing to available space
//assert(retlen >= digits + 1);
while (--retlen && n != s) {
*ret++ = *--n;
*ret = '\0';
return digits;
Compile-time log TMP functions are nothing new, but including this complete example because it's what I used:
template<unsigned N>
struct uint_width_10_nonzero {
enum { value = uint_width_10_nonzero<N/10>::value + 1 };
struct uint_width_10_nonzero<0> {
enum { value = 0 };
template<unsigned N>
struct uint_width_10 {
enum { value = uint_width_10_nonzero<N>::value };
struct uint_width_10<0> {
enum { value = 1 };
I write this code for show fibonacci series using recursion.But It not show correctly for n>43 (ex: for n=100 show:-980107325).
void fibonacciSeries(int);
void fibonacciSeries(int n)
static long d = 0, e = 1;
long c;
if (n>1)
c = d + e;
d = e;
e = c;
printf("%d \n", c);
fibonacciSeries(n - 1);
int main()
long a, n;
long long i = 0, j = 1, f;
printf("How many number you want to print in the fibonnaci series :\n");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("\nFibonacci Series: ");
printf("%d", 0);
return 0;
The value of fib(100) is so large that it will overflow even a 64 bit number. To operate on such large values, you need to do arbitrary-precision arithmetic. Arbitrary-precision arithmetic is not provided by C nor C++ standard libraries, so you'll need to either implement it yourself or use a library written by someone else.
For smaller values that do fit your long long, your problem is that you use the wrong printf format specifier. To print a long long, you need to use %lld.
Code overflows the range of the integer used long.
Could use long long, but even that may not handle Fib(100) which needs at least 69 bits.
Code could use long double if 1.0/LDBL_EPSILON > 3.6e20
Various libraries exist to handle very large integers.
For this task, all that is needed is a way to add two large integers. Consider using a string. An inefficient but simply string addition follows. No contingencies for buffer overflow.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
char *str_revese_inplace(char *s) {
char *left = s;
char *right = s + strlen(s);
while (right > left) {
char t = *right;
*right = *left;
*left = t;
return s;
char *str_add(char *ssum, const char *sa, const char *sb) {
const char *pa = sa + strlen(sa);
const char *pb = sb + strlen(sb);
char *psum = ssum;
int carry = 0;
while (pa > sa || pb > sb || carry) {
int sum = carry;
if (pa > sa) sum += *(--pa) - '0';
if (pb > sb) sum += *(--pb) - '0';
*psum++ = sum % 10 + '0';
carry = sum / 10;
*psum = '\0';
return str_revese_inplace(ssum);
int main(void) {
char fib[3][300];
strcpy(fib[0], "0");
strcpy(fib[1], "1");
int i;
for (i = 2; i <= 1000; i++) {
printf("Fib(%3d) %s.\n", i, str_add(fib[2], fib[1], fib[0]));
strcpy(fib[0], fib[1]);
strcpy(fib[1], fib[2]);
return 0;
Fib( 2) 1.
Fib( 3) 2.
Fib( 4) 3.
Fib( 5) 5.
Fib( 6) 8.
Fib(100) 3542248xxxxxxxxxx5075. // Some xx left in for a bit of mystery.
Fib(1000) --> 43466...about 200 more digits...8875
You can print some large Fibonacci numbers using only char, int and <stdio.h> in C.
There is some headers :
#include <stdio.h>
#define B_SIZE 10000 // max number of digits
typedef int positive_number;
struct buffer {
size_t index;
char data[B_SIZE];
Also some functions :
void init_buffer(struct buffer *buffer, positive_number n) {
for (buffer->index = B_SIZE; n; buffer->data[--buffer->index] = (char) (n % 10), n /= 10);
void print_buffer(const struct buffer *buffer) {
for (size_t i = buffer->index; i < B_SIZE; ++i) putchar('0' + buffer->data[i]);
void fly_add_buffer(struct buffer *buffer, const struct buffer *client) {
positive_number a = 0;
size_t i = (B_SIZE - 1);
for (; i >= client->index; --i) {
buffer->data[i] = (char) (buffer->data[i] + client->data[i] + a);
buffer->data[i] = (char) (buffer->data[i] - (a = buffer->data[i] > 9) * 10);
for (; a; buffer->data[i] = (char) (buffer->data[i] + a), a = buffer->data[i] > 9, buffer->data[i] = (char) (buffer->data[i] - a * 10), --i);
if (++i < buffer->index) buffer->index = i;
Example usage :
int main() {
struct buffer number_1, number_2, number_3;
init_buffer(&number_1, 0);
init_buffer(&number_2, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 2500; ++i) {
number_3 = number_1;
fly_add_buffer(&number_1, &number_2);
number_2 = number_3;
// print 131709051675194962952276308712 ... 935714056959634778700594751875
Best C type is still char ? The given code is printing f(2500), a 523 digits number.
Info : f(2e5) has 41,798 digits, see also Factorial(10000) and Fibonacci(1000000).
Well, you could want to try implementing BigInt in C++ or C.
Useful Material:
How to implement big int in C++
For this purporse you need implement BigInteger. There is no such build-in support in current c++. You can view few advises on stack overflow
Or you also can use some libs like GMP
Also here is some implementation:
E-maxx - on Russian language description.
Or find some open implementation on GitHub
Try to use a different format and printf, use unsigned to get wider range of digits.
If you use unsigned long long you should get until 18 446 744 073 709 551 615 so until the 93th number for fibonacci serie 12200160415121876738 but after this one you will get incorrect result because the 94th number 19740274219868223167 is too big for unsigned long long.
Keep in mind that the n-th fibonacci number is (approximately) ((1 + sqrt(5))/2)^n.
This allows you to get the value for n that allows the result to fit in 32 /64 unsigned integers. For signed remember that you lose one bit.
I am currently using the code below that removes all digits equal to zero from an integer.
int removeZeros(int candid)
int output = 0;
string s(itoa(candid));
for (int i = s.size(); i != 0; --i)
if (s[i] != '0') output = output * 10 + atoi(s[i]);
return output;
The expected output for e.g. 102304 would be 1234.
Is there a more compact way of doing this by directly working on the integer, that is, not string representation? Is it actually going to be faster?
Here's a way to do it without strings and buffers.
I've only tested this with positive numbers. To make this work with negative numbers is an exercise left up to you.
int removeZeros(int x)
int result = 0;
int multiplier = 1;
while (x > 0)
int digit = x % 10;
if (digit != 0)
int val = digit * multiplier;
result += val;
multiplier *= 10;
x = x / 10;
return result;
For maintainability, I would suggest, don't work directly on the numeric value. You can express your requirements in a very straightforward way using string manipulations, and while it's true that it will likely perform slower than number manipulations, I expect either to be fast enough that you don't have to worry about the performance unless it's in an extremely tight loop.
int removeZeros(int n) {
auto s = std::to_string(n);
s.erase(std::remove(s.begin(), s.end(), '0'), s.end());
return std::stoi(s);
As a bonus, this simpler implementation handles negative numbers correctly. For zero, it throws std::invalid_argument, because removing all zeros from 0 doesn't produce a number.
You could try something like this:
template<typename T> T nozeros( T const & z )
return z==0 ? 0 : (z%10?10:1)*nozeros(z/10)+(z%10);
If you want to take your processing one step further you can do a nice tail recursion , no need for a helper function:
template<typename T> inline T pow10(T p, T res=1)
return p==0 ? res : pow10(--p,res*10);
template<typename T> T nozeros( T const & z , T const & r=0, T const & zp =0)
static int digit =-1;
return not ( z ^ r ) ? digit=-1, zp : nozeros(z/10,z%10, r ? r*pow10(++digit)+zp : zp);
Here is how this will work with input 32040
Ret, z, r, zp, digits
-,32040,0,0, -1
-,3204,0,0, -1
-,320,4,0,0, -1
-,32,0,4,4, 0
-,3,2,4, 0
-,0,3,24, 1
-,0,0,324, 2
324,-,-,-, -1
Integer calculations are always faster than actually transforming your integer to string, making comparisons on strings, and looking up strings to turn them back to integers.
The cool thing is that if you try to pass floats you get nice compile time errors.
I claim this to be slightly faster than other solutions as it makes less conditional evaluations which will make it behave better with CPU branch prediction.
int number = 9042100;
stringstream strm;
strm << number;
string str = strm.str();
str.erase(remove(str.begin(), str.end(), '0'), str.end());
number = atoi(str.c_str());
No string representation is used here. I can't say anything about the speed though.
int removezeroes(int candid)
int x, y = 0, n = 0;
// I did this to reverse the number as my next loop
// reverses the number while removing zeroes.
while (candid>0)
x = candid%10;
n = n *10 + x;
candid /=10;
candid = n;
while (candid>0)
x = candid%10;
if (x != 0)
y = y*10 + x;
candid /=10;
return y;
If C++11 is available, I do like this with lambda function:
int removeZeros(int candid){
std::string s=std::to_string(candid);
std::string output;
std::for_each(s.begin(), s.end(), [&](char& c){ if (c != '0') output += c;});
return std::stoi(output);
A fixed implementation of g24l recursive solution:
template<typename T> T nozeros(T const & z)
if (z == 0) return 0;
if (z % 10 == 0) return nozeros(z / 10);
else return (z % 10) + ( nozeros(z / 10) * 10);
I am building a class in C++ which can be used to store arbitrarily large integers. I am storing them as binary in a vector. I need to be able to print this vector in base 10 so it is easier for a human to understand. I know that I could convert it to an int and then output that int. However, my numbers will be much larger than any primitive types. How can I convert this directly to a string.
Here is my code so far. I am new to C++ so if you have any other suggestions that would be great too. I need help filling in the string toBaseTenString() function.
class BinaryInt
bool lastDataUser = true;
vector<bool> * data;
BinaryInt(vector<bool> * pointer)
data = pointer;
BinaryInt(int n)
data = new vector<bool>();
while(n > 0)
data->push_back(n % 2);
n = n >> 1;
BinaryInt(const BinaryInt & from)
from.lastDataUser = false;
this->data = from.data;
delete data;
string toBinaryString();
string toBaseTenString();
static BinaryInt add(BinaryInt a, BinaryInt b);
static BinaryInt mult(BinaryInt a, BinaryInt b);
BinaryInt BinaryInt::add(BinaryInt a, BinaryInt b)
int aSize = a.data->size();
int bSize = b.data->size();
int newDataSize = max(aSize, bSize);
vector<bool> * newData = new vector<bool>(newDataSize);
bool carry = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < newDataSize; i++)
int sum = (i < aSize ? a.data->at(i) : 0) + (i < bSize ? b.data->at(i) : 0) + carry;
(*newData)[i] = sum % 2;
carry = sum >> 1;
return BinaryInt(newData);
string BinaryInt::toBinaryString()
stringstream ss;
for(int i = data->size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
ss << (*data)[i];
return ss.str();
string BinaryInt::toBaseTenString()
//Not sure how to do this
I know you said in your OP that "my numbers will be much larger than any primitive types", but just hear me out on this.
In the past, I've used std::bitset to work with binary representations of numbers and converting back and forth from various other representations. std::bitset is basically a fancy std::vector with some added functionality. You can read more about it here if it sounds interesting, but here's some small stupid example code to show you how it could work:
std::bitset<8> myByte;
myByte |= 1; // mByte = 00000001
myByte <<= 4; // mByte = 00010000
myByte |= 1; // mByte = 00010001
std::cout << myByte.to_string() << '\n'; // Outputs '00010001'
std::cout << myByte.to_ullong() << '\n'; // Outputs '17'
You can access the bitset by standard array notation as well. By the way, that second conversion I showed (to_ullong) converts to an unsigned long long, which I believe has a max value of 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. If you need larger values than that, good luck!
Just iterate (backwards) your vector<bool> and accumulate the corresponding value when the iterator is true:
int base10(const std::vector<bool> &value)
int result = 0;
int bit = 1;
for (vb::const_reverse_iterator b = value.rbegin(), e = value.rend(); b != e; ++b, bit <<= 1)
result += (*b ? bit : 0);
return result;
Live demo.
Beware! this code is only a guide, you will need to take care of int overflowing if the value is pretty big.
Hope it helps.
As mentioned in the title, I'm looking for something that can give me more performance than atoi. Presently, the fastest way I know is
Finally, I would prefer a solution that doesn't rely on Boost. Does anybody have good performance tricks for doing this?
Additional Information: int will not exceed 2 billion, it is always positive, the string has no decimal places in it.
I experimented with solutions using lookup tables, but found them fraught with issues, and actually not very fast. The fastest solution turned out to be the least imaginitive:
int fast_atoi( const char * str )
int val = 0;
while( *str ) {
val = val*10 + (*str++ - '0');
return val;
Running a benchmark with a million randomly generated strings:
fast_atoi : 0.0097 seconds
atoi : 0.0414 seconds
To be fair, I also tested this function by forcing the compiler not to inline it. The results were still good:
fast_atoi : 0.0104 seconds
atoi : 0.0426 seconds
Provided your data conforms to the requirements of the fast_atoi function, that is pretty reasonable performance. The requirements are:
Input string contains only numeric characters, or is empty
Input string represents a number from 0 up to INT_MAX
atoi can be improved upon significantly, given certain assumptions. This was demonstrated powerfully in a presentation by Andrei Alexandrescu at the C++ and Beyond 2012 conference. Hi s replacement used loop unrolling and ALU parallelism to achieve orders of magnitude in perf improvement. I don't have his materials, but this link uses a similar technique: http://tombarta.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/specializing-atoi/
This page compares conversion speed between different string->int functions using different compilers. The naive function, which offers no error checking, offers speeds roughly twice as fast as atoi(), according to the results presented.
// Taken from http://tinodidriksen.com/uploads/code/cpp/speed-string-to-int.cpp
int naive(const char *p) {
int x = 0;
bool neg = false;
if (*p == '-') {
neg = true;
while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') {
x = (x*10) + (*p - '0');
if (neg) {
x = -x;
return x;
it is always positive
Remove the negative checks in the above code for a micro optimization.
If you can guarantee the string will not have anything but numeric characters, you can micro optimize further by changing the loop
while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') {
while (*p != '\0' ) {
Which leaves you with
unsigned int naive(const char *p) {
unsigned int x = 0;
while (*p != '\0') {
x = (x*10) + (*p - '0');
return x;
Quite a few of the code examples here are quite complex and do unnecessary work, meaning the code could be slimmer and faster.
Conversion loops are often written to do three different things with each character:
bail out if it is the end-of-string character
bail out if it is not a digit
convert it from its code point to the actual digit value
First observation: there is no need to check for the end-of-string character separately, since it is not a digit. Hence the check for 'digitness' covers the EOS condition implicitly.
Second observation: double conditions for range testing as in (c >= '0' && c <= '9') can be converted to a single test condition by using an unsigned type and anchoring the range at zero; that way there can be no unwanted values below the beginning of the range, all unwanted values are mapped to the range above the upper limit: (uint8_t(c - '0') <= 9)
It just so happens that c - '0' needs to be computed here anyway...
Hence the inner conversion loop can be slimmed to
uint64_t n = digit_value(*p);
unsigned d;
while ((d = digit_value(*++p)) <= 9)
n = n * 10 + d;
The code here is called with the precondition that p be pointing at a digit, which is why the first digit is extracted without further ado (which also avoids a superfluous MUL).
That precondition is less outlandish than might appear at first, since p pointing at a digit is the reason why this code is called by the parser in the first place. In my code the whole shebang looks like this (assertions and other production-quality noise elided):
unsigned digit_value (char c)
return unsigned(c - '0');
bool is_digit (char c)
return digit_value(c) <= 9;
uint64_t extract_uint64 (char const **read_ptr)
char const *p = *read_ptr;
uint64_t n = digit_value(*p);
unsigned d;
while ((d = digit_value(*++p)) <= 9)
n = n * 10 + d;
*read_ptr = p;
return n;
The first call to digit_value() is often elided by the compiler, if the code gets inlined and the calling code has already computed that value by calling is_digit().
n * 10 happens to be faster than manual shifting (e.g. n = (n << 3) + (n << 1) + d), at least on my machine with gcc 4.8.1 and VC++ 2013. My guess is that both compilers use LEA with index scaling for adding up to three values in one go and scaling one of them by 2, 4, or 8.
In any case that's exactly how it should be: we write nice clean code in separate functions and express the desired logic (n * 10, x % CHAR_BIT, whatever) and the compiler converts it to shifting, masking, LEAing and so on, inlines everything into the big bad parser loop and takes care of all the required messiness under the hood to make things fast. We don't even have to stick inline in front of everything anymore. If anything then we have to do the opposite, by using __declspec(noinline) judiciously when compilers get over-eager.
I'm using the above code in a program that reads billions of numbers from text files and pipes; it converts 115 million uints per second if the length is 9..10 digits, and 60 million/s for length 19..20 digits (gcc 4.8.1). That's more than ten times as fast as strtoull() (and just barely enough for my purposes, but I digress...). That's the timing for converting text blobs containing 10 million numbers each (100..200 MB), meaning that memory timings make these numbers appear a bit worse than they would be in a synthetic benchmark running from cache.
Paddy's implementation of fast_atoi is faster than atoi - without the shadow of the doubt - however it works only for unsigned integers.
Below, I put evaluated version of Paddy's fast_atoi that also allows only unsigned integers but speeds conversion up even more by replacing costly operation * with +
unsigned int fast_atou(const char *str)
unsigned int val = 0;
while(*str) {
val = (val << 1) + (val << 3) + *(str++) - 48;
return val;
Here, I put complete version of fast_atoi() that i'm using sometimes which converts singed integers as well:
int fast_atoi(const char *buff)
int c = 0, sign = 0, x = 0;
const char *p = buff;
for(c = *(p++); (c < 48 || c > 57); c = *(p++)) {if (c == 45) {sign = 1; c = *(p++); break;}}; // eat whitespaces and check sign
for(; c > 47 && c < 58; c = *(p++)) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + c - 48;
return sign ? -x : x;
Here's the entirety of the atoi function in gcc:
long atoi(const char *str)
long num = 0;
int neg = 0;
while (isspace(*str)) str++;
if (*str == '-')
while (isdigit(*str))
num = 10*num + (*str - '0');
if (neg)
num = -num;
return num;
The whitespace and negative check are superfluous in your case, but also only use nanoseconds.
isdigit is almost certainly inlined, so that's not costing you any time.
I really don't see room for improvement here.
A faster convert function only for positive integers without error checking.
Multiplication is always slower that sum and shift, therefore change multiply with shift.
int fast_atoi( const char * str )
int val = 0;
while( *str ) {
val = (val << 3) + (val << 1) + (*str++ - '0');
return val;
I did a quick benchmark of the different functions given here + some extras, and I converted them to int64_t by default. Compiler = MSVC.
Here are the results (left = normal time, right = time with overhead deduction):
atoi : 153283912 ns => 1.000x : 106745800 ns => 1.000x
atoll : 174446125 ns => 0.879x : 127908013 ns => 0.835x
std::stoll : 358193237 ns => 0.428x : 311655125 ns => 0.343x
std::stoull : 354171912 ns => 0.433x : 307633800 ns => 0.347x
fast_null : 46538112 ns => 3.294x : 0 ns => infx (overhead estimation)
fast_atou : 92299625 ns => 1.661x : 45761513 ns => 2.333x (#soerium)
FastAtoiBitShift: 93275637 ns => 1.643x : 46737525 ns => 2.284x (#hamSh)
FastAtoiMul10 : 93260987 ns => 1.644x : 46722875 ns => 2.285x (#hamSh but with *10)
FastAtoiCompare : 86691962 ns => 1.768x : 40153850 ns => 2.658x (#DarthGizka)
FastAtoiCompareu: 86960900 ns => 1.763x : 40422788 ns => 2.641x (#DarthGizka + uint)
FastAtoi32 : 92779375 ns => 1.652x : 46241263 ns => 2.308x (handle the - sign)
FastAtoi32u : 86577312 ns => 1.770x : 40039200 ns => 2.666x (no sign)
FastAtoi32uu : 87298600 ns => 1.756x : 40760488 ns => 2.619x (no sign + uint)
FastAtoi64 : 93693575 ns => 1.636x : 47155463 ns => 2.264x
FastAtoi64u : 86846912 ns => 1.765x : 40308800 ns => 2.648x
FastAtoi64uu : 86890537 ns => 1.764x : 40352425 ns => 2.645x
FastAtoiDouble : 90126762 ns => 1.701x : 43588650 ns => 2.449x (only handle int)
FastAtoiFloat : 92062775 ns => 1.665x : 45524663 ns => 2.345x (same)
DarthGizka's code is the fastest and has the advantage of stopping when the char is non-digit.
Also, the bitshifting "optimization" is a tiny bit slower than just doing * 10.
The benchmark runs each algorithm with 10 million iterations on a pseudo-random string, to limit the branch prediction as much as possible, and then it re-runs everything 15 more times. For each algorithm, the 4 slowest and 4 fastest times are discarded, and the result given is the average of the 8 median times. This provides a lot of stability. Also, I run fast_null in order to estimate the overhead in the benchmark (loop + string changes + function call), and then this value is deducted in the second numbers.
Here is the code for the functions:
int64_t fast_null(const char* str) { return (str[0] - '0') + (str[1] - '0'); }
int64_t fast_atou(const char* str)
int64_t val = 0;
while (*str) val = (val << 1) + (val << 3) + *(str++) - 48;
return val;
int64_t FastAtoiBitShift(const char* str)
int64_t val = 0;
while (*str) val = (val << 3) + (val << 1) + (*str++ - '0');
return val;
int64_t FastAtoiMul10(const char* str)
int64_t val = 0;
while (*str) val = val * 10 + (*str++ - '0');
return val;
int64_t FastAtoiCompare(const char* str)
int64_t val = 0;
uint8_t x;
while ((x = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9) val = val * 10 + x;
return val;
uint64_t FastAtoiCompareu(const char* str)
uint64_t val = 0;
uint8_t x;
while ((x = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9) val = val * 10 + x;
return val;
int32_t FastAtoi32(const char* str)
int32_t val = 0;
int sign = 0;
if (*str == '-')
sign = 1;
uint8_t digit;
while ((digit = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9) val = val * 10 + digit;
return sign ? -val : val;
int32_t FastAtoi32u(const char* str)
int32_t val = 0;
uint8_t digit;
while ((digit = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9) val = val * 10 + digit;
return val;
uint32_t FastAtoi32uu(const char* str)
uint32_t val = 0;
uint8_t digit;
while ((digit = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9) val = val * 10u + digit;
return val;
int64_t FastAtoi64(const char* str)
int64_t val = 0;
int sign = 0;
if (*str == '-')
sign = 1;
uint8_t digit;
while ((digit = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9) val = val * 10 + digit;
return sign ? -val : val;
int64_t FastAtoi64u(const char* str)
int64_t val = 0;
uint8_t digit;
while ((digit = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9) val = val * 10 + digit;
return val;
uint64_t FastAtoi64uu(const char* str)
uint64_t val = 0;
uint8_t digit;
while ((digit = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9) val = val * 10u + digit;
return val;
float FastAtoiFloat(const char* str)
float val = 0;
uint8_t x;
while ((x = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9) val = val * 10.0f + x;
return val;
double FastAtoiDouble(const char* str)
double val = 0;
uint8_t x;
while ((x = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9) val = val * 10.0 + x;
return val;
And the benchmark code I used, just in case...
void Benchmark()
std::map<std::string, std::vector<int64_t>> funcTimes;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<int64_t>> funcTotals;
std::map<std::string, int64_t> funcFinals;
#define BENCH_ATOI(func) \
do \
{ \
auto start = NowNs(); \
int64_t z = 0; \
char string[] = "000001987"; \
for (int i = 1e7; i >= 0; --i) \
{ \
string[0] = '0' + (i + 0) % 10; \
string[1] = '0' + (i + 1) % 10; \
string[2] = '0' + (i + 3) % 10; \
string[3] = '0' + (i + 5) % 10; \
string[4] = '0' + (i + 9) % 10; \
z += func(string); \
} \
auto elapsed = NowNs() - start; \
funcTimes[#func].push_back(elapsed); \
funcTotals[#func].push_back(z); \
} \
while (0)
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
for (auto& [func, times] : funcTimes)
std::sort(times.begin(), times.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a < b; });
fmt::print("{:<16}: {}\n", func, funcTotals[func][0]);
int64_t total = 0;
for (int i = 4; i <= 11; ++i) total += times[i];
total /= 8;
funcFinals[func] = total;
const auto base = funcFinals["atoi"];
const auto overhead = funcFinals["fast_null"];
for (const auto& [func, final] : funcFinals)
fmt::print("{:<16}: {:>9} ns => {:.3f}x : {:>9} ns => {:.3f}x\n", func, final, base * 1.0 / final, final - overhead, (base - overhead) * 1.0 / (final - overhead));
Why not use a stringstream? I'm not sure of its particular overhead, but you could define:
int myInt;
string myString = "1561";
stringstream ss;
ss >> myInt;
Of course, you'd need to
#include <stringstream>
The only definitive answer is with checking with your compiler, your real data.
Something I'd try (even if it's using memory accesses so it may be slow depending on caching) is
int value = t1[s[n-1]];
if (n > 1) value += t10[s[n-2]]; else return value;
if (n > 2) value += t100[s[n-3]]; else return value;
if (n > 3) value += t1000[s[n-4]]; else return value;
... continuing for how many digits you need to handle ...
if t1, t10 and so on are statically allocated and constant the compiler shouldn't fear any aliasing and the machine code generated should be quite decent.
Here is mine. Atoi is the fastest I could come up with. I compiled with msvc 2010 so it might be possible to combine both templates. In msvc 2010, when I combined templates it made the case where you provide a cb argument slower.
Atoi handles nearly all the special atoi cases, and is as fast or faster than this:
int val = 0;
while( *str )
val = val*10 + (*str++ - '0');
Here is the code:
#define EQ1(a,a1) (BYTE(a) == BYTE(a1))
#define EQ1(a,a1,a2) (BYTE(a) == BYTE(a1) && EQ1(a,a2))
#define EQ1(a,a1,a2,a3) (BYTE(a) == BYTE(a1) && EQ1(a,a2,a3))
// Atoi is 4x faster than atoi. There is also an overload that takes a cb argument.
template <typename T>
T Atoi(LPCSTR sz) {
T n = 0;
bool fNeg = false; // for unsigned T, this is removed by optimizer
const BYTE* p = (const BYTE*)sz;
BYTE ch;
// test for most exceptions in the leading chars. Most of the time
// this test is skipped. Note we skip over leading zeros to avoid the
// useless math in the second loop. We expect leading 0 to be the most
// likely case, so we test it first, however the cpu might reorder that.
for ( ; (ch=*p-'1') >= 9 ; ++p) { // unsigned trick for range compare
// ignore leading 0's, spaces, and '+'
if (EQ1(ch, '0'-'1', ' '-'1', '+'-'1'))
// for unsigned T this is removed by optimizer
if (!((T)-1 > 0) && ch==BYTE('-'-'1')) {
fNeg = !fNeg;
// atoi ignores these. Remove this code for a small perf increase.
if (BYTE(*p-9) > 4) // \t, \n, 11, 12, \r. unsigned trick for range compare
// deal with rest of digits, stop loop on non digit.
for ( ; (ch=*p-'0') <= 9 ; ++p) // unsigned trick for range compare
n = n*10 + ch;
// for unsigned T, (fNeg) test is removed by optimizer
return (fNeg) ? -n : n;
// you could go with a single template that took a cb argument, but I could not
// get the optimizer to create good code when both the cb and !cb case were combined.
// above code contains the comments.
template <typename T>
T Atoi(LPCSTR sz, BYTE cb) {
T n = 0;
bool fNeg = false;
const BYTE* p = (const BYTE*)sz;
const BYTE* p1 = p + cb;
BYTE ch;
for ( ; p<p1 && (ch=*p-'1') >= 9 ; ++p) {
if (EQ1(ch,BYTE('0'-'1'),BYTE(' '-'1'),BYTE('+'-'1')))
if (!((T)-1 > 0) && ch == BYTE('-'-'1')) {
fNeg = !fNeg;
if (BYTE(*p-9) > 4) // \t, \n, 11, 12, \r
for ( ; p<p1 && (ch=*p-'0') <= 9 ; ++p)
n = n*10 + ch;
return (fNeg) ? -n : n;
What's the best way to write
int NumDigits(int n);
in C++ which would return the number of digits in the decimal representation of the input. For example 11->2, 999->3, -1->2 etc etc.
Straightforward and simple, and independent of sizeof(int):
int NumDigits(int n) {
int digits = 0;
if (n <= 0) {
n = -n;
while (n) {
n /= 10;
return digits;
//Works for positive integers only
int DecimalLength(int n) {
return floor(log10f(n) + 1);
The fastest way is probably a binary search...
//assuming n is positive
if (n < 10000)
if (n < 100)
if (n < 10)
return 1;
return 2;
if (n < 1000)
return 3;
return 4;
//etc up to 1000000000
In this case it's about 3 comparisons regardless of input, which I suspect is much faster than a division loop or using doubles.
One way is to (may not be most efficient) convert it to a string and find the length of the string. Like:
int getDigits(int n)
std::ostringstream stream;
return stream.str().length();
To extend Arteluis' answer, you could use templates to generate the comparisons:
template<int BASE, int EXP>
struct Power
enum {RESULT = BASE * Power<BASE, EXP - 1>::RESULT};
template<int BASE>
struct Power<BASE, 0>
enum {RESULT = 1};
template<int LOW = 0, int HIGH = 8>
struct NumDigits
enum {MID = (LOW + HIGH + 1) / 2};
inline static int calculate (int i)
if (i < Power<10, MID>::RESULT)
return NumDigits<LOW, MID - 1>::calculate (i);
return NumDigits<MID, HIGH>::calculate (i);
template<int LOW>
struct NumDigits<LOW, LOW>
inline static int calculate (int i)
return LOW + 1;
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
// Example call.
std::cout << NumDigits<>::calculate (1234567) << std::endl;
return 0;
numdigits = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%d", num);
int NumDigits(int n)
int digits = 0;
if (n < 0) {
do {
n /= 10;
} while (n < 0);
else {
do {
n /= 10;
} while (n > 0);
return digits;
Edit: Corrected edge case behavior for -2^31 (etc.)
Some very over-complicated solutions have been proposed, including the accepted one.
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
int NumDigits( int num )
int digits = (int)log10( (double)abs(num) ) + 1 ;
return num >= 0 ? digits : digits + 1 ;
Note that it works for for INT_MIN + 1 ... INT_MAX, because abs(INT_MIN) == INT_MAX + 1 == INT_MIN (due to wrap-around), which in-turn is invalid input to log10(). It is possible to add code for that one case.
Here's a simpler version of Alink's answer .
int NumDigits(int32_t n)
if (n < 0) {
if (n == std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min())
return 11;
return NumDigits(-n) + 1;
static int32_t MaxTable[9] = { 10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,100000000,1000000000 };
return 1 + (std::upper_bound(MaxTable, MaxTable+9, n) - MaxTable);
Another implementation using STL binary search on a lookup table, which seems not bad (not too long and still faster than division methods). It also seem easy and efficient to adapt for type much bigger than int: will be faster than O(digits) methods and just needs multiplication (no division or log function for this hypothetical type). There is a requirement of a MAXVALUE, though. Unless you fill the table dynamically.
[edit: move the struct into the function]
int NumDigits9(int n) {
struct power10{
vector<int> data;
power10() {
for(int i=10; i < MAX_INT/10; i *= 10) data.push_back(i);
static const power10 p10;
return 1 + upper_bound(p10.data.begin(), p10.data.end(), n) - p10.data.begin();
Since the goal is to be fast, this is a improvement on andrei alexandrescu's improvement. His version was already faster than the naive way (dividing by 10 at every digit). The version below is faster at least on x86-64 and ARM for most sizes.
Benchmarks for this version vs alexandrescu's version on my PR on facebook folly.
inline uint32_t digits10(uint64_t v)
std::uint32_t result = 0;
for (;;)
result += 1
+ (std::uint32_t)(v>=10)
+ (std::uint32_t)(v>=100)
+ (std::uint32_t)(v>=1000)
+ (std::uint32_t)(v>=10000)
+ (std::uint32_t)(v>=100000);
if (v < 1000000) return result;
v /= 1000000U;
My version of loop (works with 0, negative and positive values):
int numDigits(int n)
int digits = n<0; //count "minus"
do { digits++; } while (n/=10);
return digits;
If you're using a version of C++ which include C99 maths functions (C++0x and some earlier compilers)
static const double log10_2 = 3.32192809;
int count_digits ( int n )
if ( n == 0 ) return 1;
if ( n < 0 ) return ilogb ( -(double)n ) / log10_2 + 2;
return ilogb ( n ) / log10_2 + 1;
Whether ilogb is faster than a loop will depend on the architecture, but it's useful enough for this kind of problem to have been added to the standard.
An optimization of the previous division methods. (BTW they all test if n!=0, but most of the time n>=10 seems enough and spare one division which was more expensive).
I simply use multiplication and it seems to make it much faster (almost 4x here), at least on the 1..100000000 range. I am a bit surprised by such difference, so maybe this triggered some special compiler optimization or I missed something.
The initial change was simple, but unfortunately I needed to take care of a new overflow problem. It makes it less nice, but on my test case, the 10^6 trick more than compensates the cost of the added check. Obviously it depends on input distribution and you can also tweak this 10^6 value.
PS: Of course, this kind of optimization is just for fun :)
int NumDigits(int n) {
int digits = 1;
// reduce n to avoid overflow at the s*=10 step.
// n/=10 was enough but we reuse this to optimize big numbers
if (n >= 1000000) {
n /= 1000000;
digits += 6; // because 1000000 = 10^6
int s = 10;
while (s <= n) {
s *= 10;
return digits;