WebBrowser component in Dev-C++ - c++

I want to use a WebBrowser control in a Dev-C++ project. Ages ago, when I was using VB6, I just added the WebBrowser control (C:\Windows\System32\shdocvw.dll) to my form and it worked, but I'm lost in C++.
Should I load it dynamically with LoadLibrary, then somehow add it to my dialog window? I want to have standard features like page navigation, dynamic HTML elements, submittable forms, view page source, etc.
I installed Qt Maker and downloaded a test project from the official site. But when running/compiling I get this error:
Could not find make command: make in the build environment
Error while building project betalabsclient (target: Desktop)
When executing build step 'Make'
Does anyone have any ideas? Mingw is installed, of course.

This is not the answer for your question, but you may want to try and use Qt and the webkit browser component in it.
There are several webkit-related samples and I assume that they may actually suit for your needs "as they are".

Web Browser Example (ActiveQt)
HOWTO: Get QT working with Dev-C++


Application Qt and Qwt won't run from menu

Greetings for the first time:
Usually I can work my way through problems like this but I think I need help for this one.
I have developed a small utility for myself to plot some data using Qt and Qwt under Mint. When I run the application from Qt Creator everything works fine. Once I added (export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/qwt-6.1.3/lib") to my .bashrc file, I can invoke the application from the terminal with “./PlotAccountsChange” and it woks. Also the ldd command shows all dependencies have been found.
The problem I am having is that the application can not be invoked from the Nemo file manager, or from the menu system if I add the link to the executable in the menu, or from a link to the executable placed on the desktop. In all of these cases I get no indication at all, just nothing happens. Any other application that I have created using Qt but that doesn’t use Qwt invokes without problems.
Thank you, regards,
B Kace

Qt Application crashes whenever WebKit tries to load HTML

I'm using Qt 4.7.4 with C++ and I'm trying to embed a html document with some flash elements into a Qt application. To start out I added a QWebView widget to my main window and tried to load a html document stored on my harddrive, that caused an error so I looked up the Qt examples and attempted to run the youtube viewer example here: http://qt-project.org/wiki/Embed_YouTube_Video_in_QWebView
Both times I got the same issue when attempting to run the program:
"The procedure entry point ??1QSslSocket##UAE#XY could not be located
in the dynamic link library QtWebkit4.dll"
I used dependency walker and it states that QSslSocket is in QNetwork4.dll which is in my release folder (and it's the release version). Also my QTDIR environment variable points to the correct location and the location of the bin folder is in my path variable.
So I was wondering if anyone here could help me out. I'm also using visual studio 2005 (unfortunately using Qt 4.7.4 and vs 2005 are out of my control in this instance)
You would need to check the following things:
Your Qt installation is built with SSL support.
You have the SSL dll correctly recognized.
You have the version required to avoid symbol mismatches.

Deploying Qt Qml App to Windows shows me a blank window

After suffer with a lot of problems trying to deploy a Qt/Qml app to Windows 8, as I described in this question: Deploying Qt Qml app to Windows 8 shows me a blank window
I could make it work copying the Qt5Widgets.dll... but it was only working in my own development machine (installing it there, but yet my own machine).
Then I tried to install it in another machine (a VM running Windows 7).. and at first I got error of missing platform plugin... ok, I copied qwindows.dll to appDir/platforms, and it seems to resolved this problem.
But then I got another missing dlls errors (the ones related to VS2010), then I installed the Visual Studio 2010 redistributable package... ok, now the app starts, but with a blank window :(
The qml files and everything are in a resources file, so it should be in the binary.
And I've no idea where to go from there to find this issue.
Any idea what can I do? The weird thing is that it was installed fine in my own development machine.
And my conclusion is that deployment of Qt in OS X is much easier.
I've solved the problem with these steps:
check your qml files path. For example default generated code is the following:
QtQuick2ApplicationViewer viewer;
So qmls should be in "qml/test" folder
check the missing dlls:
download VmMap tool from Windows Sysinternals suite (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/dd535533)
compile and run your app in qt creator to get it working like it should
run VmMap and open your running app's process.
sort the lower window by 'Details' - so you'll see all loaded DLLs sorted by path.
copy the missing dlls. It should work now!
I've had also a lot of trouble deploying Qml apps with a blank window too.
In general this site gives useful hints:
The blank window issue was caused be two different things in my case:
The relative path to the qml files were not correct. I've solved this by storing the qml files in a resource file and then calling them from there.
It seems to be a problem if the application is located on a network drive. I haven't found a solution for that except copying the application to a local folder.
In general I think deploying is a big big pain :-/

Qt ActiveX Server Debugging Strategy

I am having problems with building an ActiveX object via activeqt. I attempted to follow a "Simple Example" via the qt 5 documentation (source, but when I run the demo IE page, the page only displays "Object not available! Did you forget to build and register the server?". My steps consisted of the following:
Install Visual Studio 2012 Express
Install Qt creator with extra sources (64 bit on 64 bit Windows 7)
Build the QAxServer library
Run qmake on the Simple example project
Build the "Simple" example project
Try the page with IE
I verified the classid is at least showing in the registry, and the compile output notes that activex server was successfully registered. I checked the event logs, but nothing is showing. The IE console notes that the "Object doesn't support property or method 'about'", but I get that error even if I use a bogus class id, so I'm assuming it could be throwing that error for many reasons. Does anybody have any other debugging strategies? Anywhere else IE might be hiding some useful logs? Thanks!

Unable to create registration information for file named?

I'm trying to deploy my ActiveX Control DLL developed in ATL project in VS2008 (I'm new to this kind of deployment).
Follow some tutorials, I'm trying to create msi file for my control using Setup Project in VS2008. I've set the Register property of Primary Output to vsdrpCOM. It built with no errors, but I got the warning: Unable to create registration information for file named. Although I can install the control in IE, it doesn't work but displayed with a red X icon. I've also tried other Register options but it's no use.
I think my control is still not registered during installation because of the warning.
Could anyone please give me some instruction to solve this? I've spent hours on google :-(
Thank you!
Use the property vsdrfCOMSelfReg.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/h793hc1y%28v=vs.90%29.aspx.