How to stop the class to be inherited by other class.
C++11 solution
In C++11, you can seal a class by using final keyword in the definition as:
class A final //note final keyword is used after the class name
class B : public A //error - because class A is marked final (sealed).
{ // so A cannot be derived from.
To know the other uses of final, see my answer here:
What is the purpose of the "final" keyword in C++11 for functions?
C++03 solution
Bjarne Stroustrup's code : Can I stop people deriving from my class?
class Usable;
class Usable_lock {
friend class Usable;
Usable_lock() {}
Usable_lock(const Usable_lock&) {}
class Usable : public virtual Usable_lock {
Usable a;
class DD : public Usable { };
DD dd; // error: DD::DD() cannot access
// Usable_lock::Usable_lock(): private member
So we can make use of template to make the Usable_lock generic enough to seal any class:
template<class T>
class Generic_lock
friend T;
Generic_lock() {} //private
Generic_lock(const Generic_lock&) {} //private
class Usable : public virtual Generic_lock<Usable>
Usable() {}
Usable a; //Okay
class DD : public Usable { };
DD dd; //Not okay!
There are two ways, the simple cheap, and the correct one. The two answers by #Naveen and #Nawaz deal with the correct one, that requires manual creation of a sealer class for each class that you actually want to seal.
The not fool-proof way, which is used in the adobe libraries is using a templated class for that. The problem is that you cannot declare the template argument as a friend, and that means that you will have to switch from private to the less safe protected:
template <typename T>
class sealer {
protected: sealer() {}
class sealed : virtual sealer<sealed> {};
And you can automate it with a macro (I don't remember the exact flavor of the macro in Adobe's code):
#define seal( x ) virtual sealer<x>
class sealed : seal(sealed)
Now this will catch people that mistakenly try to inherit without knowing that they shouldn't:
class derived : sealed {};
int main() {
derived d; // sealer<T>::sealer() is protected within this context
But it will not inhibit people that really want to from deriving, as they can gain access to the constructor by deriving from the template themselves:
class derived : sealed, sealer<sealed> {};
int main() {
derived d;
I am not sure whether this will change in C++0x, I think I recall some discussions on whether a class template would be allowed to befriend one of it's arguments, but in a cursory search through the draft I cannot really tell. If that was allowed then this would be a fine generic solution:
template <typename T>
class sealer {
sealer() {}
friend class T; // Incorrect in C++03
C++11 adds the ability to prevent inheriting from classes or simply preventing overriding methods in derived classes. This is done with the special identifier final. For example:
class Base final { };
class Derived1 : Base { }; // ill-formed because the class Base has been marked final
class Base {
virtual void f() final;
class Derived : Base {
void f(); // ill-formed because the virtual function Base::f has been marked final
Note that final is not a language keyword. It is technically an identifier; it only gains special meaning when used in those specific contexts. In any other location, it can be a valid identifier.
Based on Bjarne Stroustrup's FAQ
with small modification without friend keyword usage:
class Usable_lock {
Usable_lock() {}
Usable_lock(const Usable_lock&) {}
#define sealed_class private virtual Usable_lock
class UsableLast : sealed_class {
class DD : public UsableLast {};
template <class T> T createInstance() {
return T();
int main()
// createInstance<DD>();
return 0;
The following code shows how to define a sealed class in C++/CLI.
class A sealed
//here goes the class code
class B : public A
Now B : cannot inherit from A as it has been declared as 'sealed'. Also a detailed explanation about sealed keyword can be found here
Update: Added C++/CLI , also other answers have shown the latest C++11 way of achieving the same using final keyword.
You cannot. C++ is not Java or C#. And also there is no point, ever, IMHO.
In c++ "protected" modifier allow method calls only in derived classes. Is it possible to implement inverse logic - prohibit calling a base class method in the derived classes? The code below illustrates what I want to get.
class Base
int data;
// This constructor should be called only in the derived classes
Base(int d): data(d) { }
// This construcor can be called wherever except a derived classes!
Base(): data(0) { }
class Derived : public Base
// The developer must not forget to initialize "data"
Derived() : Base(10) {}
// I want to get a compilation error there
Derived() : Base() {}
Is it possible to [...] prohibit calling a base class method in the derived classes?
Yes. By using private access specifier. Private names are accessible only to the class itself.
It is not inverse logic however. It is not possible for reduce accessibility of of otherwise public name from derived classes.
// This construcor can be called wherever except a derived classes!
There is no way to do this. A public function can be called by anyone and there is no SFINAE trick you can use to stop it if it is called by a derived class since the constructor has no idea where it is called from.
This seems like a XY problem. Although I do not recommend this (I recommend rethinking the design) I found (for better or worse) a solution inspired from the CRTP pattern:
template <class D = void>
class Base
int data;
// This constructor should be called only in the derived classes
template <class Der = D, class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Base, Der>>>
Base(int d): data(d) {}
// This constructor can be called wherever except a derived classes!
template <class Der = D, class = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_base_of_v<Base, Der>>>
Base(): data(0) { }
class Derived : public Base<Derived>
int mydata = 1;
// The developer must not forget to initialize "data"
Derived() : Base(24) {}
// I want to get a compilation error there
//Derived() : Base() {} // (1) compilation error here
auto test()
Base b1{};
//Base b2{24}; // (2) compilation error here
Derived d{};
Of course there are problems with this. For starters there is nothing stopping from creating a derived class as class Derived : public Base<void>.
And if you want, you can add a common base class
class Base_l0
template <class D = void>
class Base_l1 : Base_l0
class Derived : public Base_l1<Derived>
The short answer is no.
In C++, there is only public protected and private. There is no middle ground. Your functions are either accessible from everywhere (public), from nowhere except the class itself (private), or from the class and its children (protected).
I only want to force the user to perform some additional actions wlile inheritting [sic]. For example, to avoid random errors.
If calling the default constructor causes errors by calling it while inheriting from it, then then it is probable it causes errors when you are not inheriting from it. That means you probably shouldn't have this constructor as public anyway, if at all.
In C++, pure virtual functions provide the functionality of an interface. That is, any subclasses must implement all pure-virtual functions in the base class:
class myClass {
virtual bool implementme() = 0; // MUST be implemented
class mySubClass : public myClass {
bool implementme() {} // REQUIRED
Is there a similar mechanism for nested (enum) classes? That is, I'm looking for something like
class myClass {
virtual enum class myEnum = 0; // MUST be implemented
class mySubClass : public myClass {
enum class myEnum {}; // REQUIRED
Since you say that the implementer is not part of your code base (thus not producing a compile error), I must assume you are writing a library, and that the code which uses this enum is in the consumer of the library.
I would recommend that you use CRTP as follows:
class myClass {
template<typename T> class myClassImpl : public myClass {
static_assert(std::is_enum<typename T::myEnum>::value, "Subclasses of myClassImpl must provide the myEnum enum class");
class mySubClass : public myClassImpl<mySubClass> {
enum class myEnum {};
This wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. Someone could only have visibility to only the base class (not the derived class) and get back a myEnum from the return of some virtual function, where myEnum is an incomplete type. There is no mechanism for virtual types of any kind, including enums. Do you really want a virtual table looking up your type anyway?
Found related questions but not the exact variant so I am posting a very simple question.
A derived class inherits from a templated base, and I want to call the base function, how to do it?
template <class A>
class testBase {
void insert(const A& insertType) {
// whatever
class testDerived : testBase<double> {
// whatever
int main() {
testDerived B;
// Compiler doesn't recognize base class insert
// How do you do this?
Need public inheritance (default is private for class):
class testDerived : public testBase<double> {
A class has a default access level of 'private'. You basically inherited 'testBase' using private inheritance so that testBase's public interface is not part of testDerived's. Simple solution:
class testDerived: public testBase<double> {...};
I do wish C++ applied public inheritance by default though since that's generally a much more common case. Then again, we could just all use structs instead. :-D
class A {
void fa() {
class B : public A{
void fb() {
class C : public A, public B {
void fc() {
//call A::fa(), not B::A::fa();
How to call A::fa() from C::fc() function.
GCC warns withdirect base A inaccessible in C due to ambiguity, does this mean there is no direct way to refer base class members?
One option would be to create a stub class that you can use for casting to the right base class subobject:
struct A {
void fa() { }
struct B : A {
void fb() { }
// Use a stub class that we can cast through:
struct A_ : A { };
struct C : A_, B {
void fc() {
Where implicit_cast is defined as:
template <typename T> struct identity { typedef T type; }
template <typename T>
T implicit_cast(typename identity<T>::type& x) { return x; }
I just found the following info from ISO C++ 2003 standard (10.1.3)
A class shall not be specified as a direct base class of a derived class more than once. [Note: a class can be
an indirect base class more than once and can be a direct and an indirect base class. There are limited
things that can be done with such a class. The non-static data members and member functions of the direct
base class cannot be referred to in the scope of the derived class. However, the static members, enumerations
and types can be unambiguously referred to.
It means there is no direct way :(
I just compiled you code on , putting A::fa() is enough to call fa() from your C::fc() function.
void fc() {
The below is the link to codepad with your code.
I don't think you can do what you want. There is an ambiguity here: when you say A::fa(), it still doesn't tell the compiler which A object to use. There isn't any way to access class A. That's what the warning is telling you.
This seems like an awfully strange construct, though. Public inheritance should be used for is-a relationships. You are saying that C is-a A twice over? It doesn't make sense. And that suggests that this is either an artificial example that would never come up in practice, or you should reconsider this design.
You can use virtual inheritance to overcome such problem:
class B : virtual public A {
Now, you can use A::fa() simply in the child class C.
void fc()
However, I generally don't see any practical need to inherit class A again into class C, when B is already publically inheriting A. So, In your case, you can make it simple:
class C : public B {
If you want 2 instances for A. then the direct instance which you are intending can be made as an object of C:
class C : public B {
A obj;
Because, having a directly inherited A will not be usable in anyway. You cannot declare any pointer or reference to it inside the scope of C.
Going under the assumption that there is a legitimate reason for preventing derivation from some class, Bjarne gives a solution here for the answer to "Can I stop people deriving from my class?"
However, I thought of:
class final {
final() { } // line 3
class B : private virtual final {
class D : public B { // line 9
int main() {
B b;
D d; // line 14
When trying to compile, one gets:
foo.cpp: In constructor ‘D::D()’:
foo.cpp:3: error: ‘final::final()’ is protected
foo.cpp:9: error: within this context
foo.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
foo.cpp:14: note: synthesized method ‘D::D()’ first required here
Does my solution work for all cases? IMHO, it's better because the class final is generic and doesn't require foreknowledge of the class to prevent derivation from.
The solution is rather bad, it could be improved with CRTP (adobe does so) but it won't be a complete solution. The problem with your code is that another programmer that does not want to break your contract (she is a good person) but does not know that she should not derive from your class might want to lock others from deriving from her own class:
class YourSealedClass : private virtual final {};
class HerSealedClass : public YourSealedClass, private virtual final {
Note that there is not even malign intention, and the contract is broken. The improvement with CRTP would be:
template <typename T>
class seal
class YourSealedClass : private virtual seal<YourSealedClass> {};
This will catch the previous mistake, as her code would be:
class HerSealedClass : public YourSealedClass, private virtual seal<HerSealedClass> {};
And as she is not inheriting from seal<YourSealedClass> the compiler will catch it up.
The problem with this approach is that it does not block some stubborn (or malign) programmer from writing:
class MalignClass : public YourSealedClass, private virtual seal<YourSealedClass> {};
To become a child of the sealing class, and as such gain access to your own class.
In C++0x I believe (would have to recheck it) that they will raise the restriction that a template cannot befriend a template argument, and that will be a good step into a generic typesafe solution for a class sealer:
template <typename T>
class seal {
friend class T; // illegal in C++03
seal() {};
~seal() {};
class MySealedClass : private virtual seal<MySealedClass>
The advantage of this approach (currently unavailable) is that because the constructor and destructors are private only friends can instantiate the type. Because you are using the CRTP to inherit from an specific instantiation passing your own type as argument, you are telling the compiler that only you can actually instantiate your base, and all pieces fall right into place.
class D : public B, public virtual final