Regex vs. string:find() for simple word boundary - c++

Say I only need to find out whether a line read from a file contains a word from a finite set of words.
One way of doing this is to use a regex like this:
Another way of accomplishing this is using a pseudo code like this:
if ( (readLine.find("good") != string::npos) ||
(readLine.find("better") != string::npos) ||
(readLine.find("best") != string::npos) )
// line contains a word from a finite set of words.
Which way will have better performance? (i.e. speed and CPU utilization)

The regexp will perform better, but get rid of those '.*' parts. They complicate the code and don't serve any purpose. A regexp like this:
will search through the string in a single pass. The algorithm it builds from this regexp will look first for \y, then character 1 (g|b), then character 2 (g => go or b => be), character 3 (go => goo or be => bes|bet), character 4 (go => good or bes => best or bet => bett), etc. Without building your own state machine, this is as fast as it gets.

You won't know which is faster until you've measured, but the issues at stake are:
The regex implementation, esp. whether it needs to precompile (like Google RE2, POSIX regexes).
The implementation of string::find.
The length of the string you're searching in.
How many strings you're searching in.
My bets are on the regex, but again: you've got to measure to be sure.

Obviously not the second one (using 'find'), since you're running three comparisons (need to traverse the string at least 3 times) instead of one hopefully smart one. If the regex engine works at all like it should (and I suppose it does) then it will probably be at least three times faster.


Alternation in regexes seems to be terribly slow in big files

I am trying to use this regex:
my #vulnerabilities = ($g ~~ m:g/\s+("Low"||"Medium"||"High")\s+/);
On chunks of files such as this one, the chunks that go from one "sorted" to the next. Every one must be a few hundred kilobytes, and all of them together take from 1 to 3 seconds all together (divided by 32 per iteration).
How can this be sped up?
Inspection of the example file reveals that the strings only occur as a whole line, starting with a tab and a space. From your responses I further gathered that you're really only interested in counts. If that is the case, then I would suggest something like this solution:
my %targets = "\t Low", "Low", "\t Medium", "Medium", "\t High", "High";
my %vulnerabilities is Bag = $ {
%targets{$_} // Empty
dd %vulnerabilities; # ("Low"=>2877,"Medium"=>54).Bag
This runs in about .25 seconds on my machine.
It always pays to look at the problem domain thoroughly!
This can be simplified a little bit. You use \s+ before and after, but is this necessary? I think you need just to assure word boundary or just one whitespace, thus, you can use
or you can use \b instead of \s.
Second step is not to use capturing group, use non-capturing grous instead, because regex engine wastes time and memory for "remembering" groups, so you could try with:
TL;DR I've compared solutions on a recent rakudo, using your sample data. The ugly brute-force solution I present here is about twice as fast as the delightfully elegant solution Liz has presented. You could probably improve times another order of magnitude or more by breaking your data up and parallel processing it. I also discuss other options if that's not enough.
Alternations seems like a red herring
When I eliminated the alternation (leaving just "Low") and ran the code on a recent rakudo, the time taken was about the same. So I think that's a red herring and have not studied that aspect further.
Parallel processing looks promising
It's clear from your data that you could break it up, splitting at some arbitrary line, and then pattern match each piece in parallel, and then combine results.
That could net you a substantial win, depending on various factors related to your system and the data you process.
But I haven't explored this option.
The fastest results I've seen
The fastest results I've seen are with this code:
my %counts;
$g ~~ m:g / "\t " [ 'Low' || 'Medium' || 'High' ] \n { %counts{$/}++ } /;
say { .key.trim, .value }
This displays:
((Low 2877) (Medium 54))
This approach incorporates similar changes to those MichaƂ Turczyn discussed, but pushed harder:
I've thrown away all capturing, not only not bothering to capture the 'Low' or whatever, but also throwing away all results of the match.
I've replaced the \s+ patterns with concrete characters rather than character classes. I've done so on the basis my casual tests with a recent rakudo suggested that's a bit faster.
Going beyond raku's regexes
Raku is designed for full Unicode generality. And its regex engine is extremely powerful. But it looks like your data is just ASCII and your pattern is a typical very simple regex. So you're using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. This shouldn't really matter -- the sledgehammer is supposed to be just fine as a nutcracker too -- but raku's regex engine remains very poorly optimized thus far.
Perhaps this nut is just a simple example and you're just curious about pushing raku's built in regex capabilities to their maximum current performance.
But if not, and you need yet more speed, and the speedups from this or other better solutions in raku, coupled with parallel processing, aren't enough to get you where you need to go, it's worth considering either not using raku or using it with another tool.
One idiomatic way to use raku with another tool is to use an Inline, with the obvious one in this case being Inline::Perl5. Using that you can try perl's fast default built in regex engine or even use its regex plugin capability to plug in a really fast regex engine.
And, given the simplicity of the pattern you're matching, you could even eschew regexes altogether by writing a quick bit of glue to some low-level raw text searching tool (perhaps saving character offsets and then generating corresponding raku match objects from the results).

How to programmatically learn regexes?

My question is a continuation of this one. Basically, I have a table of words like so:
For my purposes, I do not need the terminal .1 or .2 for this set of names. I can manually write the following regex (using Python syntax):
r = re.compile('(.*\.\d+)\.\d+')
However, I cannot guarantee that my next set of names will have a similar structure where the final 2 characters will be discardable - it could be 3 characters (i.e. .12) and the separator could change as well (i.e. . to _).
What is the appropriate way to either explicitly learn a regex or to determine which characters are unnecessary?
It's an interesting problem.
X y
HAT18178_890909.098070313.1 HAT18178_890909.098070313
HAT18178_890909.098070313.2 HAT18178_890909.098070313
HAT18178_890909.143412462.1 HAT18178_890909.143412462
HAT18178_890909.143412462.2 HAT18178_890909.143412462
The problem is that there is not a single solution but many.
Even for a human it is not clear what the regex should be that you want.
Based on this data, I would think the possibilities to learn are:
Just match a fixed width of 25: .{25}
Fixed first part: HAT18178_890909.
There's only 2 varying numbers on each single spot (as you show 2 cases).
So e.g. [01] (either 0 or 1), [94] the next spot and so on would be a good solution.
The obvious one would be \d+
But it could also be \d{9}
You see, there are multiple correct answers.
These regexes would still work if the second point would be an underscore instead.
My conclusion:
The problem is that it is much more work to prepare the data for machine learning than it is to create a regex. If you want to be sure you cover everything, you need to have complete data, so then a regex is probably less effort.
You could split on non-alphanumeric characters;
That would get you, in this case, few strings like this:
From there on you can simply discard the last one if that's never necessary, and continue on processing the first sequences

Fastest Way in vbscript to Check if a String Contains a Word/Phrase from a List of Many Words/Phrases

I am implementing a function which is to check a blurb (e.g. a message/forum post, etc) against a (potentially long) list of banned words/phrases, and simply return true if any one or more of the words is found in the blurb, and false if not.
This is to be done in vbScript.
The old developer currently has a very large IF statement using instr() e.g.
If instr(ucase(contactname), "KORS") > 0 OR _
instr(ucase(contactname), "D&G") > 0 OR _
instr(ucase(contactname), "DOLCE") > 0 OR _
instr(ucase(contactname), "GABBANA") > 0 OR _
instr(ucase(contactname), "TIFFANY") > 0 OR _
I am trying to decide between two solutions to replace the above code:
Using regular expression to find matches, where the regex would be a simple (but potentially long) regex like this: "KORS|D&G|DOLCE|GABBANA|TIFFANY" and so on, and we would do a regular expression test to return true if any one or more of the words is found.
Using an array where each array item contains a banned word, and loop through each array item checking it against the blurb. Once a match is found the loop would terminate and a variable would be set to TRUE, etc.
It seems to me that the regular expression option is the best, since it is one "check" e.g. the blurb tested against the pattern. But I am wondering if the potentially very long regex pattern would add enough processing overhead to negate the simplicity and benefit of doing the one "check" vs. the many "checks" in the array looping scenario?
I am also open to additional options which I may have overlooked.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT - to clarify, this is for a SINGLE test of one "blurb" e.g. a comment, a forum post, etc. against the banned word list. It only runs one time during a web request. The benchmarking should test size of the word list and NOT the number of executions of the use case.
You could create a string that contains all of your words. Surround each word with a delimiter.
Then, test to see if your word (plus delimiter) is contained within this string:
If InStr(1, TEST_WORDS, "|" & contactname & "|", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
' Found word
End If
No need for array loops or regular expressions.
Seems to me (without checking) that such complex regexp would be slower, and also evaluating such complex 'Or' statement wold be slow (VBS will evaluate all alternatives).
Should all alternatives be evaluated to know expression value - of course not.
What I would do, is to populate an array with banned words and then iterate through it, checking if the word is within text being searched - and if word is found discontinue iteration.
You could store the most 'popular' banned words on the top of the array (some kind of rank), so you would be most likely to find them in few first steps.
Another benefit of using array is that it is easier to manage its' values compared to 'hardcoded' values within if statement.
I just tested 1 000 000 checks with regexp ("word|anotherword") vs InStr for each word and it seems I was not right.
Regex check took 13 seconds while InStr 71 seconds.
Edited: Checking each word separately with regexp took 78 seconds.
Still I think that if you have many banned words checking them one by one and breaking if any is found would be faster (after last check I would consider joining them by (5? 10?) and checking not such complex regexp each time).

Time complexity of regex and Allowing jitter in pattern finding

To find patterns in string, I have the following code. In it, find.string finds substring of maximum length subject to (1) substring must be repeated consecutively at least th times and (2) substring length must be no longer than len.
reps <- function(s, n) paste(rep(s, n), collapse = "") # repeat s n times
find.string <- function(string, th = 3, len = floor(nchar(string)/th)) {
for(k in len:1) {
pat <- paste0("(.{", k, "})", reps("\\1", th-1))
r <- regexpr(pat, string, perl = TRUE)
if (attr(r, "capture.length") > 0) break
if (r > 0) substring(string, r, r + attr(r, "capture.length")-1) else ""
An example for the above mentioned code: for the string "a0cc0vaaaabaaaabaaaabaa00bvw" the pattern should come out to be "aaaab".
NOW I am trying to get patterns allowing jitter of 1 character. Example: for the string "a0cc0vaaaabaaadbaaabbaa00bvw" the pattern should come out to be "aaajb" where "j" can be anything. Can anyone suggest a modification of the above mentioned code or any new code for pattern finding, that could allow such jitters?
Also can anyone throw some light on the TIME COMPLEXITY and INTERNAL ALGORITHM used for the regexpr function ?
Thanks! :)
Not very efficient but tada:
reps <- function(s, n) paste(rep(s, n), collapse = "") # repeat s n times
find.string <- function(string, th = 3, len = floor(nchar(string)/th)) {
found <- FALSE
for(sublen in len:1) {
for(inlen in 0:sublen) {
pat <- paste0("((.{", sublen-inlen, "})(.)(.{", inlen, "}))", reps("(\\2.\\4)", th-1))
r <- regexpr(pat, string, perl = TRUE)
if (attr(r, "capture.length")[1] > 0){
found = TRUE
if(found) break
if (r > 0) substring(string, r, r + attr(r, "capture.length")[1] - 1) else ""
find.string("a0cc0vaaaabaaadbaaabbaa00bvw"); # returns "aaaab"
Without any fuzzy matching tool available, I manually check each possibility. I use an inner loop to try different size prefix and suffix lengths on either size of the "jitter" character. The prefix is grouped as \2 and the suffix as \4 (the jitter is \3 but I don't use it). Then, the repeated part tries to match \2.\4 - so the prefix, any new jitter character, and the suffix.
I say not efficient because its evaluating O(len^2) different patterns, versus O(len) patterns in your code. For large len this might become a problem.
Note that I have multiple groups, and only look at the [1] position. The full r variable has more useful information, for example [1] will be the first part, [5] will be the 2nd part, [6] will be the 3rd part, etc. Also [3] will be the "jitter" character in the 1st part.
Regarding the complexity of the actual regex: it varies a lot. However, often the construction (setup) of a particular regex is vastly more intensive then the actual matching, which is why a single pattern used repeatedly can produce better results than multiple patterns. In truth, this varies a lot based on the pattern and the engine you're using - see links at the end for more info about complexity.
Regarding how regex works: just a note, this is going to be a very theoretical overview, its not meant to indicate how any particular regex engine works.
For a more practical overview, there are plenty of sites that cover just enough to know how to use a regex, but not how to build your own engine. - for example
Regex is what's known as a state machine, specifically a (non-deterministic) finite state automaton (NFA). A very simple, real world state machine is a lightbulb: its either on, or off, and different inputs can change the state its in. A regex is much more complex, (generally) each symbol in the pattern forms a state, and different input can send it to different states. So if you have \d\d\d, 3 virtual states each can accept any digit, and any other input goes to a 4th "failure" state. The end result is the end state after all input is 'consumed'.
Perhaps you can imagine: this gets vastly more complicated, with many many states, when you use any ambiguity, such as wildcards or alternation. So our \d\d\d regex will basically be linear. But more complicated one will not be. Part of the optimization in a regex engine is converting a NFA to a DFA - a deterministic finite state automaton. Here, the ambiguity is removed, generating many more states, and this is the very computationally complex process referenced above (the construction stage).
This is really just a very theoretical overview of an ideal NFA. In practice, modern regex grammars can do a lot more than this, for example backtracing is not technically possible in a "proper" regex.
This might be a bit too high-level, but thats the basic idea. If you're curious, there are plenty of good articles about regex, different flavors, and their complexity. For example:
There's basically two regex algorithm types, Perl-Style (with a lot of complex backtracking) and Thompson-NFA.
To determine which engine R uses R's svn repo is here:
*root repo:\R-exp-uncmin\src\regex
I poked around in there a bit and found a file called "engine.c" On first glance it doesn't look like a Thompson-NFA but I didn't take long to read it.
At any rate, the first link goes in depth into the complexity question in general and should give you a great idea as to how regex parsing works under the hood to boot.

Tokenize the text depending on some specific rules. Algorithm in C++

I am writing a program which will tokenize the input text depending upon some specific rules. I am using C++ for this.
Letter 'a' should be converted to token 'V-A'
Letter 'p' should be converted to token 'C-PA'
Letter 'pp' should be converted to token 'C-PPA'
Letter 'u' should be converted to token 'V-U'
This is just a sample and in real time I have around 500+ rules like this. If I am providing input as 'appu', it should tokenize like 'V-A + C-PPA + V-U'. I have implemented an algorithm for doing this and wanted to make sure that I am doing the right thing.
All rules will be kept in a XML file with the corresponding mapping to the token. Something like
<rule pattern="a" token="V-A" />
<rule pattern="p" token="C-PA" />
<rule pattern="pp" token="C-PPA" />
<rule pattern="u" token="V-U" />
1 - When the application starts, read this xml file and keep the values in a 'std::map'. This will be available until the end of the application(singleton pattern implementation).
2 - Iterate the input text characters. For each character, look for a match. If found, become more greedy and look for more matches by taking the next characters from the input text. Do this until we are getting a no match. So for the input text 'appu', first look for a match for 'a'. If found, try to get more match by taking the next character from the input text. So it will try to match 'ap' and found no matches. So it just returns.
3 - Replace the letter 'a' from input text as we got a token for it.
4 - Repeat step 2 and 3 with the remaining characters in the input text.
Here is a more simple explanation of the steps
input-text = 'appu'
// First iteration
character-to-match = 'a'
pattern-found = true
// since pattern found, going recursive and check for more matches
character-to-match = 'ap'
pattern-found = false
tokens-generated = 'V-A'
// since no match found for 'ap', taking the first success and replacing it from input text
input-text = 'ppu'
// second iteration
character-to-match = 'p'
pattern-found = true
// since pattern found, going recursive and check for more matches
character-to-match = 'pp'
pattern-found = true
// since pattern found, going recursive and check for more matches
character-to-match = 'ppu'
pattern-found = false
tokens-generated = 'V-A + C-PPA'
// since no match found for 'ppu', taking the first success and replacing it from input text
input-text = 'u'
// third iteration
character-to-match = 'u'
pattern-found = true
tokens-generated = 'V-A + C-PPA + V-U' // we'r done!
1 - Is this algorithm looks fine for this problem or is there a better way to address this problem?
2 - If this is the right method, std::map is a good choice here? Or do I need to create my own key/value container?
3 - Is there a library available which can tokenize string like the above?
Any help would be appreciated
So you're going through all of the tokens in your map looking for matches? You might as well use a list or array, there; it's going to be an inefficient search regardless.
A much more efficient way of finding just the tokens suitable for starting or continuing a match would be to store them as a trie. A lookup of a letter there would give you a sub-trie which contains only the tokens which have that letter as the first letter, and then you just continue searching downward as far as you can go.
Edit: let me explain this a little further.
First, I should explain that I'm not familiar with these the C++ std::map, beyond the name, which makes this a perfect example of why one learns the theory of this stuff as well as than details of particular libraries in particular programming languages: unless that library is badly misusing the name "map" (which is rather unlikely), the name itself tells me a lot about the characteristics of the data structure. I know, for example, that there's going to be a function that, given a single key and the map, will very efficiently search for and return the value associated with that key, and that there's also likely a function that will give you a list/array/whatever of all of the keys, which you could search yourself using your own code.
My interpretation of your data structure is that you have a map where the keys are what you call a pattern, those being a list (or array, or something of that nature) of characters, and the values are tokens. Thus, you can, given a full pattern, quickly find the token associated with it.
Unfortunately, while such a map is a good match to converting your XML input format to a internal data structure, it's not a good match to the searches you need to do. Note that you're not looking up entire patterns, but the first character of a pattern, producing a set of possible tokens, followed by a lookup of the second character of a pattern from within the set of patterns produced by that first lookup, and so on.
So what you really need is not a single map, but maps of maps of maps, each keyed by a single character. A lookup of "p" on the top level should give you a new map, with two keys: p, producing the C-PPA token, and "anything else", producing the C-PA token. This is effectively a trie data structure.
Does this make sense?
It may help if you start out by writing the parsing code first, in this manner: imagine someone else will write the functions to do the lookups you need, and he's a really good programmer and can do pretty much any magic that you want. Writing the parsing code, concentrate on making that as simple and clean as possible, creating whatever interface using these arbitrary functions you need (while not getting trivial and replacing the whole thing with one function!). Now you can look at the lookup functions you ended up with, and that tells you how you need to access your data structure, which will lead you to the type of data structure you need. Once you've figured that out, you can then work out how to load it up.
This method will work - I'm not sure that it is efficient, but it should work.
I would use the standard std::map rather than your own system.
There are tools like lex (or flex) that can be used for this. The issue would be whether you can regenerate the lexical analyzer that it would construct when the XML specification changes. If the XML specification does not change often, you may be able to use tools such as lex to do the scanning and mapping more easily. If the XML specification can change at the whim of those using the program, then lex is probably less appropriate.
There are some caveats - notably that both lex and flex generate C code, rather than C++.
I would also consider looking at pattern matching technology - the sort of stuff that egrep in particular uses. This has the merit of being something that can be handled at runtime (because egrep does it all the time). Or you could go for a scripting language - Perl, Python, ... Or you could consider something like PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) library.
Better yet, if you're going to use the boost library, there's always the Boost tokenizer library ->
You could use a regex (perhaps the boost::regex library). If all of the patterns are just strings of letters, a regex like "(a|p|pp|u)" would find a greedy match. So:
Run a regex_search using the above pattern to locate the next match
Plug the match-text into your std::map to get the replace-text.
Print the non-matched consumed input and replace-text to your output, then repeat 1 on the remaining input.
And done.
It may seem a bit complicated, but the most efficient way to do that is to use a graph to represent a state-chart. At first, i thought boost.statechart would help, but i figured it wasn't really appropriate. This method can be more efficient that using a simple std::map IF there are many rules, the number of possible characters is limited and the length of the text to read is quite high.
So anyway, using a simple graph :
0) create graph with "start" vertex
1) read xml configuration file and create vertices when needed (transition from one "set of characters" (eg "pp") to an additional one (eg "ppa")). Inside each vertex, store a transition table to the next vertices. If "key text" is complete, mark vertex as final and store the resulting text
2) now read text and interpret it using the graph. Start at the "start" vertex. ( * ) Use table to interpret one character and to jump to new vertex. If no new vertex has been selected, an error can be issued. Otherwise, if new vertex is final, print the resulting text and jump back to start vertex. Go back to (*) until there is no more text to interpret.
You could use boost.graph to represent the graph, but i think it is overly complex for what you need. Make your own custom representation.