function to convert wstring to const char * for SQlite - c++

as the question says, what would be a suitable template function to convert wstring to const char *? My program is written entirely in Unicode, however, SQlite requires const char * for most of their functions.
I found the method of doing this on msdn, here:, where name is a wstring.
// Convert to a char*
size_t origsize = wcslen(name.c_str()) + 1;
const size_t newsize = 100;
size_t convertedChars = 0;
char nstring[newsize];
wcstombs_s(&convertedChars, nstring, origsize, name.c_str(), _TRUNCATE);

You should use the *16 sqlite functions (e.g. sqlite3_prepare16) where you4 can give UTF-16 (i.e. wstring) as parameters. Don_t forget to use 2*wcslen as length of the string. If you insist on the const char* functions, you have to convert to UTF-8 first.


How to convert char to wchar_t*?

As the title states I have a simple char that retrieves a full path name of a file I am looking for and I need to convert it to const wchar_t. How can I achieve this? Here is an example of the code:
int main()
char filename[] = "poc.png";
char fullFilename[MAX_PATH];
GetFullPathName(filename, MAX_PATH, fullFilename, nullptr);
const wchar_t *path = fullFilename;
As you can see I am trying to get the filename to convert but I couldn't find a way to do so. What would be the most simple solution to this?
Your code doesn't show any need to convert between char and wchar_t. Most likely you don't actually need to convert the character types. If you want to use the wchar_t-friendly GetFullPathNameW, then just use wchar_t instead of char.
int main()
wchar_t fullFilename[MAX_PATH];
GetFullPathNameW(L"poc.png", MAX_PATH, fullFilename, nullptr);
const wchar_t *path = fullFilename;
return 0;
If you really do need to convert between wchar_t-based C-style strings and char-based C-style strings, then you can use the APIs MultiByteToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte.

How to convert char* to TCHAR in Unreal Engine 4?

For example,
const char* bytes = "somemultibytecharacter一些宽字符";
size_t n = strlen(bytes);
How to convert bytes to FString or TCHAR* in Unreal Engine C++ code?
I know I can convert with std::mbstowcs or MultiByteToWideChar, but I'm trying to find a UE4 alternative.
Just use FString(int32 InCount, const CharType* InSrc).
const char* bytes = "somemultibytecharacter一些宽字符";
size_t n = strlen(bytes);
const FString& Str = FString(n, bytes);
const TCHAR* Text = *Str;
Note, in my copy of Unreal Engine 4, TCHAR is wchar_t:
typedef wchar_t WIDECHAR;

unsigned char array to wide char array/string

How can/should I cast from a unsigned char array to a widechar array wchar_t or std::wstring? And how can I convert it back to a unsigned char array?
Or can OpenSSL produce a widechar hash from SHA256_Update?
Try the following:
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
unsigned char* temp; // pointer to initial data
// memory allocation and filling
// calculation of string length
wchar_t* wData = new wchar_t[len+1];
mbstowcs(&wData[0], &temp1[0], len);
Сoncerning inverse casting look the example here or just use mbstowcs once again but with changing places of two first arguments.
Also WideCharToMultiByte function can be useful for Windows development, and setting locale should be considered as well (see some examples).
To calculate length of string pointed by unsigned char* temp the following approach can be used:
const char* ccp = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(temp);
size_t len = mbstowcs(nullptr, &ccp[0], 0);
std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8");
const char* mbstr = "hello";
std::mbstate_t state = std::mbstate_t();
// calc length
int len = 1 + std::mbsrtowcs(nullptr, &mbstr, 0, &state);
std::vector<wchar_t> wstr(len);
std::mbsrtowcs(&wstr[0], &mbstr, wstr.size(), &state);
How can/should I cast from a unsigned char array to a widechar array wchar_t or std::wstring? And how can I convert it back to a unsigned char array?
They are completely different, so you should not be doing it under most circumstances. If you provide a specific question with real code, than we can probably tell you more.
Or can OpenSSL produce a widechar hash from SHA256_Update?
No, OpenSSL cannot do this. It produces hashes which are binary strings cmposed of bytes, not chars. You are responsible for for presentation details, like narrow/wide character sets or base64 encoding.

Problem: How to convert CString into const char * in C++ MFC

How do I convert CString into const char *? I have tried everything found on the internet but I still cant convert them.
Please help.
Thank you.
CString casts to const char * directly
CString temp;
temp = "Wow";
const char * foo = (LPCSTR) temp;
printf("%s", foo);
will print 'foo'
Newer version of MFC also support the GetString() method:
CString temp;
temp = "Wow";
const char * foo = temp.GetString();
printf("%s", foo);
Short answer: Use the CT2CA macro (see ATL and MFC String Conversion Macros). This will work regardless of your project's 'Character Set' setting.
Long answer:
If you have the UNICODE preprocessor symbol defined (i.e., if TCHAR is wchar_t), use the CT2CA or CW2CA macro.
If you don't (i.e., if TCHAR is char), CString already has an operator to convert to char const* implicitly (see CSimpleStringT::operator PCXSTR).
If your application is not Unicode, you can simple typecast to const char *. Use the GetBuffer() method if you need a char * that you can modify.
If your application is Unicode and you really want a char *, then you'll need to convert it. (You can use functions like MultiByteToWideChar().)
I know it's late, but I couldn't use the marked-as-answer solution. I search all over the internet and nothing worked for me. I muscled through it to get a solution:
char * convertToCharArr(CString str) {
int x = 0;
string s = "";
while (x < str.GetLength()) {
char c = str.GetAt(x++);
s += c;
char * output = (char *)calloc(str.GetLength() + 1, sizeof(char));
memcpy(output, s.c_str(), str.GetLength() + 1);
return output;
First : define char *inputString; in your_file.h
Second : define in yourFile.cpp :
CString MyString;
MyString = "Place here whatever you want";
inputString = new char[MyString.GetLength()];
inputString = MyString.GetBuffer(MyString.GetLength());
The last two sentences convert a CString variable to a char*; but be carefull, with CString you can hold millons of charcteres but with char* no. You have to define the size of your char* varible.

convert std::wstring to const *char in c++

How can I convert std::wstring to const *char in C++?
You can convert a std::wstring to a const wchar_t * using the c_str member function :
std::wstring wStr;
const wchar_t *str = wStr.c_str();
However, a conversion to a const char * isn't natural : it requires an additional call to std::wcstombs, like for example:
#include <cstdlib>
// ...
std::wstring wStr;
const wchar_t *input = wStr.c_str();
// Count required buffer size (plus one for null-terminator).
size_t size = (wcslen(input) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t);
char *buffer = new char[size];
#ifdef __STDC_LIB_EXT1__
// wcstombs_s is only guaranteed to be available if __STDC_LIB_EXT1__ is defined
size_t convertedSize;
std::wcstombs_s(&convertedSize, buffer, size, input, size);
std::wcstombs(buffer, input, size);
/* Use the string stored in "buffer" variable */
// Free allocated memory:
delete buffer;
You cannot do this just like that. std::wstring represents a string of wide (Unicode) characters, while char* in this case is a string of ASCII characters. There has to be a code page conversion from Unicode to ASCII.
To make the conversion you can use standard library functions such as wcstombs, or Windows' WideCharToMultiByte function.
Updated to incorporate information from comments, thanks for pointing that out.