MySQL Transactions using C++? - c++

How would I go about wrapping an amount of queries in a transaction in C++? I'm working on Ubuntu 10, using this file:
#include "/usr/include/mysql/mysql.h"
with C++ to interact with a MySQL database.
EDIT: Right now I'm running queries through a small wrapper class, like so:
MYSQL_RES* PDB::query(string query)
int s = mysql_query(this->connection, query.c_str());
if( s != 0 )
cout << mysql_error(&this->mysql) << endl;
return mysql_store_result(this->connection);
MYSQL_ROW PDB::getarray(MYSQL_RES *res)
return mysql_fetch_row( res );
// example one
MYSQL_RES res = db->query( "SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE 1" );
while( MYSQL_ROW row = db->getarray( res ) )
cout << row[0] << endl;

If you use MySQL++, you get RAII transaction behavior with Transaction objects:
mysqlpp::Connection con( /* login parameters here */ );
auto query = con.query("UPDATE foo SET bar='qux' WHERE ...");
mysqlpp::Transaction trans(con);
if (auto res = query.execute()) {
// query succeeded; optionally use res
trans.commit(); // commit DB changes
// else, commit() not called, so changes roll back when
// 'trans' goes out of scope, possibly by stack unwinding
// due to a thrown exception.

You could always just run START TRANSACTION / COMMIT / ... manually.
Another way would be to create a wrapper class which runs START TRANSACTION in the constructor, provides commit/rollback functions and, depending on your use case, does a rollback upon destruction.


Is this a safe implementation of a generic SQL execute function?

Suppose the following implementation of a generic function to query a database using MySQL:
bool execute(const sql::SQLString query, std::vector<sql::ResultSet*> &results)
// ConnectionPool holds premade connections to the database
sql::Connection* conn = ConnectionPool::getInstance()::getConnection();
std::unique_ptr<sql::Statement> stmt;
bool success = false;
stmt.reset( conn->createStatement() );
stmt->execute( query );
results.push_back( stmt->getResultSet() );
} while ( stmt->getMoreResults() )
success = true;
catch ( ... )
// Other catch() statements are not a part of this question
std::cerr << "Exception caught!" << std::endl;
success = false;
ConnectionPool::getInstance()::returnConnection( conn );
return success;
According to this example for retrieving results from a query, the ResultSet needs to be explicitly deleted. In regard to the implementation above, does this mean the vector of ResultSet pointers is safe to use (i.e., the objects they point to are not deleted by the deletion of the creating Statement)?
Also, am I doing anything unspeakably evil with this implementation?
The following implementation is safer. This is because the ResultSet is tied to the Connection, rather than the Statement. If the connection is closed, destroyed, or used for another purpose prior to the results being read, the ResultSet objects may become defunct and cause an abort condition. It is safer to let the calling function handle the Connection on its own.
Note that a better implementation would be for the sql::Connection* parameter to be std::unique_ptr< sql::Connection >&, but my personal needs dictate this cannot be done at this time.
bool execute(sql::Connection *conn, const sql::SQLString query, std::vector< std::unique_ptr<sql::ResultSet> > &results)
std::unique_ptr<sql::Statement> stmt;
bool success = false;
stmt.reset( conn->createStatement() );
stmt->execute( query );
results.emplace_back( stmt->getResultSet() );
} while ( stmt->getMoreResults() )
success = true;
catch ( ... )
// Other catch() statements are not a part of this question
std::cerr << "Exception caught!" << std::endl;
success = false;
return success;

How to declare an empty rowset properly with SOCI?

Imagine that I have the following function. In case of invalid parameters or exception, the function has to exit with an empty rowset.
rowset<row> SelectAllFromTable(string tableName)
session sql(odbc, "...");
// if parameters are not valid -> return empty rowset<row>
if (tableName == "")
// query that returns 0 result
rowset<row> res = (sql.prepare << "SELECT ID FROM T1 WHERE ID = -9999");
return res;
string query = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName;
rowset<row> rs = sql.prepare << query;
return rs;
catch (exception const &e)
cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << endl;
// query that returns 0 result
rowset<row> res = (sql.prepare << "SELECT ID FROM T1 WHERE ID = -9999");
return res;
// query that returns 0 result
rowset<row> res = (sql.prepare << "SELECT ID FROM T1 WHERE ID = -9999");
return res;
The solution I wrote above works but my question is : Is there a better way to return an empty rowset with SOCI ?
Since the documentation hasn't much to offer to this I looked into the rowset Header: There is no default constructor for it and no public method to set the iterators, ergo you can't get an empty rowset by yourself.
Despite why don't you use exceptions which are just perfect for that case. Just don't catch the soci_error exception, then the caller SelectAllFromTable could catch it. This would have many advantages:
The caller would know if there is really no data in the table or there is no table
The caller could know why he can't use the table (misspelled or security reasons)
The caller could know if there are other troubles and take action or if not, rethrow it, so his caller might can.

Is the return of last_insert_id always correct?

If I have the 2 following functions:
int AccessDb::InsertColValue(string tableName, string col, string val)
sql::Statement *stmt;
bool ret;
if ((nomTable != "") && (col != "") && (val != ""))
string query = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + "(" + col + ") values (";
query += val + ");";
stmt = con->createStatement();
ret = stmt->execute(query);
delete stmt;
return 0;
catch (sql::SQLException &e)
return -1;
long AccessDb::LastInsertId()
sql::Statement *stmt;
sql::ResultSet *res;
string query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS LAST_ID";
stmt = con->createStatement();
res = stmt->executeQuery(query);
delete stmt;
long lastId;
while (res->next())
lastId = res->getInt("LAST_ID");
return lastId;
catch (sql::SQLException &e)
return -1;
Can I be sure that the return of LastInsertId() will always give me the correct id if I write the following lines and if the id is auto generated by the database?
AccessDb adb; // initialize the connexion with the db
int ret = adb.InsertColValue("people", "name", "John");
if (ret == 0)
long lastId = adb.LastInsertId();
If the previous code is called somewhere else at the same time, can I have a wrong value in my lastId variable ? If yes, do I have to use locks and unlocks on my table to avoid that or another solution ?
Here's what the docs says:
The ID that was generated is maintained in the server on a
per-connection basis. This means that the value returned by the
function to a given client is the first AUTO_INCREMENT value generated
for most recent statement affecting an AUTO_INCREMENT column by that
client. This value cannot be affected by other clients, even if they
generate AUTO_INCREMENT values of their own. This behavior ensures
that each client can retrieve its own ID without concern for the
activity of other clients, and without the need for locks or
So, unless your own code on the client is sharing a connection between several threads (Which it looks like you're not, since there are no mutexes or locks in your code) you can be sure SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() isn't mixed up with any other connection or client.
I can't find the docs for the C++ mysql library but verify what the return value of ret = stmt->execute(query); in your InsertColValue() function means, such that you're sure the only possible way that you fail to insert anything is when an exception is thrown.

How do I bind a variable to a prepared statement with the SOCI libary?

Currently my application only supports SQLite databases, but I would like to support both SQLite and MySQL databases, so I'm testing out the SOCI library to see if it does what I need. However, despite the examples and documentation, I can't figure out how SOCI handles prepared statements.
When using the SQLite C API, you prepare statement:
sqlite3_stmt* statement;
sqlite3_prepare_v2( database_handle_pointer,
"SELECT * FROM table WHERE user_id=:id;",
And later you bind a value to the :id place holder, execute the statement and step through the results:
const sqlite3_int64 user_id = some_function_that_returns_a_user_id();
const int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index( statement, ":id" );
sqlite3_bind_int64( statement, index, user_id );
while ( sqlite3_step( statement ) == SQLITE_ROW )
// Do something with the row
How do I do this with SOCI? It looks like the prepare and bind concepts are not separated like with the native SQLite API. Does the bind have to happen during the prepare using soci::use()?
Update 1: In case I'm not explaining the question well enough: Here's a small, working, C++ example using the SQLite C API. If I could see this re-implemented using SOCI, it would answer the question.
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <iostream>
// Tables and data
const char* table = "CREATE TABLE test ( user_id INTEGER, name CHAR );";
const char* hank = "INSERT INTO test (user_id,name) VALUES(1,'Hank');";
const char* bill = "INSERT INTO test (user_id,name) VALUES(2,'Bill');";
const char* fred = "INSERT INTO test (user_id,name) VALUES(3,'Fred');";
// Create a SQLite prepared statement to select a user from the test table.
sqlite3_stmt* make_statement( sqlite3* database )
sqlite3_stmt* statement;
sqlite3_prepare_v2( database,
"SELECT name FROM test WHERE user_id=:id;",
-1, &statement, NULL );
return statement;
// Bind the requested user_id to the prepared statement.
void bind_statement( sqlite3_stmt* statement, const sqlite3_int64 user_id )
const int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index( statement, ":id" );
sqlite3_bind_int64( statement, index, user_id );
// Execute the statement and print the name of the selected user.
void execute_statement( sqlite3_stmt* statement )
while ( sqlite3_step( statement ) == SQLITE_ROW )
std::cout << sqlite3_column_text( statement, 0 ) << "\n";
int main()
// Create an in-memory database.
sqlite3* database;
if ( sqlite3_open( ":memory:", &database ) != SQLITE_OK )
std::cerr << "Error creating database" << std::endl;
return -1;
// Create a table and some rows.
sqlite3_exec( database, table, NULL, NULL, NULL );
sqlite3_exec( database, hank, NULL, NULL, NULL );
sqlite3_exec( database, bill, NULL, NULL, NULL );
sqlite3_exec( database, fred, NULL, NULL, NULL );
sqlite3_stmt* statement = make_statement( database );
bind_statement( statement, 2 );
execute_statement( statement );
// Cleanup
sqlite3_finalize( statement );
sqlite3_close( database );
return 1;
The same program partially implemented using SOCI (Note the two stub functions marked as HELPME)
#include <soci/soci.h>
#include <iostream>
const char* table = "CREATE TABLE test ( user_id INTEGER, name CHAR );";
const char* hank = "INSERT INTO test (user_id,name) VALUES(1,'Hank');";
const char* bill = "INSERT INTO test (user_id,name) VALUES(2,'Bill');";
const char* fred = "INSERT INTO test (user_id,name) VALUES(3,'Fred');";
soci::statement make_statement( soci::session& database )
soci::statement statement =
database.prepare << "SELECT name FROM test WHERE user_id=:id";
return statement;
void bind_statement( soci::statement& statement, const int user_id )
// HELPME: What goes here?
void execute_statement( soci::statement& statement )
// HELPME: What goes here?
int main()
soci::session database( "sqlite3", ":memory:" );
database << table;
database << hank;
database << bill;
database << fred;
soci::statement statement = make_statement( database );
bind_statement( statement, 2 );
execute_statement( statement );
Update 2: I ended up ditching SOCI when I found the cppdb library. Unlike SOCI, it is just a very thin wrapper around the native C APIs, which suits my needs at this time.
The documentation explains how to use prepared statements with parameters:
int user_id;
string name;
statement st = (database.prepare << "SELECT name FROM test WHERE user_id = :id",
user_id = 1;
Please note that the lifetime of the user_id and name variables must be at least as long as that of st.

How to send C++ and mysql dynamic mysql queries

Working with Visual Studio, Windows 7 and mysql.h library.
What I want to do is send a MySQL query like this:
mysql_query(conn, "SELECT pass FROM users WHERE name='Leo Tolstoy'");
The only thing I can't get working is sending a query where the name would be not a constant as it's shown above, but a variable taken from a text field or anything else. So how should I work with a variable instead of a constant?
Hope I made my question clear.
Use a prepared statement, which lets you parameterize values, similar to how functions let you parameterize variables in statement blocks. If using MySQL Connector/C++:
// use std::unique_ptr, boost::shared_ptr, or whatever is most appropriate for RAII
// Connector/C++ requires boost, so
std::unique_ptr<sql::Connection> db;
std::unique_ptr<sql::PreparedStatement> getPassword
std::unique_ptr<sql::ResultSet> result;
std::string name = "Nikolai Gogol";
std::string password;
getPassword = db->prepareStatement("SELECT pass FROM users WHERE name=? LIMIT 1");
getPassword->setString(1, name);
result = getPassword->execute();
if (result->first()) {
password = result->getString("pass");
} else {
// no result
// smart pointers will handle deleting the sql::* instances
Create classes to handle database access and wrap that in a method, and the rest of the application doesn't even need to know that a database is being used.
If you really want to use the old C API for some reason:
MYSQL *mysql;
const my_bool yes=1, no=0;
const char* getPassStmt = "SELECT password FROM users WHERE username=? LIMIT 1";
MYSQL_STMT *getPassword;
MYSQL_BIND getPassParams;
MYSQL_BIND result;
std::string name = "Nikolai Gogol";
std::string password;
if (! (getPassword = mysql_stmt_init(mysql))) {
// error: couldn't allocate space for statement
if (mysql_stmt_prepare(getPassword, getPassStmt, strlen(getPassStmt))) {
/* error preparing statement; handle error and
return early or throw an exception. RAII would make
this easier.
} else {
unsigned long nameLength = name.size();
memset(&getPassParams, 0, sizeof(getPassParams));
getPassParams.buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
getPassParams.buffer = (char*) name.c_str();
getPassParams.length = &nameLength;
if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(getPassword, &getPassParams)) {
/* error binding param */
} else if (mysql_stmt_execute(getPassword)) {
/* error executing query */
} else {
// for mysql_stmt_num_rows()
if (mysql_stmt_num_rows(getPassword)) {
unsigned long passwordLength=0;
memset(&result, 0, sizeof(result));
result.length = &passwordLength;
mysql_stmt_bind_result(getPassword, &result);
if (passwordLength > 0) {
result.buffer = new char[passwordLength+1];
memset(result.buffer, 0, passwordLength+1);
result.buffer_length = passwordLength+1;
if (mysql_stmt_fetch_column(getPassword, &result, 0, 0)) {
} else {
password = static_cast<const char*>(result.buffer);
} else {
// no result
cerr << "No user '" << name << "' found." << endl;
As you see, Connector/C++ is simpler. It's also less error prone; I probably made more mistakes using the C API than Connector/C++.
See also:
Developing Database Applications Using MySQL Connector/C++
Connector C++ in the MySQL Forge wiki
Wouldn't you just build the query-string, using sprint or concatenating strings or whatever, so that by the time it gets to MySQL, MySQL just sees the SQL and has no idea where the constant came from? Or am I missing something?
here is an example:
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/// ...
string name_value = "Leo Tolstoy";
ostringstream strstr;
strstr << "SELECT pass FROM users WHERE name='" << name_value << "'";
string str = strstr.str();
mysql_query(conn, str.c_str());