Django url pattern to retrieve query string parameters - django

I was about ready to start giving a jqgrid in a django app greater functionality (pagination, searching, etc). In order to do this it looks as though jqgrid sends its parameters in the GET to the server. I plan to write an urlpattern to pull out the necessary stuff (page number, records per page, search term, etc) so I can pass it along to my view to return the correct rows to the grid. Has anyone out there already created this urlpattern I am in search of?
Thanks much.

The answer to this was simpler than I realized. As stated in Chapter 7 of the djangobook in the section titled "Query string parameters" one can simply do something as follows, where "someParam" is the parameter in the query string you want to retrieve. However, Django is designed to be clean in that address bar at the top of the page so you should only use this option if you must.
The query string might look something like this.
The view might look like this.
def someView(request):
if 'someParam' in request.GET and request.GET['someParam']:
someParam = request.GET['someParam']
Hopefully this is of some help to someone else down the road.


How to pass a parameter date to url dispatcher but as named parameter

I've been reading lots of tutorials and stackoverflow questions, but I haven't found how to do this. I need to pass a parameter of type Date in a GET call on the URL.
I know it sounds easy, but I'm new to Django and what I have found is mostly something like this:
Django url that captures yyyy-mm-dd date
All those answers solve the issue if I want to have an URL like
That is great if I want to write an url for a blog or website, but I'm doing it for an endpoint, and in my case, I need something like this
So, I need to capture a parameter (hopefully named created_at_gte) with the value 2020-02-01 (It will awesome if I could capture that immediately as a Date object, but I'm fine with a string)
So, my questions are:
1.- It will be enough to create a group like this
url(r'^my-endpoint/(?P<created_at_gte>[(\d{2})[/.-](\d{2})[/.-](\d{4})]{4})/$', views.my_view),
Note_: by the way, the previous one is not working, if someone knows why it'll greatly appreciate it.
2.-The endpoint needs two parameters: created_at_gte and created_at_lte. How can I handle this? Do I need to add two url's to the url pattern?
I'm using Django 1.11 and Python 2.7. Cannot use other versions.
Query parameters aren't part of the URL matching behavior, so unfortunately your requirement to handle them as query parameters instead of URL path elements means you have to do more on your own rather than relying on pattern matching to reject bad requests.
You can do what you want as long as your base URL pattern (^my-endpoint/ in your example) is unambiguous and you're willing to handle the possibility that the parameters may not be set or may be set to something that doesn't parse as a date in your view, but you won't get the regexp-derived guarantees or the ability to bind them to view function parameters.
Instead, you'll have to extract them from the request.GET QueryDict object. That would look something like this:
In your url patterns:
url(r'^my-endpoint/$', views.my_view),
And then in your views:
def my_view(request):
created_at_start = request.GET.get("created_at_gte")
created_at_end = request.GET.get("created_at_lte")
# you now have no guarantees about these values except that if not None they'll be strings
# remember to do something appropriate for None, empty strings, strings that aren't dates, strings where end is before the start, etc

API RESTful Resource Naming

I always have the doubt that you can see below when i need to create theresource URLs for a REST API. I wonder if some one can help me.
Let's suppose that i have two models.
User can submit his own posts and can comment his own and another posts.
Main resources URLs for User would be:
GET /users # Retrieve all users.
POST /users # Create a new user.
GET/DELETE/PUT /users/{user_id} # Get, remove and update an user.
Main resource URLs for Post would be:
GET /posts # Retrieve all posts.
POST /posts # Create a new post.
GET/DELETE/PUT /posts/{post_id} # Get, remove and update a post.
My problem come when for example i want:
Top 10 submitters (filter for a parameter(external link, discussion, all)). The URL should be:
GET /users/top?type=ext
GET /users/top?type=disc
GET /users/top # for all
Or maybe it should be:
GET /users?top=ext
GET /users?top=disc
GET /users?top=all
The same but with posts:
Top 10 commented post (filter for a parameter(external link, discussion, all)). The URL should be:
GET /posts/comments?type=ext
GET /posts/comments?type=disc
GET /posts/comments # for all
Or maybe it should be:
GET /posts?top=ext
GET /posts?top=disc
GET /posts?top=all
Any of above options are good for you or it should be another way?
I like to think of the REST URI as a model representation in itself.
So /users/top doesn't make a lot of sense but /posts/comments seems to be fine (as comments could also be a different model). But for your case, I recommend other set of query parameters as they're widely used for filtering & sorting requests. So in your case, I'd recommend something like:
GET /users?sort=ext&order=desc&limit=10
which would help me understand that I'm requesting 10 user resources which have been sorted for ext in the descending order. (you can even change it to type=ext if you want)
As usual; REST doesn't care what spellings you use.
One place you might look for inspiration is... stack overflow itself. Do these URI look familiar?
The API has pretty decent documentation, which will also offer hints at decent spellings to deal with paging and search ranges.
That said, IMDB takes a different approach - The Shawshank Redemption uses a straight forward "I am an element of a collection" spelling
But the top rated titles of all time? they appear as a chart
But i want to know if there is a standard according to #Hawkes answer or there is no standard at all.
No standard at all; just local spelling conventions. Which is, to some degree, part of the point of REST: the server can use whatever spellings for URI make sense, and the client just "follows its nose" based on its understanding of the processing rules for the media type and the data provided by the server.

Hierarchical URLs in Django

Is there a way to implement hierarchical query pattern in Django? As far as I know, the framework only allows to route to views by parsing URLs of a specific format, like:
/customers/{order} -> customer.views.show_orders(order)
But what if I need something like this:
/book1/chapter1/section1/paragraph1/note5 ->
where note_id is the id of the last part of the URL, but the URL could have different number of components:
Each time, it would point to the relevant part of the book depth depending on the depth. Is this doable?
I know there is this:, but I am wondering if there is another solution. This isn't ideal for me.
Django URLs are just regular expressions, so the simplest way would be to just ignore everything prior to the "note" section of the URL. For example:
url(r'^.*/note(?P<note_id>[0-9]+)$', ''),
However, this would ignore the book, chapter, paragraph components. Which would mean your notes would need unique ids across the system, not just within the book. If you needed to capture any number of the interim parts it would be more complicated.
I can't confirm this will work right now, but using non-capture groups in regular expressions, you should be able to capture an optional book and chapter like so:
url(r'^(?:book(?P<book_id>[0-9]+)/)?(?:chapter(?P<chapter_id>[0-9]+)/)?note(?P<note_id>[0-9]+)$', ''),
Use named groups to accomplish this:
url(r'^book(?P<book_id>\d+)/chapter(?P<chapter_id>\d+)/section(?P<section_id>\d+)/paragraph(?P<paragraph_id>\d+)/note(?P<note_id>\d+)$',, chapter_id, section_id, paragraph_id, note_id)
For those who really need a variable-depth URL structure and need the URL to consist strictly of slugs, not IDs, knowing all the components of the URL is critical to retrieve the correct record from the database. Then, the only solution I can think of is using:
url(r'^.*/$',, name='show')
and then parsing the content of the URL to get the individual components after retrieving the URL in the view using the request.path call. This doesn't sound ideal, but it is a way to accomplish it.

Django documentation, part3 understanding problems

I read the documentation of Django but now I am at a point where I need some explanation. It is on this site and I understand the views but I really don't get how the urls work. It looks pretty cryptic and confusing to me. Can anybody explain to me how the urls work and what their purpose is?
Your file is virtual. They do it this way so you don't need to worry about a static url to By using this number as a regular expression /(d+) you can keep it dynamic so one url with this regular expression can be millions of different polls.
when the url is requested that regular expression number (whether it's 1 or 13352) is sent to the view which then says, I need to query the database for a Poll that has a PrimaryKey (PK) of whatever this number is. If it's found the Poll object is sent to the template by the view. The template then displays all the data in the poll object.
The bottom line is using something like this you can have one line for a url which is essentially millions of different urls. I use this same format for a movies website I'm creating I follow the same structure for Stars, Movies and blogs. Essentially three lines of code has created urls for 10,000 pages or so.
There is a dedicated Django documentation page for that:
Maybe it will help you?

Regular expression for URL filter that makes it hard to read the filterd URL

I want to insert a URL filter and I would like the URL to be hard to dechiffre.
For example .*porn\.* in a way maybe that it uses the ASCII code for the letters in hex form .
Of course, the example is obvious and I definately will leave that one as it is ;)
But for the others I would like them to be hard to read!
You can use the $_GET function in PHP to pull an ID out of the URL and display it that way, similar to Youtube with their "watch?v=". I recently did one using "?id=49" (I only have a few pages ATM, I will have about 70 soon). What I did is use a database with a song_id to index the information. I use the same basic layout, but you can use the ID to access information wrapped in PHP so that it doesnt get sent to the browser but will still display the page you want.
Or if you really want it to look crazy, you could use a database using the SHA() or MD5() function to encrypt it.
and your display will look like /page.php?id=21a57f2fe765e1ae4a8bf15d73fc1bf2a533f547f2343d12a499d9c0592044d4.