create an instance for a pointer in other scopes - c++

I have two methods to create an instance for a pointer.
But one of them will fail.
class A {
int num;
void testPointer1(A* a){
a = new A();
a->num = 10;
A* testPointer2(){
A* a = new A();
a->num = 10;
return a;
void testPointer() {
A* a1 = NULL;
testPointer1(a1); // this one fails
//cout << a1->num << endl; // segmentation fault
A* a2 = NULL;
a2 = testPointer2();
cout << a2->num << endl;
why is testPointer1 wrong?

The syntax is valid, but it doesn't do what you want because testPointer1() is operating on a copy of the pointer, not the actual pointer itself. So when you assign the address to the newly allocated object, it gets assigned to the copy, not to the original a1 pointer.
Because of this, the address is lost and you get a memory leak. Also, since the original a1 pointer was never modified in the first place, you attempted to dereference a null pointer, which is a bad thing.
I'd say testPointer2() is the better way to do it, but if you want testPointer1() to work, try this:
void testPointer1(A*& a)
a = new A();
a->num = 10;
The parameter type indicates "a reference to a pointer to A." That way, instead of a copy of the pointer being passed, a reference to the original pointer will be passed. A C++ reference is an alias to another object. So whatever you do on the alias, it gets performed on the original object.
Extra notes:
Note that the parentheses in new A(); are actually significant and their presence or absence makes a difference.
Also note that you must manually delete all new'ed objects after you're done with them, or you will get a leak. Typically you would wrap the pointer in its own class and implement RAII or use a smart pointer such as Boost's smart pointers or auto_ptr, for proper memory management and exception safety.
If you're going to set the value of num on initialization, why not create a constructor?
class A
A(int n) : num(n) {}
int GetNum() const { return num; }
int num;
void testPointer1(A*& a)
a = new A(10);
A* testPointer2()
return new A(10);
// auto_ptr example, see link in second note above
std::auto_ptr<A> testPointer3()
return auto_ptr<A>(new A(10));

The testPointer1 functions works on a copy of the provided pointer : modifications to a in testPointer1 are not reflected to the caller.
It's exactly like in this simpler example :
void testInt1(int i)
void testInt()
int i = 0;
// i is still 0
If you want the change in testInt1 to be reflected to the caller, you have to pass either a pointer or reference to i (and not just the value of i). The same solution can be applied to your specific case, though one could argue that pointers to pointer and references to pointer are not really a best practice.

Is this homework ?
This seems to be obvious:
formal parameters are saved on the stack & restored after method/function call.
then whatever f(type x), manipulating x inside the function/method won't change it's value outside of the function.
even if type is a pointer type.
the only way to make x change inside a function is to tell it is modifiable through references or pointer to type.
in your case :
A* a1 =NULL
call to your method won't change value of a1 outside of testPointer1
so a1 will still be NULL after the call.


Different behaviour of unique_ptr vs raw pointer

I am struggling to understand the difference in behaviour of a raw pointer and a unique_ptr. I have class A with a variable x and class B with a pointer to an instance of A:
class A
int x;
A::A(int y) : x(y)
class B
B(A &);
A *p;
B::B(A &a)
p = &a;
This behaves as I would expect:
int main()
A a(2);
B b(a);
cout << a.x << " " << b.p->x << endl;
a.x = 4;
cout << a.x << " " << b.p->x << endl;
2 2
4 4
Changing the raw pointer to a std::unique_ptr gives a different result:
class A
int x;
A::A(int y) : x(y)
class B
B(A &);
std::unique_ptr<A> p;
B::B(A &a)
p = std::make_unique<A>(a);
2 2
4 2
Have I fundamentally misunderstood something about unique_ptrs?
make_unique creates a fresh object, one that that unique_pt has exclusive access to. So in the second example you have two objects, not one and when you set change the value of a.x in the first object it doesn't effect the other object held by the unique_ptr.
A unique pointer needs to own whatever it points to. Your code can be made to work - just substituting unique_ptr type and leaving everything else unchanged (no make_unique). But it will have undefined behavior, since you’ll create a unique pointer to an object that is owned elsewhere.
To compare apples to apples, the raw pointer code should read p=new A(a);. That’s what make_unique does.
Try reading the following expression from the smart pointer version:
"make a unique A from a" (no mention of pointers!)
The result is a unique_ptr, but when reading the expression, read it as making (an object whose type is) the template parameter. The function parameters are parameters to the constructor. In this case, you are making an A object from an A object, which pulls in the copy constructor.
Once you understand that the smart pointer version is making a new A object (and your raw pointer version does not), your results should make sense.
The "unique" in "unique A" might be tricky to understand. Think of it as an object that no one else can lay claim to. It might be a copy of another object, but, taking the role of the unique_ptr, it is your copy, your responsibility to clean up after, and no one else's. Your preciousss, which you will not share (c.f. std::make_shared).
Note that a local variable (like the a in the main function) is the responsibility of the compiler, so it is ineligible to be the object to which a unique_ptr points (or any smart pointer, for that matter).

How can you re-assign (a.k.a set) class member that is unique_ptr?

class A {};
class B{
unique_ptr<A> upA;
B() : upA(make_unique<A>()) {}
void set(A a){
upA.reset(move(a)); //error
//upA.reset(a); //error
//upA = move(a); //error
How can you re-assign (a.k.a set) class member that is unique_ptr?
It depends on what you want to do. Do you want to invoke operator= on the object managed by upA? If so:
*upA = a;
Do you want to accept a new unique_ptr and take ownership of it? If so:
void set(std::unique_ptr<A> a){
upA = move(a);
unique_ptr<A> upA;
so this is a unique (smart) pointer to an A located somewhere - fine so far.
B() : upA(make_unique<A>()) {}
OK, we initialize our pointer to point at a new, dynamically-allocated A - looks reasonable.
void set(A a){
but now you want to point your smart pointer - which is responsible for managing the lifetime of the object it points to - at a local instance of A? That doesn't make sense for two reasons:
your smart pointer manages a pointer, and you're passing it an (lvalue reference to) a local object. You could convert this to a pointer by writing &a, but this still has the problem that:
your local variable a will go out of scope when the function returns, leaving your smart pointer with a dangling, invalid address to attempt to manage.
When you call B::set, what is supposed to happen? You need to decide what it's intended to do from the caller's perspective. Either:
// transfer control of the caller's A to B
void B::set(std::unique_ptr<A> a) { upA = move(a); }
// take control of the caller's allocated but unmanaged A
void B::set(A *a) { upA.reset(a); }
// not recommended - keep everything managed by unique_ptr if at all possible
// copy the caller's A into B's existing A
void B::set(A const &a) { *upA = a; }
// called as
// move the caller's temporary A into B's existing A
void B::set(A &&a) { *upA = move(a); }
// called with an explicit move
// or with a prvalue

Is the heap-allocated object of a class alive after its scope but before calling its destructor in C++

EDITED: Let's say we don't call explicitely the destructor of a heap-based object (delete A). If the pointer that points to "A" goes out-of-scope, is there a way the dynamic object remain accessible? for e.g., in the following code, can "a" be still alive after if-closing }?
class A{
void itsmethod();
int main()
if (true){
A* a = new A;
// how can I use dynamically allocated object?
EDIT: As it was responded, the simplest immediate way is defining the pointer outside of if statement, but I am just wondering if there is any other option to prolong lifetime of dynamic object? Accordingly what else "A" class should provide? For instance passing by reference? Or equipping the class with move constructor... These suggestions may be irrelevant, I would like to hear your feedback.
I wonder if the object "a" is still alive after if-closing }?
The object a, which is a pointer, is not alive after the closing } of the if statement. The object to which a points to is in memory but it is not accessible with the posted code.
To be able to access the object to which a points to, declare a before the if statement.
int main()
A* a = nullptr;
if (true)
a = new A;
if ( a != nullptr )
No and Yes: yes because dynamic memory is not freed up automatically. No because the code doesn't compile because a is scoped to if block and you are trying to use it from outside.
class A{
int x;
int main(){
A* ptrA = NULL;
// Everything declared here is accessible only here whatever being dynamic or static.
ptrA = new A;
ptrA->x = 10;
int x;
std::cout << ptrA->x << std::endl; // 10
delete ptrA;
return 0;
You must free up memory always when you're done with it otherwise it is a memory leak.
Above x is declared inside the if block on the stack so when end of if block is reached x will be destructed.
The object created by the new expression (i.e. by new A) will continue to exist.
The pointer a itself, since it has passed out of scope, will cease to exist as far as your program is concerned.
The net effect is that the dynamically allocated object is "leaked". It continues to exist after the block but there is no pointer or reference to it.
If you do something like
int main()
A *b;
if (true)
A* a = new A;
b = a;
a->itsmethod(); // diagnosible error
b->itsmethod(); // will work correctly
delete b; // destroy dynamically allocated object
b->itsmethod(); // undefined behaviour
then a->itsmethod() will give a compiler diagnostic (since a no longer exists) but the first b->itsmethod() will use the object created by the new expression. The second b->itsmethod() will compile, but yield undefined behaviour, since it accesses an object that no longer exists (due to the preceding delete b).
This happens because the pointer b continues to exist and, within the enclosed block, is assigned the value from a. So it then contains the result of the new expression.
No. The object 'a' will not be accessible anymore since its scope belongs to the if statement. However, there still is a memory address containing that object. This is why its good to do 'garbage collection' in programming.
Let's consider this demonstrative program
#include <iostream>
struct A
const char *s;
std::ostream & operator ()( std::ostream &os = std::cout ) const
return os << s;
int main()
A *a1;
if ( true )
A *a2 = new A { "Hello, Sepideha" };
a1 = a2;
( *a1 )() << std::endl;
delete a1;
return 0;
Its output is
Hello, Sepideha
Here the object a1 that has the type A * has the outer-most block scope of the function main.
The object a2 has the block scope of the if statement. It is alive only within this block.
At the same time there is dynamically created unnamed object of the type A pointer to which is assigned to a2 and then to a1. This unnamed object will be alive until the operator delete for a pointer that points to the object will be called. That is its live-time does not depend on the block scope of the if statement.
Because the pointer a1 points to this unnamed object then the pointer can be used outside the if statement to access the unnamed object in the dynamic memory.
After the statement with the delete operator this unnamed object stops to exist. But the object a1 is still alive.

c++ translate from dynamic allocation to references

I have following code:
class A{
virtual do_something() = 0;
class B : public A{
virtual do_something() override;
void use_a(A *a){
if (a){
delete a;
use_a( new B() );
How this can be translated to references?
Notice do_something() is not const method.
I thought it can be something like this:
void use_a(A &&a){
use_a( B() );
but someone told me this is bad style and must be avoided.
Rvalue references have move sematics. That does not work well when moving B as A.
Use lvalue reference:
void use_a(A &a);
B b;
or a template:
template <typename T>
void use_a(T &&a);
or, if it doesn't need to be a reference, a smart pointer:
void use_a(std::unique_ptr<A> a);
void use_a(std::shared_ptr<A> a);
Quite simply you convert from a pointer to a reference by providing a concrete instance, i.e. you dereference:
void f(int& i);
f(*(new int)); // do not do this!
The problem is that raw pointers in C++ are precisely that - they do not have automatic lifetime scope, and by converting to an lvalue reference, you have suggested a contract that the instance is concrete and should not be destroyed by the receiver.
int* ptr = new int;
delete ptr; // otherwise it leaked
Modern C++ uses RAII to provide controlled automatic lifetime management, and C++11 introduced unique_ptr and shared_ptr for handling pointers. With C++14 we also have the mechanisms to avoid raw pointers entirely.
std::unique_ptr<int> ptr = std::make_unique<int>(/* ctor arguments here */);
// now when ptr goes out of scope, deletion happens automatically.
See also
Only one std::unique_ptr should have the address of a given allocation at any time (it assumes ownership and will delete the allocation on exiting scope if it's not released).
For a ref-counted pointer:
--- EDIT ---
Based on the OPs comments:
Firstly note that
Pair p = { "one", "two" };
// and
Pair p("one", "two");
Pair p{"one", "two"};
are synonymous, in all cases they create a stack-local variable, p, by allocating stack space and calling Pair::Pair("one", "two") to construct a Pair object there.
Remember, however, that this is a stack variable - it has an automatic lifetime and will expire at the end of the current scope.
{ Pair p{"one", "two"}; list_add(list, p); } //p is destroyed
In theory, you can replace this with
list_add(list, Pair{"one", "two"});
But what matters is whether list_add expects you to keep the object around until you remove it from the list... That is often what a list-based function that takes a pointer is expecting. If it takes a non-const reference, it may do the same.
To answer your original post::
struct A { virtual void doSomething() {} };
struct B : public A { virtual void doSomething() override() {} };
void useDoSomethingInterface(A& a) {
int main() {
A a;
B b;
consider the following:
void list_add(IList& list, Pair& pair) { = list.head;
list.head = &pair; // << BAD NEWS
void badness(IList& list) {
list_add(list, Pair("hello", "world"));
void caller() {
IList list;
// list.head now points to a destroyed variable on the stack
C-pointers in C++ are raw, machine level pointers. They don't ref count. And C++ object instances have a fixed well defined lifetime: till the end of the scope.
However, if list_add is taking its data by value
void list_add(IList& list, Pair pair)
Then we'll be ok. The temporary Pair we create will have to be copied once to create pair and then copied again into the list, which is a shame but at least it won't crash.
your code is a bit unsafe.
first, what if a is null? you didn't check it.
second, what if a points to a stack-object or data-segment-object? you'll have unexpected behaviour (=crash on most of the OS).
if your object has to be dynamically alocated, just use std::shared_ptr
void use_a(std::shared_ptr<A>& a){

Mixing vector objects created on heap and on stack

I have a fairly simple question, but cannot wrap my head over it.
Consider I have this code:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class B
B(const int& val) {this->val = val;}
int val;
class A
A() {}
void Set(B& ptb)
void Set(const int& val)
ptBs.push_back(new B(val));
std::vector<B*> ptBs;
int main()
A* ptA = new A();
for (int i=0; i<ptA->ptBs.size(); i++)
cout << ptA->ptBs[i]->val << endl;
delete ptA;
return 0;
The output result is:
But I think there is memory leak is going on in void Set(const int& val) if I won't call delete with array elements, created by this method.
How can I say, which elements of std::vector have been created on heap so I could free memory in ~A() destructor like this:
for (int i=0; i<ptBs.size(); i++)
delete ptBs[i];
And do I have to delete vector elements, created via temporary new operation call at all?
Probably I don't see something very simple here, but I really need this functionality in my application.
PS. 10 and 38 are just a simple example. Set function can be called thousands of times with different arguments.
Fortunately, this line won't compile:
This is because B(10) is a constructor cast expression which creates a prvalue temporary of type B; a prvalue cannot bind to the lvalue reference B & parameter to void A::Set(B& ptb). This is the C++ language protecting you from the consequences of storing a dangling pointer to a temporary value.
It usually makes more sense for A to store its B items by value:
std::vector<B> Bs;
You should decide on whether you give ownership of the object of type B to the instance of A or not. Mixing both will not lead to anything good. Just imagine documenting this class: this class may or may not take ownership to the objects it holds.
Alternative approach that I do not recommend is to create a wrapper to pointers to B, that takes a pointer to B and a boolean flag in it constructor and the boolean flag will indicate if the pointer is to an object allocated on the stack or to an object on the heap.