Heap corruption? In MY dynamic memory? - c++

void longcatislong(int* cat, int &size, int &looong)
int* longcat = new int[looong*2];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i = i + 1)
longcat[i] = cat[i];
delete [] cat;
cat = longcat;
looong = looong * 2;
Soup guys. I'm /r/equesting some help with this problem I have with my code. Apparently something in my C++ code caused a heap corruption error and that something is delete[] cat. cat is a dynamic array of ints that was created with the new operator and a pointer. Why, then is it that when I use the array delete the whole program decides to get crushed under a steamroller and say I got heap corruption. I'm 12 and what is this?

You are passing cat pointer by value so whatever changes you do inside the function is not reflected outside. You need to pass the pointer by reference like int*& cat.

cat is not being returned to the caller of this function. You're only changing the local copy when you execute cat = longcat.
That means the parameter that you passed in to this function still points to the old address which you've very inconveniently deleted.
Either pass it in as a reference or do the old C double pointer trick and pass in its address.
You may also want to ensure that the first time you call this, cat has a valid value and that size and looong are compatible (looong * 2 >= size) lest you corrupt memory.
Have a look at the following code which illustrates your problem:
#include <iostream>
void longcatislong1(int* cat, int &size, int &looong)
int* longcat = new int[looong*2];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i = i + 1)
longcat[i] = cat[i];
delete [] cat;
cat = longcat;
looong = looong * 2;
void longcatislong2(int*& cat, int &size, int &looong)
int* longcat = new int[looong*2];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i = i + 1)
longcat[i] = cat[i];
delete [] cat;
cat = longcat;
looong = looong * 2;
int main (void) {
int sz = 0;
int lng = 10;
int *ct = 0;
std::cout << ct << std::endl;
longcatislong1 (ct, sz, lng);
std::cout << ct << std::endl;
longcatislong2 (ct, sz, lng);
std::cout << ct << std::endl;
return 0;
Its output is:
meaning that the longcatislong1 call did not successfully set ct on return. The longcatislong2 function, which passes the pointer in as a reference, does set ct correctly.
So let's say you have a valid pointer to 0xf0000000. When you call your original function, a new memory block is allocated, the data is copied across and the old block is deleted.
But the ct variable still points to the old block.
The next time you call the function, or even if you dereference ct elsewhere, you're in for a world of pain, commonly called undefined behaviour.
By making the first parameter a reference type, changes made in the function are reflected back in the variable that was passed in.

You should remove int* cat by int** cat in function args, and then replace all cat insertions
in function body by *cat even in cat[i] placement.
void longcatislong(int** cat, int &size, int &looong)
int* longcat = new int[looong*2];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i = i + 1)
longcat[i] = *cat[i];
delete [] *cat;
*cat = longcat;
looong = looong * 2;
And then when you call function call it like that:
longcatislong(&cat, size, looong);


Renaming variable yields different results

I wrote a simple function which finds the oldest person in an array of structs. The structure stores information about age and name.
#include <iostream>
struct Person
int age;
char name[16];
char* oldest(Person* arr, int len)
int max = 0;
char* ptr = nullptr;
Person elem;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
elem = arr[i];
if (max < elem.age)
max = elem.age;
ptr = arr[i].name;
return ptr;
int main()
Person list[3] = {
{20, "Alice"},
{70, "Bob"},
{25, "James"}
std::cout << oldest(list, 3) << '\n';
It yields correct result (namely I see Bob on the screen), but when I use elem instead of arr[i] in the line ptr = arr[i].name; (which is nothing but giving another name to arr[i], right??) the program suddenly starts giving some weird results (unprintable characters). I have no idea why it behaves this way.
For your reference, this is the code that doesn't work:
char* oldest(Person* arr, int len)
int max = 0;
char* ptr = nullptr;
Person elem;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
elem = arr[i];
if (max < elem.age)
max = elem.age;
ptr = elem.name;
return ptr;
ptr = elem.name; assigns to ptr the address of the first element of elem.name (because the arary elem.name is automatically converted to a pointer to its first element). elem.name is of course an array inside elem, and elem is an object with automatic storage duration, meaning it is created automatically in the block it is defined in and it is destroyed when execution of that block terminates. So, when the function return, elem ceases to exist in the C++ model of computing, and a pointer to part of it becomes invalid.
… which is nothing but giving another name to arr[i], right??
No, the statement elem = arr[i]; makes a copy of arr[i] in elem. It does not make elem an alternate name for arr[i]. That copy ceases to exist when the function returns.
If you removed the Person elem; declaration and, inside the loop, used Person &elem = arr[i]; instead of elem = arr[i];, that would define elem to be a reference to arr[i]. Then it would be effectively an alternate name for arr[i], and ptr = elem.name; would set ptr to point to the first element of arr[i].name.
(which is nothing but giving another name to arr[i], right??)
Not right. elem is a distinct object. It is not a name of arr[i].
but when I use elem instead of arr[i] in the line ptr = arr[i].name; ... the program suddenly starts giving some weird results
With that change, you are returning a pointer to (a member of) an automatic variable. When the function returns, the automatic variable is destroyed and the returned pointer will be invalid. When you indirect through the invalid pointer and attempt to access deallocated memory, the beahviour of the program is undefined.

Why does the last sr5 object not occupy memory with overloaded new operator?

When I run this program sr1, sr2, sr3, sr4 objects are created and values are assigned to corresponding variables. But in sr5 object, the name remains blank while the roll_no percentage shows the correct value.
When change the value of
int MAX = 5;
int MAX = 6;
everything works fine.
Here is my code:
const int MAX = 5;
const int FREE = 0;
const int OCCUPIED = 1;
int flag = 0;
using namespace std;
void warning()
cout<<"\n------All memory occupied------"<<endl;
class student_rec
char name[25];
int roll_no;
float percentage;
student_rec(char *n, int r, float per)
strcpy(name, n);
roll_no = r;
percentage = per;
void set_rec(char *n, int r, float per)
strcpy(name, n);
roll_no = r;
percentage = per;
void show_rec()
cout<<"Name= "<<name<<endl;
cout<<"Roll number= "<<roll_no<<endl;
cout<<"Percentage= "<<percentage<<endl;
void *operator new (size_t sz);
void operator delete (void *d);
struct memory_store
student_rec obj;
int status;
memory_store *m = NULL;
void *student_rec::operator new (size_t sz)
int i;
if(flag == 0)
m = (memory_store *) malloc(sz * MAX);
if(m == NULL)
for(i=0; i<MAX; i++)
m[i].status = FREE;
flag = 1;
m[0].status = OCCUPIED;
return &m[0].obj;
for(i=0; i<MAX; i++)
if(m[i].status == FREE)
m[i].status = OCCUPIED;
return &m[i].obj;
void student_rec::operator delete (void *d)
if(d == NULL)
for(int i=0; i<MAX; i++)
if(d == &m[i].obj)
m[i].status = FREE;
strcpy(m[i].obj.name, "");
m[i].obj.roll_no = 0;
m[i].obj.percentage = 0.0;
int main()
student_rec *sr1, *sr2, *sr3, *sr4, *sr5, *sr6, *sr7;
sr1 = new student_rec("sandeep", 21, 78);
sr2 = new student_rec("sachin", 21, 78);
sr3 = new student_rec("sapna", 21, 78);
sr4 = new student_rec("vipin", 21, 78);
sr5 = new student_rec("niraj", 21, 78);
sr6 = new student_rec; // error all memory occupied.
return 0;
I run this code on linux machine.
This is terrible code. It is totally unaware of the C++ object model. Forget it and start with a good introductory book, that explains the object lifecycle, and how to properly create new objects.
More explanations about what goes wrong: flaw 1
The problem is in student_rec::operator new (). This line:
m = (memory_store *) malloc(sz * MAX);
let you think that m points to some valid array of memory_store objects. Unfortunately, the C malloc() is used to allocate raw memory. There are thus no valid objects in that memory. Otherwise said, the objects pointed to by m are in an unknown dirty state.
Later, the line
m[i].status = FREE;
handles the objects pointed by m as if they were already valid. This is undefined behavior. If you don't allocate objects the C++ way (e.g. new instead of malloc() ) you would first need to create them with a placement new.
Now for your simple object trivial object this will not cause too many damages. There's yet another flaw.
Even more explanations about what goes wrong: fatal flaw 2
There is a second serious problem: malloc only allocates sz * MAX bytes. As the operator is overloaded for student_rec, it will be called with sz being sizeof(student_rec). But your code assumes that it is sizeof(memory_store), so that the allocated memory is at least sizeof(int)*n bytes too short !!
This is why increasing MAX (and thus allocating more memory than needed for your 5 objects) seems to work.
Other remarks
Using global variables as you did, exposing m to the outside world, is very dangerous and error prone. Suppose that in some other functions you'd like to use a local variable m, but forget to declare it; you could corrupt your data structure much faster than you'd expect ! You'd better make it a private static member of student_rec.
Forget about fixed char arrays for storing C strings. If a name would be longer than expected, you'd get another serious problem that is difficult to spot (strcpy could result in memory corruption in such case). If you code in C++, take advantage of string in order not to worry about such details :-)
Stylistic remark: why not make flag a boolean and use true & false instead of 0 and 1 ?
Stylistic remark: The warning() function has a misleading name: warning() suggests that you issue a warning and continue. Why not giving it a self-documenting name like for example fatal_error() or warning_and_exit()

How can I prevent these memory leaks?

I met huge problem with memory leaks and I don't know where to put that "delete" to get rid of them. Below is part of my code, and there is a full one: https://pastebin.com/Wtk83nuH.
string* startowa(int& rozmiar)
rozmiar = 5;
string* tablica = new string[rozmiar];
for (int i = 0; i < rozmiar; i++)
tablica[i] = "text";
return tablica;
string* plusx(string* tab, int& rozmiar)
string tekst = "something";
string* tablica_3 = new string[rozmiar];
tablica_3[rozmiar - 1] = tekst;
for (int i = 0; i<rozmiar - 1; i++)
tablica_3[i] = tab[i];
return tablica_3;
string* minusx(string* tab, int& rozmiar)
string* tablica_3 = new string[rozmiar];
for (int i = 0; i < rozmiar; i++)
tablica_3[i] = tab[i];
return tablica_3;
int main()
int wybor = 1, rozmiar = 1;
string *tablica = startowa(rozmiar);
while (wybor != 55) {
cin >> wybor;
if (wybor == 1) {
tablica = plusx(tablica, rozmiar);
if (wybor == 6) wybor = 55;
else {
tablica = minusx(tablica, rozmiar);
// there were other "ifs" but its just a part of the code
for (int i = 0; i < rozmiar; i++)
cout << tablica[i] << endl;
delete[] tablica;
cin >> wybor;
return 0;
The memory leak is your least problem in that source code. In fact, you don't need heap allocations at all in your example.
Here are some fast improvements:
- use "std::string" instead of just string, I guess you are using "using namespace std"
- do not return a pointer to string, you can just declare a string and return it
- do not use a reference to an int as a function parameter if you are not returning it
- use const as much as you can
- replace "string *" with "const string&" if you are not returning it
- do not allocate string on heap (with new), instead declare it on stack
- use vectors
You can use this great site and Scott Meyers books for other C++ good practices.
To prevent memory leaks like that, avoid manual memory management. There are a lot of tools available to you.
For example, take your string array:
string* startowa(int& rozmiar) {
rozmiar = 5;
string* tablica = new string[rozmiar];
// ...
This should be replaced by std::vector. And since a vector keep track of it's size, you don't need to pass the size as reference:
std::vector<std::string> startowa() {
// ...
std::vector<std::string> tablica(5);
// ...
Then, your function that operates on the array should take the vector by reference to about copies, and return another vector. Since a vector already has a function that insert a new element, your plusx function becomes this:
void plusx(std::vector<std::string>& tab) {
std::string tekst = "something";
And your minusx function becomes that:
void minusx(std::vector<std::string>& tab) {
By the way, with a vector, you can completely remove your startowa function by replacing the call in your main by this:
// Was `string *tablica = startowa(rozmiar);`
std::vector<std::string> tablica(5, "text");
Since std::vector manages it's memory itself, you don't need to delete it anywhere.
If you don't want to use vector, you can alway use std::unique_ptr<std::string[]>. The only difference in you code would be to send tablica.get() to your functions, and use std::make_unique<std::string[]>(rozmiar) instead of new std::string[rozmiar]
The correct answer is use std::vector. For example:
vector<string> startowa(int& rozmiar)
rozmiar = 5;
vector<string> tablica(rozmiar);
for (int i = 0; i < rozmiar; i++)
tablica[i] = "text";
return tablica;
Note the return by value. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you're saving processing time by returning by reference. That vector goes out of scope and is destroyed at the end of the function. With a returned reference the best you can hope for is the caller receiving a load of garbage and crashing before any damage can be done.
A decent compiler will eliminate the copying when you return the vector by value, and if the compiler decides that it cannot, std::move will take care of that.
vector also knows how big it is, eliminating the need for rozmiar.
Now... What went wrong? Let's look at the code
int main()
int wybor = 1, rozmiar = 1;
string * tablica = startowa(rozmiar);
startowa allocated an array of strings and stored a pointer to the array in tablica.
while (wybor != 55)
cin >> wybor;
if (wybor == 1)
tablica = plusx(tablica, rozmiar);
plusx allocated a new array of strings, a pointer to which has been returned and written over the pointer returned by startowa. startowa's array is now effectively lost, leaked, as it is next to impossible to find again to delete[].
We would need to delete[] tablica; before making the assignment. Clearly we can't do this before calling plusx as tablica is a parameter, so we need to store a temp.
string * temp = plusx(tablica, rozmiar);
delete[] tablica;
tablica = temp;
But what if something unexpected happens and an exception is thrown? The code never hits the delete[] and BOTH allocations are lost. vector handles all this for you.
And back to the code
if (wybor == 6)
wybor = 55;
tablica = minusx(tablica, rozmiar);
Same problem and solution as above.
// there were other "ifs" but its just a part of the code
for (int i = 0; i < rozmiar; i++)
cout << tablica[i] << endl;
delete[] tablica;
One of an in-determinant number of allocations is released here. The rest are lost.
cin >> wybor;
return 0;

C++ Memory Allocation/Deallocation & FreeSpace Bug Error

I am practicing memory allocation and disk management with C++. I just all of the work.. it just looks and seem's a little too easy. I am not sure if my pointer and my allocation and deallocations are correct. My Total FreeSpace looks like it will work, but it looks too basic. I just need someone's programming experience. When I try to run this code it gives me some kind of Error.
Bug Error
Please DO NOT ADD any new Global Variable.
const int MMSIZE = 60136;
char MM[MMIZE];
//** Initialize set up any data needed to manage the memory
void initializeMemory(void)
//**increments through the POOL_SIZE
for (int a = 0; a < MMSIZE; a++) {
MM[a] = 'NULL';
// return a pointer inside the memory
// If no chunk can accommodate aSize call onOutOfMemory()
void* allocate(int size)
//******NOT SURE*******
int *p = new int;
*p = 5;
return ((void*) 0);
// Free up a chunk previously allocated
void deallocate(void* mPointer)
//******NOT SURE*******
int *p = new int;
delete p;
p = 0;
p = new int(10);
//Scan the memory and return the total free space remaining
int remaining(void)
//******NOT SURE*******
int free = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < MMSIZE; a++)
if (MM[a] < MMSIZE)
free += a;
int free2 = free - MMSIZE;
return free2;
This code looks unfinished for even a sample but
//** Initialize set up any data needed to manage the memory
void initializeMemory(void)
//**increments through the POOL_SIZE
for (int a = 0; a < MMSIZE; a++) {
MM[a] = 'NULL';// <=== this should not even compile as the single quote should only take one character like '\x0' or 'N'
should not even compile as the single quote should only take one character like '\x0' or 'N'
but post the complete module and i can help you more and maybe explain a few things.
Without discussing other aspects of your code (such as memory leaking etc), the specific error you are getting most likely comes from *int_pointer = 0xDEADBEEF; line. int_pointer is equal to 0, because int_pointer = (long *)allocate(sizeof(long)); and your void* allocate(int size) with its return ((void*) 0); always returns 0. So you are getting exactly that exception: attempting to write 0xDEADBEEF at address 0x00000000, which is a forbidden operation (there is some OS specific stuff at low addresses).

return pointers from function. Value not updated for one pointer

I have tried to obtain 2 pointers from a function and print it in main. the vague thing is one pointer seems to have recovered its values, while the other hasn't. And both the pointers, have the correct value inside the calling function, just before returning as well. Please tell me if you can identify any programmatic error that is preventing me from getting the right answer.
using namespace std;
double* readctrls()
fstream inputs;
int nol = 0,i = 0;
string line,temp,subtemptrans,subtemprots;
// cout<<nol<<endl;
string *lines = new (nothrow) string[nol];
double* trans = new double[nol];
double* rots = new double[nol];
trans[0] =float(nol);
for(int i = 0; i<nol ; i++)
// cout<<lines[i]<<endl;
temp = lines[i];
// cout<<temp<<endl;
for(int j = 0; j<temp.length() ; j++)
if(temp.at(j) == ' ')
subtemptrans = temp.substr(0,j);
subtemprots = temp.substr(j+1,temp.length()-j);
// cout<<subtemprots<<endl;
*(trans+i+1) = ::atof(subtemptrans.c_str());
*(rots+i) = float(atoi(subtemprots.c_str()));
// cout<<rots[i]<<endl;
// cout<<rots[2]<<endl;
int main()
double *trans,*rots;
(rots,trans) = readctrls();
// cout<<sizeof(trans)<<endl;
for(int i=0;i<trans[0];i++)
The value of Trans is written fine in the memory and is perfectly retained from the main(). But the rots is giving garbage values of the order (e^-42). Please help me here.
C++ is neither Python nor Lua.
You can't return multiple values from a function.
return rots, trans;
This is the comma operator - evaluates its operands and yields the last (rightmost) one.
(rots, trans) = readctrls();
Likewise, this assigns to trans only, rots will be uninitialized.
Solution: you can either return a struct containing the two pointers, or pass them by reference, or whatever...
struct Foo {
double *rots;
double *trans;
Foo readctrls()
// ...
Foo r;
r.rots = rots;
r.trans = trans;
return r;
void readctrls(double *&r, double *&t)
// ...
r = rots;
t = trans;
Other remarks:
Don't use raw arrays. std::vector<T> is generally preferred over T * in C++.
It's super wasteful to read the entire file just in order to count the lines, then read it once again to actually parse its contents. If you used an std::vector<double>, you could just vector.push_back(some_double); as you go along the lines, so you wouldn't have to walk through the file twice (you know, I/O is expensive, especially if the file is large).
You never delete the pointers that you allocate using new - here your program leaks memory.