Deploy Axis2 webservice on older Axis - web-services

i have deployed a web service on Axis2 .. the generated interface is .aar filem i am trying to deploy it on an older axis version that takes .wsdd files .. how can i do that ?
thanks a lot

Axis and Axis2 services are not compatible.
You will have to take your classes that you wrote for your Axis2 service, put them into an Axis project, and write the appropriate .wsdd file, and perform any other necessary code or configuration changes.


what are the advantages of using maven to generate a WS client from a WSDL?

My WSDL contains 20 web services and I have to generate a WS client to invoke those web services.
I started with wsdl2java to generate the sub then I developed the JSP files and servlets and it seems to work, I am using Axis2 with Tomcat 7 on Eclipse, but many developers use Maven to do the work so I wonder what are the advantages of using Maven to create the client ?
I am a newbie so can you please explain to me this point in a level that I can understand.
Maven itself won't do it for you, it may only be used to trigger generate code for you. So it does not matter whether you use ant or maven or gradle from command line or within eclipse - in the end you always call the same mechanism to generate the portable artifacts from the WSDL.

Apache ODE BPEL Deployment with a webservice (file transfer)

I'd like to write a axis2 webservice for deploying BPEL Processes on a Apache ODE.
At the moment I have two main issues/questions.
I wrote a simple WS that creates a file.
It works fine in eclipse with a integrated apache tomcat with axis2.
But if I run the service on the exact same server without ecplise it won't work and I get 'Unhandled IOException' Errors, although I have the handling implemented (otherwise ecplise would cry about it all the time).
EDIT: I solved it by not uploading the service.aar with axis2 but putting it in the /webapps folder.
How do I get access to the folder were I need to put the BPEL files?
Is it obligatory that the service runs on the same server as the ODE?
EDIT: Getting access to the folder on the same server is an easy one with 1.
How do I transfer files with a webservice?
Better: How do I implement it?
Regarding 2) you can use the deployment API exposed by ODE. This allows for transfering deployment units (zip files containing BPELs, WSDLs, DDs) via SOAP to ODE and starting the deployment.
The WSDL is available at http://.../processes/DeploymentService?wsdl, on the default installation that would be http://localhost:8080/ode/processes/DeploymentService?wsdl

Webservice, Axis & OSGI (knopflerfish)

I first warn you because I'm a beginner. So, I don't know if I'll be specific on all points. Here is my problem:
I have a wsdl file. Currently, I use Tomcat and Axis to deploy it. So for that, I use the wsdl2java tool of axis that generates me the "skeleton" of the webservice. And then I write on the generated files the code of the various methods of the webservice. Finally, I deploy the webservice on tomcat with Axis. Everything seems to work more or less.
The problem is that I want to deploy this webservice using the bundle axis of osgi (knopflerfish). But I don't know how to do it.
Should we use again the wsdl file and generate a code with a tool like wsdl2java but adapted to knopflerfish? or should I use the "skeleton" that I've created before with Axis and adapte it for osgi? And generally speaking, how can we use the axis bundle of knopflerfish?
To be honest, I do not find many things over internet about it. So that's why I write to the community :(
Thank you in advance for your help.
Found a article on for deploying a Webservice as OSGI bundles. This uses Eclipse Equinox as the OSGi container and Apache CXF as a web services framework and its deployed in Apache Servlet Container.Hope this meets requirement of depolying Webservices as OSGI service .

Using Axis to generate a web service implementation that calls another web service

I need to provide an implementation of a web service for which I have the WSDL, to run under Weblogic 9.2.
I aim to use the Axis (1, not 2) tools for this , having tried and failed to make it work with thw weblogic web service generation tools (due to an inability to set the authentication - see my other question here),
This web service needs to make calls to another web service (for which I also have the WSDL).
I can use the Axis tools to generate the client stubs etc.
But how do I do the two in combination? Is there a tutorial or other step by step guide? I have googled and found some mailing list postings, but they're about specific issues.
If someone's done it, could they share the relevant parts of their build.xml for this?
If I used the weblogic web service generation tools, there's a tool that in one go generates the skeleton implementation of the web service and the client stubs for the web service it calls - is there something similar in Axis?
Any gotchas if I just try to mash up the skeleton and client generation output from WSDL2Java?
Got this to work.
Used the Eclipse tools to build the client, then the service, allowing the second to overwrite the duplicate files from the first. We then had some issues with the client_deploy.wsdd file (see my other question How do I refer to a client_deploy.wsdd file that's in WEB-INF?) and with jar versions (needed to update the jars that Axis uses to newer version), then it just worked.
Speaking for axis2, you can create the client stub like this (I reckon axis1 is not much different):
/ -uri webservice.wsdl -p com.your.client.package -d adb -s -o output_folder_client
Once you have the client package you should be able to use it in your own webservice implementation by just importing it, creating a client instance and submitting requests.

How to deploy an Axis-generated soap service to an embedded Tomcat instance

I generated a Soap Service from a WSDL and now I need to deploy it to my existing application which uses embedded tomcat (I.E. I have a class which extends TomcatServeletContainer and a main class which instantiates that class and starts the server).
I see many examples for how to deploy an axis service to a standalone tomcat using a WAR, or a WSDD, but I don't see how to wire it together myself. I assume I have to define a servelet in the web.xml and provide some other glue. Any assistance or pointers to appropriate documentation would be most appreciated.
Have you been able to get this to work?
I've been trying to build a webservice (in a standalone war-file containing the axis jars (w/dependencies)+server-config.wsdd) using maven. I really don't want to make any calls to the AdminClient at all (meaning not to install Axis).
I've generated the server side sources from a WSDL using the axistools-maven-plugin, and everything seems to work ok until I have deployed the service. http://localhost:8080/myApp/services gives me the name of the service and two exposed methods. But clicking the wsdl link displays an Axis error message telling me "Could not generate WSDL! There is no SOAP service at this location".
Is it at all possible to build a standalone Axis webservice this way using maven?
Yes, you will need build your application the same way you would for a WAR but programmatically inform tomcat where you exploded war lives.
Everything else should be the same as the standard servlet spec.