I'm new to Prolog and I'm attempting to check if any element of the first list has a match on the second list. I think this will work recursively and I know that I have to use something like [X|Rest] to compare, then using that rest by calling the function again. The syntax does indeed stuck me, hence I am asking for help. I hope I was clear enough.
Edit: Oh, it's supposed to return false if there are no matching elements on the lists and true (can also terminate) if finds one match (at least, but one is enough, hence the suggestion to terminate, I believe you use ! for that?).
Here is a suggestion.
We recurse on the first list. The first definition is for the base case (first list empty). The second definition is for the case in which the first element of the first list is in the second one. The third case is for the remaining case, in which we have to examine the remainder of the first list.
common_elements([], L) :-
common_elements([H|T], L) :-
memberchk(H, L), !.
common_elements([H|T], L) :-
common_elements(T, L).
I'm new to Prolog, trying to sum up only the first elements of each list.
takeFirst([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]],R). --> R=1+4+7=12
It keeps outputting false and I don't understand what I'm missing here.
takeFirst([H|L1],R):- H=[_|_], L1=[_|_],!,takeFirst(H,L1,NN), R is NN.
takeFirst([HF|_],[K|L2],HF):- takeFirst(K,L2,NN), HF is HF+NN.
does anyone see what is wrong here?
Well your code is rather chaotic: you define a takeFirst/3 first (that probably should be the base case?). Next you define two recursive cases, but you somehow pass the head the list in the recursive call, etc.
Actually the problem is easy to solve. You first better redirect your takeFirst/2 to a takeFirst/3` with an accumulator:
takeFirst(L,R) :-
Next we consider a base case: we reached the end of the list:
In this case we reached the end, and so the value of the accumulator, the variable we pass that keeps track of the sum thus far, is returned as the result.
In the recursive case, we are given a list [H|T] and we are interested in the head of the head HH so [[HH|_]|T]. In that case we add HH to the accumulator and do a recursive call with T:
takeFirst([[HH|_]|T],Ra,R) :-
Rb is Ra+HH,
So putting it together we get:
takeFirst(L,R) :-
takeFirst([[HH|_]|T],Ra,R) :-
Rb is Ra+HH,
Something that was not very clear in your question is what should be done if there is an empty list in your list, like [[1,2,3],[],[7,8,9]]. The above predicate will fail: it expects that all lists have at least one element. In case you simply want to ignore these lists, you can alter your code into:
takeFirst2(L,R) :-
takeFirst2([[]|T],Ra,R) :-
takeFirst2([[HH|_]|T],Ra,R) :-
Rb is Ra+HH,
So we add a case where the list follows the pattern [[]|T], in which case we simply perform a recursive call with the tail T.
Based on the given above predicates, constructing a list of heads is not hard as well:
heads([[HH|_]|TA],[HH|TB]) :-
I am trying to write the following predicate in Prolog while not making use of append/3:
lastTwoReversed(List, ListOf2)
which succeeds exactly when ListOf2 contains the last and the second-to-last elements of List in that order (i.e. reversed).
However, I don't know where to start. Any help is appreciated.
You can write a simple recursive predicate with a base case pattern matching on a list consisting of two elements like so:
Since this is probably homework, I think it's best if you try to write the recursive clause yourself.
Simply use the built-in predicate reverse/2:
last_two_reversed([A,B|T],[Y,X]) :-
This will fail for lists with strictly less than two elements. A sensible thing to do would be to make it succeed using those two additional rules:
First of all, the predicate should fail or succeed with empty list or list with only one element??
In mathematical logic the predicate should return true with empty list and one-element list, because there are no last and second to-last elements to reverse.
So if you want to succeed with empty or one element list you should first start with :
(else don't write the above rules).
Next as base you should write:
and finally for list of length 3 or greater:
Keep in mind that we write [X,Y,Z|T] to specify for list with 3 or more elements so that doesn't match the previous rules.
Using prolog, I have to create a rule that determines, when given a list, if the first element of the list is equal to the last element of the list. Below is my thinking.
The Base Cases:
1) If The Parameter Is Not A List: Return False
2) If The Parameter Is A List But Empty: Return False
3) If The Parameter Is A List But Has One Element: Return False
The Recursive Step:
Recursively Going Through The List Getting The
First Element And TheLast Element Then Compare
fela() :- false. <-- Base Case One
fela([]):-false. <-- Base Case Two
fela([H]):-false. <-- Base Case Three
fela([H|T]):- H1 is H, H1 == T, fela(T,H1). <-- Recursive Step
Bellow Are Function For First, Last, Member
first(F, [F|_]).
last(L, [H|T]) :- last(L, T).
member(X, [X|_]).
member(X, [_|T]) :- member(X, T).
I am having trouble with my recursive step, I am unsure of how to store the first element, and traverse the list and obtain the last element, then compare the results for a true/false answer. Could someone help me out
Erik :)
Here's an easy one:
fela(L) :- first(E, L), last(E, L).
Stare at that for a minute and let it really sink in.
Actually, it would be right, but your last/2 isn't, simply traversing the list with no base case that will ever succeed. A correct last/2 would look like this:
last(L, [L]).
last(E, [_|L]) :- last(E, L).
I see a lot of confused ideas in your case analysis. For one thing, in Prolog, you don't explicitly return true and false. You simply match what you match and the rest is failure. When dealing with lists, you automatically inherit the base case of the empty list and the inductive case of an element and the remainder of the list. This isn't sufficient to implement fela/1 from scratch because you have no way of remembering what your first element was. So if you want to build it from scratch you'll need a helper predicate so you can keep passing the first element along. It's going to look like this:
fela([H|T]) :- fela(H, T).
fela(First, [First]).
fela(First, [_|Xs]) :- fela(First, Xs).
Notice that we've preserved the analysis of one base case, one inductive case for handling the list. This is the usual situation when processing a recursive data structure. first/2 is a good example of when you don't follow the rule, because you aren't interested in one of the cases. Building the predicate out of first/2 and last/2 lets you escape the case analysis problem altogether, and is (in my opinion) more often what happens in practice.
Now I want to single out some of your ideas here for further comment. First, H1 is H is definitely not what you want. is/2 is exclusively for reducing arithmetic expressions. You will always have a variable on the left and an expression on the right, or it isn't meaningful. You're trying to do some kind of assignment here, but even H1 = H is not helpful here, because while Prolog has variables, it does not have assignables.
H1 is H, H1 == T says, implausibly, that H is both the head of the list and equivalent to the tail. This isn't ever really possible, because the tail is a list and the head is an element. Even if you could craft a situation where that were true, it definitely wouldn't be interesting to this predicate. Your recursive step here is really strange.
Another problem with your case analysis, case #3 should be true. With [X], X is both the first and the last element of the list, so fela/1 should be trivially true for all one-element lists.
I would advocate additional study. I think you have some odd notions that a little more reading might correct.
I'm attempting to write a predicate to remove elements from an ordered list in Prolog. This is part of a homework assignment and I'm very confused about how Prolog's semantics work in general.
When I try the following function with the goal rdup([1,2], L). I get false. I've traced the goal and it looks like I'm not supposed to be building up the result list the way I am building it up with recursive calls to rdup. I'm not certain how I should be building up the result list. Here's the function:
rdup([H1,H2|T], M) :- H1 \= H2, rdup(T, [M,H1,H2]).
rdup([H1,_|T], M) :- rdup(T, [M,H1]).
Can anyone tell me where my reasoning is wrong or how one is supposed to build up a list recursively in Prolog?
Firstly, it's not functions.
It's predicates, they only say, what's true, what's not, and under what conditions.
Here are your program:
rdup([H,H|T], M) :- rdup([H|T], M).
rdup([H1,H2|T], [H1|M]) :- H1 \= H2, rdup([H2|T], M).
Now a little bit of explanation.
Firstly, what says "rdup(X,Y)"? It's not saying "Take ordered list in X, and put list X without duplicates in Y", but it says "This fact will be true, if Y is an list X without duplicates, in assumption that X is an ordered list". Notice, that we don't talk about "returning values" or sth like that.
First line says, that the empty list is a list without duplicates of empty list. Quite obvious, right?
Next line is basically the same, but with one element.
Third line says, that if we have list, which consists from two same elements H and tail T, then the ordered list of this list ([H,H|T]) is the same, as it would be with only one element H. That's why we have "M" in both predicates unmodified.
I hope you will analyse the last predicate on your own, Prolog is not as hard as it looks to be. Good luck!
Can someone help me find the error in these rules?
concat([], List, List).
concat([Head|[]], List, [Head|List]).
concat([Head|Tail], List, Concat) :- concat(Tail, List, C), concat(Head, C, Concat).
Trying to concatenate two lists fails:
| ?- concat([1,2], [4,7,0], What).
To fix your code, the way you intended it, you just need to transform Head into [Head] in your last call to concat/3 in your last clause. The problem was that you called your predicate with Head only as first argument, which is not a list.
Though, here are several notes :
[Head|[]] is equivalent to [Head]
your algorithm has a poor complexity, n! I believe.
with no cut inserted after your second clause, you generate infinite choice points through the call of your third clause with a list of length 1 (that hence calls your second clause, that then is ran through your third clause, etc... infinite loop).
Here is SWI-pl's version, to hint you towards good prolog recursion :
append([], List, List).
append([Head|Tail], List, [Head|Rest]) :-
append(Tail, List, Rest).
You can find other resources on recent posts here or in Learn Prolog Now! tutorial if you want to learn how to use recursion properly.
It can be done by using append.
concatenate(List1, List2, Result):-
append(List1, List2, Result).
Hope this helps.
Here is the concatenation between two lists rule:
concat([],L2,L2). concat([Head|Tail],L2,[Head|L3]) :- concat(Tail,L2,L3).
The implementation is very simple.
concatenation is nothing but appending the second list at the end of the first list.
Keep on adding until the first list runs out of elements. Now add the second list to it.
ap([H|T],L,[H|Z]):- ap(T,L,Z).