Find people from location on Facebook - web-services

Is there a way to get a list from all users from certain city from Facebook?
Or any other facebook-independent solution would be great.

Unfortunately there is no way to do this in the Facebook API. You can get the current location and hometowns of all the friends of a specific user. But not all the users in a specific city.


is there any way to get category of instagram business account from graph api?

i want get some information about Instagram business account from graph api. but i don't find any way to know about category of account. this code give me some information but not about category.
thank for your help
That does not seem to be possible. lists all the available fields you can request for an IG User object - and any sort of category is not one of them.

How to get all liked objects of an user including posts, photos, urls with facebook graph api

This is cherrie. I am facing an issue, regarding facebook feed reading. I need to access all liked objects of an user including posts, photos, urls with graph api."me/likes" returns only pages. In earlier versions, we can achieve this using "user_activities" permissions, but now it is deprecated. Is there any way to achieve this, with present permissions. Help would be appreciated.
No, there is no way to access all likes, you can only get access to Page likes as you have found out.

Getting basic profile information of some one using graph API

I am new to graph api.
i have done slight reading and found that we need access tokens for accessing a profile, but for my application i only have access to the email-id of a person
I just wanted to know if i can get anyone's basic profile information by just knowing thier E-mail id.
help in anyway way would be appreciated.
No, without authorization you can´t get any user info, and you can´t search for Facebook users by email. You would have to authorize users with the email permissions and compare it that way.

Get a list of FB users based on keyword post

I urgently need to extract some data from Facebook. Appreciate if anyone can help.
I need to extract a list of facebook users (ID), his postings, his list of friends and his friends posting for the past 30 days based on a keyword found in the user's posting. And the user who posted is from a specific country.
For example, I'm looking for a list of American/US-based users who had posted the word 'Woodstock 2013', the postings, and his friends who responded to the posting for the past 30 days.
I'm not very good at programming, so really appreciate the help.
Just based on the nature of privacy and developer policy upheld in Facebook API this will not be possible. You need these users' explicit permissions.

Obtaining the location of places on facebook and integrating it into window phone app

I am trying to obtain information of a users current location I already have the users latitude and longitude what I want to know is are there any businesses (restaurants, clothing stores ect.) in that area. I was just looking at the open graph api and It says that you can search over all public objects in the social graph with We support searchs for the following types of objects: places but the ones I really want to use type=location&center=37.76,-122.427&distance=1000 does not work in the API Explorer could anyone tell me what might be the problem and how do I use this in a windows phone 7 app? Links, code snippets, blog post, ebooks, Other web services that would allow me I could send lat and long and will return the location or businesses anything will be very helpfull thanks,-122.427&distance=1000
This query should give you the results you need.