what's the best django profile / user settings application around? - django

I'm looking for a good django app that brings to me basic features like
user profile editing
password changing
save settings / preferences specific to my app
save authentication keys to external apps (twitter, rtm, facebook, ...)
I know how to extend the normal user model (see docs http://www.djangobook.com/en/1.0/chapter12/#cn222)
and there are also these apps around:
idios (on github)
however, none of them seems to be ideal for what I want.
Therefore, my question is, does anyone know a app that is better / more mature / more feature rich that I just didn't find?
Or do I have to roll my own app?

I use django-userena.
demo: http://www.django-userena.org

I am sorry to inform you that you will (for now) have to put together a custom solution using django-registration/django-profiles along with django-socialregistration.
Start here with and progress to Socialnetwork Authentication. On the up side, django is young so solid solutions are in the near future and you will be part of them. ;-)


What are reasons for not using Django Admin with Django Rest Framework

It's been a while since I last used Django for a project and there have been some really great advances in the core project and the ecosystem around it.
One of those is the mature API development libraries like django-rest-framework.
So far I'm loving it. But it seems that all the guides I've found are disabling the Django Admin when using Django Rest Framework.
The reasons I've seen given were essentially "We don't need it for anything" or "We aren't using sessions, which Admin uses, so it won't work, so we're not using it."
"Don't need it" is a valid reason.
But other than that, are there reasons that it's bad practice to keep the Django Admin enabled when the project is primarily used as an API?
For my purposes, I find it convenient to manage user permissions and as a simple way to code admin only functions for dealing with the underlying data.
note: I've considered whether this question is designed to elicit opinions, which is not appropriate on SO. I believe that the answers I'm asking for will be technical or security based reasons with fact or experience based reasoning.
Totally agree.
On my current project, users are getting and setting ALL data via django-rest-framework.
Like you, I find the admin site convenient to manage user permissions, permissions groups, writing emails, sms, mobile applications push and more.
More, all these models are being translated, and translation is set in THE ADMIN SITE !!!
So, if we need a new object with translation, we do not need a new app release (example in pic of a question).
objects translations are readable and clear.
Data is organized nicely with minimal effort.
Admin get cool skins (jet / grappelli etc etc)
Language activation works like a charm in the APIViews.

Robust Rails CMS

Im doing development in Rails that requires a good bit of friendly hand off to the client. For a bit, I have used Active Admin and out of the box it seems to work for the use cases I have run into like CRUD actions on model resources. However, a new app I am building involves the the ability for the client to essentially edit everything on the website and add new pages. It seems that I could get Active Admin to do this but it would take an incredibly long time. So, here are my thoughts: Try and extend Active Admin and see where that goes, build a CMS from scratch and wrap it around an Admin namespace or something similar, or see if there is a more robust CMS (does not have to be free), that comes with rich features, i.e. templating, new page creation, wyswig editor, rich text editor, etc. Think more Wordpress style CMS. What are your guys thoughts? Thanks everyone!
I can recommend this CMS, worked with it for some years now.

Should I use a blog app in Django?

I want to create my own admin panel and every users will can have their own blogs. I'm using a blog app called 'Zinnia', I liked it. Zinnia have some visual editors (WYMEditor, Tinymce) also have a tag system, etc. that I want to have in my admin panel.
I was wondering if should I create my own admin panel or blog app and integrate the visual editor programatically. What would be better?
Thanks for answers.
EDIT: My real question is: What's better?
create my admin and my blog app
create my admin integrating Zinnia or another blog app
use the django admin panel (but i want to customize the fully admin panel, so I guess that is not a good option)
Remembering, the users (not only admins) can post to their blogs. (this is the reason that I don't want to use the Django admin)
Exactly what I want: I want to use all the features (such as tagging, WYMEditor [I know i can implement this programmaticaly], etc.) of Zinnia (or another blog app) with my custom admin panel, with my buttons, my layout, my css, my everything!
Thanks for all answers, it's important for me.
Here is a simple tutorial for creating a django blog app:
If you are still learning django, I recommend it to create your own blog!!!
Creating a good Django blog application is straightforward, but tedious work, that can quite easily get unwieldy if you start implementing additional features such as multiple language support, linkback handling, search, sitemap generation, etc.
I definitely wouldn't suggest that you start from scratch. If your not completely satisfied by the full extent of possibilities or the initial feature set of Zinnia, you can check out all the Django blog applications on Django Packages.

Django + Wordpress: Integrating user login

I would like to have one users system (preferrably Django's) to rule both Django and Wordpress.
The use case is that Django is an application embedded inside a wordpress installation (via iframe or something similar). In order to use the Django, users must be authenticated, authentication in WordPress is not mandatory, but recommended (for posting comments and stuff like that).
In order to ease the usage of the site, I would like the same sign-up to apply for both the Django app and the WordPress installation. Sign-up might occur either via OAuth / FB authentication (lots of Django solutions for this), or via dedicated site users. While the signup process is most important, it would be nice if certain user fields would remain synced between the two worlds.
My thoughts on the matter:
Maybe there's an out-of-the-box solution (couldn't find any)
Create a full-fledged django app for syncing the two user models (wp_users and django's users) via one of the following options:
A master(django)-slave(wp) solution, where each change in Django changes info in the wp_users and other related tables and vice-versa (via Django periodically checking the DB or creating a WP plugin). Can be implemented either by putting both django and wp on the same (MySQL) db, using XML-RPC or some other anomination I didn't think of.
Same as above, but let WP be the master instead of Django (seems harder).
An external system to rule both models - maybe make OAuth / some other external authentication mandatory, and somehow sync the two models using this?
Has anyone encountered this situation before?
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
You should really try to work out some approach, revising your work when encountering problems afterwards.
Nevertheless imo Wordpress is kind of bordered. I wouldn't recommend making changes to both frameworks, but fixate on Django.
For example you could create a WordpressUser(User) and create a python script a crobjob, celery task or whatever you'll need to syncronize your databases. Meaning to say you should keep things strictly separated unless you have very good reasons not to (I can't think of any).

Pinax: Customize Signup and profile

I want to gather some more information when the user signs up and also display this as part of the profile information - so that the user can edit it once he creates a login.
How can I extend the sign-up and profile form and model without changing directly pinax code?
From pinax docs
As more sites are built using Pinax,
more best practices will emerge, but
for now what we recommend is:
Always work off a stable release. The most current release is 0.7.1.
Use the pinax-admin setup_project command.
Make necessary changes to the settings.py and urls.py files in your copied directory.
Change the domain and display name of the Site in the admin interface.
Develop your custom apps under your new project or anywhere on Python path.
Develop your own templates under your new project.
This thread is very relevant to your question and discusses options for overriding the default pinax apps.
It suggests looking at https://github.com/eldarion/idios, (an extensible profile app designed to replace the profiles apps in Pinax).
This blog has some comments about overriding the default pinax apps:
Overriding build-in Pinax Applications
Assuming we want to override
$PINAX_ROOT/apps/blog with
$PROJECT_ROOT/apps/blog we can do so
simply by copying the application and
make our project-local (read
individual) changes to it. Pinax will
then load $PROJECT_ROOT/apps/blog
rather than $PINAX_ROOT/apps/blog.
Those who do not care about merging in
upstream changes nor submitting
bugfixes/features upstream would just
issue cp -a $PINAX_ROOT/apps/blog
$PROJECT_ROOT/apps and be done. Those
who consider themselves good
FLOSS-country citizens however care
about contributing back as well ...
The default pinax apps you would be looking to override (if necessary), would be:
You probably want to have a go at overriding the built-in Pinax applications, which is gone over in a little detail in this article. I imagine you'd want to extend (or override) Pinax's Profile model.
This chap seems to have been in a situation that sounds like what you want, have a quick read of his chat logs to see what I mean. Sorry that this answer isn't too specific, it's more of a pointer.