Initializing the base class to a derived base class? - c++

I don't think this is possible, but if it is, I'd find it very usseful.
I'm making a Gui API where the user does the paint event. Lets say I want to make a Numeric TextBox. Well it would only seem good practice for it to inherit from TextBox. The problem with this, is that the user is then stuck to reimplement the paint event for the textbox since
Would just call my default way of drawing it.
It would be annoying if they had to maintain all their TextBox derivatives.
Is there a way to get around this problem?
Lets say my TextBox paints a square, then the numeric part adds a circle, but the user's textbox, which derives from my TextBox draws a triangle, and my Numeric one derives from my TextBox I want the result to be triangle, circle.

As I say in my comment, I think the bridge pattern is actually what you want, but since you're trying to insert a user's class as a base class for your NumericField thing the way you'd do THAT is to:
template < typename Base = TextField >
struct NumericField : Base
void paint() { Base::paint(); draw_circle(); }
Now the user could use NumericField<> or they could insert their class:
struct UserField : TextField
void paint() { draw_triangle(); }
NumericField<UserField> my_field;
The bridge answer would look more like so:
struct TextField
TextField() : extender_(new null_extender) {}
void set_extender(extender*);
virtual void paint() { draw_square(); extender_->paint(); }
struct extender { virtual void paint() = 0; };
struct null_extender { void paint() {}};
struct numeric_extender { void paint() { draw_circle(); }};
struct UserField
void paint() { draw_triangle(); extender()->paint(); }
Lots of details missing from that, but that would sort of be the story.

Isn't the only difference between NumericTextBox and TextBox that the former only allows the input of certain characters? Do you want it to paint differently?

I'm not sure quite what you mean. Your question is not that clear.
The title seems to be asking how to call the base class initializer or constructor,
is that what you want?
If this is what you want then just like this.
class TextBox
TextBox() { }
virtual ~TextBox() { }
virtual Paint() { }
class NumericTextBox : public TextBox
NumericTextBox() : TextBox() { }
~NumericTextBox() { }
Make sure the base class for TextBox::Paint and any other methods are declared virtual as well as the destructor.


Avoid downcasting in an inherited tree class

I'm relatively new to C++ and I'm right now facing a point in my design where I cannot seem to avoid downcasting. I know this is usually a sign of bad design, so I would like to know what would be a better way to do this.
I have a class Frame that represents geometrical frame trees and allows geometrical transformations between them:
class Frame
Frame *_parent;
std::vector<Frame*> _children;
Frame* getParent() const;
std::vector<Frame*> getChildren() const;
... (extra methods for geometrical transformations)
I want now to create a new Frame subclass, MechanicalFrame, that adds some functionality to deal with dynamical properties.
class MechanicalFrame
double mass;
void compute();
My problem is that, the "compute" method needs to implement some recursive logic, so it would contain something like this:
for element in getChildren():
However, since getChildren returns a vector of Frame* and not MechanicalFrame*, I would need to make a static_cast at this point. I've given the problem a lot of thought, but none of the solutions I've found are fully satisfying to me:
Solution 1) Static cast: somehow it indicates bad design
Solution 2) Add the compute method to the base class (Frame) with a dummy implementation, i.e., throwing an exception: it seems unnatural to force the implementation of the parent class based on the derived class.
Solution 3) Split totally MechanicalFrame from Frame: this would mean reimplementing many of the functionalities already available in Frame.
Any help would be very appreciated.
Many thanks in advance :)
Use polymorphic behaviour, use your Solution 2)
You can follow below pattern (Interface -> Base class -> Derived class)
class IFrame
virtual void compute()=0;
class Frame:public IFrame
virtual void compute() {/*nothing to do*/}
class MechanicalFrame:public Frame
virtual void compute() {/*your implementation with mass*/}
If you are sure that all the Frame* pointers in MechanicalFrame::getChildren() are pointing to MechanicalFrame instances, I don't see any problem with static_cast. Make sure you use dynamic_cast + assert in debug builds to catch mistakes.
void MechanicalFrame::compute()
for(auto frame_ptr : getChildren())
Where downcast is something like:
template <typename TOut, typename T>
auto downcast(T* ptr)
static_assert(std::is_base_of<T, TOut>{});
assert(ptr != nullptr);
assert(dynamic_cast<TOut>(ptr) == ptr);
return static_cast<TOut>(ptr);
(For a more thorough implementation of downcast see my Meeting C++ 2015 lightning talk "Meaningful casts" or my current implementation in vrm_core.)
Notice that there's a performance advantage here, as you avoid virtual dispatch. Play around with this snippet on to see differences in the generated assembly.
Another option is to use the Visitor pattern:
class Frame;
class MechanicalFrame;
class FrameVisitor
virtual ~FrameVisitor() = default;
virtual void visit(Frame&) = 0;
virtual void visit(MechanicalFrame&) = 0;
class Frame
virtual void accept(FrameVisitor& visitor)
void acceptRecursive(FrameVisitor& visitor)
for (Frame* child : getChildren())
class MechanicalFrame : public Frame
virtual void accept(FrameVisitor& visitor) override
Then the client code will be:
class ConcreteVisitor : public FrameVisitor
virtual void visit(Frame& frame) override
// Deal with Frame (not a subclass) object.
virtual void visit(MechanicalFrame& frame) override
// Deal with MechanicalFrame object.
Frame root = ...;
ConcreteVisitor visitor;
In general, the Visitor pattern allows you to traverse a hierarchy of heterogeneous objects and perform operations on them without type casting. It's most useful when the number of operations is expected to grow while your type hierarchy is more or less stable.
Since you're asking for new ideas, I will not explain in detail anything you written about in solutions 1-3.
You could add extra functionality to the MechanicalFrame class, splitting its children of MechanicalFrame class and all other classes, like this:
class Frame {
std::vector<Frame*> getChildren(); // returns children
void addChild(Frame* child); // adds child to children
std::vector<Frame*> children;
class MechanicalFrame : public Frame {
void compute();
std::vector<MechanicalFrame*> getMechanicalChildren(); // returns mechanical_children
void addChild(MechanicalFrame* child); // adds child to mechanical_children
std::vector<MechanicalFrame*> mechanical_children;
One possible implementation of compute is the following:
void MechanicalFrame::compute() {
for (auto* child : getMechanicalChildren()) {
UP: As far as I understand, one of the problems with casts is that the code starts behaving very differently depending on the actual class of the object, and we cannot substitute the parent class object with child class (see Liskov principle). The approach described in this answer actually changes the principle of using the "mechanicity" of your Frames, allowing adding MechanicalFrame children in such a way that they're ignored in compute method.

C++ an object with its own method?

I'm sorry, this is probably a stupid question. I am obviously misunderstanding something fundamental about object oriented programming. I am used to C and am now trying to use C++.
I have some buttons in a class called Button. Each button does something different. What I want to write is something like this:
Button button1;
Button button2;
void button1::onClick () {
void button2::onClick () {
But that does not work ("button 1 is not a class, namespace or enumeration" - yes I know!). I know I could just make a separate class for each button:
class button1_class : public Button {
void onclick () {
} button1;
class button2_class : public Button {
But to me it 'feels' wrong to make a class when I know for sure it will only have one member.
I'm using Agui, a GUI library for Allegro 5.
Thanks for the responses. While they are all helpful and (I think) all valid answers, nobody has actually said yet "no you cannot have an object with its own unique method because..."
So for example, if object1 is of type ObjectClass then object1 is not allowed to have a method (a member function) that is unique to object1, but rather possesses only the methods that are defined as part of ObjectClass. Is that right?
I'm sorry I did not include my actual use case. I was kind of more interested in just getting my head around OOP so that I can do it properly on my own.
Looking at the responses in more detail I suppose it is possible with lambda expressions, it's just not in the way I imagined it. Thanks again
The natural C++ way is to do as vsoftco explained, with virtuals and inheritance.
However, if your Button class has already everything needed, and the only thing that changes between the buttons is the unique (trhow-away) action to be performed, you may want to consider this alternative:
class Button {
function<void()> f;
Button(function<void()> mf) : f(mf) {}
void onClick() { f(); }
This variant of your class uses a function object (think of it as a kind of function pointer but much more flexible to use).
You can then use it with lambda-functions as in this example:
int main(int ac, char**av)
Button button1([&]() { cout << "Hello 1!\n"; });
Button button2 ([]() { cout << "Hello 2!\n"; });
If the buttons have different functionalities, best thing to do is to create a BaseButton class in which you mark the onclick() as virtual (or make it pure virtual, which will make BaseButton an abstract class), then derive each other button from BaseButton, making sure to override onclick() in each derived class. You then need to use the buttons via a reference or pointer to a BaseButton, this way you achieve what is called "polymorphic behaviour".
For example:
class BaseButton
virtual void onclick() {/*implement here or declare pure virtual*/}
class RedButton: public BaseButton /* overrides only onclick */
void onclick() override { /*specific implementation for Red Buttons */}
class ShinyRedButton: public RedButton /* overrides only onclick */
void onclick() override { /*specific implementation for Shiny Red Buttons */}
then use it like (C++14 smart pointers)
std::unique_ptr<BaseButton> bb = new ShinyRedButton;
bb->onclick(); // will pick up the "right" ShinyRedButton::onclick()` function
You can do this in many ways.
Using a Button class where button objects have a pointer to methods that are invoked onClick. In C you would do this using a callback and you can also do it that way in C++:
class Button {
using funType = void(void);
Button(funType* callback) : function(callback) { }
void onClick() { function(); }
funType* function;
However do take note that function pointers are error prone, can't really be inlined by the compiler, and should generally be avoided. This method also works with capture-less lambdas.
Button red([] { std::cout << "Red button\n"; });
Button green(&green_button_function);
Creating different Button objects with different onClick methods on the fly. C++ has a mechanism to do this called templates:
template <class Fun>
class Button {
Button(Fun f) : functor(f) { }
void onClick() { functor(); }
Fun functor;
template <class Fun>
Button<Fun> make_button(Fun f) { return Button<Fun>(f); }
I am omitting details such as references on purpose here.
You could then use the Button class with callbacks as well as lambdas in the following way:
auto green = make_button([] { std::cout << "Green button pressed!\n"; });
auto red = make_button(&red_button_function);
You need to use auto with this method because otherwise you would have to specify the type of the functionality by hand, which is not possible e.g. for lambda objects.
Using polymorphism as shown by vsoftco, where you create separate classes for each Button functionality. Or you can make a ButtonAction abstract class to which Button has a reference. Then you implement different functionalities in different classes, but stay with one Button class. This is known as the strategy pattern:
class ButtonAction {
virtual void onClick() = 0;
class Button {
Button(std::unique_ptr<ButtonAction> action) :
action_(std::move(action)) {}
void onClick() { action_->onClick(); }
std::unique_ptr<ButtonAction> action_;
class RedButtonAction : public ButtonAction {
void onClick() override { red(); }
class GreenButtonAction : public ButtonAction {
void onClick() override { green(); }
Using this method requires constructing Buttons from ButtonAction unique_ptrs
Button red(std::unique_ptr<ButtonAction>(new RedButtonAction));
Button green(std::unique_ptr<ButtonAction>(new GreenButtonAction));
You're right in that, if each button is fundamentally the same but needs different event handlers bound to it, implementing a new type for each one is not quite right.
Instead your Button type would have a member function that allows users to "attach" an event handler, and a member function to invoke it.
class Button
: onClickHandler()
void setOnClickHandler(std::function<void()> callback)
onClickHandler = callback;
friend class UI;
void onClick()
std::function<void()> onClickHandler;
Then your user does:
void foo()
std::cout << "Some buttons do this!\n";
Button btn;
And your program's internals will set up things such that your window manager (above I've assumed that it's some class called UI) invokes btn.onClick() for you, which, since you "attached" foo, will end up invoking foo.
(In modern C++ you'd probably make use of lambda functions to tidy this up, but the above is a simple example to showcase the general design idea.)
In this way, you can attach different handlers to different Button instances, but the Button interface itself is stable.
This is similar to how, for example, you manipulate the DOM in JavaScript.
Using a std::function is the key here. You will have the virtual call overheard and potential memory allocation if your callable (lambda, function, member function) is large. This achieves your requirements of a single type executing different callbacks without defining an class inheritance. Also using uniform initialization makes it very convenient to construct Button class with a lambda without manually creating a constructor.
Live example:
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct Button
function<void()> OnClick;
int main()
vector<Button> buttons =
{[] { printf("Button0::OnClick()\n"); }},
{[] { printf("Button1::OnClick()\n"); }},
{[] { printf("Button2::OnClick()\n"); }},
for(auto&& button : buttons)
Your Agui library supports a signaling system, with the member function addActionListener.
This allows you to derive a class from agui::ActionListener to perform the specific task intended for one or more buttons:
class SimpleActionListener : public agui::ActionListener
virtual void actionPerformed(const agui::ActionEvent &evt)
std::cout << "Button pushed" << std::endl;
The object above can be attached to a button's "press" action with:
SimpleActionListener simpleAL;

C++ Diamond Inheritance - Share variables with another non base class

This is my first post on stackoverflow so be gentle :)
I have standard diamond problem but I'd managed to sort it out.
class Control
bool Focused;
class Caption : public virtual Control
string Text;
class Frame : public virtual Control { };
class Textbox : public Caption, public Frame, public TextEditor { };
Sadly another problem with inheritance appeared. Class TextEditor has common variable names:
class TextEditor
bool Focused;
string Text;
Compiler gives me errors:
ambiguous access of 'Text'
ambiguous access of 'Focused'
But all I want is those variables from all classes to be merged in derived class 'Textbox'.
Here's link to the UML picture with the problem
Thanks for any kind of help
Sorry for any languages mistakes and/or question I'm asking.
A little explanation cause I might have use wrong words. Sorry for that.
By 'merge' I meant that:
If I use variables or methods of Control, Caption or Frame it will influence the values of TextEditor and vice versa. In other words variables are shared in derived class.
So my final class will look like this:
class Textbox : public Caption, public Frame, public TextEditor
string Text;
bool Focused;
And not like this:
class Textbox : public Caption, public Frame, public TextEditor
string Caption::Text;
bool Caption::Focused;
string TextEditor::Text;
bool TextEditor::Focused;
Which happening right now. Cause I can't do this:
Textbox A;
A.Text = "Text";
Because I have two variables with the name Text. So I would have to do this:
Textbox A;
A.Caption::Text = "Text";
A.TextEditor::Text = "Text";
Best regards
Consider using mutator methods
Please - your example seems a bit over the show - would be easier to give you a clear example of how to solve your problem if your example in the problem was infact sscce. Either way, its still sufficient and your problem is clear enough I guess.
Why does class TextEditor not also inherit from class Control and class Caption ? This would seem like the obvious solution - you would have to use virtual inheritance for class TextBox still though.
If 1 is not an option - then there is this - but in this limited sample HasText and Focusable seems to be pointless when compared to Caption and Control respectively.
class HasText
virtual string& text() { return text; }
virtual const string& text() const { return text; }
class Focusable
virtual bool& focused() { return focused; }
virtual const bool& focussed() const { return focussed; }
class Control : public virtual Focusable { };
class Caption : public virtual Control, public virtual HasText { };
class Frame : public virtual Control { };
class TextEditor : public virtual HasText, public virtual Focusable { };
class Textbox : public virtual Caption, public virtual Frame, public virtual TextEditor { };

Can this be done with multiple inheritance?

Here is what I would like to do.
Say I have Class Widget.
I then create Button from Widget.
I then create ModifiedWidget which re-implements certain functions of Widget.
I then want Button to use ModifiedWidget rather than plain Widget. Is this possible to do some how?
class Button : public Widget;
class SuperButton : public Button, public ModifiedWidget;
I'm just not sure if that would do what I want it to though.
The easiest way is to use encapsulation, not inheritance.
class Button
Button(Widget * w) { mywidget = w; }
Widget * mywidget;
Another way is to let Button be a template class.
template<class Parent>
class Button : Parent
Button<Widget> mybutton1;
Button<ModifiedWidget> mybutton2;
Keep them separate:
class Widget {
virtual void some_function();
class ModifiedWidget : public Widget {
// override the base version of this method
virtual void some_function();
class Button {
Button(Widget* w) : widge(w) { }
Widget* widge;
class SuperButton : public virtual Button {
SuperButton(Widget* w) : Button(w) { }
Now your Widgets have a hierarchy, and your Buttons have their own hierarchy. And it probably makes more sense to say that your Button contains a Widget, than to say that your Button is a Widget. Thus, we go with encapsulation instead of inheritance for the Button-Widget relationship, but still have inheritance for the Buttons and Widgets separately.
If I have understood your question, this is typical Dreaded Diamond Problem
With some care, it is possible, although I suggest reconsidering your design, because multiple inheritance can be often avoided (which brings simpler and cleaner design).
Also Read C++ Faq on Dreaded Diamond
In reply to your example, you will have to use virtual inheritance for Button and ModifiedWidget classes.
class Button : public virtual Widget;
class ModifiedWidget : public virtual Widget;

Multiple inheritance in C++ leading to difficulty overriding common functionality

In a C++ physics simulation, I have a class called Circle, and Square. These are Shapes, and have a method called push(), which applies force to it. There is then a special case of Circle, call it SpecialCircle, in which push() should exhibit slightly different properties. But in fact, there is also SpecialSquare() which should exhibit the same force properties. So I'd like to have an abstract base class called Shape which takes care of Circles and Squares, but then I'd also like an abstract base class called Special, which applies special properties to force().
What's the best way to design this class structure?
So far, I've got:
class Shape {
virtual void push();
class Circle : public Shape {};
class Square : public Shape {};
class Special {
virtual void push();
class SpecialCircle : public Circle, Special {};
class SpecialSquare : public Square, Special {};
Of course, the above won't compile, since Special::push() and Shape::push() conflict. I get "error: request for member ‘push’ is ambiguous", as expected.
How can I re-organize my class structure so that Circle and Square can share certain properties with each other, but SpecialCircle and SpecialSquare can still inherit from Shape, and also inherit modified functionality from Special?
ps., is this the diamond inheritance problem?
Another solution (it may or may not fit your needs, it depends on the details of your implementation):
Have the class Behavior, and let NormalBehavior and SpecialBehavior inherit from it.
Have the class Shape, and let Square and Circle inherit from it. Let Shape be an aggregate type, with a Behavior member (i.e. you pass a Behavior object to the various Shape constructors). In other words, let a Shape have a Behavior.
Delegate the actual differences in the behavior of shapes to methods of the Behavior hierarchy.
Conversely, you can:
Have the class PhysicalObject, and let NormalObject and SpecialObject inherit from it;
Have the class Shape, and let Square and Circle inherit from it;
Let a PhysicalObject have a Shape.
Prefer aggregation over inheritance. This is an application of the Bridge pattern. The advantage of this strategy with respect to having Square, SpecialSquare, Circle, and SpecialCircle, is that tomorrow you'll have to add Rectangle, Hexagon and so on, and for each shape you add you'll have to implement two classes (duplicated code is evil); this is, in my opinion, the real issue that Bridge addresses.
It's said that every problem in software can be solved by adding an additional layer of indirection.
Herb Sutter has an excellent article on how to solve your problem: Multiple Inheritance - Part III
In short, you use intermediate classes to 'rename' the virtual functions. As Herb says:
Renaming Virtual Functions
If the two inherited functions had different signatures, there would be no problem: We would just override them independently as usual. The trick, then, is to somehow change the signature of at least one of the two inherited functions.
The way to change a base class function's signature is to create an intermediate class which derives from the base class, declares a new virtual function, and overrides the inherited version to call the new function
Here's a long example using your classes:
class Shape {
virtual void push() = 0;
class Circle : public Shape
void push() {
printf( "Circle::push()\n");
class Square : public Shape
void push() {
printf( "Square::push()\n");
class Special {
virtual void push() = 0;
class Circle2: public Circle
virtual void pushCircle() = 0;
void push() {
class Square2: public Square
virtual void pushSquare() = 0;
void push() {
class Special2 : public Special
virtual void pushSpecial() = 0;
void push() {
class SpecialCircle : public Circle2, public Special2
void pushSpecial() {
printf( "SpecialCircle::pushSpecial()\n");
void pushCircle() {
printf( "SpecialCircle::pushCircle()\n");
class SpecialSquare : public Square2, public Special2
void pushSpecial() {
printf( "SpecialSquare::pushSpecial()\n");
void pushSquare() {
printf( "SpecialSquare::pushSquare()\n");
int main( int argc, char* argv[])
SpecialCircle sc;
SpecialSquare ss;
// sc.push(); // can't be called - ambiguous
// ss.push();
Circle* pCircle = &sc;
Square* pSquare = &ss;
Special* pSpecial = &sc;
pSpecial = &ss;
return 0;
Rather than thinking of code reuse through inheritance, the use of mixins will give you the code reuse you want without the problems of multiple inheritance.
If you are unfamiliar with the technique, do a search on SO or Google. Make sure you search for both "mixin" and "Curiously Recurring Template Pattern". There are heaps of great articles around to get you started.
When you have to inherit from multiple interfaces with the same method the compiler can't tell which one are you trying to call, you can fix this by overriding such method and call the one you want.
class SpecialCircle : public Circle, Special {
virtual void push() { Special::push(); }
class SpecialSquare : public Square, Special {
virtual void push() { Special::push(); }
But in this case I think the correct OO approach is to factor out the push behavior in its own class, like Federico Ramponi have suggested.
Have a SpecialShape from Shape and SpecialCircle and SpecialSquare from SpecialShape.
Well, if the special and normal circles can be both applied forces to, and the special circle has another method that applies special forces, why not have two interfaces and two methods?
struct Applicable {
virtual ~Applicable() { }
// if it applies force, better be explicit with naming it.
virtual void applyForce() = 0;
struct SpecialApplicable {
virtual ~SpecialApplicable() { }
virtual void applySpecialForce() = 0;
struct Shape {
virtual ~Shape() { }
Size getSize();
Point getPosition();
// ...
struct Circle : Shape, Applicable {
virtual void applyForce() { /* ... */ }
struct SpecialCircle : Circle, SpecialApplicable {
virtual void applySpecialForce() { /* .... */ }
If it doesn't make sense if there is both a special and a normal apply method (which the name of the class - SpecialCircle - suggests), then why not do even this:
struct Circle : Shape, Applicable {
virtual void applyForce() { /* ... */ }
struct SpecialCircle : Circle {
// applies force, but specially
virtual void applyForce() { /* .... */ }
You can also put the applyForce into the Shape class. It also depends on the environment in which those classes are used. What, in any case, you really should avoid is having the same method in two base classes that appear in two difference base-lattices. Because that inevitable will lead to such ambiguity problems. The diamond inheritance is when you use virtual inheritance. I believe there are other good answers on stackoverflow explaining that. It isn't applicable for your problem, because the ambiguity arises because the method appears in two base class sub-objects of different types. (It only solves such cases where the base classes have the same type. In those cases, it will merge the base classes and there will only be one base class sub-object contained - inherited by virtual inheritance)