How can I pretty print a PersistentHashMap in Clojure to a string? I am looking for something like:
(str (pprint {... hash map here...})
which I can pass around as a String
(let [s (]
(binding [*out* s]
(clojure.pprint/pprint {:a 10 :b 20}))
(.toString s))
Edit: Equivalent succinct version:
(with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint {:a 10 :b 20}))
This should help:
(clojure.pprint/write {:a 1 :b 2} :stream nil)
according to clojure.pprint/write documentation
Returns the string result if :stream is nil or nil otherwise.
user=> (import
user=> (use '[clojure.pprint :only (pprint)])
user=> (defn hashmap-to-string [m]
(let [w (StringWriter.)] (pprint m w)(.toString w)))
user=> (hashmap-to-string {:a 1 :b 2})
"{:a 1, :b 2}\n"
(pr-str {:a 1 :b 2}) ;; => "{:a 1, :b 2}"
I have a map like so:
{:a "some" :b (str :a " stuff")}
What I'm trying to do is to have the :b value of the map be "some stuff", but the above example doesn't work. I tried wrapping it in def;
(def foo {:a "some" :b (str (:a foo) " stuff")})
But that doesn't work either. How do I make this work?
You have to use a let here (either define the map or the value of a). You can not access the map while it is build up.
also, you can employ macros for this case (for fun and education). Like you can make up simple anaphoric macro to do the trick:
(defmacro make-map-ana [& keyvals]
`(-> {}
~#(map (fn [[k v]] `((fn [~'it] (assoc ~'it ~k ~v))))
(partition-all 2 keyvals))))
that is how you use it:
user> (make-map-ana :a "some"
:b (str (:a it) " stuff"))
;;=> {:a "some", :b "some stuff"}
that gets expanded to clojure code this way:
(-> {}
((fn [it] (assoc it :a "some")))
((fn [it] (assoc it :b (str (:a it) " stuff")))))
so it gets reflective, passing the context (namely it) downstream.
(make-map-ana :a :fun
:b it
:c it)
;;=> {:a :fun, :b {:a :fun}, :c {:a :fun, :b {:a :fun}}}
another way to write this macro, is to use the overriding in let bindings:
(defmacro make-map-ana [& keyvals]
`(let [~'it {}
~#(mapcat (fn [[k v]] ['it `(assoc ~'it ~k ~v)])
(partition-all 2 keyvals))]
now (make-map-ana :a "some" :b (str (:a it) " stuff")) would expand into this:
(let [it {}
it (assoc it :a "some")
it (assoc it :b (str (:a it) " stuff"))]
also producing the result you need
Well, as cfrick said, I don't think you can access a map while you are building it like you wrote in your second example.
You could build a simple function like the one bellow.
(defn merge-a-b [map] (assoc map :b (str (:a map) (:b map))))
It's also useful if you end with a vector of those maps, like:
(def x2 [{:a "some", :b " stuff"} {:a "some-other", :b " stuff"}])
You can just use the map build-in in Clojure and run it like:
(map merge-a-b x2)
({:a "some", :b "some:a stuff"} {:a "some-other", :b "some-other stuff"})
Let's say I have a map (m) like this:
(def m {:a 1 :b 2 :c {:d 3 :e 4} :e { ... } ....})
I'd like to create a new map only containing :a, :b and :d from m, i.e. the result should be:
{:a 1 :b 2 :d 3}
I know that I can use select-keys to easily get :a and :b:
(select-keys m [:a :b])
But what's a good way to also get :d? I'm looking for something like this:
(select-keys* m [:a :b [:c :d]])
Does such a function exists in Clojure or what's the recommended approach?
In pure Clojure I would do it like this:
(defn select-keys* [m paths]
(into {} (map (fn [p]
[(last p) (get-in m p)]))
(select-keys* m [[:a] [:b] [:c :d]]) ;;=> {:a 1, :b 2, :d 3}
I prefer keeping the type of a path regular, so a sequence of keys for all paths. In clojure.spec this would read as
(s/def ::nested-map (s/map-of keyword?
(s/or :num number? :map ::nested-map)))
(s/def ::path (s/coll-of keyword?))
(s/fdef select-keys*
:args (s/cat :m ::nested-map
:paths (s/coll-of ::path)))
As an alternative you can use destructing on a function, for example:
(def m {:a 1 :b 2 :c {:d 3 :e 4}})
(defn get-m
[{a :a b :b {d :d} :c}]
{:a 1 :b b :d d})
(get-m m) ; => {:a 1, :b 2, :d 3}
You can use clojure.walk.
(require '[clojure.walk :as w])
(defn nested-select-keys
[map keyseq]
(w/postwalk (fn [x]
(if (map? x)
(select-keys x keyseq)
(identity x))) map))
(nested-select-keys {:a 1 :b {:c 2 :d 3}} [:a :b :c])
; => {:a 1, :b {:c 2}}
I'm not aware of such a function being part of Clojure. You'll probably have to write it yourself. I've came up with this :
(defn select-keys* [m v]
(fn [aggregate next]
(let [key-value (if (vector? next)
[(last next)
(get-in m next)]
(get m next)])]
(apply assoc aggregate key-value)))
Require paths to be vectors so you can use peek (much faster than last). Reduce over the paths like this:
(defn select-keys* [m paths]
(reduce (fn [r p] (assoc r (peek p) (get-in m p))) {} paths))
(select-keys* m [[:a] [:b] [:c :d]]) ;;=> {:a 1, :b 2, :d 3}
Of course, this assumes that all your terminal keys are unique.
Given this map:
{:a nil
:b {:c nil
:d 2
:e {:f nil
:g 4}}}
I need a function to remove all nil values, so that the returned map is
{:b {:e {:g 4}
:d 2}}
Or, when given:
{:a nil
:b {:c nil
:d nil
:e {:f nil
:g nil}}}
The result is:
This question has an answer containing a function that supposedly works for nested maps, but that function fails when given a map that is nested more than one level deep.
modification of answer from here
(defn remove-nils
"remove pairs of key-value that has nil value from a (possibly nested) map. also transform map to nil if all of its value are nil"
(fn [el]
(if (map? el)
(not-empty (into {} (remove (comp nil? second)) el))
(defn clean [m]
(if (map? m)
(let [clean-val (fn [[k v]]
(let [v' (clean v)]
(when-not (nil? v')
[k v'])))
m' (->> (map clean-val m)
(remove nil?)
(into {}))]
(when-not (empty? m') m'))
Using specter you can do it like this:
(declarepath DEEP-MAP-VALS)
(providepath DEEP-MAP-VALS (if-path map? [(compact MAP-VALS) DEEP-MAP-VALS] STAY))
(setval [DEEP-MAP-VALS nil?] NONE
{:a nil
:b {:c nil
:d 2
:e {:f nil
:g 4}}})
Please note it will return :com.rpl.specter.impl/NONE instead of nil if nothing is left.
This is partial reuse of this answer
I can walk the top-level of the following map using walk in Clojure:
(use 'clojure.walk)
(walk (fn [[k v]] (println (type k) k v)) identity {:a 1 :b {:c 3}})
clojure.lang.Keyword :b {:c 3}
clojure.lang.Keyword :a 1
(This works in a very similar way to map)
But when I use postwalk - it blows up trying to do destructuring:
(postwalk (fn [[k v]] (println (type k) k v)) {:a 1 :b {:c 3}})
UnsupportedOperationException nth not supported on this type: Keyword clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom (
Maybe looking at what happens when you postwalk can shed some light into your issues.
user=> (postwalk println {:a 1 :b {:c 3}})
[nil nil]
[nil nil]
[nil nil]
Is there a cleaner way to do something like the following in clojure?
(defn this [x] (* 2 x))
(defn that [x] (inc x))
(defn the-other [x] (-> x this that))
(defn make-vector [thing]
(let [base (vector (this (:a thing))
(that (:b thing)))]
(if-let [optional (:c thing)]
(conj base (the-other optional))
(make-vector {:a 1, :b 2}) ;=> [2 3]
(make-vector {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3}) ;=> [2 3 7]
By "cleaner" I mean something closer to this:
(defn non-working-make-vector [thing]
(vector (this (:a thing))
(that (:b thing))
(if (:c thing) (the-other (:c thing)))))
(non-working-make-vector {:a 1, :b 2} ;=> [2 3 nil] no nil, please!
(non-working-make-vector {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3} ;=> [2 3 7]
Note that I might want to call some arbitrary function (e.g. this, that, the-other) on any of the keys in thing and place the result in the returned vector. The important thing is that if the key doesn't exist in the map it should not put a nil in the vector.
This is similar to this question but the output is a vector rather than a map so I can't use merge.
(defn this [x] (* 2 x))
(defn that [x] (inc x))
(defn the-other [x] (-> x this that))
(def k-f-map {:a this
:b that
:c the-other})
(def m1 {:a 1 :b 2})
(def m2 {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
(defn make-vector [k-f-map m]
(reduce (fn [res [fk fv]]
(if (fk m)
(conj res (fv (fk m)))
[] k-f-map))
(make-vector k-f-map m1)
-> [2 3]
(make-vector k-f-map m2)
-> [2 3 7]
;;; replace [:a :b :c] with a vector of arbitrary functions
;;; of your choice, or perhaps accept a seqable of functions
;;; as an extra argument
(defn make-vector [thing]
(into [] (keep #(% thing) [:a :b :c])))
;;; from the REPL:
(make-vector {:a 1 :b 2})
; => [1 2]
(make-vector {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
; => [1 2 3]
Note that keep only throws out nil; false will be included in the output.
or using cond->?
your make-vector function in cond-> version:
(defn make-vector [thing]
(cond-> [(this (:a thing))
(that (:b thing))]
(:c thing) (conj (the-other (:c thing)))))
you can have more conditions or change :a and :b to be optional as well.