Software rendering versus hardware rendering for am image viewer? - sdl

I am going to make a lightweight, fast image viewer. I am curious as to which would be better for this project. SFML (using opengl) or SDL (using software rendering). My assumption is hardware rendering with opengl should be faster. Is this right?

Well, as opposed to SDL. Though software rendering is usually faster, SDL is very high level and therefore slower. Downvote me if you want, but this is the truth. May I ask why you can't just use the operating system's API? Image controls are very versatile.


Software and Hardware rendering in SDL2/SFML2

First off, I'm relatively new to this. I'm looking forward to picking up both SDL2 as well as SFML2 libraries for game dev. (and other stuff).
Now I know for a fact that both SDL2 and SFML2 are capable of creating OpenGL enabled contexts, through which OpenGL graphics programming may be done.
But online, I've read discussions wherein people said something to the effect of "SDL 1.2 is software accelerated, SDL2 and SFML2 are hardware accelerated by default". I know that software rendering is graphics using CPU alone. While Hardware rendering uses graphics cards/pipeline.
So my question is, with regards to these game libraries:
Part 1: when someone says one is software/hardware default, what does he mean? Is it that (my guess) if say SFML2 is hardware acc. by default, even basic 2d graphics are done by it using hardware rendering as the backend pipeline to do it, even if I didn't explicitly do any hardware-rendering programming in the code?
Part 2: And if that is true, is there any option within these libraries to set that to software acceleration/rendering?
Part 3: Which of these 2 libraries (SDL2 vs SFML2) has better overall performance/speed?
Thanks in advance for any answer and apologies if you found the question dumb.
Cannot say anything about SFML (but almost sure things are very close), but for SDL it is as you say. In SDL1 2d drawing implemented as blitting directly on display surface, and then sending this surface to display - so mostly software (although minor hw acceleration is still possible). SDL2 have SDL_Renderer and textures (which are GPU-side images or render targets) and any basic drawing that uses renderer may be accelerated by one or another backend. Which backend will be chosen depends on system your program runs and user settings - e.g. it would default to opengl for linux, d3d for windows (but still can use opengl), opengles for android/ios, etc..
You can use software renderer either by explicitly calling SDL_CreateSoftwareRenderer, or hint SDL to use software driver, or even override it by setting SDL_RENDER_DRIVER environment variable.
If you intend to use opengl for 3d graphics - then you just ignore all that and create window with opengl context as usual, and never use SDL_Renderer.

drawing a pixelarray fast and efficient on linux

How can I draw a pixel array very fast in c++?
I've seen many questions like this on stackoverflow,
they are all answered with:
use gdi (windows)
use opengl
but there must be a way, how opengl is doing it!
I'm writing a little raytracer and need to draw every pixel
many times per second.
opengl is able to do it, platform independent and fast,
so how can i achieve that without opengl?
And "without opengl" dos not mean
use sdl (slow)
use this / that library
Please only suggest the platform native methods
or the library closest to that.
If it is possible (i know it is)
how can I do this?
platform independent solutions are preferred.
Drawing graphics on Linux you either have to use X11, or OpenGL. (And in the near future Wayland may be another option). In Linux there is no "native" way of doing graphics, because the Linux kernel doesn't care about graphics APIs. It provides a interfaces (DRM) using which graphics systems are then implemented in user space. If you just want to splat pixels on the screen, without caring about windows then you could also mmap /dev/fbdev – but you normally don't want that, because nobody wants his screen being clobbered by some program he can't move or hide.
Drawing single points is inefficient, no matter which API being uses, due to the protocol overhead.
So X11 it is. So the best bet is to use the MIT-SHM extension which you use to alter pixels in a buffer, which is then blitted in whole by the X11 server. Of course doing this using the pure X11 Xlib functions is annoyingly cumbersome. So this is what SDL effectively nicely wraps up for you.
The other option is OpenGL. OpenGL is not a library! It's a system level API, that gives you almost direct access to the GPU. And it integrates nicely with X11. Yes, the API is provided through a library that's being loaded, but technically that library is just a "wrapper" or "interface" to the actual driver. Drawing single points with OpenGL makes no sense. But you can "batch up" several points into a list (using a vertex array) and then process that list. So the idea is to collect all the incoming points between two display refresh intervals and draw them in one single batch.
platform independent solutions are preferred.
Why are you asking about native APIs then? By definition there can be no plattform independent native API. Either you're native, or you're plattform independent.
And in your particular scenario I think SDL would be the best solution, because it offers just the right kind of abstraction and program side interface for a raytracer. Just FYI: Virtual Machines like QEmu use SDL.
Or you use OpenGL which is a real plattform neutral API widely supported.
Drawing graphics on Linux you either have to use X11, or OpenGL.
This is absolutely false! Counterexample: there's platforms that don't run X11, yet they display pixels (eg. fonts).
Sidenote. OpenGL usually depends on X11 (it's possible, albeit hard, to run OpenGL without X11).
As #datenwork says, there's at least 2 other ways to draw pixels:
The framebuffer device (fbdev), an abstraction to interface with graphics hardware. Very old, designed by Martin Schaller, see the kernel docs. Source code is here. Also see here. Here's the simplest possible framebuffer driver.
The Direct Rendering Manager (DRM), a kernel subsystem that provides an API for userland apps to send commands/data directly to the GPU. (Seems suspiciously similar to what OpenGL does, but idk!). Source code is here. Here's a DRM example that inititializes a simple display pipeline.
Both of these are part of the kernel, so they're lower-level than X11, which is not part of the kernel. Both can draw arbitrary pixels (eg. penguins). I'd guess both of these are platform-independent (like OpenGL).
See this for more on how to draw stuff on Linux.

What are the actual SDL2 hardware requirements?

I just can't find them anywhere. The most important part for me is the hardware acceleration, and I have no idea if there is a performance or openGL version compatibility requirement that the video card has to follow.
The minimum system requirements will depend alot more on the application that you are writing than what SDL2 does.
If you just create a standard window and render SDL will use what it can find and what it thinks is best either OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Direct3D or use the old style software rendering for machines that can't do any of the other. So if a computer can support an OS that SDL runs on then you will almost always (I just said almost since there can possible be exceptions) be able to run these type of apps (Video card not a requirement, but having one will greatly increase programs drawing speed).
You can also be creating a OpenGL application directly and then it depends on what type of context you are making what the video card has to support.
You can find most of the information here:
under the Video section. It's actually how to port from 1.2 to 2.0 , but it explains the new Video Pipeline pretty well.
Hope thats what you were looking for.

Is Cairo acelerated on Opengl backend?

By this I mean, does Cairo draw lines, shapes and everything using opengl acelerated primitives or no? and if not, a library that does this?
The OpenGL backend certainly accelerates some functions. But there are many it can't accelerate. The fact that it's written against GL 2.1 (and thus can't use more advanced features of 3.x or 4.x hardware) means that there is a lot that it simply cannot accelerate.
If you are willing to limit yourself to NVIDIA hardware, NVIDIA just came out with the NV_path_rendering extension, which provides a lot of the 2D functionality you would find with Cairo. Indeed, it's possible that you could write a Cairo backend for it. The path rendering extension is only available on GeForce 8xxx hardware and above.
It's nifty in that it's focused on the vertex pipeline. It doesn't do things like gradients or colors or whatever. That's good, because it still allows you the use of a fragment shader. Which means you get to do pretty much whatever you want ;)
Cairo is designed to have a flexible backend for rendering. It can use OpenGL for rendering, though support is still listed as "experimental" at this point. For details, see using cairo with OpenGL.
It can also output to the X Window System, Quartz, Win32, image buffers, PostScript, PDF, and SVG, and more.

How do you render a game without using DirectX or OpenGL?

For example in some games there are 3 different display mode there are
What is this software mode? Like, how do programmers make game engine that generates images without using OpenGL or DirectX are there classes in C++ that generates frames?
Software means exactly that: software.
All rendering is is coloring pixels via some algorithm. That algorithm can be done by dedicated hardware, but you could simply implement those functions yourself in actual code. Now, that doesn't mean it's particularly fast; it takes a great deal of skill to implement a triangle rasterizer that has decent speed.
Software Mode can mean two things:
A System-provided Emulation layer. For example DX11 provides the WARP-device where you, as the application programmer, just specify "I want to use WARP" and the rest is done by DirectX. The Emulation Layer basically does Option Number 2:
Do it all by hand. Essentially a hardware accelerated GFX-card mostly only draws triangles. You can write a function that draws the pixels of a textured triangle directly into the screen-memory of the graphics-card. It's not very fast nowadays (that's why hardware-accelerated gfx-cards exist), but that's how it was done in the 80s and 90s when no such cards existed yet.
For a rough examplanation how a texture mapper works just look into the wikpedia article:
I'm not aware of any gfx-libs that provide an own software layer, but i'm sure they exist somewhere.
As an example, directx has a layered setup, there is the code interface, which interacts with the HAL, or hardware abstraction layer. Depending on the capabilities of the underlying hardware, the HAL might run some peices of code on the CPU because the drivers reported the GPU doesn't support that feature. (Yes I know this a gross oversimplification)