I'm working on a project and we want to perform integration testing for our servlets and JSP. I was reading about the Cactus project. I was wondering if Cactus is still a viable solution for integration testing of servlets and JSPs? I know it has been around for a while and curious if there are other recent open-source projects that do a similar thing?
Arquillian looks promising.
Asking this question because I am trying to figure out the framework which is most widely used for integration testing akka-http. How to automate those tests in Jenkins? Probably a rookie question but ideas are appreciated. Thanks
EDIT from comments:
What have you tried so far? So far I tried implementing 1. Jest 2. Using Testkit, IntegrationPatience Where are you stuck? Both the approaches doesn't look like standard to me and since I have app deployed in multiple locations, I am trying to understand if there is any framework out there which I can use to setup. The app is deployed to multiple data centers which may have different environment variables.
There are a bunch of ways to test a microservice developed using akka-http:
Unit testing
Functional / Integration testing
E2E testing
Load testing
Unit testing using route-testkit (https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/current/routing-dsl/testkit.html)
Functional testing & E2E testing using Akka HTTP client API (https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/current/client-side/index.html) with API contracts you can validate the status codes and response body.
Load testing can be achieved using a bunch of tools, specifically in Scala you can take a look at Gatling.
Is there any Unit testing framework that we can use for Worklight apps. I am aware that there is Rational Test Workbench for Mobile(RTWM) we can use in Worklight IDE for unit testing purpose. I also came across with Appium.io recently and it looks pretty interesting.
I want to be able to run the automated Unit Tests right after the development of the mobile app. Which one would you prefer or any other tools out in the market?
Mobile Test Workbench Worklight (MTWW) is the supported testing framework. Please see: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wrklight/v6r1m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.worklight.mobtest.doc%2Ftopics%2Fc_wl_mobile_test_ovw.html
I'm attempting to learn AngularJS. One of the things that attracts me is its claim of separation of concerns and unit testability. So it defeats me completely to understand why I should need to install Node.js, or any web server, to test (say) an AngularJS controller which does no DOM manipulation or call out to any web services.
Can anyone give me a definitive bare-minimum list of what is required to unit test AngularJS code?
I'm going assume that you understand the difference between end-to-end testing and unit testing in Angular, so you're only asking about what it takes to do unit testing, right?
Basically you're going to need pretty much everything that comes with the seed project. The seed project uses Karma as the test runner to execute the javascript that you've written. Step 02 of the AngularJS Tutorial (found here) walks through writing some simple tests and executing them using Karma. Everything required to do that comes with the seed-project.
Those required things are:
An angularjs app
Node.js (installed)
Some jasmine-style unit tests
If you don't want to use the seed project, you can use Step 02 of the tutorial as a spring board and just follow the Karma docs to download and install Karma and get it running.
I hope that helps.
We have a monolithic application written in Visual Dataflex, and various complementing applications written in other (.NET) languages. They all share the same database, and need to follow the same business logic. One way to facilitate unified business logic across these is to provide web services as an interface for testing.
Of course, for this to work, we need a good framework for testing web services. Any suggestions? For example, can Cucumber do this "out of the box"?
I'm assuming you're talking about Soap web services. You can use Soap4R to talk to a Soap web service. Wrapping this all up in Cucumber scenarios should work fine.
SoapUI is a pretty nice product for creating webservice tests, and they're easily callable via junit or just via the command line. It's also got some stuff for creating load tests as well.
They've got an opensource version as well as a professional version.
What tools are free tools are available for testing WebServices that are behind NTLM2 authentication.
SoapUI Is Excellent tool with all functionality that I need, however, it doesn't support NTLMv2. If someone has a way of making that work, please provide solution.
Throwing up a custom web service testing app ought to be a pretty simple thing to do...