Which clojure jar contains clojure.contrib.io.Streams? - clojure

I am trying to compile some Clojure code to Java using the Clojure 1.2 compiler. I am including the Clojure and Clojure-contrib 1.2 jars in the classpath. When I do the compile it fails and I get the folowing error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: clojure.contrib.io.Streams (io.clj:121)
: Has anyone seen this before?
Here is the line I use to compile my clj files:
java -cp "..\lib\h2.jar;..\lib\vaadin-6.4.4.jar;..\lib\clojure.jar;..\lib\clojure-contrib.jar;..\lib\wlfullclient-;..\..\..\..\..\jre1.6windows32bit\lib\rt.jar;." -Dclojure.compile.path=cljclasses clojure.lang.Compile oe.main.oe-main

clojure.contrib.io.Streams is a protocol defined in clojure.contrib.io
To help you more you have to share more details about how and what you are trying to compile.

use (compile 'oe.main.oe-main) from a clojure REPL using the same class path, and this works


Problems with importing package from Github

before I start, you probably need to know three things:
I don't have Java background
I'm a Clojure newbie - started to learn it
question is related to my "training" package kennyfy
TL;DR version I'm not able to import/use my training package in a project
Longer version
I set myself a goal - write simple API which converts text to kennyspeak. Before that I've created a package (using default lein template).
I tried to import this package to my API.
Part of project.clj looks like this:
:repositories [["jitpack" "https://jitpack.io"]]
:dependencies [[com.github.radmen/clojure-kennyfy "0.1.2"]]
lein deps fetches the package without any problems.
When I try to use it, Clojure fails with following message:
kennyfy-api.core=> (radmen.kennyfy/kenny-speak "foo")
ClassNotFoundException radmen.kennyfy java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass (URLClassLoader.java:382)
I understand the error, yet I've no idea why this class is not imported.
I am quite sure, that this may be related to the metadata stored in the package, which results in failed imports.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you
$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_192"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_192-b26)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.192-b26, mixed mode)
$ lein version
Leiningen 2.8.3 on Java 1.8.0_192 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Clojure 1.9.0
A clojure namespaces is loaded the first time it is required.
foo.core=> (radmen.kennyfy/kenny-speak "foo")
Execution error (ClassNotFoundException) at java.net.URLClassLoader/findClass (URLClassLoader.java:382).
foo.core=> (require '[radmen.kennyfy :as kennyfy])
foo.core=> (kennyfy/kenny-speak "foo")
foo.core=> (radmen.kennyfy/kenny-speak "foo")

leiningen project: repl-options/init

When I add :repl-options {:init (print "x..")} to ~/.lein/profiles.clj it does what it should on every repl start-up. however, when I add the same to my local project.clj, I receive this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: do in this context, compiling:(/tmp/form-init5885833654225579206.clj:1:886)
I'm using leiningen 2.5.3
I've stumbled across this issue as well - I tried to use multiple profiles, each with its own :repl-options.
The issue is that Leiningen doesn't merge `:init: correctly. You can refer to this issue for more details.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any fix that would work for me. And the issue itself won't be fixed till Leiningen 3.0.

How can you access the ADL-SDK from clojure?

I am new to JNI and swig and I'm trying to access AMD's ADL-SDK v6 from clojure but am running into some errors.
;; Clojure 1.5.1
=> (com.vnetpublishing.swig.adl.AdapterInfo.)
UnsatisfiedLinkError com.vnetpublishing.swig.adl.adlsdkJNI.new_AdapterInfo()J com.vnetpublishing.swig.adl.adlsdkJNI.new_AdapterInfo (adlsdkJNI.java:-2)
=> (System/loadLibrary "libatiadlxx")
UnsatisfiedLinkError no libatiadlxx in java.library.path java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary (ClassLoader.java:1886)
The swig template is as follows
/* File jadl-sdk.i */
%module adlsdk
#include "adl_sdk.h"
%include "adl_defines.h"
%include "adl_structures.h"
%include "adl_sdk.h"
The classes were generated with the following command
swig -java -package com.vnetpublishing.swig.adl -v -DLINUX -I${JAVA_HOME}/include -I${JADL_PATH}/ADL_SDK/include -outdir ${PACKAGE_PATH} jadl-sdk.i
Does anyone know how to get this to function?
I have been able to get this to partially function using
(clojure.lang.RT/loadLibrary "atiadlxx")
(clojure.lang.RT/loadLibrary "jadlsdk")
The only problem is the jadlsdk library isn't on the java.library.path , it is inside a jar, and I can't get it to load from leiningen.
I have solved the problem. The solution was to run the loadLibrary call as part of the static constructor and to install the swig generated wrapper library as a system library (On linux under /usr/lib).
The complete code is available on github at https://github.com/rritoch/WarpCTL/tree/master/extra/JADL-SDK
Once the wrapper library has been installed, and the java wrapper code has been compiled to a jar it can be loaded in the project.clj under :resource-paths
The clojure side code can be accessed # https://github.com/rritoch/WarpCTL

Is any package or jar file required for Lancet in clojure?

Programmin Clojure by "Stuart Halloway" book talks about Lancet, Very first step is (use 'lancet) which is throwing some Exception,
user=> (use 'lancet)
java.io.FileNotFoundException: Could not locate lancet__init.class or lancet.clj
on classpath: (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
Is any jar file or some package is required to make this work?
You need lancet installed to use lancet. I'm surprised the book doesn't mention anything like that. Anyway, I would strongly recommend you use leiningen instead. Lancet is out of date and leiningen is the most popular build tool for clojure these days.

clojure.contrib.duck-streams FileNotFoundException, why?

user=> (use '[clojure.contrib.duck-streams])
java.io.FileNotFoundException: Could not locate clojure/contrib/duck_streams__in
it.class or clojure/contrib/duck_streams.clj on classpath: (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
Clojure.contrib is in CLASSPATH still it is throwing Exception. Do I need some other Jar?
Use clojure.java.io instead, it's included with 1.2.
I highly recommend using leiningen to sort this out.
try the lein repl command to get a quick repl with a working classpath.
According to this message:
clojure.contrib.duck-streams has been deprecated.