Why is C++ backward compatible with C ? Why isn't there some "pure" C++ language? - c++

C and C++ are different languages, blababla we know that.
But if those language are different, why is it still possible to use function like malloc or free ? I'm sure there are all sort of dusty things C++ has because of C, but since C++ is another language, why not remove those things to make it a little less bloat and more clean and clear ?
Is it because it allows programmers to work without the OO model or because some compilers doesn't support high-level abstract features of C++ ?

Because C++ would be right out dead if it wouldn't be compatible to C the way it is now. No one, except the fanbois, would like C++ if it wouldn't be compatible to C. (I know I'm probably going to be downvoted for this. Be it so!).

About "Why there's no "pure" C++ language... Well, there is at least one. The most popular one is called D, it's great, well-designed, feature-rich, pleasant to code with, and you can use C libraries with it.
Ah, and almost nobody uses it. :)
The direct reason is that C++ is not bad enough to give people a good reason to port millions of lines of their legacy code to more modern, and as you described, "pure" languages like D.

Most operating systems expose a C API, so if you want to use C++ for systems programming, you need some level of C interoperability.
That the C standard library was incorporated into the C++ standard library has historical and practical reasons: C++ began its life as an extension of C, and the C standard library was ready to use. It would be silly to exclude part of the library (like malloc and free) just because there are more idiomatic C++ alternatives: if you want to do stupid things, C++ gives you the power to do so.
For actual language semantics, the same applies - but to a lesser degree - and because of backwards-compatibility, C++ can never be entirely free of its C heritage.

It's designed so that you can port C code and compile it as C++ code directly, and it allows for incremental upgrading of existing code. If C++ didn't have malloc/free, you couldn't compile existing C code as C++, because you'd have to pay some poor shmuck to go through and find all the malloc calls and replace them, which is expensive.

C++ was designed to be compatible with C -- in fact it was originally a superset of C, but the C language has since changed to break that.
This means that C libraries -- including the C run-time library -- can be called from C++ code. It does not mean that it is a good idea to do so!
If you want a "pure" C++ then you can just use C++ without calling any C libraries.
[As others have said since I started typing this: The Design & Evolution of C++ is a good place to start reading for the background on this.]

I suggest you take a look at The Design & Evolution of C++ to get a better feel for the reason the language turned out the way it is. There are historical reasons why C++ grew out of C and was made backward compatible with it.

The early versions of C++ were built on top of C and in fact the compiler translated C++ code to C which was in turn compiled by the local C compiler. Bjarne Stroustrup is a great believer in backwards compatibility and would, I'm sure, resist any attempt to take functionality away.
You can read all about in in Bjarne's book The Design and Evolution of C++.

There were plenty of more pure languages. They didn't get widely used, though, because they were too far outside the comfort range of most programmers. C++, on the other hand, allowed programmers to slowly ramp up by allowing C styles.
What you're doing is looking at languages like C# or Python and wondering why C++ doesn't look like them, but forgetting that getting there required stepping stones like C++ and Java, or Awk and Perl.
To adapt a quotation I heard earlier: C# is Microsoft's version of Sun's for-idiots version of Bell's version of C-enhanced-by-Simula.

All are right. To sum up: the reason is politics. If you want something to be popular, enhance something already popular and you have a ready market. Design something new and no one will be interested unless you are Sun, design some utter crap, but throw billions of dollars into library development and marketing.

malloc() and free() are required so that you can call into C language libraries from C++ code. The C language library might return a pointer to memory allocated with malloc() that must be freed by the caller with free(); or, less commonly, it might require a pointer to memory allocated with malloc() that it can internally reallocate with realloc() or free with free().


When will using C subset of C++ be bad?

I am currently joining a new project in C++, but I am only acquainted with C. I will look to learn the STL and BOOST, but in the meantime, I foresee myself only programming in the C subset of C++.
My question is, when will just using the C subset of C++ and compiling with the C++ compiler be notably worse than just compiling with a C compiler?
I ask mostly in performance (things like size of executable are not a concern, as we are not working in embedded systems).
I ask mostly in performance
I would say that this is the wrong metric to use. Many C++ compilers share their codebase with C compilers. That is, if a given block of code is valid C and valid C++ (with the same semantics in both languages), the object code produced by the C compiler is likely to be comparable to – if not the same as – that produced by the C++ compiler (ignoring C++ name mangling).
A better metric for "bad" is robustness. The differences between C and C++ are more than syntax. C++ is object-oriented, using a different mindset than C. Given a piece of code that happens to be valid in both languages, the style will often reveal which language it was written as. Thanks to object-orientation, C++ code promotes more robust practices than exist in C (whereas C has a better focus on raw speed). Perhaps the simplest such practice to grasp is RAII.
So the question of "bad" should not focus on the object code, but on the source code. What will your colleagues on this project think of your coding style? You might be better served by learning C++ philosophy before worrying about learning all of the Boost and STL APIs. (There is overlap in what you would learn, so the distinction is not cut-and-dried. Please allow me this bit of exaggeration to make a point.)
Using the common subset of C and C++ is good and in fact necessary, when writing a header that is designed to be usable from both C and C++.
Limiting oneself to C conforming code when writing a C++ source file, and correspondingly limiting oneself to C++ conforming code when writing C source file is unnecessary and leads to code that would be considered poor quality by majority of programmers.
Think of C++ as an extension of C to facilitate object-orientated programming.
C++ contains higher-level features (virtual functions, shared_ptrs, dynamic casts etc) designed to make programming easier, but with the tradeoff of some performance overhead.
These C++ features are built on top of C fundamentals (pointers, malloc etc). So you could avoid virtual functions by using C pointers to functions, but you increase the chance of bugs and readability and maintainability decrease.
So, your C code shouldn't be slower than C++ (unless you do something silly). However, your C++ could be slower until you learn how the C++ features are implemented "under the hood".

Which languages will call C++ with no explicit bridging?

While developing a new product, we decided to go for a mix of C++ and C#, haven been told that bridging them to allow the C# code to call the C++ code would be easy (spoiler, it's not).
We're pretty experienced C++ programmers and not at all C# programmers so we pretty much just had to believe what we've read. A few attempts to call C and Objective-C was promising and we even found a few articles that showed how to make an unmanaged C++ class available in C# -- or at least we thought. The C++ code in the articles, wasn't C++, but instead the horrible monster C++/CLI that Microsoft seems to think is C++. Since we're doing the C# stuff to get some bits "for free" in macOS and Windows, C++/CLI isn't an option either :-(.
Anyway, plenty of people have claimed that it's easy to call C++ code from some specific programming language, but so far, I haven't seen a single one that will allow me to do so (I haven't been paying too much attention to this, so please provide me with an obvious example). C++ invariably always means C with no C++ stuff at all; no namespaces, classes, no stl, lambdas or anything. Just plain dumb C.
So, are there any languages, besides C++(/CLI) that will allow me to do the following:
Create an instance of a class, using a C++ constructor, and dispatch it with a C++ destructor.
Call member functions on an object ( foo f; f.foo();) with a C++ class.
Use std::vector, std::find_if, std::string and other stuff from the stl. Complete coverage of the stl is not required.
Use overloaded functions (i.e. f(), f(int), f(std::string))
Use overloaded operators (foo operator + (foo, foo))
Use C++11, C++14 and/or C++17 features.
Use RAII (rather important IMHO).
Use namespaces.
No. There is no such language.
Unless you count Objective-C++. But that falls pretty much in the same bucket as C++/CLI, in being C++ with some extensions. And C++/CX is another such beast.
There are some interop tools that can work with C++ classes (SWIG for example), but I have never heard of a tool that is capable of instantiating C++ templates (like vector or find_if) on demand.
What languages will call C++ with no explicit bridging?
The short answer to this question is: NONE
Remember that a programming language is a specification written in some technical report, usually in English. For examples, read n1570 (the spec of C11) or R5RS (the spec of Scheme). For C++, see n3337.
Actually, you are interested in implementations, e.g. in compilers and interpreters for your programming languages. These implementations are practically software. And then the answer might become: it depends (notably on the ABI used & targetted by your compiler and system).
See for examples this list of ABIs for Linux.
plenty of people have claimed that it's easy to call C++ code from some specific programming language,
The C calling conventions are quite common, and it might help to declare every C++ function callable from outside as extern "C". But there is no silver bullet, and details matter a lot.
So, are there any languages, besides C++(/CLI) that will allow me to do the following:
list of C++ features skipped
Probably not.
You probably need at least to understand more about memory management approaches. I recommend understanding more about garbage collection, e.g. by reading the GC handbook (at least for underlying concepts & terminology). Learn more about foreign function interfaces (in some cases, the libffi might help) and language bindings.
You might also consider generating some of the C++ or C glue code, maybe with SWIG (or write your own C++ glue code generator).
On operating systems providing dynamic linking capable of loading plugins at runtime (e.g. Linux with dlopen(3)/dlsym(3); but other OSes often have similar facilities) you could even consider generating some C or C++ glue code at runtime in some temporary file, compile it as a temporary plugin, and dynamically loading that plugin. You could also consider JIT-compiling libraries like GCCJIT or LLVM (or libjit).
I recommend reading SICP, the Dragon Book, and probably Lisp In Small Pieces. Of course, learn something about OSes, e.g. Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces. Reading about Linkers and Loaders could also help.
As an excellent example of cleverly gluing C++, look into CLASP and see this video.
But whatever approach you take, you'll need a lot of work (years, not weeks).
C++ as a language does not have a defined ABI (Application Binary Interface) - which basically means that there is no universal standard of what a C++ class/function call/template would look like in binary form on any given platform, or across platforms.
What that means is that there is no universal way to call C++ code from other languages, on different platforms, or even across compilers on the same platform. It also means that the people who are telling you "it's easy to call C++ code from XYZ language" are mostly incorrect (or at least incredibly incomplete).
Where there are interfaces it's either because the provider of the interface controls the ABI (C++/CLI with .NET), or because there is a translation layer from C++ to something like the C calling convention (Boost::python).
Some work has been done towards attempting to define an ABI per-platform (http://open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG21/docs/papers/2014/n4028.pdf), but as far as I'm aware it has not yet been accepted into C++17.
You can look into using C++ interpreter, which allows for the fine-grained control you ask for. But I don't know of any that "just works", see also:
Have you used any of the C++ interpreters (not compilers)?

Using C++ API in C?

One day I decided to start writing a video game in plain old C.
It was a lot of fun, and three months later (I sometimes have little time away from the job) I found myself in the need of some physics engine.
I decided to use Bullet physics engine, because it seems like one of the better ones out there for what I need.
Then, I found out Bullet doesn't really have a C API but only a full C++ API. Its C API is not maintained.
After a day of cursing, I 'converted' my project into C++, which is a bold statement for saying I typecasted all heap allocation and I use new and delete instead of malloc and free, and wrapped up some definitions in 'extern "C" { ... }'.
Some people would probably shoot me for doing that, but I saw no other option to using a performance-tasking thing such as this physics engine, which only has a C++ API, in C.
So now, I'm compiling with g++, while still writing mostly "C" code.
I find myself a little less happy, because the code no longer feels as pure.
C++ gives me some strange error messages, while I have nothing against the language I often do not like the g++ parser.
Aside from the fact that I can now happily bounce objects into each other, some of the smallness and purity of my pet project has been deserted now.
I'm wondering if I did the right thing. Can I ask for some advice, should I just carry on and not worry about using a C++ compiler for my 'mostly' C code? Are there other ways to use this API in C without any performance hits or overdone maintenance work?
I'm wondering if I did the right
Well, you needed a component for your project, and instead of inventing it again from scratch, you reused an existing piece of software. It actually sounds right to me.
Can I ask for some advice, should I
just carry on and not worry about
using a C++ compiler for my 'mostly' C
You don't need to worry at all. C++ is almost 100% C compatible. There are no penalties on doing that. You have actually earned better compile-time checkings due to a much stricter type system.
Are there other ways to use this API
in C without any performance hits or
overdone maintenance work?
No, you can't use the API in C without converting your code to C++. C++ identifiers are mangled: this means that, even if you were ready to use the C++ API from plain C, you wouldn't know how to refer to them. Theoretically this is possible, in practice it isn't.
Your way is the correct one.
Good luck with that game!
I think you're overly concerning yourself with things that aren't really problems. You say that some of the purity has gone. Well, I can understand this. You wrote it in C and then, realizing you had to use C++ to use an API of choice, shoehorned it in. Now it doesn't feel like your pet baby anymore. This is a subconscious issue, not a programming one.
I suggest you bite the bullet (haha), and rewrite your project in C++. Then it will be pure again, you'll learn a lot on the way, and won't feel like your C-child is being sodomized.
Depending on how tightly coupled the different subsystems of your engine are, it might be feasible to write different parts of the engine in different languages.
For example, you could factor out the physics part into a C++ module which exports a C API and let the rest of your application stay in C. However, it might make more sense to write the central part of the system in C++ and refactor your existing C code into seperate modules.
If you want to write your project in C, write it in C and make a C wrapper for the library; have a look at this question for some advice about it.
Otherwise, rewrite your project in C++; but please, don't write yet another C project with some C++ here and there, in my experience these projects can quickly become a mess (and if you write code with a C mindset but calling C++ code weird things start to happen when exceptions are added to the mix).
Don't worry about writing mostly C code and compiling it with C++. Just adopt using new/delete instead of malloc/free and you'll be fine. The advantage of using new is that you don't have to cast the result to the proper pointer type (implicit casts from void* to other pointers are disallowed in C++) and that new will never return an invalid pointer. You loose realloc() though. (And no, don't even think of mixing new/delete with realloc :))
The only reasons you would keep a project as "pure C" are either because of source code compatibility, tool support, or because of language standards (MISRA-C etc). "I want it to feel pure" is probably not a very rational argument.
If keeping the code as pure C for such reasons is important, your could have written a "wrapper" DLL (assuming Windows) in C++, which does all the communication with your 3rd party API. You'd get a fair bit of overhead of course.
The strange error messages are no doubt caused by the stricter typing in C++, which can be a bless or a curse depending on the situation. A C++ compiler will be more likely to slap your fingers when encountering dangerous implicit typecasts (integer promotions etc) and it will likely enforce stricter "const correctness". But at the same time, it will moan about void pointers, which are considered good generic programming in C, but dangerous, sloppy and possibly redundant in C++.
One option is to convert the C++ code to C using LLVM. See this FAQ from the project's website: Can I convert C++ code to C code?

C or C++ for pattern recogniton/image processing?

I about to take some courses in Pattern Recognition.
As i have no prior knowledge in either C or C++, my professors told me to learn a bit of one of them before the course, and learn more when doing the course.
Which one should i pick?
The prior knowledge in programming i have is limited to mostly C# but some PHP, SQL and Prolog as well.
The choice of a low-level language like C or C++ probably means you are into performance at the cost of the development time.
If this is your first low-level language, then learn C. It is simple, robust and proven language, and it allows to write the fast code. It has a decades long record of portability. It is much easier to integrate C code with code written in other languages. With C++ it is too easy to make things wrong. C++ requires much greater degree of language mastery and much more programmer's attention to make things right. While it is possible to write fast code in C++, it's more of an art than doing the same thing in C.
If you have only a few months to learn, then at the end you'll be able to write an OK C code, but this time is simply not enough to get enough experience with C++, hence your C++ code written in the first year or two will be awful.
See, for example, severe criticism of C++ from Linus Torvalds: C++ is a horrible language and C++ productivity. Basically, it boils down to C++ being too complicated even for professional programmers, and C++ code being ambiguous with context-dependent behaviour (this may be considered a higher-level language feature, but it makes more difficult to reason about the performance).
One of the major open source libraries for computer vision, OpenCV, is available both for C and C++, but it is also available for Python, which is a much easier language to get the things done quickly (and also to learn as a first language). BTW, I assume if you manage to offload most of the work to the library, which itself is written in C/C++, the performance cost of Python won't be huge (but generally Python is 10x slower than C).
Stroustrup (inventor of C++) argues that C++ is easier to learn than C:
There will be less type errors to catch manually […] fewer tricks to learn […], and better libraries available.
With that in mind, go for C++.
C and C++ are fundamentally different in the way they approach programming. If you have experience with C#, C++ would be a choice since it is object oriented as well. Also, even though they are different, knowing C++ will let you read (and mostly understand) C code as well. Also, check out this question for some information on the differences between these languages.
I would recommend learning C++ as this probably be easiest if you know about classes etc from C#. Also you can write free functions in C++ but is harder to write classes in C.
A standard library you will likely use is opencv.
C# will set you in good stead to master C/C++. You will probably be able to see through the opencv code examples and understand them.
You can likely get by with enough C you pick up from working through the examples and becoming familiar with them. The focus of the course will be on the algorithms and not how fancy your code is.
Sounds like a fun course! Good luck.

Why are many VMs written in C when they look like they have C++ features?

I noticed some not so old VM languages like Lua, NekoVM, and Potion written in C.
It looked like they were reimplementing many C++ features.
Is there a benefit to writing them in C rather than C++?
I know something about Lua.
Lua is written in pure ANSI Standard C and compiles on any ANSI platform with no errors and no warnings. Thus Lua runs on almost any platform in the world, including things like Canon PowerShot cameras. It's a lot harder to get C++ to run on weird little embedded platforms.
Lua is a high-performance VM, and because C cannot express method calls (which might be virtual or might not) and operator overloading, it is much easier to predict the performance of C code just by looking at the code. C++, especially with the template library, makes it a little too easy to burn resources without being aware of it. (A full implementation of Lua including not only VM but libraries fits in 145K of x86 object code. The whole language fits even in a tiny 256K cache, which you find at L2 on Intel i7 and L1 on older chips. Unless you really know what you're doing, it's much harder to write C++ that compiles to something this small.)
These are two good reasons to write a VM in C.
It looked like they were reimplementing many C++ features.
Are you suggesting it's easier to implement polymorphism in C++ rather than C? I think you are greatly mistaken.
If you write a VM in C++, you wouldn't implement polymorphism in terms of C++'s polymorphism. You'd roll your own virtual table which maps function names to pointers, or something like that.
People are used to C. I have to admit that I'm more likely to write C for my own projects, even though I've been writing C++ since cfront 1.0.
If you want complete control over things, C is a little easier.
One obvious answer is interoperability. Any time language X has to call functions defined in language Y, you usually make sure that either X or Y is C (the language C, that is)
C++ doesn't define an ABI, so calling C++ code from another language is a bit tricky to do portably. But calling C code is almost trivial. That means that at least part of your VM is probably going to have to be written in C, and then why not be consistent and write the entire thing in C?
Another advantage of C is that it's simple. Everyone can read it, and there are plenty of programmers to help you write it. C++ is, for good and bad, much more of an experts language. You can do a lot of impressive things in C++, and it can save you a lot of work, but there are also fewer programmers who are really good at it.
It's much harder to be "good" at C++, and until one is good at it they will have a lot of bugs and problems. Now, especially when working on large projects with many people, the chance that one of them won't be good enough is much bigger, so coding the project in C is often less risky. There are also portability issues - C code is much easier to port across compilers than C++.
Lua also has many features that are very easy to implement in Lisp, so why doesn't it take that as a basis? The point is that C is little more than glorified assembler code with only a thin layer of abstraction. It is like a somewhat polished blank slate, on which you can build your higher level abstractions. C++ is such a building. Lua is a different building, and if it had to use C++ abstractions, it would have to bend its intent around the existing C++ structure. Starting from the blank slate instead gives you the freedom to build it like you want.
In many cases, code in C could be much faster than C++. For instance most of the functions in the stdio.c library are faster than iostream. scanf is faster than cin, printf is faster than cout etc.
and VMs demand high performance, so C code makes perfect sense, although the programs would most probably take longer to develop.
C++ is implemented in C. I suspect everyone was following the C++ approach.
Even though modern C++ compilers skip (or conceal) the explicit C++ to C translation as a discrete step, the C++ language has peculiarities that stem from the underlying C implementation.
Two examples.
Pointers in addition to references is entirely because of C. References are sufficient, and that's the way Java, Python and Ruby all work.
The classes are not first-class objects that exist at run-time because the class is only a way to define the attributes and method functions in the underlying C code. Class objects exist at run-time in Java, Python and Ruby, and can be manipulated.
Just a side note, you should look into CLR (Rotor-incarnation) and Java sources and you will note it is far more C++-as-C rather than modern or good C++. So it has a parallel there and it is a side-effect of abstracting for toys and making it average-performance happy for the crowd in managed languages.
It also helps avoid pitfalls of naive C++ usage. Exceptions and all other sort of things (bits David at boost consulting kicked off and more while we build sequencers and audio sampling before he even had a job :) are an issue too..
Python integration is another matter, and has a messy history in boost for example.. But for primitive data types and interfaces/interop and machine abstraction, well it is quite clear nothing beats C. No compiler issues either, and it still bootstraps many things before you get to anything as influential as it is/was/will be.
Stepanov recognised this achievement when he nailed STL, and Bjarne nailed it with templates.. Those are the three things always worth thinking about, as you don't have a decent incarnation of them in popular managed languages, not to that expressivness and power. All of that more than 20 years later, which is remarkable and all still bootstrap via C/C++.. Legacy of goodness (but I'm not defending 'dark age' C code c1982-2000, just the idea, yuo can misuse anything ).