how to get UIView 's angle after CGAffineTransform? - angle

i have been do more CGAffineTransform.
how to get current Uiview's angle?
i want to do something when angle==[M_PI/2 ~ M_PI]?

CGFloat radians = atan2f(self.view.transform.b, self.view.transform.a);
CGFloat degrees = radians * (180 / M_PI);

You can check .transfrom property of UIView for that.


Return a Value between 1 & 360

I have a function set to return a Value being used in a Quaternin Rotation. Howver when I have a reslt less than 1 or very close to 360 I recieve a result of -nan(ind). Is there a way to return a conclusive result betwen 1 & 360 to avoid any errors in calculaon. Thanks
const float ReturnAngle() const
return (acosf(angle) * 180.0f * 2) / PI;
These are some results as to wat I receive when checking the value after applying a transformaion rotation to my quatrnion.
angle: 359.598
angle: -nan(ind)
angle: 357.843
angle: -nan(ind)
angle: -nan(ind)
angle: 0.798189
angle: 2.16383
angle: 1.75475
angle: -nan(ind)
The value that you are passing to acosf is outside the allowed range -1 to 1. Review the code that sets the value for angle - perhaps you have a bug there. If it is just a rounding error and angle is outside the allowed range by a small value, "clamping" it to the valid range may be a good solution.
const float ReturnAngle() const
if (angle < -1f) angle = -1f;
if (angle > +1f) angle = +1f;
return (acosf(angle) * 180.0f * 2) / PI;

How can I customise the Animation of an Angle change in SwiftUI

I have an app that shows a bunch of people who each have an origin and angle.
struct Location {
var centre:CGPoint
var facing:Angle
SwiftUI magically and automatically does a lot of the animation as they move from location A to location B
withAnimation {
person.location = newLocation
However - for the Angle (facing) property, I want the animation to go in the shortest route (bearing in mind that in the real world - angles wrap around).
e.g. Swift UI correctly animates when the angle changes 5 -> 10 (degrees)
but going from 2 to 358, it takes the long way around
SwiftUI does 2,3,4,5,6,7.......,357,358
where I would like it to do
how can I go about this?
thank you
update: I'm hoping for a solution which allows me to work with the animation system, perhaps using a new MyAngle struct which provides the animation steps directly, perhaps using some kind of animation modifier.
.easeInOut modifies the steps - is there an equivalent approach where I can create a .goTheRightWay animation?
Ok - Posting my own answer.
It works a bit like #Ben's answer - but moves the 'shadow angle' management to the rotation effect.
All you have to do is switch rotationEffect(angle:Angle) for shortRotationEffect(angle:Angle,id:UUID)
this looks like
#State private var rotationStorage = RotationStorage()
//and then in body
Image(systemName: "person.fill").resizable()
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)
the ShortRotationEffect uses the provided id to maintain a dictionary of previous angles. When you set a new angle, it figures out the equivalent angle which provides a short rotation and applies that with a normal rotationEffect(...)
Here it is:
class RotationStorage {
private var storage: [UUID: Angle] = [:]
fileprivate func setAngle(id:UUID,angle:Angle) {
storage[id] = angle
fileprivate func getAngle(_ id:UUID) -> Angle? {
return storage[id]
extension View {
/// Like RotationEffect - but when animated, the rotation moves in the shortest direction.
/// - Parameters:
/// - angle: new angle
/// - anchor: anchor point
/// - id: unique id for the item being displayed. This is used as a key to maintain the rotation history and figure out the right direction to move
func shortRotationEffect(_ angle: Angle,
anchor: UnitPoint = .center,
id: UUID,
storage:RotationStorage) -> some View {
modifier(ShortRotation(angle: angle,
anchor: anchor,
id: id,
struct ShortRotation: ViewModifier {
var angle: Angle
var anchor: UnitPoint
var id: UUID
let storage:RotationStorage
func getAngle() -> Angle {
var newAngle = angle
if let lastAngle = storage.getAngle(id) {
let change: Double = (newAngle.degrees - lastAngle.degrees) %% 360.double
if change < 180 {
newAngle = lastAngle + Angle.init(degrees: change)
} else {
newAngle = lastAngle + Angle.init(degrees: change - 360)
storage.setAngle(id: id, angle: newAngle)
return newAngle
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.rotationEffect(getAngle(), anchor: anchor)
this relies on my positive modulus function:
public extension Double {
/// Returns modulus, but forces it to be positive
/// - Parameters:
/// - left: number
/// - right: modulus
/// - Returns: positive modulus
static func %% (_ left: Double, _ right: Double) -> Double {
let truncatingRemainder = left.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: right)
return truncatingRemainder >= 0 ? truncatingRemainder : truncatingRemainder+abs(right)
How about adjusting the newLocation value to keep within 180˚ of the start? Here's a function to check if the distance animated is greater than half way around and provide a new endpoint that satisfies it.
func adjustedEnd(from start: CGFloat, to target: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
// Shift end to be greater than start
var end = target
while end < start { end += 360 }
// Mod the distance with 360, shifting by 180 to keep on the same side of a circle
return (end - start + 180).truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360) - 180 + start
Some sample test cases:
let startValues: [CGFloat] = [2, -10, 345, 365, 700]
let endValues: [CGFloat] = [2, 10, 180, 185, 350, -10, 715, -700]
for start in startValues {
print("From \(start):")
for end in endValues {
let adjusted = adjustedEnd(from: start, to: end)
print("\t\(end) \tbecomes \(adjusted);\tdistance \(abs(adjusted - start))")
prints the following:
From 2.0:
2.0 becomes 2.0; distance 0.0
10.0 becomes 10.0; distance 8.0
180.0 becomes 180.0; distance 178.0
185.0 becomes -175.0; distance 177.0
350.0 becomes -10.0; distance 12.0
-10.0 becomes -10.0; distance 12.0
715.0 becomes -5.0; distance 7.0
-700.0 becomes 20.0; distance 18.0
From -10.0:
2.0 becomes 2.0; distance 12.0
10.0 becomes 10.0; distance 20.0
180.0 becomes -180.0; distance 170.0
185.0 becomes -175.0; distance 165.0
350.0 becomes -10.0; distance 0.0
-10.0 becomes -10.0; distance 0.0
715.0 becomes -5.0; distance 5.0
-700.0 becomes 20.0; distance 30.0
From 345.0:
2.0 becomes 362.0; distance 17.0
10.0 becomes 370.0; distance 25.0
180.0 becomes 180.0; distance 165.0
185.0 becomes 185.0; distance 160.0
350.0 becomes 350.0; distance 5.0
-10.0 becomes 350.0; distance 5.0
715.0 becomes 355.0; distance 10.0
-700.0 becomes 380.0; distance 35.0
From 365.0:
2.0 becomes 362.0; distance 3.0
10.0 becomes 370.0; distance 5.0
180.0 becomes 540.0; distance 175.0
185.0 becomes 185.0; distance 180.0
350.0 becomes 350.0; distance 15.0
-10.0 becomes 350.0; distance 15.0
715.0 becomes 355.0; distance 10.0
-700.0 becomes 380.0; distance 15.0
From 700.0:
2.0 becomes 722.0; distance 22.0
10.0 becomes 730.0; distance 30.0
180.0 becomes 540.0; distance 160.0
185.0 becomes 545.0; distance 155.0
350.0 becomes 710.0; distance 10.0
-10.0 becomes 710.0; distance 10.0
715.0 becomes 715.0; distance 15.0
-700.0 becomes 740.0; distance 40.0
(Edited to account for negative ending values)
Edit: From your comment about keeping a second value around, what about setting Location.facing to the adjusted angle, and then adding to Location something like
var prettyFacing: Angle {
var facing = self.facing
while facing.degrees < 0 { facing += Angle(degrees: 360) }
while facing.degrees > 360 { facing -= Angle(degrees: 360) }
return facing
After trying both of the other options, we were still getting visual glitches (less common, but still there!).
Our Solution: Use UIKit for Animation
We've created a SPM package that adds a simple modifier, .uiRotationEffect(). This modifier wraps your View in a UIView, and uses UIView's .animate(...) function to get the correct behavior.
You can install the package here or you can just copy and paste the code here, it's not very long.
GIF of the working solution:

C++ AI Rotation Issue

For a game I'm making, I want 3 ships which will all race around the map following a collection of points. It works perfectly fine, except for one point in the map, where the ships decide to rotate almost 360 degrees counter clockwise even though only 10 degrees clockwise should be enough.
The code for calculating the rotation:
vec2 distance = *desiredPosition - position;
float rot = atan2(distance.y, distance.x);
rot = rot * 180.f / PI + 90.f;
if (rot < angle)
angle -= dAngle;
if (rot > angle)
angle += dAngle;
velocity += vec2(acceleration * cos((angle - 90) * PI / 180.0), acceleration * sin((angle - 90) * PI / 180.0));
How do I ensure it won't rotate in the wrong direction there?
Thanks to Richard Byron (accepted answer below), the problem is fixed. Taking the dot product is better than using degrees.
The final code:
vec2 distance = desiredPosition - position;
normal = vec2(sin((angle - 90) * PI / 180.0), cos((angle - 90) * PI / 180.0) * -1);
float dir = normal.x * distance.x + normal.y * distance.y;
if (dir > 0)
angle -= dAngle;
if (dir < 0)
angle += dAngle;
velocity += vec2(acceleration * cos((angle - 90) * PI / 180.0), acceleration * sin((angle - 90) * PI / 180.0));
The angle the boat turns should be less than 180 degrees either CW or CCW. If it turns more than 180 degrees in one direction it would have been better to turn the other way.
A more general solution would be calculate the distance vector with respect to the boat's frame of reference.
There are a couple of problems with your updated code. Firstly, it should be rot2 = 360 - rot1; (rot1 + 360 is exactly the same angle as rot1).
The second issue is that you are not taking into account that 1 and 359 degrees are almost the same angle. So if abs(rot1 - angle) > 180, then you really want to use 360 - abs(rot1 - angle) in that case. Your later comparisons with rot and angle are a problem for the same reason, and you need to handle angle incrementing above 360 and decrementing below 0.
I could write out code for this, but there's actually a much simpler and faster way to do this. If you take the dot product of the vector (desiredPosition - position) and a vector at right angles to the ships current heading, then you can turn based on the sign of that result. If it's not clear how to do this, let me know and I can expand on it in the comments.

Swift Double is Not Convertible to CGFloat

I'm trying to draw a simple circle when I get to the following line I get the error "Double is Not Convertable to CGFloat under the startAngle = 0.0
path.addArcWithCenter(center, radius: radius, startAngle: 0.0, endAngle: Float(M_PI) * 2.0, clockwise: true)
How do I "cast" 0.0 to make it CGFloat in Swift?
The complete function I am writing:
func drawCircle() {
// Drawing code
var bounds:CGRect = secondView.bounds
var center = CGPoint()
center.x = bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width / 2.0
center.y = bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height / 2.0
var radius = (min(bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height) / 2.0)
var path:UIBezierPath = UIBezierPath()
path.addArcWithCenter(center, radius: radius, startAngle: CGFloat(0.0), endAngle: Float(M_PI) * 2.0, clockwise: true)
Convert the values that need to be CGFloat to a CGFloat.
path.addArcWithCenter(center, radius: CGFloat(radius), startAngle: CGFloat(0.0), endAngle: CGFloat(M_PI) * 2.0, clockwise: true)
startAngle probably shouldn't need to be converted though if you're just passing a literal. Also note that this isn't a C style cast, but actually converting between different Swift Types.
Edit: Looking at your whole function, this works.
func drawCircle() {
// Drawing code
var bounds:CGRect = self.view.bounds
var center = CGPoint()
center.x = bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width / 2.0
center.y = bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height / 2.0
var radius = (min(bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height) / 2.0)
var path:UIBezierPath = UIBezierPath()
path.addArcWithCenter(center, radius: CGFloat(radius), startAngle: CGFloat(0.0), endAngle: CGFloat(Float(M_PI) * 2.0), clockwise: true)
You must type cast it via CGFloat(0.0). CGFloat has been adjusted to evaluate differently throughout the beta version of Xcode 6 due to the fact that in Obj-C, CGFloat casts to either a float or a double depending on the target (64 bit versus 32 bit). You must type cast a number to CGFloat in Swift to use a CGFloat as you're never guaranteed to have a float or a double (because this is dependent on the environment). This way, Swift won't throw a fit and will still be 'type' safe.
This error will disappear in Swift 5.5.
Maybe it's not a good idea, but I used NSNumber to convert Double to Float, then to CGFloat.
let myFloat = NSNumber.init(value: myDouble).floatValue
let myCGFloat = CGFloat(myFloat)

Computing FOVX (openGL)

When working with openGL perspectives I am not quite sure how to compute the fovx from the fovy. I read different things in different places and in I don't get the right behavior by using either method that I found. So can someone please tell me, given the fovy of the camera and the aspect ratio, how to I calculate the fovx of the camera? If any other data is needed that is fine just let me know what I need. Thank you so much in advance!
fieldOfViewX = 2 * atan(tan(fieldOfViewY * 0.5) * aspect)
Wrong, especially for large aspects, see #gman's comments below:
Aspect ratio === width/height
fovy ~= "height"
==> fovx = fovy * aspect
Fovy = 60 degs
Aspect = 4:3 ~= 1.33
Fovx = 60*1.33 = 80
80/60 = 4:3 (fovs match, yay)
For "reasonable" fovs/aspects, simple method is "reasonably" near the truth, but if you have extreme aspects you will get fovx > 180 degrees, which you don't want.
Here is a good link:
Note that the aspect ratio is not the same thing as the field of view ratio, and the proper relationship given on this page should be used for relating field of view angles.
double d = (viewportHeight * 0.5) / Math.tan(Math.toRadians(fovY * 0.5));
fovX = (float) (2 * Math.toDegrees(Math.atan((viewportWidth * 0.5) / d)));
Have you looked at the formulas here?: