Dynamic binary from file - c++

This is a little bit of weird problem here.
Say I have a C++ code, running on a specific platform. The only purpose of this code is to run files containing binary, NATIVE to that platform.
Now - my question is - HOW would I get the data from these files (could even be by bits, like 1024 bits a cycle) to the memory of machine running my code so that this data would be in the execution part?
In other words, can I get the data to somewhere where I can point the instruction pointer?
If yes, how?
I don't mind if I have to use assembler for this - just so it would work.
EDIT: Sorry, I wasn't specific enough.
Basically - the file data I want to load is in no format like .exe, Mach-O executable or ELF. It is just raw binary data (with some custom headers which my code removes). This binary data is machine code, specific and suited for the processor running on the current machine.
Technically this means I want to go around normal OS executors and load the binary directly. I could interpret it but that would be around 3x slower at best.
I would not mind at all if I need to run the data in another child process - but again, I can not use normal process openers, because the data is not in any format that the OS could run automatically (again - like .exe, Mach-O, ELF).

You should just read file to memory, mark this memory as executable (it's platform-specific, for example VirtualProtect() for Windows), and call it as function: ((void(*)())ptr)();
Of course code in file should be position-independent.

How generic does your solution need to be?
The OS loader usually knows how to handle specific file formats and how to load them into memory. You can usually use the OS loader and call the entry point, but for that you need to know what is the entry point and for that you need to understand the file format anyway. I can't think of a portable solution for that.
If you'll explain more about what you want to do maybe it will be possible to supply a solution.


Dynamic load of object file to execute

I was wondering what are the steps to load an object file (generated from a single source file by the the msvc compiler), load it in memory of my program already running (in a buffer for example) and then run the code inside it.
The use case is that I have a large program which take a minute to load and wanted to do real time modifications from source code. Like just load the object file, fix some addresses in this object file, use the -hotpatch function to intercept call in my already running process and redirect to my object file.
Seems to me that I should just resolve the import table of the object file to point to my already loaded programs and intercept the call of the functions which have been modified.
Am I missing something ? I would like to ask before trying it to not waste time on something that may be impossible !
Thanks !
To answer the direct question (about loading and executing an obj file): this essentially amounts to re-writing a linker. Which is all but impossible.
As for (what I can figure out of) your intended usage: dynamically loading and executing an obj file wouldn't get you any closer to intercepting calls in your already running process. What you want is probably hooking. There are a lot (no, seriously, a lot) of ways to do so. Detours is the more-or-less official way to achieve this, here's a presentation of a few ways from the exotic side of the spectrum.

Accessing >2,3,4GB Files in 32-bit Process on 64-bit (or 32-bit) Windows

Disclaimer: I apologize for the verbosity of this question (I think it's an interesting problem, though!), yet I cannot figure out how to more concisely word it.
I have done hours of research as to the apparently myriad of ways in which to solve the problem of accessing multi-GB files in a 32-bit process on 64-bit Windows 7, ranging from /LARGEADDRESSAWARE to VirtualAllocEx AWE. I am somewhat comfortable in writing a multi-view memory-mapped system in Windows (CreateFileMapping, MapViewOfFile, etc.), yet can't quite escape the feeling that there is a more elegant solution to this problem. Also, I'm quite aware of Boost's interprocess and iostream templates, although they appear to be rather lightweight, requiring a similar amount of effort to writing a system utilizing only Windows API calls (not to mention the fact that I already have a memory-mapped architecture semi-implemented using Windows API calls).
I'm attempting to process large datasets. The program depends on pre-compiled 32-bit libraries, which is why, for the moment, the program itself is also running in a 32-bit process, even though the system is 64-bit, with a 64-bit OS. I know there are ways in which I could add wrapper libraries around this, yet, seeing as it's part of a larger codebase, it would indeed be a bit of an undertaking. I set the binary headers to allow for /LARGEADDRESSAWARE (at the expense of decreasing my kernel space?), such that I get up to around 2-3 GB of addressable memory per process, give or take (depending on heap fragmentation, etc.).
Here's the issue: the datasets are 4+GB, and have DSP algorithms run upon them that require essentially random access across the file. A pointer to the object generated from the file is handled in C#, yet the file itself is loaded into memory (with this partial memory-mapped system) in C++ (it's P/Invoked). Thus, I believe the solution is unfortunately not as simple as simply adjusting the windowing to access the portion of the file I need to access, as essentially I want to still have the entire file abstracted into a single pointer, from which I can call methods to access data almost anywhere in the file.
Apparently, most memory mapped architectures rely upon splitting the singular process into multiple processes.. so, for example, I'd access a 6 GB file with 3x processes, each holding a 2 GB window to the file. I would then need to add a significant amount of logic to pull and recombine data from across these different windows/processes. VirtualAllocEx apparently provides a method of increasing the virtual address space, but I'm still not entirely sure if this is the best way of going about it.
But, let's say I want this program to function just as "easily" as a singular 64-bit proccess on a 64-bit system. Assume that I don't care about thrashing, I just want to be able to manipulate a large file on the system, even if only, say, 500 MB were loaded into physical RAM at any one time. Is there any way to obtain this functionality without having to write a somewhat ridiculous, manual memory system by hand? Or, is there some better way than what I have found through thusfar combing SO and the internet?
This lends itself to a secondary question: is there a way of limiting how much physical RAM would be used by this process? For example, what if I wanted to limit the process to only having 500 MB loaded into physical RAM at any one time (whilst keeping the multi-GB file paged on disk)?
I'm sorry for the long question, but I feel as though it's a decent summary of what appear to be many questions (with only partial answers) that I've found on SO and the net at large. I'm hoping that this can be an area wherein a definitive answer (or at least some pros/cons) can be fleshed out, and we can all learn something valuable in the process!
You could write an accessor class which you give it a base address and a length. It returns data or throws exception (or however else you want to inform of error conditions) if error conditions arise (out of bounds, etc).
Then, any time you need to read from the file, the accessor object can use SetFilePointerEx() before calling ReadFile(). You can then pass the accessor class to the constructor of whatever objects you create when you read the file. The objects then use the accessor class to read the data from the file. Then it returns the data to the object's constructor which parses it into object data.
If, later down the line, you're able to compile to 64-bit, you can just change (or extend) the accessor class to read from memory instead.
As for limiting the amount of RAM used by the process.. that's mostly a matter of making sure that
A) you don't have memory leaks (especially obscene ones) and
B) destroying objects you don't need at the very moment. Even if you will need it later down the line but the data won't change... just destroy the object. Then recreate it later when you do need it, allowing it to re-read the data from the file.

Store data in executable

I'm just curious about this for a long time.
Is it possible for an application to store some changeable data (like configurations and options) inside its own executable?
for example: is it possible to design a single executable which if a user ran, set some configurations, copied it into another PC, then the application runs by its last set config in new PC.
is this possible by any means?
Update: it seems that it's possible. then How?
Yes and no -
Yes, there's plenty of space in an executable image you can put data. You can add a pre-initialised data segment for this, say, and write the data into there; or a resource, or you can abuse some of the segment padding space to store values in. You control the linker settings so you can guarantee there will be space.
No, you probably can't do this at run-time:
Windows' caching mechanism will lock the files on disk of any executable loaded. This is so that it doesn't need to worry about writing out the data into cache if it ever needs to unload a segment - it can guarantee that it can get the same data back from the same location on disk. You may be able to get around this by running with one of the .exe load copy-to-temp flags (from CD, from Network) if the OS actually respects that, or you can write out a helper exe to temp to transfer control to, unload the original and then modify the unloaded file. (This is much easier on Linux etc. where inodes are effectively a reference count - even if they have the same default locking strategy you can copy your executable, edit the settings into the copy and then move it over the original whilst still executing.)
Virus checkers will almost certainly jump on you for this.
In general I think it's a much better idea to just write settings to the registry or somewhere and provide and import / export settings option if you think it'd be needed.
Expanding on the 'how' part -
In order to know where to write the data into your file you've got two or three options really:
Use a magic string, e.g. declare a global static variable with a known sequence at the start, e.g. "---my data here---", followed by enough empty space to store your settings in. Open the file on disk, scan it for that sequence (taking care that the scanning code doesn't actually contain the string in one piece, i.e. so you don't find the scanning code instead) - then you've found your buffer to write to. When the modified copy is executed it'll have the data already in your global static.
Understand and parse the executable header data in your binary to find the location you've used. One way would be to add a named section to your binary in the linker, e.g. a 4K section called 'mySettings' flagged it as initialised data. You can (although this is a beyond my knowledge) wire this up as an external buffer you can refer to by name in your code to read from. To write, find the section table in the executable headers, find the one called 'mySettings' and you'll have the offset in the binary that you need to modify.
Hard-code the offset of the buffer that you need to read / write. Build the file once, find the offset in a hex editor and then hard-code it into your program. Since program segments are usually rounded up to 4K you'll probably get away with the same hard-coded value through minor changes, though it may well just change underneath you.
Ya, you can do it.
It's risky.
You could screw up and make the app unrunable.
Modifying executables is something that virus and trojans tend to do.
It is likely that their virus scanner will notice, stop it, and brand you as an evil doer.
I know a little bit about evil :)
In case of windows PE files, you can write data at the end of the file. You need to know the EXE size before writing your own data so that in the 2nd writes onwards you know from which position in the exe file to start writing.
Also you can't modify the file when it's running. Your main program needs to extract and run a temporary exe somewhere so that when the main program finished, the temp exe writes configuration to the main exe file.
Yes, it's possible. You probably shouldn't do it.
Mac OS X does have the concept of "bundles" where they combine an executable and its resources into one "package" (file ending in .app), but I'm not sure it's typical for applications to modifying their own bundles, and most other operating systems don't work that way either as far as I know. It's more of a facility to store images and audio and so forth along with the code, as opposed to storing configuration data that is going to be modified when the program runs.
Modifying the executable file while it's running is a pain. The task is further complicated by any compiler optimizations your compiler may apply since it changes the structure of the program and might not allow you to have an "empty space" in which to write.
Difficult. Difficult. Difficult.
But in order to do this you basically have to read in the file into a buffer, or into another file, you can use direct fstream. However make sure you use the ios::binary flag. And append the buffer or file, I mean it's a horribly simple matter of actually appending the data. The problem lies in adding to itself.
Here's what I'd do:
first write a program to pack programs into other programs. You probably possess the knowledge already. Once you have that, have it pack itself into another program, be sure you've arranged for outside messaging or passing of arguments. Then on your main program you can simply unpack that program and pass in a link to a file you create (temporary) which you would like to append yourself with. kill your current program. Let the slave append the data and call your program again.
blam appended executable.

What is the fastest design to download and convert a large binary file?

I have a 1GB binary file on another system.
Requirement: ftp/download and convert binary to CSV on main system.
The converted file will be magnitudes larger ~ 8GB
What is the most common way of doing something similar to this?
Should this be a two step independent process, download - then convert?
Should I download small chunks at a time and convert while downloading?
I don't know the most efficient way to do this...also what should I be cautions of with files this size?
Any advice is appreciated.
Thank You.
(Visual Studio C++)
I would write a program that converts the binary format and outputs to CSV format. This program would read from stdin and write to stdout.
Then I would call
wget URL_of_remote_binary_file --output-document=- | my_converter_program > output_file.csv
That way you can start converting immediately (without downloading the entire files) and your program doesn't deal with networking. You can also run the program on the remote side, assuming it's portable enough.
Without knowing any specifics, I would go with a binary ftp download and then post-process with a separate conversion program. This would break the process into two distinct and unrelated parts which would aid in building and debugging the overall system. No need to reinvent an FTP system and lots of potential to optimize the post-processing.
To avoid too much traffic I would in a first step compress and transfer the file. The conversion process, if something goes wrong or want another output can be redone locally without refetching the data.
The only precaution is not to load the whole stuff in memory and then convert but do it chunk-wise like you said. You can prevent some unpleasant effects for users of your program by creating/pre-allocating a huge file of the max expected size. This to avoid running out of disk space during the conversion phase. Also some filesystems do not like files bigger than 2GB or 4GB, that would also be caught by the pre-allocation trick.
It depends on your data and your requirements. What performance requirements do you have? Do you need to finish such as task in X amount of time (where speed is critical), or is this something that will just be done periodically (in which case speed is not essential)?
That said, you will certainly get a cleaner implementation if you separate the work out into two tasks - a downloader and a converter. That way each component can be simple and just focus on the task at hand. All things being equal, I recommend this approach.
Otherwise if you try to download/convert at the same time you may get into situations where your downloader has data ready, but the converter needs more data before it can proceed. Again, there is no reason why your code cannot handle this, but it will make the implementation more complicated and that much more difficult to debug / test / validate.
It's usually better to do it as separate processes with no interdependency. If your requirements change in the future you can reuse the pieces, or use them for other projects.
Here are even more guesses about your requirements and possible solutions:
Concerned about file integrity? Implement something that includes integrity checks such as sequence numbers, size fields and checksums/hashes, and just enough transaction semantics so that the system knows whether a transfer completed or didn't.
Are uploads happening on slow/congested links, and may be interrrupted? Implement a protocol that allows the transfer to resume after interruption.
Are uploads recurring, with much of the data unchanged? Implement something amenable to incremental update, so you upload only the differences.

Are there any downsides to using UPX to compress a Windows executable?

I've used UPX before to reduce the size of my Windows executables, but I must admit that I am naive to any negative side effects this could have. What's the downside to all of this packing/unpacking?
Are there scenarios in which anyone would recommend NOT UPX-ing an executable (e.g. when writing a DLL, Windows Service, or when targeting Vista or Win7)? I write most of my code in Delphi, but I've used UPX to compress C/C++ executables as well.
On a side note, I'm not running UPX in some attempt to protect my exe from disassemblers, only to reduce the size of the executable and prevent cursory tampering.
... there are downsides to
using EXE compressors. Most notably:
Upon startup of a compressed EXE/DLL, all of the code is
decompressed from the disk image into
memory in one pass, which can cause
disk thrashing if the system is low on
memory and is forced to access the
swap file. In contrast, with
uncompressed EXE/DLLs, the OS
allocates memory for code pages on
demand (i.e. when they are executed).
Multiple instances of a compressed EXE/DLL create multiple
instances of the code in memory. If
you have a compressed EXE that
contains 1 MB of code (before
compression) and the user starts 5
instances of it, approximately 4 MB of
memory is wasted. Likewise, if you
have a DLL that is 1 MB and it is used
by 5 running applications,
approximately 4 MB of memory is
wasted. With uncompressed EXE/DLLs,
code is only stored in memory once and
is shared between instances.
I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet but using UPX-packed executables also increases the risk of producing false-positives from heuristic anti-virus software because statistically a lot of malware also uses UPX.
There are three drawbacks:
The whole code will be fully uncompressed in virtual memory, while in a regular EXE or DLL, only the code actually used is loaded in memory. This is especially relevant if only a small portion of the code in your EXE/DLL is used at each run.
If there are multiple instances of your DLL and EXE running, their code can't be shared across the instances, so you'll be using more memory.
If your EXE/DLL is already in cache, or on a very fast storage medium, or if the CPU you're running on is slow, you will experience reduced startup speed as decompression will still have to take place, and you won't benefit from the reduced size. This is especially true for an EXE that will be invoked multiple times repeatedly.
Thus the above drawbacks are more of an issue if your EXE or DLLs contains lots of resources, but otherwise, they may not be much of a factor in practice, given the relative size of executables and available memory, unless you're talking of DLLs used by lots of executables (like system DLLs).
To dispell some incorrect information in other answers:
UPX will not affect your ability to run on DEP-protected machines.
UPX will not affect the ability of major anti-virus software, as they support UPX-compressed executables (as well as other executable compression formats).
UPX has been able to use LZMA compression for some time now (7zip's compression algorithm), use the --lzma switch.
The only time size matters is during download off the Internet. If you are using UPX then you actually get worse performance than if you use 7-zip (based on my testing 7-Zip is twice as good as UPX). Then when it is actually left compressed on the target computer your performance is decreased (see Lars' answer). So UPX is not a good solution for file size. Just 7zip the whole thing.
As far as to prevent tampering, it is a FAIL as well. UPX supports decompressing too. If someone wants to modify the EXE then they will see it is compress with UPX and then uncompress it. The percentage of possible crackers you might slow down does not justify the effort and performance loss.
A better solution would be to use binary signing or at least just a hash. A simple hash verification system is to take a hash of your binary and a secret value (usually a guid). Only your EXE knows the secret value, so when it recalculates the hash for verification it can use it again. This isn't perfect (the secret value can be retrieved). The ideal situation would be to use a certificate and a signature.
The final size of the executable on disk is largely irrelevant these days. Your program may load a few milliseconds faster, but once it starts running the difference is indistinguishable.
Some people may be more suspicious of your executable just because it is compressed with UPX. Depending on your end users, this may or may not be an important consideration.
The last time I tried to use it on a managed assembly, it munged it so bad that the runtime refused to load it. That's the only time I can think of that you wouldn't want to use it (and, really, it's been so long since I tried that that the situation may even be better now). I've used it extensively in the past on all types of unmanaged binaries, and never had an issue.
If your only interest is in decreasing the size of the executables, then have you tried comparing the size of the executable with and without runtime packages? Granted you will have to also include the sizes of the packages overall along with your executable, but if you have multiple executables which use the same base packages, then your savings would be rather high.
Another thing to look at would be the graphics/glyphs you use in your program. You can save quite a bit of space by consolidating them to a single Timagelist included in a global data module rather than have them repeated on each form. I believe each image is stored in the form resource as hex, so that would mean that each byte takes up two bytes...you can shrink this a bit by loading the image from a RCData resource using a TResourceStream.
There are no drawbacks.
But just FYI, there is a very common misconception regarding UPX as--
resources are NOT just being compressed
Essentially you are building a new executable that has a "loader" duty and the "real" executable, well, is being section-stripped and compressed, placed as a binary-data resource of the loader executable (regardless the types of resources were in the original executable).
Using reverse-engineering methods and tools either for education purposes or other will show you the information regarding the "loader executable", and not variable information regarding the original executable.
IMHO routinely UPXing is pointless, but the reasons are spelled above, mostly, memory is more expensive than disk.
Erik: the LZMA stub might be bigger. Even if the algorithm is better, it does not always be a net plus.
Virus scanners that look for 'unknown' viruses can flag UPX compressed executables as having a virus. I have been told this is because several viruses use UPX to hide themselves. I have used UPX on software and McAfee will flag the file as having a virus.
The reason UPX has so many false alarms is because its open licensing allows malware authors to use and modify it with impunity. Of course, this issue is inherent to the industry, but sadly the great UPX project is plagued by this problem.
UPDATE: Note that as the Taggant project is completed, the ability to use UPX (or anything else) without causing false positives will be enhanced, assuming UPX supports it.
I believe there is a possibility that it might not work on computers that have DEP (Data Execution Prevention) turned on.
When Windows load a binary, first thing it does is called Import/Export Table resolution. Ie, what ever API and DLL that is indicated in the Import Table, it will first load the DLL into a randomly generated base address. And using the base address plus offset into the DLL's function, this information will be updated to the Import Table.
EXE does not have Export Table.
All these happened even before jumping to the original entry point for execution.
Then after it start executing from the entry point, the EXE will run a small piece of code before starting the decompression algorithm. This small piece of code also means that the Windows API needed will be very small, resulting in a small Import Table.
But after the binary is decompressed, if it started to use any Windows API not resolved before, then likely it is going to crash. So it is essential that the decompression routine will resolve and update the Import Table for all the referenced Window API inside the decompressed codes, before executing the decompressed codes.