Mutually exclusive contiguous ranges from multiple bitfields - c++

(This is not a CS class homework, even if it looks like one)
I'm using bitfields to represent ranges between 0 and 22. As an input, I have several different ranges, for example (order doesn't matter). I used . for 0 and X for 1 for better readability.
The number of bitfield ranges is typically below 10, but can potentially become as high as 100. From that input, I want to calculate the mutually exclusive, contiguous ranges, like this:
(again, the output order doesn't matter, they just need to be mutually exclusive and contiguous, i.e. they can't have holes in them. .....XXX.......XXXXX.... must be split up in two individual ranges).
I tried a couple of algorithms, but all of them ended up being rather complex and unelegant. What would help me immensely is a way to detect that .....XXX.......XXXXX.... has a hole and a way to determine the index of one of the bits in the hole.
Edit: The bitfield range represent zoomlevels on a map. They are intended to be used for outputting XML stylesheets for Mapnik (the tile rendering system that is, among others, used by OpenStreetMap).

I'm assuming the solution you're mentioning in the comment is something like this:
Start at the left or right (so index = 0), and scan which bits are set (upto 100 operations). Name that set x. Also set a variable block=0.
At index=1, repeat and store to set y. If x XOR y = 0, both are identical sets, so move on to index=2. If it x XOR y = z != 0, then range [block, index) is contiguous. Now set x = y, block = index, and continue.
If you have 100 bit-arrays of length 22 each, this takes something on the order of 2200 operations.
This is an optimum solution because the operation cannot be reduced further -- at each stage, your range is broken if another set doesn't match your set, so to check if the range is broken you must check all 100 bits.

I'll take a shot at your sub-problem, at least..
What would help me immensely is a way to detect that
.....XXX.......XXXXX.... has a hole and a way to determine the index
of one of the bits in the hole.
Finding the lowest and highest set ("1") bits in a bitmask is a pretty
solved problem; See, for example, ffs(3) in glibc, or see
Given the first and last indexes of a bitmap, call them i, and j,
you can compute the bitmap that has all bits betweem i and j set
using M = ((1 << i) - 1) & (~((1 << j) - 1)) (apologies for any
You can then test if the original bitmap has a hole by comparing it to
M. If it doesn't match, you can take the input xor M to find the
holes and repeat.


SSE optimisation for a loop that finds zeros in an array and toggles a flag + updates another array

A piece of C++ code determines the occurances of zero and keeps a binary flag variable for each number that is checked. The value of the flag toggles between 0 and 1 each time a zero is encountered in a 1 dimensional array.
I am attempting to use SSE to speed it up, but I am unsure of how to go about this. Evaluating the individual fields of __m128i is inefficient, I've read.
The code in C++ is:
int flag = 0;
int var_num2[1000];
for(int i = 0; i<1000; i++)
if (var[i] == 0)
var_num2[i] = flag;
flag = !flag; //toggle value upon encountering a 0
How should I go about this using SSE intrinsics?
You'd have to recognize the problem, but this is a variation of a well-known problem. I'll first give a theoretical description
Introduce a temporary array not_var[] which contains 1 if var contains 0 and 0 otherwise.
Introduce a temporary array not_var_sum[] which holds the partial sum of not_var.
var_num2 is now the LSB of not_var_sum[]
The first and third operation are trivially parallelizable. Parallelizing a partial sum is only a bit harder.
In a practical implementation, you wouldn't construct not_var[], and you'd write the LSB directly to var_num2 in all iterations of step 2. This is valid because you can discard the higher bits. Keeping just the LSB is equivalent to taking the result modulo 2, and (a+b)%2 == ((a%2) + (b%2))%s.
What type are the elements of var[]? int? Or char? Are zeroes frequent?
A SIMD prefix sum aka partial is possible (with log2(vector_width) work per element, e.g. 2 shuffles and 2 adds for a vector of 4 float), but the conditional-store based on the result is the other major problem. (Your array of 1000 elements is probably too small for multi-threading to be profitable.)
An integer prefix-sum is easier to do efficiently, and the lower latency of integer ops helps. NOT is just adding without carry, i.e. XOR, so use _mm_xor_si128 instead of _mm_add_ps. (You'd be using this on the integer all-zero/all-one compare result vector from _mm_cmpeq_epi32 (or epi8 or whatever, depending on the element size of var[]. You didn't specify, but different choices of strategy are probably optimal for different sizes).
But, just having a SIMD prefix sum actually barely helps: you'd still have to loop through and figure out where to store and where to leave unmodified.
I think your best bet is to generate a list of indices where you need to store, and then
for (size_t j = 0 ; j < scatter_count ; j+=2) {
var_num2[ scatter_element[j+0] ] = 0;
var_num2[ scatter_element[j+1] ] = 1;
You could generate the whole list if indices up-front, or you could work in small batches to overlap the search work with the store work.
The prefix-sum part of the problem is handled by alternately storing 0 and 1 in an unrolled loop. The real trick is avoiding branch mispredicts, and generating the indices efficiently.
To generate scatter_element[], you've transformed the problem into left-packing (filtering) an (implicit) array of indices based on the corresponding _mm_cmpeq_epi32( var[i..i+3], _mm_setzero_epi32() ). To generate the indices you're filtering, start with a vector of [0,1,2,3] and add [4,4,4,4] to it (_mm_add_epi32). I'm assuming the element size of var[] is 32 bits. If you have smaller elements, this require unpacking.
BTW, AVX512 has scatter instructions which you could use here, otherwise doing the store part with scalar code is your best bet. (But beware of Unexpectedly poor and weirdly bimodal performance for store loop on Intel Skylake when just storing without loading.)
To overlap the left-packing with the storing, I think you want to left-pack until you have maybe 64 indices in a buffer. Then leave that loop and run another loop that left-packs indices and consumes indices, only stopping if your circular buffer is full (then just store) or empty (then just left-pack). This lets you overlap the vector compare / lookup-table work with the scatter-store work, but without too much unpredictable branching.
If zeros are very frequent, and var_num2[] elements are 32 or 64 bits, and you have AVX or AVX2 available, you could consider doing an standard prefix sum and using AVX masked stores. e.g. vpmaskmovd. Don't use SSE maskmovdqu, though: it has an NT hint, so it bypasses and evicts data from cache, and is quite slow.
Also, because your prefix sum is mod 2, i.e. boolean, you could use a lookup table based on the packed-compare result mask. Instead of horizontal ops with shuffles, use the 4-bit movmskps result of a compare + a 5th bit for the initial state as an index to a lookup table of 32 vectors (assuming 32-bit element size for var[]).

What are some checksum implementations that allow for incremental computation?

In my program I have a set of sets that are stored in a proprietary hash table. Like all hash tables, I need two functions for each element. First, I need the hash value to use for insertion. Second, I need a compare function when there's conflicts. It occurs to me that a checksum function would be perfect for this. I could use the value in both functions. There's no shortage of checksum functions but I would like to know if there's any commonly available ones that I wouldn't need to bring in a library for (my company is a PIA when it comes to that).A system library would be ok.
But I have an additional, more complicated requirement. I need for the checksum to be incrementally calculable. That is, if a set contains A B C D E F and I subtract D from the set, it should be able to return a new checksum value without iterating over all the elements in the set again. The reason for this is to prevent non-linearity in my code. Ideally, I'd like for the checksum to be order independent but I can sort them first if needed. Does such an algorithm exist?
Simply store a dictionary of items in your set, and their corresponding hash value. The hash value of the set is the hash value of the concatenated, sorted hashes of the items. In Python:
hashes = '''dictionary of hashes in string representation'''
# e.g.
hashes = { item: hashlib.sha384(item) for item in items }
sorted_hashes = sorted(hashes.values())
concatenated_hashes = ''.join(sorted_hashes)
hash_of_the_set = hashlib.sha384(concatenated_hashes)
As hash function I would use sha384, but you might want to try Keccak-384.
Because there are (of course) no cryptographic hash functions with a lengths of only 32-bit, you have to use a checksum instead, like Adler-32 or CRC32. The idea remains the same. Best use Adler32 on the items and crc32 on the concatenated hashes:
hashes = { item: zlib.adler32(item) for item in items }
sorted_hashes = sorted(hashes.values())
concatenated_hashes = ''.join(sorted_hashes)
hash_of_the_set = zlib.crc32(concatenated_hashes)
In C++ you can use Adler-32 and CRC-32 of Botan.
A CRC is a set of bits that are calculated from an input.
If your input is the same size (or less) as the CRC (in your case - 32 bits), you can find the input that created this CRC - in effect reversing it.
If your input is larger than 32 bits, but you know all the input except for 32 bits, you can still reverse the CRC to find the missing bits.
If, however, the unknown part of the input is larger than 32 bits, you can't find it as there is more than one solution.
Why am I telling you this? Imagine you have the CRC of the set
Say you know what B is, and you can now calculate easily the CRC of the set
(by "easily" I mean - without going over the entire A and C inputs - like you wanted)
Now you have 64 bits describing A and C! And since we didn't have to go over the entirety of A and C to do it - it means we can do it even if we're missing information about A and C.
So it looks like IF such a method exists, we can magically fix more than 32 unknown bits from an input if we have the CRC of it.
This obviously is wrong. Does that mean there's no way to do what you want? Of course not. But it does give us constraints on how it can be done:
Option 1: we don't gain more information from CRC({A,C}) that we didn't have in CRC({A,B,C}). That means that the (relative) effect of A and C on the CRC doesn't change with the removal of B. Basically - it means that when calculating the CRC we use some "order not important" function when adding new elements:
we can use, for example, CRC({A,B,C}) = CRC(A) ^ CRC(B) ^ CRC(C) (not very good, as if A appears twice it's the same CRC as if it never appeared at all), or CRC({A,B,C}) = CRC(A) + CRC(B) + CRC(C) or CRC({A,B,C}) = CRC(A) * CRC(B) * CRC(C) (make sure CRC(X) is odd, so it's actually just 31 bits of CRC) or CRC({A,B,C}) = g^CRC(A) * g^CRC(B) * g^CRC(C) (where ^ is power - useful if you want cryptographically secure) etc.
Option 2: we do need all of A and C to calculate CRC({A,C}), but we have a data structure that makes it less than linear in time to do so if we already calculated CRC({A,B,C}).
This is useful if you want specifically CRC32, and don't mind remembering more information in addition to the CRC after the calculation (the CRC is still 32 bit, but you remember a data structure that's O(len(A,B,C)) that you will later use to calculate CRC{A,C} more efficiently)
How will that work? Many CRCs are just the application of a polynomial on the input.
Basically, if you divide the input into n chunks of 32 bit each - X_1...X_n - there is a matrix M such that
CRC(X_1...X_n) = M^n * X_1 + ... + M^1 * X_n
(where ^ here is power)
How does that help? This sum can be calculated in a tree-like fashion:
CRC(X_1...X_n) = M^(n/2) * CRC(X_1...X_n/2) + CRC(X_(n/2+1)...X_n)
So you begin with all the X_i on the leaves of the tree, start by calculating the CRC of each consecutive pair, then combine them in pairs until you get the combined CRC of all your input.
If you remember all the partial CRCs on the nodes, you can then easily remove (or add) an item anywhere in the list by doing just O(log(n)) calculations!
So there - as far as I can tell, those are your two options. I hope this wasn't too much of a mess :)
I'd personally go with option 1, as it's just simpler... but the resulting CRC isn't standard, and is less... good. Less "CRC"-like.

Algo: find max Xor in array for various interval limis, given N inputs, and p,q where 0<=p<=i<=q<=N

the problem statement is the following:
Xorq has invented an encryption algorithm which uses bitwise XOR operations extensively. This encryption algorithm uses a sequence of non-negative integers x1, x2, … xn as key. To implement this algorithm efficiently, Xorq needs to find maximum value for (a xor xj) for given integers a,p and q such that p<=j<=q. Help Xorq to implement this function.
First line of input contains a single integer T (1<=T<=6). T test cases follow.
First line of each test case contains two integers N and Q separated by a single space (1<= N<=100,000; 1<=Q<= 50,000). Next line contains N integers x1, x2, … xn separated by a single space (0<=xi< 2^15). Each of next Q lines describe a query which consists of three integers ai,pi and qi (0<=ai< 2^15, 1<=pi<=qi<= N).
For each query, print the maximum value for (ai xor xj) such that pi<=j<=qi in a single line.
int xArray[100000];
cin >>t;
for(int j =0;j<t;j++)
cin>> n >>q;
//int* xArray = (int*)malloc(n*sizeof(int));
int i,a,pi,qi;
int max =0;
for(int it=pi-1;it<qi;it++)
int t = xArray[it] ^ a;
max =t;
cout<<max<<"\n" ;
No other assumptions may be made except for those stated in the text of the problem (numbers are not sorted).
The code is functional but not fast enough; is reading from stdin really that slow or is there anything else I'm missing?
XOR flips bits. The max result of XOR is 0b11111111.
To get the best result
if 'a' on ith place has 1 then you have to XOR it with key that has ith bit = 0
if 'a' on ith place has 0 then you have to XOR it with key that has ith bit = 1
saying simply, for bit B you need !B
Another obvious thing is that higher order bits are more important than lower order bits.
That is:
if 'a' on highest place has B and you have found a key with highest bit = !B
then ALL keys that have highest bit = !B are worse that this one
This cuts your amount of numbers by half "in average".
How about building a huge binary tree from all the keys and ordering them in the tree by their bits, from MSB to LSB. Then, cutting the A bit-by-bit from MSB to LSB would tell you which left-right branch to take next to get the best result. Of course, that ignores PI/QI limits, but surely would give you the best result since you always pick the best available bit on i-th level.
Now if you annotate the tree nodes with low/high index ranges of its subelements (performed only done once when building the tree), then later when querying against a case A-PI-QI you could use that to filter-out branches that does not fall in the index range.
The point is that if you order the tree levels like the MSB->LSB bit order, then the decision performed at the "upper nodes" could guarantee you that currently you are in the best possible branch, and it would hold even if all the subbranches were the worst:
Being at level 3, the result of
can be then expanded into
and so on, but even if the ????? are expanded poorly, the overall result is still greater than
which would be the best possible result if you even picked the other branch at level 3rd.
I habe absolutely no idea how long would preparing the tree cost, but querying it for an A-PI-QI that have 32 bits seems to be something like 32 times N-comparisons and jumps, certainly faster than iterating randomly 0-100000 times and xor/maxing. And since you have up to 50000 queries, then building such tree can actually be a good investment, since such tree would be build once per keyset.
Now, the best part is that you actually dont need the whole tree. You may build such from i.e. first two or four or eight bits only, and use the index ranges from the nodes to limit your xor-max loop to a smaller part. At worst, you'd end up with the same range as PiQi. At best, it'd be down to one element.
But, looking at the max N keys, I think the whole tree might actually fit in the memory pool and you may get away without any xor-maxing loop.
I've spent some time google-ing this problem and it seams that you can find it in the context of various programming competitions. While the brute force approach is intuitive it does not really solve the challenge as it is too slow.
There are a few contraints in the problem which you need to speculate in order to write a faster algorithm:
the input consists of max 100k numbers, but there are only 32768 (2^15) possible numbers
for each input array there are Q, max 50k, test cases; each test case consists of 3 values, a,pi,and qi. Since 0<=a<2^15 and there are 50k cases, there is a chance the same value will come up again.
I've found 2 ideas for solving the problem: splitting the input in sqrt(N) intervals and building a segment tree ( a nice explanation for these approaches can be found here )
The biggest problem is the fact that for each test case you can have different values for a, and that would make previous results useless, since you need to compute max(a^x[i]), for a small number of test cases. However when Q is large enough and the value a repeats, using previous results can be possible.
I will come back with the actual results once I finish implementing both methods

Bit Shifting in Cache Simulation

What is the formula for calculating the index and tag bits in
Direct Mapped Cache
Associative Cache
Set Associative Cache
I am currently using this formula for Direct Mapped:
#define BLOCK_SHIFT 5;
#define CACHE_SIZE 4096;
int index = (address >> BLOCK_SHIFT) & (CACHE_SIZE-1);
/* in the line above we want the "middle bits" that say where the block goes */
long tag = address >> BLOCK_SHIFT; /* the high order bits are the tag */
Please tell me how many bits are shifted in Associative and Set Associative Cache..
So, I think the concrete answer to your question is "zero", but that's simply because you are asking the wrong question.
Right, so a cache with a given size X, that is directly mapped, will simply use the lower part [or some other part(s)] of the address to form the index into the cache. So index is a value between 0 and (chace-size-1). In other words, "address modulo size". Since sizes of caches are nearly always 2n, we make use of the fact that both of these can be performed using simple bitwise "and" with (size-1) instead of using divide.
In your code, each cache entry (cache-line) holds a "BLOCK" of 32 bytes, so the address should be divided (shifted) down by the block-size. 25 = 32. This shift remains a constant for a constant cache-line size. Since there is no other shift in your example code, I presume you are misunderstanding what you should do.
In a set-associative cache, there are multiple sets of cache-lines that can be used for the same index. So instead of simply taking the lower part of the address as an index, we take a SMALLER part of the lower address. So, the index = address_of_block & (CACHE_SIZE-1) should become address_of_block & ((CACHE_SIZE-1) / ways. Since we are dealing with a 2n number again, we can use the old "shift instead of divide" trick - x / y where y is 2n can be done by x >> n.
So, now you just have to figure out what n is for your number of ways.
And of course, figure out how you determine which of the ways to use when replacing something in the cache, but that is certainly a completely different question.

Fast code for searching bit-array for contiguous set/clear bits?

Is there some reasonably fast code out there which can help me quickly search a large bitmap (a few megabytes) for runs of contiguous zero or one bits?
By "reasonably fast" I mean something that can take advantage of the machine word size and compare entire words at once, instead of doing bit-by-bit analysis which is horrifically slow (such as one does with vector<bool>).
It's very useful for e.g. searching the bitmap of a volume for free space (for defragmentation, etc.).
Windows has an RTL_BITMAP data structure one can use along with its APIs.
But I needed the code for this sometime ago, and so I wrote it here (warning, it's a little ugly):
I have only partially tested it, so it might still have bugs (especially on reverse). But a recent version (only slightly different from this one) seemed to be usable for me, so it's worth a try.
The fundamental operation for the entire thing is being able to -- quickly -- find the length of a run of bits:
long long GetRunLength(
const void *const pBitmap, unsigned long long nBitmapBits,
long long startInclusive, long long endExclusive,
const bool reverse, /*out*/ bool *pBit);
Everything else should be easy to build upon this, given its versatility.
I tried to include some SSE code, but it didn't noticeably improve the performance. However, in general, the code is many times faster than doing bit-by-bit analysis, so I think it might be useful.
It should be easy to test if you can get a hold of vector<bool>'s buffer somehow -- and if you're on Visual C++, then there's a function I included which does that for you. If you find bugs, feel free to let me know.
I can't figure how to do well directly on memory words, so I've made up a quick solution which is working on bytes; for convenience, let's sketch the algorithm for counting contiguous ones:
Construct two tables of size 256 where you will write for each number between 0 and 255, the number of trailing 1's at the beginning and at the end of the byte. For example, for the number 167 (10100111 in binary), put 1 in the first table and 3 in the second table. Let's call the first table BBeg and the second table BEnd. Then, for each byte b, two cases: if it is 255, add 8 to your current sum of your current contiguous set of ones, and you are in a region of ones. Else, you end a region with BBeg[b] bits and begin a new one with BEnd[b] bits.
Depending on what information you want, you can adapt this algorithm (this is a reason why I don't put here any code, I don't know what output you want).
A flaw is that it does not count (small) contiguous set of ones inside one byte ...
Beside this algorithm, a friend tells me that if it is for disk compression, just look for bytes different from 0 (empty disk area) and 255 (full disk area). It is a quick heuristic to build a map of what blocks you have to compress. Maybe it is beyond the scope of this topic ...
Sounds like this might be useful:
You don't say if you wanted to do some sort of RLE or to simply count in-bytes zeros and one bits (like 0b1001 should return 1x1 2x0 1x1).
A look up table plus SWAR algorithm for fast check might gives you that information easily.
A bit like this:
byte lut[0x10000] = { /* see below */ };
for (uint * word = words; word < words + bitmapSize; word++) {
if (word == 0 || word == (uint)-1) // Fast bailout
// Do what you want if all 0 or all 1
byte hiVal = lut[*word >> 16], loVal = lut[*word & 0xFFFF];
// Do what you want with hiVal and loVal
The LUT will have to be constructed depending on your intended algorithm. If you want to count the number of contiguous 0 and 1 in the word, you'll built it like this:
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(lut); i++)
lut[i] = countContiguousZero(i); // Or countContiguousOne(i)
// The implementation of countContiguousZero can be slow, you don't care
// The result of the function should return the largest number of contiguous zero (0 to 15, using the 4 low bits of the byte, and might return the position of the run in the 4 high bits of the byte
// Since you've already dismissed word = 0, you don't need the 16 contiguous zero case.