Divide the application screen in Qt - c++

I want to divide the application screen into parts like one part is fixed showing fixed controls & another one is variable which can be changed when user select something. Like in Qt Creator we are having the left side column always fixed & the content of center screen is changing when user is selecting something. I have attached the screen shot. How to do it. if any one is having any idea please help me.

When you speak of the Qt Creator you certainly mean the controls on the left and right. In my opinion, the best thing to implement that are QDockWidgets. Have a look at them in the docs and as Martin said, look at the examples, they are perfect to learn each of the layout and composing issues.
QDockWidgets can be made floatable (undock them from the main window as toolboxes), they can have fixed sides to be docked on and it's easy to use them, because they can be filled with every widget you like. I often use them when I show a file explorer in an application, for example. Just look at the examples and play with it.
If you just want to have QActions visible all the time for the user, you can use a QToolBar.

You normally start with a QMainWindow and then put other toolbars, controls, widgets etc inside that.
Check out the Qt examples that come with the SDK src


How to align the button in Gtkmm?

I am using Ubuntu OS.
I am new to GTKMM GUI building application.
I am following the tutorials which they have on their websites.
I can resize the window with helloworld.set_default_size(500,500);
but I cannot move the position of button("hello world").
It is always aligned at center.
I tried with m_button.set_alignment(0.0,0.0) but nothing seems to be working.
Why it is that much difficult to move button to any position.?
kindly suggest some solution if available.
If you want to place a widget like a button, you have to use some container widget like Gtk::Boxor Gtk::Grid. Inside such container widgets you can place you child widget as you like, but typically not directly per point position.
The container widgets use some internal logic to order and resize the contained widgets.
From the documentation:
Many GUI toolkits require you to precisely place widgets in a window, using absolute positioning, often using a visual editor. This leads to several problems: ...
gtkmm uses the packing system to solve these problems.
You can find the full documentation here:
Multi-item widgets
I did not know if there is a container widget which allows direct positioning by giving a point position. If someone has an additional hint, let us know!
Sometimes automatic is better than manual handling, but sometimes it is not :-)

qt on Mac: Form Layout fails to stretch horizontally

I'm still trying to do some pretty basic stuff with qt, and it's been a struggle. I'm specifically targeting for Mac. My current problem is getting the forms to not suck.
The simple problem. Create a new MainWindow app. Go into the Qt Creator (open Forms -> mainwindow.ui).
Drag 3 labels into place. Then I dragged 2 Line Edits and for fun, a Dial, but that part probably doesn't matter.
Click the main window and then tell it to use Form Layout. Within Qt Creator if I resize the window, my various line edits expand to fill the available space, exactly like I want.
Run the app. All the line edit fields are a fixed length, very short (if I don't override their minimum width), and do NOT resize as I resize the window.
Three quarters of the reason to use Form Layout is for resizing capability.
I've tried clicking on the central widget before setting to Form Layout: no change in behavior.
I do get reasonable behavior if I use a grid layout, although I have to add a vertical spacer at the bottom or my dial resizes crazily as I play with the window size.
So... Am I just doing something wrong with Form Layout? Or does it not work well on Mac and I should use Grid Layout instead?
I really miss Motif's XmFormLayout. It took time to set all the constraints, but I could make my forms do exactly what I wanted. Ah, but so 1990s.
On the panel to the right where you can see the objects, click the centralWidget. In the property panel, scroll down until you get to the layout properties of the form layout. Set the layoutFieldGrowthPolicy to ExpandingFieldsGrow.
By default, the line edits are not growing to fill the available space on macOS because they are not supposed to. This is some sort of macOS UI guideline. QFormLayout follows the platform conventions by default.
It would also be nice if I can figure out how to NOT necessarily expand everything to full width. I have a few Line Edit widgets that I'd like to keep short. They're going to hold TCP port numbers.
For those, set the Horizontal Policy property (it's grouped inside the sizePolicy property group in the properties panel) of the affected line edits to something suitable. In this case, probably to Fixed, but look up the documentation first of what each setting does.

Colorizing the titlebar in macOS with multiple colors

I have a Qt app that runs on macOS. I found a way to change the color of the titlebar here, however I want to take it a step further. I want to mimic the titlebar that the Slack and Discord apps use. For example:
As you can see, the color of the controls in the window extend to the very top of the app's window. I figure there are two ways to accomplish what I want:
I can build on the code pasted above. Looking through some of the Apple developer documentation, I think I can create a couple NsWindows on top of the titlebar with whatever width I want and attach the titlebar as a parent for those windows. Once I do that I should be able to make the same backgroundColor() color call for each one. Of course, this will require me to keep track of when the controls or window are resized and adjust the NsWindows of the titlebar, and I am not sure what (if any) issues that could cause.
Maybe there is a way to essentially set the height of the titlebar to 0? I wonder if that's what the Discord app is doing because:
if you look closely, the edit box that says "Find or start a conversation" is vertically lined with the close, minimize and maximize buttons, as is the "Activity" label. But if the controls do extend to the top of the app's window then how are the standard app buttons getting painted?
I'd be curious to know how Slack and Discord accomplish this even though I know they're not using Qt.
I realize there is not a Qt solution since Qt does not paint the titlebar. I know this will be OS-specific, but since I do not have any real experience with Objective-C++ or working with Cocoa (all of my programming experience on macOS has been standard C++ with non-UI or Qt-based code) I'd appreciate any suggestions or guidance!
Natively this is done with fullSizeContentView and titlebarAppearsTransparent properties of NSWindow. Once you set them to true, you can draw or place controls beneath the title bar.

QT DockWidgetArea customization

I am curious if anyone can help at least point me in the right direction, as I am still a novice with QT and only somewhat more knowledgable with cpp. I have the Qt::TopDockWidgetArea set across the entire QMainWindow instance, as I want it to be. In the Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, however, I do not want the dock area to extend completely vertically down beyond the instance of the QDockWidget (that I was able to set a size constraint on), and it is occupying far too much real estate on the underlying window/centralWidget area (which is a viewport). I would also like to get rid of some of the separator icons between dock area items...
Thank-you in advance to anyone who might be able to offer a little advice. Oh, I also am not integrating the Qt Designer into this, so this presentation layer is being "hard-coded".

QtDesigner layout confusion

I've been playing around with QtDesigner for some time now, but I can't find a real solution for my desired layout.
Here's what I'm aiming for, kind of an Eclipse RCP-like layout:
Five drag&dropable widgets which can be rearranged and whatnot (so Dockwidgets). Thats what happend in above screenshot, I just pulled five Dockwidgets into the Mainwindow and populated them with Items. But the problem is that Dockwidgets only snap to the edges of the Mainwindow, and leave space to CentralWidget, which you see in the middle. Is there some way to add a containing widget to the center and fill it with DockWidgets?
On a side note: Is it feasable to do something like this in the Designer? I see why this program is useful, as GUIs can be set up and changed extremly fast, but I feel like stripped of any power on the exact look. I'm kinda itching to (attempt to) write the GUI by hand, because I'm feeling so powerless! :-)
P.S.:How can the screenshot be scaled? It seems overly huge
Unfortunately no. As it says in the documentation
Dock windows are secondary windows placed in the dock widget area around the central widget in a QMainWindow.